Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 51

Valen’s POV

“Are you sure this will work?” Enirque whispers to me, his palms are sweaty and warm as he wrings them together.

What I had devised was so illegal and so selfish that I knew Ryder would never believe I had it in me. But I did have it in me. And I would be there for her.

“Ryder just needs to believe it,” I murmur back.

“I agree. Good. You know, I did everything for his design, I won’t give my engineering masterpiece away to anybody,” Enrique murmurs under his breath, “He is unsurpassed by all others – he’s passed every test… Skye,” Enrique turns around, as do I, to the brain dead clone of the Alpha behind us.

It was a vegetable who could follow directions.

The real Skye was with Ryder.

“Alpha Skye agreed to everything,” I reassure Enrique, “He’ll be an Elite after his ten year contract with us is up.”

“I can’t believe you devised all of this,” Enrique turns to me and holds my eye, I stand above him, but I am his right hand, “If this fails, it’ll all fall on you.”

“I’m happy to take any consequences – because I won’t allow one slip from him in this contract,” I shake my head, “No way,” not after what he did to my people. Now, he was going to taste submission.

“Okay, look, look! It’s happening,” Enrique points toward the screen, flabbergasted. He enhances the lighting to show Skye stalking out of the bedroom – after talking to Ryder.

Setting up the show.

“Get ready to walk out with that sheet around your neck,” I order the brain dead clone behind, and his soulless eyes just look at me, accepting the order. That meat sack was about to make everyone cry.

Ryder’s POV

“Thank you for everything you’ve told me tonight,” Skye speaks his appreciation to me, in the darkness of our guest room, as we lie side by side, “Everything you’ve told me, everything you’ve been through, everything I didn’t look for… you’ve taught me a lot… just as a Luna might, if the Alpha ever listens,” Skye sits up and speaks more professionally, “I’ve narrowed my own choices down to two. Following orders for comfort, or breaking the orders for individual reward… even if the consequence is pain… that’s what you’ve taught me, Ryder, I never understood your way until now, but that is what you do – what you’ve always done.”

“…it’s just human nature…” I sit up next to Skye, we’re not touching, but we’re inches apart. I’m hoping he reaches over. But I can see he is in deep thought, and his breathing is slow and deep.

We’ve been talking all night.

Well, I had been talking. For ten straight hours.

It was a lot to tell him, my journey, my thoughts, my feelings. Now he seems to understand. It’s the respect in his tone he has for me. The change in his demeanour.

“I believe in you now,” Skye turns to me, and finally looks at me in the darkness, and his neon eyes dilate as our eyes lock together.

“Why do you say that?” I whisper, without reaching out to him.

“Just listen to me now,” Skye’s voice goes uncharacteristically quiet, “Because as Alpha I need to give you one last order,” I furrow my brows – wondering if someone has replaced him as Alpha in the Dominion. The humans were always changing the order to their heart’s desire. I wait for it, and Skye pauses a long time to consider his words, “First you need to understand something. Valen is not your friend, he is your enemy.”

Not this damn rivalry again.

“He is my friend,” I whisper, defiant.

“You’re a Luna – he is not your friend, he is an enemy, and he is keeping you close,” Skye reaches out for my face now, and he clasps my chin, leaning in toward my face, “You don’t see it, because he’s a human… and he’s lying to you… he is cruel to us, Ryder, he is a cruel man.”

I don’t know where he is getting this from. I know Valen’s heart and I know his intentions.

“Impossible,” I whisper.

“Shh –” Skye’s voice almost chokes up on tears and I don’t know why, “I’m leaving now,” aw, he missed me already.

“I understand,” I reply politely, he would have to get back to duty, “What is the command? You never said it.”

Skye doesn’t say a word.

He just reaches over and kisses me very hard – too hard. My head gets knocked back into the headboard with the force of his new Messier strength.

Abruptly breaking his lips from mine, Skye leaps over me, and stands up, suddenly striding toward the door.

He’s going to do something stupid.

I can see it in his gait.

I can feel it in my instincts.

“Wait,” I jump to my feet and run toward him, but Skye ties up his hair, doesn’t look back at me – and simply slips out, slamming the door shut.

Someone locks it on the other side.

I find the key on the floor that one of the guards threw in, and I pick it up, running to the door – I put in the key. I turn and it jams. It doesn’t work.

“Let me out!” I call to the guards, “I’m done with Skye – I need to get back to Valen,” I change tactics, trying to sound more together.

For a few seconds, no one answers me.

Then I hear someone talk through to the guards, and they finally open the door, allowing me out.

“Valen says he is outside on the Hill, waiting for you,” as the guard talks, I look down the infinitely long corridor, and I head down that way.

Skye has all but disappeared.

I don’t know where he is.

I guess I’d just go to Valen to make sure he is safe, because I was certain Skye was probably out to murder someone.

I just wonder why Valen is waiting for me at dawn? I hurry outside, and I see Valen alone on the Hill near the Gardens.

He is smiling for me, and urging me to come over. He is holding some fruit and eating a banana.

I feel slightly less stressed as I slow down and pace up to his side, taking the offered fruit.

“It’s a beautiful sunrise,” Valen says so calmly.

I hadn’t even looked. I turn now, to look at the sun rising above the forest.

“Why are you out here so early?” I ask, “Waiting for me?”

Valen shakes his head, “Assembly,” he points to the crowd in Destor.

I hadn’t noticed that either unitl now. Everyone is outside. All Dominions are lined up in soldier’s ranks in a razed field, ready to listen to Enrique who will deliver a speech, he is coming out of the ship now, looking in a bit of a hurry. We’re not far away from him, just off to the side on the Hill.

