
Chapter 27

~~~Ember’s POV~~~

I took one last glance at my cabin, nestled back in among the trees near the mountain. It wasn’t much but it’s been home for 5 years. I have grown because of my circumstances. I know how to survive. I can hunt, build, care for myself with no assistance.

But now my home with be with Jax. It will be with my mate and newfound friends. I’m nervous but honestly excited to be in a pack again. Maybe I can have some female friends. The guys are great, but I can’t shoot shit about them if I get annoyed.

Even before the takeover of my pack, I was never really a girly girl. I enjoyed training and laying the men on their asses. I hated dresses. But I did enjoy talking with the girls about issues men wouldn’t understand. I enjoyed the gossip and I loved being in the kitchen cooking. I wasn’t “normal” in my pack but being the Alpha’s daughter, no one said anything. I was the only female permitted to train and that’s mostly because I would disobey my father anyway and do it. The men thought it was cute, a little six-year-old wolf wanted to train with the men. They would laugh and teach me things, not actually expecting me to learn it. Once they realized I was putting what they taught me to practice, they stopped teaching me. I would watch them in secret, practicing the maneuvers I saw.

I earned their respect during a rouge attack when I defended the other children who were out playing. I killed two of the rouges that had attacked. I was ten. After that my father finally allowed me to train with the pack, although I was the only female he allowed, much to my aggravation.

I sighed as I heaved my satchel over my shoulders, glancing back one last time as we started the walk back towards town.

“You okay, Em?” Jaxson’s concerned emerald eyes shifted to mine.

“It’s just five years of my life. It’s hard to leave it behind.” I smiled sadly. He reached over to squeeze my hand as we walked, not letting go.

Sean and Ash walked slightly ahead of us as we continued wandering down the path. I heaved my satchel again as it was slipping from my shoulder. I’m lucky I don’t own much. I packed my clothes but decided to wear my training gear minus the cowl. I had my knives attached and my bow and quiver on, so it was making carrying the bag a little awkward.

Jaxson kept offering to carry it but I declined. I’m stubborn that way. I don’t like asking for help or receiving it for that matter. That’s one of the things that’s making it difficult for me to talk about my past. I know that to truly overcome it; I’ll need to ask for help.

My alert eyes darted around looking for any form of trap or danger as we walked. My fingers twitched to grab my knife so I would be prepared for anything.

About an hour into our walk, still deep in the forest, Sean’s head snapped up. He tensed, letting off a soft growl. He put his arm up to stop us as five men stepped out a bend in the trail.

Fucking Travis. I should have made a bet that he would show up. He can’t leave me alone.

“Well, well, well. Taking your whore for a walk?” Travis sneered towards us. Jaxson growled as the words left his retched lips. I rolled my eyes at Travis and stepped forward past Sean, dropping my satchel and slinging the bow off my shoulder, drawing an arrow.

“Now, now Travis. Do you really want me to kill more of your men?” I smirked at his hateful glare towards me. The boys stood tensed behind me, ready to shift at a moment’s notice.

“You bitch. My orders were to just watch you, make sure you lived alone and hated life. I’ve wanted to kill you for so long. Maybe I should just do it and face the consequences later.” I paled as I realized what he just said. “Guess you should say goodbye to your little mate.” Travis smirked, his eyes glinting with dangerous intention. Jaxson growled, trembling with anger.

“What are you talking about?” My voice broke as fear spiked my body. He would not take Jaxson from me.

“Your lover boy has been watching you.” A shiver ran through my body and I tried to contain the urge to glance around for those red eyes that haunted me. “He enjoys it when you beg and plead to the heavens to end your miserable life.” Travis snickers and I clench my jaw, not wanting to know what Jaxson was thinking at this moment. I didn’t want him to know how many times I begged for death.

“Does your little mate know your past? How you tried for two years to end your life until you finally accepted it would never happen?” I grit my teeth. “Does he know how many times you were with another-” I didn’t let him finish his thought before I lunged forward, punching him in the nose. The sickening crunch resonated around the forest as blood seeped from his nose. Music to my ears.

“Shut your mouth! You have no idea what I’ve been through! He may have you on his payroll, but did he really tell you anything? Do you even truly know?” I screamed at Travis. My body was shaking in anger. How dare he? It is bad enough he put me through torture. Now he’s been watching me to ensure I’ve remained alone and unhappy? Travis chuckled darkly, blood gurgling out of his nostrils as he breathed.

“You can never escape him. No matter what. And neither can I. He gave me my orders. Your mate will die!” He stood to his feet motioning for his men.

Sean and Ash quickly shifted while Jaxson stood there trying to process all that was said. Travis’ men faltered and stalled, unsure if they really wanted to die.

“What are you doing? Kill them!” Travis shouted at his men. Using his distraction, I raised my bow and drew back my arrow. He will die by my hand. No one threatens my family.

Travis turned to me with steely eyes. “I will break you, more than you already are.” He whipped out a gun and aimed it at Jaxson. I watched his muscles bunch as he prepared to pull the trigger.

I smirked at Travis, watching him hesitate in confusion. “I’m faster.” I growled out before releasing my arrow. The world seemed to pause as I watch the arrow tear his skin and muscle, through his left eye lodging in his brain. He slumped to the ground, a shocked expression remaining on his face. The last two remaining men paused in their attack before meeting their end in the jaws of two large wolves.

I panted heavily as I stared at Travis’ body. I glanced around, sure that I would meet those horrid eyes somewhere in the trees. How has he been watching me? Sean and Ashton stared at me with worry as I finally realized that Jaxson was still stuck in a trance.

I met his eyes and the expression on his face ripped through my heart.

“You tried to end your life?” He whispered in a broken tone. Tears pricked my eyes. He’s now realizing he may have lost his mate years ago, at her own hand.

“Jaxson, please. I’m sorry but you have no idea what I was going through.”

“Then tell me!” He roared at me causing me to flinch back. His face morphed into regret as soon as he saw it. “Em, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell. I’m just so frustrated that I don’t know what happened and what’s going on and you won’t tell me! I just want to help.” He pleaded with me to understand.

I shook my head, tears beginning to stream from my face. “If you can’t even handle this, how will you ever handle seeing my past.” I choked out a sob. “This is exactly what I was afraid of.” He looked as devastated as I felt, uttering those words. He took a step towards me causing me to step back. I can’t do this right now.

Shaking my head, I turned and walked away, tears slipping from my eyes. Ignoring Jaxson’s pleas for me to stop. I need to think. I continued walking leaving Sean to comfort his distraught Beta. Ashton’s wolf following me.

God, I hate myself.

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