Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Twenty One

We finally made it to the capital, after one last stop. The capital was where most upper-class people live. The rich. The people who got away with everything while the rest of us had to suffer. So how the hell were we going to get in if we weren't apart of the rich population. That's where Ben's plan comes to life.

While we were back at the bunker, Ben explained what he had planned in rescuing Noah. Before any of this happened, they prepped for the worst. They made fake ID's and had disguises ready for when they needed them. The capital was the secluded area where all the rich live, so if we ever had to go there we had to look, dress and act the part. After Kyle and I joined, Ben and Noah had fake ID's made for us, just in case we needed them, unfortunately we all did, we didn't think it would happening this soon.

There were multiple cars in front of us, waiting in line to get into the capital. A large metal wall about twenty feet tall, surrounded the capital, and guards wearing protective gear and holding rifles were posted at the door and all around the wall.

"Alright, this is it." Ben said from the drivers seat. Krista reached into the compartment in front of her and pulled out ID's and badges. She handed them out to all of us.

"Sam, Kyle, disguises now and quick." He said as he turned back around watching the cars in front of us I reached into my bag and pulled out my black wig. I put my blonde hair up into a bun before putting on the wig. I also grabbed colored contacts, and put them on as well. I fixed my wig and turned to Kyle.

"How do I look?" I asked adjusting the wig and Kyle turned to look at me. He had a dark brown wig on with blue contacts and a pair of glasses.

"I barely recognize you." He said with a chuckle and I nodded my head.

"Same goes for you." I said and turned to look at Ben and Krista, who didn't need disguises since they weren't actual fugitives. Every since Kyle and I left home, we had to stay hidden from the world and people who would recognize us. It was hard, but eventually we got the hang of it.

The cars continued moving forward and we were inching closer and closer to the entrance of the capital. A guard spotted our car and held his hand up for us to stop. Ben stopped the car and he glanced at us for a second.

"Showtime." He muttered under his breath as the guard made his way over to our car. He tapped on the window and Ben opened the window.

"Good afternoon officer." He said as the rest of us stayed quiet.

"You kids headed back to the capital?" He asked looking at Ben and then at the three of us. Ben gave him a nod.

"Yeah, we were visiting some friends and family." He said as the guard gave him a nod.

"Well, it's protocol I see your ID's please." He said as we all gathered our ID's and handed them over to the guard. His eyes scanned through each of our ID's and glanced at each of us before handing them back to us.

"Alright, you guys are good to go." He said as he waves to the other guards to let us through. Kyle and I let out a sigh of relief as Ben rolled up his window and drove through the entrance of the capital.

The sights of tall buildings was the first thing in our view. The capital was bustling and busy, and everyone there was dressed in normal clothes. Not the usual clothing we were forced to wear. Then again this was the rich populated area. Everyone here was free to dress and speak however they wanted. Unlike the rest of us who were under restriction. It honestly made no sense, why did the rich get to do whatever they want and we had to suffer the consequences if we broke any of the rules.

My eyes gazed up at the tall buildings and people walking up and down the streets. It was, colorful and vibrant and everyone seemed to be happy with their lives.

I leaned back in my seat and let out a long sigh.

"You alright?"

I turned to look at Kyle, his face full of concern and I gave him a nod.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a little overwhelmed at everything." I said as he gave me a nod and I turned my attention back out the window.


We finally ended up at one of those five star hotels. This was the capital, there weren't going to be any abandoned buildings or houses. That would've been way too suspicious. But we still had to lay low and keep ourselves out of the light, meaning to not get any trouble or talk to a lot of people. Hopefully whatever the new plan was to get Noah out would be quick and simple.

Kyle and I still kept our disguises on, who knows if news of us running away reached the capital. Once we parked the car, we all made our way inside the hotel. Ben and Krista made their way to the front desk to check us on while Kyle and I grabbed our bags. My eyes wandered around the room, no one was paying attention to us, but we did a couple of stares from some people. Everyone was dressed differently, while the four of us stood out with the required stupid clothing.

I tried my best not to make any eye contact with anyone, who knows if anyone would recognize us. Hopefully no one didn't.

A few minutes later, Ben and Krista made their way over to us.

"Alright, we got the room key, I only had enough money for about a week." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"How much was it?" I asked as me and Kyle exchanged a look.

Ben cleared his throat as he looked at Krista and then back at us.

"About 1200.." he said as my eyes widened.

"Holy crap..." I muttered under my breath.

"Let's get to our room guys, people are staring." Krista said quietly. We all nodded and quickly made our way upstairs to the room.


It was already eight p.m., past our curfew, but I don't think it really mattered here in the capital. Krista and Ben were asleep and Kyle was in the shower taking a much needed shower. I was sitting at the table that looked out the window. My eyes stared down at the city, brightly lit from lamp posts and cars coming and going. A small sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed my face with my hands.

My thoughts wandered back to Noah. Wondering if he was safe, if he was still alive. I kept thinking that if I had been there with them that night, we all would have escaped, Noah would have been safe and the rest of us wouldn't be here.

I reached up wiping my face, not realizing I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You okay?" A voice said and I turned to see Kyle, who was dressed and out of the shower. His hair was damp and he walked over and sat down across from me.

"Yeah, I'll be alright." I said with a sniffle and looked out the window once more.

"We're gonna find him, and we're gonna bring him back home." He said. I didn't say anything, just nodded my head as I stared out the window. I hope for everyone's sake that Kyle was right and we find Noah as soon as possible, before people realize and we get caught. A small sigh escaped my lips as I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah, I know we will." I said and kept my gaze towards the city streets for the remainder of the night.

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