
Chapter 26

~~~Jaxson’s POV~~~

I am elated. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel 20 pounds lighter. Ares has been purring in contentment in my mind.

After our moment in the clearing, we decided to share the news with Sean and Ash. But not before Ember demanded I shift, realizing again, that I was naked. I was tempted to tease her, but I wasn’t quite sure how she would take it. Despite everything we have gone through this past week, we still don’t know much about each other.

Ash had simply smiled at Ember when we returned, he had known what she would choose. Sean was so excited he made the girliest shriek and jumped to hug Ember. “I have a sister!” He was quite literally jumping in excitement. Yup, that’s my alpha. It was quite comical and a good way to release the lingering tension. Ember was still new to this, so she was understandably a little awkward, if her wide eyes as Sean hugged her wasn’t clue enough.

We had a nice dinner, making small talk. It was close to nine when Sean and Ash decided to “go for a run”.

Yeah right. Is that what they are calling it now? Ares snorted in my mind as soon as they left.

I decided to take the time we had to ourselves to try and discuss things with Ember. I helped her clean up and do the dishes. I seriously can’t wait to get back to my pack where I’ll have electricity and plumbing. I admire how Ember could live like this.

“So, I wanted to see what you thought about coming back to my pack to live with me.” May as well jump right in here. Ember halted mid step as she was putting the dried dishes away. A worried expression crossed her face.

"Can Accalia come? I can’t leave her.” I nodded to her.

“Of course.” She still looked pensive. “What’s on your mind, Em?” She sighed turning to put the dishes away before turning back to me, concern shining in her eyes.

“What will they think of me? I don’t exactly look normal. Plus, I smell human. What if they get angry with you for having a human mate? I’m not ready to divulge my past to people I don’t know. What if they want to send me back? What if—” She started to panic, concerned my own pack would turn against me for having a human mate.

“Ember! Ember, calm down!” I halt her movements by cupping her cheeks. “Everything will be fine. My pack is very accepting. Take Sean and Ash for example. They accept them. I don’t think anyone has ever said a bad word about them. Plus, if they are rude to you; show them what you’re made of.” I smirked thinking of when she meets the warriors. That will be epic. “I won’t tolerate people being rude to you, pack or not. But I’m honestly not worried about it. I think the biggest problem you will find is if you train with the warriors. They don’t take kindly to women beating them.” Chuckling, I wrap her in my arms and gave her a brief squeeze of reassurance.

“You can ask Sean and Ash what they think if you’d like.”

“Ask Sean and Ash what?” The muffled voice of Sean came through the door as they arrived back to the cabin. They entered looking sweaty and disheveled. I saw Ember’s slight smirk in the corner of my eye as she took in their appearance as well. She knew what went on. I chuckled internally.

“Ember here is worried about what the pack might think of our mate-ship since she smells human.”

Ash interrupted whatever Sean was about to say. “They are nothing like your old pack. Remember Ember it wasn’t really the pack you had issues with.” He raised his eyebrow, his blue eyes deepening at what was left unsaid.

God, I need to know what happened! I hate that Ash knows but won’t tell me. I understand it but still.

Sean noticed me becoming frustrated and gave me a pointed look. “Ember, I wouldn’t allow anyone to be rude or to put you being “human” against you.” Sean air quotes, emphasizing human. “Everything will be fine. They would be honored to have you especially when you help us train the warriors.” He grins at her, a mischievous look in his eyes.

Ember’s head snaps up to him in shock. “What? Why would I train them? I’m sure they are far better than I am.” We glanced at each other and started laughing.

She was getting a little flustered when I cleared the air. “Ember, whether Sean admits it or not, you beat him the other day. Maybe he was holding back a bit but I bet you were too. I think the only way he would be able to beat you is if he shifted and even then, it would be hard.” Sean grimaced and shot me a glee before sighing and nodding towards Ember.

“It hurts me to admit it, it cuts me deep,” he put his hands over his heart exaggerating, “but you are extremely good. I haven’t had that hard of a fight for a while. You have amazing technique and use skills that we don’t. I would love it if you can help strengthen the pack.” Ember looked genuinely shocked. I know she knows she’s good, but I guess she never figured the Alpha King himself would agree, let alone admit it to her out loud.

She nodded and glanced around at us. “Guess I’ll have to pack.” I grinned and captured her around her waist, spinning her around. I took delight in the little squeal and laugh she let loose as she tightened her arms around me.

“We leave whenever you’re ready.”

She glanced around the small cabin as if she were memorizing it. “Guess it’s a good thing I don’t own much.”

That will change soon. I smirked to myself. I will give her the world.

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