Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 50

Ryder’s POV

I run down the hill, aiming to get as far away from the ship as possible. I wasn’t sure if I could get far or achieve much, but I felt freedom running through these forests and that’s all I wanted right now. The feeling of freedom.

I run faster and faster downhill, running so quickly into the shadows, I can’t slow down when I reach the bottom and the edge of Destor and the camps.

I also don’t see the shadow flying toward me at a similar pace, from the side.

Our heads slam into one another and whoever it is – matches my height and we fall at the same time.

“Argh, fuck!” Fyre’s prominent husky tone, fills the air, as I roll to my side, I’m seeing stars as she opens an eye and sees my face, “You annoying bitch,” she groans and face plants herself into the soil, before we both scramble to our knees.

I’m just staring at her in shock.

I did not expect to run into Fyre running away from the camp.

“What are you doing?” I ask, confused.

“Argh, Ryder – please – can you come back already?” Fyre throws dirt at me, “I don’t want to deal with any of this anymore.”

She sounds and looks exhausted – at her wits end. I actually feel sorry for her.

“What’s happening down there? And why is everyone so obedient anyway?”

“They’ll fucking torture us, Ryder,” Fyre suddenly opens up, letting everything spill, “They’re so fucked up, you have no idea. It’s submission or get ripped open and stitched back up while you’re still awake and can’t move but can feel everything. They did it to Opular, it fucked him up – he’s different,” Fyre rambles, looking at her hands, “They fucking deprive us of sex, it’s driving everyone nuts. Everyone’s blood lust is through the roof – when the Colonies land, they won’t have to order us to kill… we’ll do it for a release. Bare minimum. They train us 12 hours a day. 8 to 8. We can’t talk privately. Unless we’re in a fucking closet. The Guidance Officers just mock us and rile us up, and we can’t do anything. Anything. Skye? Wears this necklace around his neck, that monitors everything about his mood. They’re obsessed with our psychology and they– ”

“You need to slow down,” I say, “How is Ryder?” when I ask about my son, Fyre goes so quiet and meek I can’t fathom what’s happened to her for her to change so much.

For an awkward few seconds, we just stare at one another.

“I’m sorry I tried to kill you, and I miss you,” Fyre changes the subject, shocking me to my core, “I need you. We need you in Wolf Dominion.”


What the fuck?

I can only ask into the darkness, “What can I do?”

“Do what you do best,” Fyre begs me, “Be an annoying cunt – look behind you!” she almost shrieks to warn me, as her adrenaline spikes.

I spin on my knees, and it’s just Valen, who’s snuck up on us.

“He’s my friend,” I tell Fyre, as I stand up and brush myself off.

Valen stands by me as he looks Fyre over.

“Get back to camp,” Valen commands, “You’re not meant to be out here.”

“Yes, sir!” Fyre avoids his eyes, looks down, turns and scampers back the way she came.


Now I turn to Valen, my arms crossed, looking a little guilty.

“Hi. I just needed to run for a bit,” I tell him, “I had a feeling you’d catch up.”

“I want to apologise for before,” Valen ignores my runaway attempt, dismissing it as something lighter, “We’re friends. I forgot it’s just that between us.”

“I’m messed up,” I tell him, “I don’t know what to tell you.”

“You don’t have to say a thing,” Valen holds out an arm to usher me back the way I came, “Let’s walk.”

“Valen, what really happened?” I notice a distinct change in his demeanour, and not just from before with Fyre. Something else had happened.

“I got a call,” Valen admits to me, “Skye requested an unspecified reward if he managed to get top marks for the last two months in training. He got the marks. He requested you in privacy. Enrique and Erin approved. So did I. First he had to get through me,” Valen looks at me sideways, as we trudge up the hill together, “You need to understand what side you’re on. You don’t want to be on that side. But with the Elites – you’ll be safe. And I can protect you. I don’t mind that you’re different, I’ll defend you as I know you’ll defend me. That is why I’m approving this meeting between Skye and yourself. I’ve always got your back, Ryder. There are bigger issues at play… than my silly heart. I’m just glad to have met you. You taught me strength in the face of adversity. You gave me hope.”

“Please stop,” I smile brightly as we reach the top of the Hill, and we’ve managed to come out near the Gardens. I turn into Valen’s front to give him a hug.

I squeeze him tight.

I’m so grateful he still wants to help me.

That he is helping me and Wolf Dominion… despite everything.

