Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 5. Friends

After that incident at the basement, Daphne doesn’t speak to me. When her anger calmed down, she doesn’t even mention anything about what I told her. She ignores me by reading books or leaves the house by taking walks in the forests.

She thinks that the only reason I took her in is because of her duty and role as a witch but she is wrong. I really felt her agony and pain that night. It was so unbearable that I had to go to her.

Even though I lost my powers I still have some primary spirituality and that is the reason that I can still see Adrian. So our wavelengths were intersected so I could feel her turmoil.

-“I’m sorry, Mrs. Matilda. Because of me hurrying, now the little lady has the wrong idea about you.” Adrian says with remorse and sadness.

-“It is not your fault. Daphne is still confused. She will understand.” I comfort him but I am really scared of her to misunderstand me just like her mother.

I know that Adrian was hoping for Daphne to take my place but that girl is in pain and she still has a lot of opened wounds. I don’t think that she is capable and ready to take on that role and heavy weight yet.

-“She goes to the forest to meet a young villager. Mrs. Matilda, if something like the past happens, there is going to be trouble if there is going to be a pause on birth of witches of the Gate.”

-“I can’t force her to follow this path as I didn’t have the right to force Eleanor. I know that the existence of the witch is important, but I will find another way.” I say sighing.

We are sitting on the ground. It is soft because of the wild grass. We sit under a big tree. Derek says that it is an oak tree. It is big, tall and strong, so he won’t cut it down. He only cuts down the old and weak trees. He respects the nature and so do the other villagers.

These days, I come here to meet him as it is the right time to collect wood for the winter. We dawdle for a while and talk about anything. He speaks all the time about his family and the fact that he is going to take on the farm when his father retires. He speaks of it with enthusiasm.

Sometimes, he talks to me about his friends. There are only a couple of young people of his age in Roseville so they are all friends. Terry is his best friend and he is dreaming of being a ranger. Millie is a warm and generous person. She wants to be a teacher and Laura is strong willed and courageous. Her dream is to become a state officer.

Sometimes, I am jealous of him as he can recite some happy and carefree stories of his childhood with his friends. On the other hand, I didn’t have friends and I still don’t have. I have neither happy childhood memories nor teenage ones.

I am silent all the time and barely talk to him but I don’t have anything to tell him about my life. There is nothing memorable or remarkable or even normal. At the same time, he doesn’t make questions. I don’t know if he is sensitive and distinct or he just don’t care but I am thankful for that.

-“It is Halloween in two weeks. Do you want to come and hang out with us?” He asks.

-“Don’t tell me that you play “Trick or Treat” at this age?” I joke.

-“Well, we are the only “kids” in this village so we take all the treats.” He jokes back and we laugh. It is my first time that I can talk so freely and warmly with someone at my age.

-“Seriously, you must come. You will meet the others and I promise they are going to like you.”

-“Me? I am boring.”

-“Of course not. You are interesting and pretty.” He says and he looks into my eyes. I feel my heart pounding like crazy. It is the first time that someone is complimenting me. I feel my chest getting warmer and warmer.

-“O…Okay. I will come.” I say hesitantly.

I am still afraid of the behavior of others. What if they don’t like me? What if they bully me? What if I am not destined to make some human relationships?

-“Cool. I will wait at you at the exit of the village.” He says enthusiastically and I let a carefree and warm smile on my lips.

I have only two weeks to prepare my costume. I ask for some old clothes from grandmother and a simple sewing machine. I think I am good at crafting. I had high grades in that class in school. I can make a simple costume and I thought the perfect one. I will dress up as a witch!

To be honest, I am a little expectant of this year’s Halloween. If I am lucky enough, I can make some friends. I can be normal and not a introvert and moody freak. I can be myself.

Grandmother Matilda doesn’t mention anything about all these crazy stories and the angel doesn’t appear in front of me. I think it is better.

It is really interesting to know that there is something fantastic and magical in this realistic and rotten world but I am not the right person to take on big missions.

I can’t take responsibility for other people’s life. I am not strong and brave enough.

-“I knew it that something was going on!!!” I heard a female voice. I am startled.

The next moment three youngsters come out of some bushes.

-“Derek found a girlfriend and he keeps her hidden from us!!!” A playful young man says with a wide smile on his face.

-“I didn’t expect that.” Another female voice is heard and I freeze in my place.

-“Don’t talk nonsense. This is Daphne Monroe, Mrs. Matilda’s granddaughter. I befriended her and I invited her to come to Halloween to meet you too.” Derek explains.

-“Well, until then, you have her all by yourself.” One of the girls says playfully and I see Derek’s cheeks to redden.

-“Hi! I am Millie.” One of the girls introduces herself to me.

-“Hi!” I say shyly.

-“Oh my God! This cuteness is sinful.” The boy says with a theatrical way of speaking. Then, he approaches me and I feel nervous.

-“I am Terry and I am the most beautiful person in Roseville.” He says and he wields his hand to shake hands with me. I give him my hands shyly.

-“Well, don’t listen to this narcissistic person. I am Laura.” The strong willed girl speaks to me at the end.

-“I am Daphne Monroe.”

-“Are you really Mrs. Matilda’s granddaughter?” Millie asks and I nod.

They look at each other meaningfully and I can bet what they are thinking but they don’t do the same mistake as Derek to say it aloud.

-“Are you going to stay here?”

-“I don’t really know. I am taking a break for a while. I guess, when I am ready I can try some college.” I say stoically.

-“So you have no goals or dreams.” Laura notices and I am feeling strangely now that I hear it directly.

-“Laura, don’t be rude. Daphne can take a break and think what she wants to do later.” Derek scolds her. I don’t think that she had bad intentions. If she had I could tell. I am used to it.

-“I didn’t say anything. I am just surprised that someone from the big city has nothing that she wants to do unlike us who have some pretty serious goals.”

-’Well, everyone is not the same. Some people needs time to think about their future and some others just recognize what suits them best at first sight.” Millie says.

They are good and mature people. They have goals and dreams. They also have the magnanimity and generosity to warm up to other people, to hear and understand them. They are charismatic.

I think that I can be their friend.

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