Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 49

Fyre’s POV

I regret everything like no tomorrow. I’m screaming as two snakes release their venom into either knee, before slithering away back to the Guidance Officers, who we called GOs.

It was pretty simple. They enforced the rules.

This time I had been in the shower, simply cleaning off after the training completed that day.

I talked a lot of shit. It was in my nature to have a fast and cutting tongue.

I was saved from the real torture by my Alphas, who always stepped into protect me.

But you don’t understand.

No one understands.

I didn’t care about the military discipline, I cared about the restrictions on me not being allowed to see my boyfriend; Ryder.

I only knew every night when I tried to sleep and failed to do so, that I had fucked up everything. I had wasted every second with that Alpha when he was mine. I loved him so much, but I took his time for granted. I had been a spoilt bitch when I got the free power-trip which came with being the Dominator’s son.

Without him, I felt like a kid again, lost, alone and fighting for survival. I hated it. I hated me and my mind and my heart that couldn’t cope with being alone.

I hated all of these feelings within me so much.

The Pythian snake bites had an extremely painful venom. It was the best, swiftest way to bring small bad behaviours back into line from any of the Genesis soldiers from any of the Dominions.

But this attack right now? Was pure abuse of power, which had been increasing. The more comfortable the humans had become with us under their thumbs, the more their power trips surfaced.

I had done nothing but tried to clean my sweat and blood off in the shower, and the two GO’s who hated my guts and my reputation, let the snakes get me for their own amusement.

I’m on my knees after screeching, as the two Guidance Officers cage their snakes back up and prepare to go. I can’t see them anymore, they’ve walked out of sight around the wall.

“You don’t think I see your breech of protocols? She’s off duty – it’s past 8, this is unlawful,” I hear Raygar – he must have jumped out of the male segregated showers to come see what my scream was about.

“No male wolves in the female showers, Alpha,” one arrogantly replies, “Who are you going to report to? Besides, are you sure you’re checking the right bitch?”

What did the GO mean… the right bitch? However, as the pain starts to fade in my knees, I start to think logically. Oh, no. Lemeri was also having a shower in her block close by, but she wasn’t alone. She had her ways of gaining influence and if Raygar saw, he’d lose it.

“I’m here for the Luna,” Raygar snarls, oblivious, and the GOs pause.

I can’t hear anything.

Until a boot connects to a door across the block.

“Look,” one of the GOs calls out, “The females you protect are so slutty for human dick –” Fuck! I’m already sprinting out of the stall, to help Raygar.

When I round the wall, both GOs are arrogantly staring at Raygar’s woman – Lemeri, who is backed up on a wall in her shower stall, sucking a human’s dick.

Raygar has paled and all his emotive expressions immediately fade away.

I, as Lemeri’s friend, found it hard to look at her as a friend, I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking. But this was the GOs ways of testing our obedience.

“To attention,” I hiss at Raygar, and he snaps out of his trance to look away from Lemeri, to look at me, dripping naked and with bleeding knees, “I caused them trouble and they had to punish me,” I lie to him, to protect him, “They were in the right and within the law.”

“See?” one of the GOs beams at my compliance, “Fyre is learning through our treatment. And if you’re jealous of that human dick, Alpha, we have one for you on offer–”

“Are you sure you want your dick in my mouth?” Raygar asks, deadpan, the fluorescent lights making his unbreakable teeth shine.

The GOs share a funny look, and now stand back to attention.

“We’re running late to dinner, go to your camps, sleep tight, dogs,” the GOs wait for Raygar to depart first, and I immediately walk with him, grabbing a white-nothing dress to pull over my body.

Raygar almost snapped in that moment. But somehow he kept it together.

In silence, we walk out of the showers back to our camps – built into desecrated buildings. No electricity. No water. Just beds and blankets on concrete. You could sleep wherever you wanted because cameras made sure at all times we didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. You know, like sex.

The only place to get out of range was a place Vastian built into one of the storage shelves in the back of WD’s camp where all the weapons were.

“Weapons,” I tell Raygar, and he understands.

We walk back together, past all the women and men of Wolf Dominion, to enter our lovely camp and the storage room out the back.

In one corner of this back room with no windows, was the special cabinet Vastian made, big enough for two. It was the only place to gain total privacy.

If you can guess – it stunk of sex.

Which was a little unfortunate, but there was nothing we could do about that.

It was the only place to talk freely.

I walk in first and take a very awkward seat in the darkness and turn on the small light within.

Raygar stands on the other side – boxed in, he hated it in here but it was the only place he’d ever take me to calm me down. His lectures were cutting and ruthless and I loved that, he got straight to the point.

Now, it looks like I had to do it with him.

As I sit down, I hold my knees to my chest, while he simply stares down at me with his hand on the door and another on a coat hanger.

“Meri is selling herself for restricted information,” I tell him straight, “At least she’s doing something,” Raygar doesn’t let a single emotion slip, nor a word, so I continue, “You can’t fight them and you know you can’t even try without endangering all of us,” these were just some of the words he would say to me, “So, Raygar, do something useful with your time – like seducing Erin –”

“I don’t see you seducing Enrique,” Raygar drawls back, not insulting, just making a point. Words were easier said than done.

