Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Twenty Three

Noah's POV

I woke up in a panic. No idea where I was. But everything was dark, pitch black. I shifted slightly but winced in pain. What the hell happened? I started moving my arms but realized I was tied up. I blinked a few times as I squinted my eyes when the lights turned on.

Once my eyes adjusted to the bright light, there was a mirror wall staring back at me and I could see my reflection. Bruises on my face and a black eye, a busted lip. Who the hell did this to me? The last thing I remember was running from the cops and telling Kyle and Ben to leave. Holy crap. The guys managed to escape but I was caught. I hoped to god they made it back okay and weren't followed or caught.

I closed my eyes and winced, my whole body was aching. I looked down to see my hands strapped down to the chair. I started twisting and turning trying to find some way to break free but they were on too tight, the rope burning my skin as I twisted my hands to get loose. I let out a frustrated sigh as my eyes wandered around the room. It was completely empty, except for me being tied up to a chair.

A minute later and the door opened behind me. A man with gray hair and a power suit walked in. I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him. He slowly walked over as he buttoned up his suit before standing in front of me and cleared his throat.

Once I got a better look at him, I immediately tried lunging at him but the ropes held me back. I kept my glare at him and a second later spat at the floor by his shoes.

"You piece of shit." I grumbled out as my hands tightened up into a fist.

"Shouldn't speak that way to your president, or you'll never get out of here alive. Noah."

"I don't give a flying fuck." I said, anger in my voice. "How do you know my name? What the hell do you want?" I said as I glared up at him. He didn't say anything, just took slow strides around my chair.

"I just wanna know one thing." He said as he stopped in front of me. His dark brown eyes peered down at me. A second later he was in my face, an inch away from mine.

"How did you manage to do it?" He asked as my gaze glared back at him not losing eye contact.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh I know you do. And I know you're part of the rebellion. You were caught Noah. But your friends were not. We searched for them everywhere, but you guys are good." He said before stepping back. "The rebellion has made mistakes in the past. And I've caught them. Just as I have caught you. But...it's very hard to get rid of you guys, you're like cockroaches. The more of you I try and crush, the more of you emerge. You just keep growing and growing. The ones we've caught, well you know, we couldn't get anything out of them, too devoted to the cause so they can take me down. But I was not going to let that happen." He said as he paced back and forth in front of me.

"Now we could do this the easy way or the hard way. And trust me, you don't wanna know what the hard way is." As soon as he said that, two guards walked in with a table of different torturing tools. I shifted in my seat, I could feel my heart pound heavily against my chest, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"I'm not saying shit to you, you narcissistic asshole." I said looking him in the eye. We stared eachother down for a minute before he spoke up.

"Big mistake boy." He said straightening himself up and snapped his fingers as he took a step back. The two guards approached me and I started trying to attempt to break free from these ropes, but of course failed. One guard held me back against the chair as he ripped my shirt open. I looked down and noticed bruises all over my abdomen. Shit. I thought to myself. My breathing increased as I watched one of the guards choose one of the torture instruments that were laid out on the tray next to my chair, a scalpel. He took a step closer and placed the sharpened blade onto my chest.

"Who is your leader?" President Myers asked me calmly.

"Go to hell." I spat out and instantly felt the sharp blade pierce into my skin. I clenched my jaw trying not to scream from the sharp pain.

"Where are you hiding?" He asked this time.

"Fuck you!" I yelled out to him. The guard turned to look at him and he gave him a nod as he slowly moved the blade down my chest. I held myself together as best as I could, but I could feel the blood trickling down my skin.

"I'm not done with you yet, and I know you'll give me the answers that I want." He said as he made his way to the door. The guards gathered everything before leaving the room, the door slamming shut behind them. A long heavy sigh escaped my lips as I leaned my head back.

"Fuck..." I mumbled out as I closed my eyes for a moment. I knew if I didn't tell him what he wanted, he was gonna kill me. But if I told him what he wanted, he was gonna kill me and everyone else I loved, including Sam, and I was not going to let that happen. I'd rather sacrifice myself because of this stupid mistake.

I finally slowed my breathing as I lifted my head and my eyes darted around the room. My hands were still bound from the ropes and the more I pulled and tried to get free the worse my wrists looked. There was no escaping out of here, not on my own.

My eyes flickered up to the mirror and I got a better look at my reflection. I looked like complete shit. I took in a deep breath and tried my best to straighten myself up. I knew the president would be back any minute now, or maybe he'll wait to torture me again. I had to stay strong, I was not going to give up my family.

My thoughts then wandered back to Sam. I should have told her how I felt, I should have told her I loved her. Sam, wherever you are, please be safe. I thought to myself. Knowing Ben, he probably found a way to try and find me and get me the hell out of here. I just hope they were careful, if they are out there.

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