“You’re a great leader, you deserve everything,” I step away from Valen to look him over, “You deserve this position of authority and you don’t need to explain to me what you do and why you do it, I understand your feelings.”

“I’m taking it seriously,” Valen raises a brow, “Not everyone deserves power,” now he nods behind me.

I turn to see some Guards, marching a Messier soldier forward.

Alpha Skye is being escorted, and as he approaches, I notice his black hair is tied back in a strict pony tail.

His uniform is black with a red collar.

He eyes off me and then Valen. I gulp and step back, as Skye steps forward.

Skye approaches and shakes Valen’s hand.

“Thank you, sir,” Skye barks, looking Valen in the eye.

“You’re welcome,” Valen speaks without emotion, as he motions toward me, “She’s all yours to speak with until sunrise.”

Skye nods, disciplined as fuck.

It’s a little creepy, and my fingers cover my mouth as I just stare at the interaction.

This way dog,” one of the Guards calls out.

“Remember your formality, he is a wolf,” Valen reprimands, his tone cutting and final.

“This way, wolf,” the Guard smirks and the other humans snicker or make stupid noises.

Valen just shakes his head and looks at me, walking after Skye.

I’m grateful for this.

I walk side by side with Skye.

Alpha and Luna.

…we had been reduced to something else entirely.

We’re marched inside the ship.

And then marched toward a luxury guest room.

“Wolves,” the same disrespectful Guard, opens the door, and throws the key in, “Enjoy fucking your bitch, a rare privilege only afforded to your son,” he laughs on the word, “Only those worthy, get these rights. Remember that. You have to earn it.”

We walk in, and the door finally shuts behind us.

I turn to Skye, as he walks into the room, and he inspects every inch and every corner diligently.

I watch him check a small device in his pocket, and eventually he turns to me.

“No monitoring devices,” Skye murmurs, “Although they assume we would guess there would be no chance of real privacy. But there is.”

“Valen would have helped choose the room,” I add.

“Right… I’m not really good at friendship with humans,” Skye admits.

“You did what you do best, following a strict regime is your forte,” I add.

“My reward was you – and I need your information,” Skye sits down on the edge of the bed, “Strict business. How do I become an Elite?”

Ah, yes. Always looking to be top dog.

“Humans are complicated, it depends what value you hold,” I say, “My value, is being valueless.”

“What is my value?” Skye asks and I see in his eyes, something I’ve never seen before.

A shift.

He is genuinely coming to me for advice; something he has never done before. Ever. And he is showing me respect.

He thinks I hold his answers.

“Your value?” I think on it, “Your handsome face, your killer hands, your drawl, your predictability. Your design. They made you like this. You’re perfect. Unlike me.”

“How do I stop being perfect?” Skye asks, and I feel this question is a little bit more cheeky, but he still wants a proper answer, “My hands are tied, Ryder. There is nothing I can do. They’ve cornered all of us.”

“Well. Why do you think humans haven’t enslaved other humans instead of you … you would think... it would be easier… but humans have a history of rebelling, no matter the odds,” I raise a brow, “Do you understand me? You fight wars with even odds. The odds aren’t even now, Skye. You’re dumbstruck. You’re terrified. You’re overwhelmed into servitude. You just have to fight back regardless of the consequences. What does freedom mean to you?” I wait for Skye to process this, but he doesn’t know what to say, “…you can’t go back to the way it was… Wolf Dominion can’t exist… you need to break free of order – you need to become an individual,” Skye looks away now, deep in thought, hands clasped in front of him, I’m glad he’s taking this seriously, “Next week the human Colonies arrive. That is your chance. Even the Elites are scared. You will be very valuable when they need you the most.”

Skye’s eyes light up, and he looks back at me.

“Thank you… Luna,” he finally relaxes, and I stay where I am.

Did he really just ask to see me for advice? It’s hard to believe.

“What else do you want, Skye?” I ask him straight, “You have me for a whole night.”

Skye looks directly into my eyes, and considers my question very seriously.

“I want you to talk to me, and I’m not going to say a word,” Skye’s cruel lips touch and seal tight.


He means it.

Skye doesn’t want sex.

Instead he wants to understand me.

Putting himself out of the equation.

I’m so caught off guard by this, it takes me moment to compose myself.

He wanted a conversation? He just wanted to listen to ramblings from my mind?

I turn around and walk to the light switch.

The number one rule for sleep-overs.

It was better to talk about your feelings in the dark.

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