“You know we haven’t even really started to do what they want,” I say, “This is just the training. Can you imagine what being deployed on the Colonies will be like?”

“I’ll finally be able to kill some humans,” Raygar says, dead-pan, “It can’t be too bad.”

“Shut up. Let go of the tough act in here. You’re really struggling, Raygar. I can see it in your eyes,” I really mean it, staring up at those neon moons holding back so much rage.

“So, help me then, and tell me something that’ll make everything make sense. Talk some bullshit to me like I talk bullshit to you,” Raygar raises a brow, challenging me to calm him down.

“I don’t know why you can’t just ask me to spread my legs,” I mockingly spread my knees and then slam them back together, clasping my arms around my legs as I slyly smirk up at him, “You’re bored of sex. Rogue Master who gets any Breeder he wants – except the cat… or the brat…” of which I refer to myself.

“So you’re finally over grieving over your boyfriend,” Raygar drawls, “I heard he has a new girlfriend anyway – ” too far.

I immediately stand to punch Raygar between the legs, but all our reflexes have been getting faster as we train, so he grabs my wrist and twists my arm above my head, making me twirl around and bend over simultaneously.

My forehead hits the seat, which has a horrible putrid smell of old cum.

I gag.

Raygar just holds me still and bent over the rot, while his crotch is pushed into my ass – but our clothes keep us separated.

“Skye always uses me to bring the females in line, you want to know why, brat?” Raygar laughs, “While he’s a stubborn bastard, I can fuck you without a leash.”

“I wouldn’t fuck any of you,” I hiss, “Ryder is my boyfriend and no one is going to replace him!”

“Mimi?” Raygar lists off a name of one of the sub-Alpha girls who constantly trains with him, always out of my time slot, but I would see them from a distance. My heart breaks at the mention, and I let out a whimper as he twists my arm a bit more, “Oh no, it was Mimi last month and now Nyla’s got his interest. Did you know Enrique loves Ryder’s son so much, he lets him fuck whoever he wants?”

I did actually know that.

I did know.

But I never wanted to think about it.

Because he never requested to see me.

It’s like he forgot about me.

I have to bite my lip so hard so I don’t cry in front of Raygar.

I stop breathing too, and Raygar can hear it.

“So, your ex is growing up and fucking sub-beta Alphas who mean nothing to him, and mine is fucking limp dick humans who probably piss all over her for extra information,” Raygar releases me and I bang my head on the wall. I straighten up and look back at him, “…and you call yourself a Luna… and I call myself a Rouge Master…” at least he makes the self-deprecating joke about the both of us.

I smile but I also want to kill him.

I give up trying to fight Raygar in this small cabinet, and I sit down again, only to see his pants are pitching a pretty large tent.

My eyes focus on his crotch, and then I look up at Raygar and slowly stand again, losing my expression.

“Even though I’m losing my damn mind,” I whisper, “And I do think about it – I would never.”

“I would,” Raygar cuts me off with his dead-pan handsome expression.

“No you wouldn’t,” I try to call his bluff.

“What if I want you more than her?” Raygar asks.

My heart drops into my stomach.

He just repeated a question that haunted me every night for the past two months since we were forced to bond, Raygar as my mentor at Skye’s request, and I his naughty Luna brat.

I had seen Ryder’s attention being diverted.

The first day I saw that?

I had thought the same thing at night after spending a whole day working with Raygar.

…what if I wanted Raygar more than him? It haunted me so much, I mostly ignored it.

But of course, he had to mention the tension between us.

“You love… Lemeri,” I almost stutter, trying to correct him.

“I don’t give a fuck about love,” Raygar snarls back over me, yet he is so quiet at the same time, as his rage unleashes on me, and it was his hostile emotions, which reflected just like mine, that get me wet, plus his maturity, “I don’t imagine making love to you, Fyre, I imagine fucking you into the ground,” he has a death drawl like Skye, but his is so rare, and so volatile. I love it.

Raygar and I have moved inches closer, from his anger and my defiance, until both our hot breaths are taking up all the oxygen in the room, and the timer sounds.

We can never be in here longer than a few minutes, so we don’t arouse suspicion for being with the weapons too long.

Raygar punches the door open and walks out first.

I stay where I am, speechless, as I allow him to walk away from me.

A mirror reflection opposite shows my face.

I’m red as a damn beetroot.

And more than anything – my heart is confused.

“You can have your job back,” I whisper under my breath, thinking of Luna Ryder.

Dealing with all these Alphas was terrifying.

I had no idea how to keep my sanity.

And I felt totally incapable of handling their bodies.

I could yell insults all I like, fight as fierce as I could.

But I didn’t know how to dance. It was blatantly obvious to Raygar and I think it pissed him off. I also liked to think our forced interactions were the only reason there was so much tension between us.

All these rules were driving me insane.

I needed to break free. Even for ten minutes.

What was the penalty for running out of camp into the forest?

A few days isolation at most – depending on what repercussion was approved.

I consider my options, and for the first time in two months I break a very bad rule.

I just need some god damn space.

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