Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 4. Meetings

It took us half a day to arrive to her house. I never thought that she would live in this isolated village in the deepest parts of the state, hidden in the green thick forests. Her house is also isolated from the village named, Roseville.

It is a relatively spacious building from wood. There is a small hall with a fireplace and vintage sofas. There are some antiques like decorations and some mystique designs. There is also a wooden veranda in front of the house with a rocking chair and some hanging pots of flowers. I can say that it reminds me houses from a fairytale.

It is quiet and isolated from the rest of the village but I think it is okay. I prefer it that way. Of course, there isn’t TV or a computer here. There is only an outdated phone. However, she has some interesting books in the selves on the small bookcase in the hall. They are fantasy novels or some teenager’s and children’s fantasy books.

If they are in common view, I think I can read them freely. While I am reading one of them, grandmother brings me a cup of aromatic tea and some homemade cookies.

I furrow my eyebrows.

She leaves them in the small table next to me with a wide and warm smile. She is kind but so was mother until she divorced father. I don’t know if I can trust her.

-“Do you like fantasy novels?” She asks.

-“Yes, I do.” I answer timidly.

-“I also like them. I like traveling in those fantastic places.” She says. I find her answer strange but then I realize that she speaks metaphorically.

-“What if I told you that there is a fantastic world beyond our own?”

-“I would say that mother was right and you are crazy.”

-“Am I?” She smiles slyly.

-“Come with me.” She says and I follow her down to the basement.

There is a small library there and some other things. A self with herds, some strange culinary and some small bottles with liquids are next to the bookcases. The walls are made if stone and there some strange designs on them.

-“I told your mother a lot of times but she didn’t believe me. I was a witch who could travel to another world.” Grandmother says as I am looking around.

-“You have a wild imagination.” I sneer at her but she smiles cunningly.

-“You have the same charisma. You are also a witch and a powerful one.”

-“You are really crazy.”

-“Read.” She says as she gives me a book.

-“Well, there are a lot of books with bullshit.” I say but I take the book.

It is like a fairytale. It reminds me a fantasy novel. The book is talking about a very different world from Earth, a world without science but with magic. It has many fantastic creatures like those whom you read in a fairytale.

The book is about fairies, elves, dragons and whatever one can think of. It is also mentioning about a witch, a very special witch, who is responsible for the Gate, the only connection between the two worlds. However, her role is not only that of a guardian but she is powerful enough to be respected and maybe feared from the inhabitants of that world.

-“As I said, all these are fairytales.” I insist. I can’t imagine the existence of such a world.

-“Maybe she needs a little push.” I suddenly hear a man’s voice. I look around but I can’t see anyone.

The next moment an adult man with curly honey hair and honey eyes appears in front of me from thin air. I freeze in my place with widely opened eyes full of surprise and disbelief.

-“Who…who is he? How did he do that?” I stammer while looking at the man.

-“He is Adrian, my angel partner. Every witch has an angel partner.” Grandma says and I can’t believe it.

-“Angel? A real angel?”

-“Well, not exactly like the ones our religions describe. However, they have the same characteristics.”

The man makes a deep bow in front of me. He is really beautiful.

-“It is my honor to meet the new Witch of the Gate.” He says with his deep but mesmerized voice.

My heart is beating fast. If there is indeed a creature like him, then, the world that the book describes exists! However, I must not hurry to conclude. There is still the possibility that all these are a very good trick.

-“I can’t see his wings.” I say as I dry swallow.

The man smiles warmly and then in front of my eyes a pair of big and snow white wings appears in his back. I must be dreaming. There is no other explanation!!!

-“How can that be? Why mother didn’t believe, if she could see…”

-“Your mother couldn’t see. Adrian and everything from the other world can’t be seen from the humans in Earth. Only the witch can see them. We are powerful existences but there are rules about our responsibility and the way of life. The next generation of witches must be born under some specific conditions. I broke those rules because of love and my daughter didn’t get born with the charisma.” Grandma says and I still can’t believe it.

-“Then, how did I…” I was afraid to ask.

-“Your mother conceived you under some very special condition which she didn’t even know herself. I don’t know if it was luck or destiny, but it is a fact that you are the next generation of witches of the Gate.”

-“Oh my God!!!!” I say as I am looking at my grandma and then the angel.

-“Miss Daphne, my world is without a witch for almost twenty years. Mrs. Matilda was injured and lost her powers. However, if the witch of the Gate ceases to exist, then my world is doomed and your world is going to wither spiritually. I can’t even see what is happening there at the moment.” The angel says with a worrisome tone in his voice and I furrow my eyebrows.

-“Don’t tell me that you expect from me to be a witch and go there for God’s say what reason.” I say and they look at me with plea.

-“I don’t believe you. So you took me in so I can take your place? You just need me for something you can’t do!!!” I shout angrily.

-“My sweatheart, don’t misunderstand!!! I came to you because I felt your pain.” Grandma says and I tighten my fists.

-“You felt my pain? You can’t possibly know how I feel. You don’t know me and I don’t know you. I betted on you but you are also like everyone else.” I say and with tears in my eyes I leave the basement.

The next few days, I don’t speak to grandmother. We have our meals together but I don’t speak to her. I don’t even look at her. I only read the books in the hall or take a walk in the nearby forest. Because she is my guardian until my eighteenth birthday, in a few months, I can’t leave.

As I am taking a walk in the forest as usual, I meet another person. I want to turn around and leave before he sees me but it is too late.

-“Who are you?” I hear a youthful voice. I turn around and look at him in the eyes for a moment and then I lower my gaze.

He is young like me with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He is quite muscular but it must be because of the farm work.

-“I live nearby.” I say timidly.

-“How come? I know everyone from Roseville. I don’t know you.”

-“I live with my grandma, Matilda Monroe.”

-’The crazy woman at the end of the village?” He says but I see his embarrassment when he realizes that he told that aloud.

Well, I don’t blame him or the village. Without seeing, my grandma’s words are similar to a crazy person’s words.

-“My name is Derek Millstone.”

-“I am Daphne Monroe.” I answer.

-“Nice to meet you. If you are bored with your grandmother, you can come to the village, there is a pub and café-bar.” He invites me.

I didn’t know that the men at the countryside were so friendly and direct. However, I am hesitant. I don’t have good experiences from my surroundings. I was also bullied at high school and it was one of the reasons I wanted to die.

-“I’ll think about it.” I say and turn around to leave.

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