As I lean into Valen’s side, I process the scenario.

Everyone is watching.

But Skye is missing.

Enrique is vulnerable.

Skye is going to kill Enrique.

I clutch Valen’s metallic cape a bit tighter and look up at him, “Where is Skye?” I ask him, worried.

“Should be back with his camp,” Valen meets my eyes, “Why?”

I turn to look, my eyes scanning for him, “He’s not there. He’s going to do something stupid I think...”

“Really? I can ask the GOs to check on him,” Valen sounds worried, pressing the device hooked up to his ear, “Can I have the location of the Alpha, please?”

The Alpha.

If Skye was still the Alpha – why was there a last command for me?

Which ended up being a dramatic kiss?

Beyond confused, I turn my eyes toward Enrique again.

He’s alone – he’s fine. Skye isn’t here.

I scan the crowd of each Dominion, they’re fine too.

Maybe he was lost?

There is no suspicious activity anywhere.

Until I hear collective screams.

I look down; it’s Wolf Dominion.

Wolf Dominion are screaming all together – and I see and hear Mila in particular, screaming the loudest.

She’s pointing up.

My gaze finally graze over the ship, to the top most podium, from the Lake House balcony.



He’s standing there with a sheet around his neck, looking away into the sunset.

When my brain catches up, my heart all but leaves my soul.

Skye jumps off the balcony; just like I did when I was on Genesis, but this one is the human ship. The sheet is going to kill him up where no one can hurry to save him.

I watch the whole thing without looking away.

I have an answer – I have a solution – I could shoot the sheet and snap it! He might fall and break his legs, or even his spine, but we could save him!

I turn to Valen, lunging for his belt – but he backs away from me, closing his coat over his weapons.

“Gvie me your weapon!” I scream at Valen, and he looks at me like I’m crazy, but then suddenly wraps his arms around me tight – squeezing me to his torso so I can’t move an inch.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Valen whispers over my head, “I can’t let you kill yourself –”

WHAT?! That’s not what I –

I keep screaming and thrashing for his gun, which is now behind his metal cap.

I can feel the halter but I can’t withdraw it.

“VALEN, let me – move – VALEN!” I scream at him, over and over – but he just holds me so tight, completely misunderstanding me.

It’s going to be too late.

It’s going too late!

The screaming from Wolf Dominion suddenly ceases.

I look over my shoulder, and all I can see is the entire Wolf Dominion on their knees or looking at the ground, or curled up into fetal positions, or burying their faces into each other’s shoulders.

When I look up at the balcony and Skye – he’s very dead.

Oh, no.

He was gone.

After my words.

Now he’s dead forever.

He’s dead forever.

This time the insanity that fills my brain isn’t something that can be recovered.

I am lost.

The scream that leaves my chest is not from a human – it’s from an animal.

Skye’s POV

I sit calmly on a bench, my back against a cold wall full of weapons as I hear the screaming from my Dominion suddenly cease from the outside.

Erin sits opposite me, keeping an eye on me.

“It’s done,” she whispers at me, her eyes cold and calculating, “Welcome to the Shade Dominion.”

“My son will handle Wolf Dominion.”

“Mmm. Cruel, what you did to your own son – ruthless, I love it, I’m impressed,” Erin smiles, “You are ours for the next ten years. All benefit to you.”

I stare blankly back.

I would do everything they wanted for ten years.

To become an Elite.

Then they were all going to die.

Afterall – they designed me, exactly as they intended.

“Ruthless isn’t the right word,” I murmur back, “I prefer patient.”

“Oh, perfect, yes,” Erin’s smile blooms wide, “That’s right – you’ll do anything for the Elite recognition. I respect that. Will you fuck me now if I command it? Even if I don’t?”

“I’ll do anything you want,” I shrug, letting out a warm smile.

My smile falters, however, as I hear a different kind of screaming.

This one is full of rage and very familiar to my ears. However, there’s something wrong with her… like he’s lost it.

Ryder is being dragged by somewhere outside this room, and her screams are the most painful I’ve ever heard.

Erin sees the slip in my tough demeanour, and she latches onto it instantly.

“Regret, Skye?” she whispers at me. I stare at the door where my Luna’s scream disappears. I just hope Ryder understands the last command was yet to come, “You really do love her, don’t you?”

I never promised I’d tell the Elites the truth.

“No,” I lie to Erin, “I never loved Ryder.”

“She is quite annoying.”

“I think you should take off your clothes,” I distract Erin, as I stand up and stare down at her, her small puny worthless human body, “As you know, I do have an appetite for humans,” as I use my death drawl, I watch her eyes almost roll back into her head with the tone. Something in the frequency turned humans on.

I was learning.

I was going to learn it all and take it all.

Ryder’s words echoe through me.

Become an individual.

I only knew the life of an Alpha.

But the Alpha was dead.

Now I was going to find out what it was like to be just Skye; all alone, in the dark.

Welcome to the LAST CHAPTER OF WOLF DOMINION VOL. 2 ! Let me know in the comments your thoughts :) !



10 years later ~

Myra is a princess who inherited her father’s empire of blood. Her possessions involve riches and jewels - and most peculiarly, a man. Although surely he isn’t a man, but a thing like a man - because rather, he is a killing machine, and Myra has no idea what to do with him. This Raygar thing.

NOTE: Ryder will have her chance in the spotlight again but not yet, first I’m going to configure a different story line.

NOTE: I have uploaded THE ROSE AND THE WOLF Chapter 1 now onto FindNovel.net so you guys can add the BRAND NEW sequel to your reading lists :) and let me know what you think of chapter 1!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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