Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Twenty Two

The next morning, we were all up huddled around the table. For an hour now the four of us were trying to come up with some sort of plan to rescue Noah. The main question was. Where the hell was he? Where could they have taken him so quick. The more we thought about it the more it became really suspicious.

"Alright, we're gonna have to split up, cover more ground." Ben said as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his seat.

"Split up? For what? They had to have taken him to the prison. Where else could he be?" Krista said as Kyle and I nodded our heads im agreement.

Ben let out a sigh and shook his head. "I don't know, maybe not."

"So what? You think he's dead?" I said my eyes widening slightly.

"What?!" Ben said in shock as he sat up a bit. "No, that's not what I'm saying at all. He has to be alive, but maybe they didn't take him to the prison yet, maybe they're holding him somewhere, waiting for a trial."

"They know he's involved with the Rebellion." Kyle said speaking up.

"They don't know that...you don't know they know that." Ben replied to him.

I looked between the two of them and then over at Krista. She was pinching the bridge of her nose, her head shaking slightly.

"Okay, we'll split up. But we can't be walking aimlessly around the city. We have to talk to the right people." I said as I stood up from my seat and looked at the three of them.

"Like who?" Krista asked with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed over her chest. They all looked at me waiting for a reply and I shook my head slowly.

"I don't know." I said with a sigh as I rubbed my face with my hands. This was honestly getting very frustrating and we had no leads whatsoever.

"Okay, Krista and I will partner up and Ben you and Kyle will partner up. We have to start somewhere, anywhere." I said as we all looked at each other.

"Alright. Let's get ready then." Ben said.


I was fixing up my wig when Krista came knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I said as the door swung open and I glanced over at her.

"You know, you look good with black hair." She said and I rolled my eyes shaking my head. I grabbed my glasses and put them on before turning to look at her

"Alright, I'm ready." I said and she gave me a nod as we walked out of the bathroom. All of us had on a different clothes than before. Kyle was wearing a dark blue hoodie, pair of jeans and converse. Ben had on a white t-shirt, light blue jeans and black boots and Krista had on a tank-top, a pair of shorts and sneakers. Me on the other hand, I chose a simple black t-shirt, with a plaid over-shirt, some leggings and converse.

Jill and the others have been collecting normal clothes for years. I don't know how they found them and how they were intact for so long but thank god we had them now in this situation.

"So we know the plan right?" Ben asked and we nodded our heads.

"You and Kyle take on downtown, while Krista and I take on uptown and we go from there." I said.

"Okay." He said as he looked at three of us.

"Let's go find Noah." I said and we all nodded before walking out of the hotel room.


Kyle and Ben grabbed a cab and made their way downtown while Krista and I got in our own cab and headed uptown. Not one of us has ever been to the capital, so we really had no where to go or where the first place we should look. But our best bet was to check the city and figure out a way to find out where these people are keeping Kyle.

The cab finally brought us to the capitals main shopping center uptown. Krista paid the cab as I stepped out and my eyes widened at the sight. The whole area had every designer named brand store you can think of. Stores I would never have even seen in my entire life. Everyone walking around had on different styles of clothing, no one looked similar in any way. It felt like I was living in a dream, a good dream. But I knew that the situation we were currently in was a never ending nightmare.

Krista and I made our way through the busy crowd, our eyes scanning each and ever store.

"I don't think anyone here would know anything." I whispered to her and she shook her head.

"No, definitely not. But I can't believe this. It's like nothing here has changed. Why is it that the rest of the world has to suffer?" She whispered back. Krista was right. It was like the capital had found a way to keep themselves living like this, a way to live free while everyone else had to follow the rules, and if we didn't...we'd either be dead or in prison

"It's definitely not fair." I muttered under my breath as we finally broke free of the crowd.

We soon ended up in another part of the city, away from the shops. It was more local. There were more apartment buildings, restaurants, pharmacies, groceries and what not.

Two hours had passed and the two of us had been aimlessly walking around, still no clue on where to go or who to talk to. There had to be a sign. Some sort of sign on how to find Noah.

My eyes scanned the names of each and ever store we passed by. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed a small store, a little hole in the wall store. 'Joe's Antiques' My thoughts wandered back to when Krista and Ben found an Antique store back home. I stared into the window, which displayed some lamps, old carpets, kitchen appliances and other things that existed many many years ago. My eyes flickered over to the sign that said OPEN, which I'm guessing they were still open.

"Hey, Krista?" I called out to her as I stood in front of the door, debating whether we should go in or not.

"What's up?" she asked as she made her over to me. Her eyes glanced at the store and then at me.

"Should we check this out?" I asked and she raised her eyebrows looking at me like I was crazy.

"It's just an Antique store." She said gesturing to the window.

"Yeah but remember when you and Ben got me and Kyle the wigs? That place was all for the rebellion, maybe this place is too and they might know more about where Noah is." I said to her. She tapped the side of her arm as she stared at the building for a second before finally speaking up.

"Alright, might as well give it a shot, we've been out here for hours." She said opening the door to the store which made a jingling sound. The two of us stepped inside, the door closing behind us. The entire store was dimly lit, just enough for us to see and to get around.

My eyes wandered around the store that displayed many things from over 70 years ago. My feet lead to me the little book section as my eyes scanned the shelves. I reached over grabbing a magazine that peaked my interest, it was a fashion magazine. I skimmed through pages when suddenly a gruff voice broke the silence. I jumped and turned to see a tall man, about 6 foot tall. He had graying hair and stubble around his chin and upper lip. He was wearing worn out jeans, a white v-neck shirt and black boots.

"May I help you ladies?" He asked looking at the two of us.

"Uh, yeah. We were hoping to um, we uh, uh..." Krista was muttering out her words not knowing what to say exactly.

"We were looking for something for our friend." I said with a small smile. "We were hoping you could help us." I said as I looked up at the man. It got quiet, an awkward quiet before he spoke up again.

"Why are you wearing a wig?" He asked me, arms crossed over his chest. My eyes widened slightly at what he said and I glanced over at Krista, fear written all over her face.

"Uh, I uh...." I stammered out but didn't know what to say.

"You're not here buying a present are you, you need something.." he said looking at the two of us. Krista and I looked at each other once again before we turned to look at him and nodded our heads.

"Jill sent you here?" He asked and my eyes widened at the name that came out of his mouth. He knows Jill? How in the world did he know Jill? And who the hell was this guy?

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