Wolf Pack

Chapter Investigation

To go to the Council, it takes half a day of travel, for them Jack was still the Beta of the East Pack, and I, besides being his mate, was the Alpha’s granddaughter, so we would have easy access there. Still, it’s quite a trip, so we decided to order food and have lunch at the apartment before we left. We unloaded the boxes but didn’t take anything out, I still had hope of taking them back to the Pack soon.

Jack set the table just before delivery arrived, that handsome man picking up the dishes from my apartment cupboard, made me wonder what it would be like if we weren’t wolves, if we really would be soul mates, if he would come eat here with me, how it would have started our relationship, and that if we don’t find anything about his history that proves his innocence, would we live like this, as humans. To me that was pretty much normal, but I don’t know how he would feel.

We had lunch and left in the van with a backpack and a bag with some belongings.

“And now, let’s go straight to the council? Or do you think we try to stop by the Pack you came from to get some information first? Is it too far from here?” I asked not sure where to go first.

“I don’t know exactly, but maybe look there for my real last name.” Jack responded by raising an eyebrow.

“How was it again?”

“Clinton, I would be Jack Clinton.”

“But keep using Eastwood, so we don’t arouse suspicion. Let’s say we’re checking out some Council exile stories.”

After a bit of research, we saw that in fact this pack was a thirty-minute drive away, it was a pack that bordered ours. Jack had already visited it a few times with Hughes, playing his role as Beta, but he never imagined that it would be his pack of origin. Depending on what we found there, we would go directly to the council, another 3 or 4 hours of travel, it would be a long day, but I was willing to do whatever it took to help him.

During the trip, still driving Jack sighed and placed a hand on my thighs, while I was still leafing through Otto’s investigation papers, looking for some clue, he was going to open his mouth to speak I interrupted him.

“It is not necessary.” I said smiling.

“What?” he asked confused.

“No need to thank me, and I know you were going to. I feel what you feel, remember?”

He chuckled, his green eyes narrowed as he smiled, and he looked even more handsome when he smiled.

“Even though I didn’t need to, I feel like you were too good for me. Thank you for reasoning when I couldn’t, and keeping hope when I couldn’t.”

“One day, without even knowing I was your soul mate, you promised you would protect me forever.”

He nodded in agreement.

“And now I promise you, that I will be here forever, for whatever it is, in the Pack or in Exile, I will forever be your companion.” I said without hesitation.

A tear ran down his face, he swallowed hard before speaking.

“I don’t know if you know how strong what you just said is. Exile is…”

“The worst dishonor for a wolf. But that doesn’t matter to me, only you do. I know how you feel, I can practically read your thoughts, I know you have the purest heart I know. I love you, and I’m with you until the end. And knowing you so well, I wonder what your parents were like, and how your grandfather was, I don’t believe someone with your genetics could kill, just to kill, there’s something wrong with that story.”

“I wanted to be sure of you.” He said sighing again.

Soon we arrived, at the entrance that was also protected, we identified ourselves as the East Pack, and even though they recognized Jack, they still made a call to Hughes confirming our identity, so they let us in. My phone vibrated, it was messages from Hughes.

“You went to the Pack he was born, child? For what?”

“I just want to know if this story is really as Otto told us, I learned from you that we shouldn’t trust him.”

“And you learned well, you’re right. Just be careful, okay?”


“Love you, take care.”

“We love you too.”

“Hughes?” Jack asked me watching me fiddle with my cell phone.

“Yes, he asked why we’re here. I quickly explained, I don’t want him to know too much, I don’t want to involve him in this.”

“I agree, let’s try to talk to the Alpha.”

We went inside the Pack, and it was strange how similar to ours, they had a similar structure, the Village, a Alpha house, the small shops, the school, but the pier, in that era really much bigger, gigantic, it was actually a port, I believe their main occupation was fishing. We parked next to Alpha house and soon a middle-aged man, probably around 45 years old, dark skin and long brown hair, came to the door to welcome us.

“Hi Jack, it’s a pleasure to welcome brothers from the East Pack. I’m Alpha Matt, miss. What brings you here?” Matt greeted Jack and introduced himself to me.

“Hello Matt, nice to see you again, and this is my... partner, Luna Claumann.” I realized that Jack had never introduced me before, and we’d never labeled our relationship before, but I liked the companion label.

“We are checking some filesthose of the Councils, mainly those of Exile and we would like some information if possible.” I completed.

The man raised his eyebrows and frowned, but then turned his head to the side saying.

“Sure, whatever you want. Let’s go in, are you looking for a specific case?”

“Actually yes, we wanted to know more about Joseph Clinton.”

The man was heading for the front door of the house, and he stopped before saying:

“Funny, these days I received questions about this poor man, it was a very strange case, that’s probably why you’re investigating, right?”

Jack lightly tapped my elbow, weird? There was something wrong there.

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