Wolf Pack

Chapter Explanation

We entered the room at Alpha’s House, it was shared, and right at the entrance there was a hall, and then a living room, everything was beige and yellow, but very beautiful, many sofas.

“Have a seat, my wife will make us some coffee. Anna, please, we have guests.”

Suddenly a woman with white skin and hair as black as the night, she had almond eyes and was stunning, received us with a smile and hugs, then went to the kitchen to prepare coffee.

“So what’s so weird about Mr. Clinton’s story?”

“Well, the Clinton family came from a bloodline of Alphas, and he was the Alpha of this Pack until then.”

I felt Jack’s heart shudder, and his whole body shiver and tingle, it was a shock for him, and I had to put my hand on his shoulder for him to try not to show anything.

“He ran the fishing company that ran the Pack. They were a great family, I knew them when I was a kid, my dad worked for them, they were decent people, you know.”

The man settled back on the couch and leaned forward to comment.

“There is a story, a rumor... That he had a mental illness, as if he was a little crazy, and sometimes he got out of touch with reality, but he took medication, and for the Pack he was normal, that until then was like a secret. It wasn’t anything too serious, but for an Alpha it destabilized the Pack, and that story got out and several had turned against him.”

Anna served us coffee, sat down next to Matt and added:

“I remember his family, he had a son who was already married, they said he would become Alpha soon, even though he had another Beta.”

Matt kept counting.

“That’s when the problems started, he had a Beta, Alfred thought I think, was his confidant, but they said he was the one who spread the rumor of the disease and within a few months later, Alfred witnessed him kill a human. It was in the lake near here , the strange thing is that he used a knife, and a wolf never kills with a knife, if it was a crime of rage maybe he would have killed in wolf form. When they found him he had blood on his hands and the knife next to him, and completely out of his mind, they say he transmuted and came back out of control.”

“Perhaps because of the illness?” I asked.

“Perhaps, but since he was the Alpha and kept the disease hidden from view, no one knew for sure if he was sick or not. The Council found out through Alfred’s denunciation, condemned Joseph to death and exiled his family, his wife died as soon as he was executed, like Soulmeets, she just couldn’t resist, it was very sad, I can’t imagine the pain she felt.” He said squeezing hands with Anna “His son and his wife went into exile, with a baby, I think it was a boy, but I don’t remember for sure.”

“And what happened afterwards, with Alfred?” Jack asked, and I felt anger in him when he asked the question, he suspected the same thing I did.

“He became Alpha soon after, without a Beta he put my father, who was the oldest fisherman in the company, and helped him in the beginning to organize and manage everything. Alfred died of cancer two years later, and my father became Alpha, soon after I became Beta, and 5 years ago my father passed away.” He paused and lowered his head “And so I became Alpha.”

“We really appreciate the story Matt. I just have one more question, is there a hospital nearby?” I asked taking a sip of coffee.

“Why? Do you need a hospital? Is everything okay?” Matt asked genuinely concerned.

“No, it would be for research, to find out more about Joseph’s possible illness.”

“We always use the hospital here in the city, from births to any hospitalization. One of our wolves works there in the administration, Ben, you can say that I sent them. I’ll give you the address.”

“Are there any living relatives of the Clintons?” Jack asked and I was hoping he didn’t give any clues.

“We don’t know anything about his son, after the exile we had no more news, Joseph had a sister Judy, who was also exiled and we lost contact, but I believe she must live in the city if she is still alive.” Matt responded by finishing his coffee.

We finished the coffee and thanked them. It was getting late and we were unlikely to make it to the Council that day yet, but I wanted to go down to the hospital and try to get hold of this Ben and see what we found out. We left the Alpha's House and stayed silent for a few seconds, until we passed the guards and got out of there.

“You come from a bloodline of Alphas too.” I didn’t control the volume of my voice and it was a little louder than I thought. But it explained his leadership ability.

Jack looked at me trying to digest this still.

“That explains our reaction before Soulmeet, that Predict, we both come from a bloodline of alphas. And this story, it’s really strange, I think your grandfather was framed.” I said trying to assimilate everything still.

“Maybe this Alfred wanted to take his place.”

Arriving at the hospital Jack andhe entered with confidence, the same he had when he was still the Beta of the Pack, the same confidence that I always saw in him, but that had been erased in the last few days, it was good to see him take control of everything again, and that leadership ability of his , which Hughes recognized when he was a child, also comes from his Alpha genetics. He looked for Ben and luckily he was still working, we identified ourselves and talked about what we were looking for, information about Joseph Clinton.

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