Wolf Pack

Chapter Hospital

Ben was a blond man with blue eyes and round glasses. He looked likeable.

“I could not pass on any information about this, the records are classified, but from wolf to wolf, I can give an aspiration on this Joseph Clinton, but you must see the record here, the record cannot leave the building.”

Ben said as he searched through the records, he did a system search and found which of the files in the warehouse Joseph’s file would be in, I looked at Jack, wanting to get this resolved as quickly as possible before someone noticed something, after all we weren’t on the Council , we were doing the investigation on our own. We walked with Ben to the supply room, enjoyed a few minutes, but found his chart, yellowed with age.

“Here you go, he was a psychiatry patient, he took some medications, and there are many warnings about medications he couldn’t take. You can look whatever you want, just don’t take it from here.”

Ben moved us a few steps away so we could talk alone.

Every sheet was a surprise, Joseph was schizophrenic and consulted regularly at the hospital, took many medications, and had warnings throughout the medical record, several medications interacted with what he took, and had records of his companions in the consultation, sometimes his wife, other times Sister Judy, and most of them, it was Alfred, i.e. he knew all his condition.

Jack discreetly photographed everything, we needed some proof for the Council, and the fact that he had a mental illness would probably get her out of exile, as Joseph could have killed in a rage, but we needed more information, more things about Alfred, we needed prove that he framed Joseph, and that was no easy task.

We thank Ben and return the chart. We went back to his room.

“In the records it mentions a sister of Joseph’s, can you tell me if she is a patient here?”

Jack asked Ben.

“I’ll look into the system.” He searched the computer screen for a few seconds after searching for the name. “Judy Clinton, she is a old lady, also a patient in the psychiatric area, I think she has the same diagnosis as Joseph, she has been treated here for many years.”

“No outbreak episodes?” I asked.

“No, everything under control, she lives in the city, she must have been exiled after the declaration. I’ll give you the address, but remember that I don’t know anything.”

“Ben, thank you so much for all your help, the Council is so grateful for your effort.”

I said, then we said goodbye and went to the car.

“For this theater I did not expect The Council is grateful for your effort.” Jack said laughing at me.

“Come on, I needed convincing.”

“Well done dear, you lie very well.”

He was laughing, but suddenly a dark look came over his face.

“My grandfather was framed.” He sighed as he said.

“I think so too, but a chart alone isn’t enough evidence. We need more evidence to bring to the Council .”

“I think so too. But how?”

“Let’s go after his sister, she’s alive, and she might bring answers.”

“But it’s late, let’s go to the apartment or find a hotel right here.”

“I think we got to the apartment in time to make dinner yet, what do you think?”


After a few hours on the road, we arrived at the apartment and it would be our first night there, it was much more modest than Jack’s house, but it was our home for now. We made pasta together, the same we did other times, but that was different. We were facing these changes together, and as much as I knew it affected Jack, he was firm for me, and I for him. And oh.... How I loved this man.

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