Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 3, happy birthday!

As the weeks go by Daciana gets her weekly checkups with Doctor Luan and all is well, but by the time she gets to 29 weeks (which for a human would be about mid-30s) her water broke naturally while she was at home in the early morning and she slowly and painfully waddled herself to Doctor Luan’s house to help her. Contractions already started to come at about 10 minutes apart, so she guessed that she had a while before anything severe started to happen.

“BADER! BADER! Open the door, please! My water just broke and my contractions are 10mins apart! I need help right now! I am scared out of my mind and Marrok is hunting!” Daciana is crying and worried that Marrok would miss the birth and Doctor Luan ran through his house grabbing his go bag which he had ready for emergencies and some extra clothes quickly and gets out the door.

“Oh, my goodness! Try to follow me to the medical building! I know it may be difficult, but I will get you there.” He can tell that she is clearly in pain from the contractions and tries to get her to the building without causing her too much discomfort. Luckily, they were successful in getting her to the building and got her a wheelchair and wheeled her to a labor and delivery room and they hooked her up to an IV of Pitocin (why they did that is when a woman’s water breaks it increases the chance of infection so it helps with contractions, it’s a synthetic version of oxytocin which is produced naturally when a woman goes into labor, but with this, it jump-starts contractions and labor).

Meanwhile, Marrok was out hunting for some breakfast for the pack when he heard the news about Daciana and he ran back as fast as he could.

Thankfully, with first babies, it takes a while. Once the Pitocin was admitted she was surprisingly able to eat some breakfast and half her lunch, and by the early afternoon labor had started picking up and contractions started hurting more, but Daciana was a trooper and did not ask for pain medication and even if she wanted to by the time she was told about IV painkillers it was too late to admit them to her since this little girl was ready to come out.

By the early evening, the little girl was born at 5lbs 11.8oz, 19in long. After she was cleaned up from blood, fluids and the nurses got the height and weight, the little girl was placed on Daciana's chest for some skin to skin. She cried when she got to meet her daughter for the first time...

"How could something so small have a place in your heart so quickly?"

"I'm not sure but she is perfect...you did a wonderful job, sweetie..."

"I'm just glad it's over and I get my body back." Marrok and Bader laughed at her comment. They didn't blame her while her pregnancy was roughly smooth, her morning sickness didn't go away after the first trimester as she had hoped. So Bader kept an eye on her and gave her some homeopathic treatment remedies before using medication to intervene.

Daciana did great, she had a mild tear during her great labor, but she did not mind the small tear and just let that heal naturally mainly cause she was tired of being poked and prodded and she was wheeled in a wheelchair to mother and baby recovery. Of course, after a long day being in labor you are going to be hungry and tired. Marrok (not long after being moved to mom and baby recovery) went to get some food, a milkshake, and comfy clothes that Daciana did not think of bringing when she was in a rush out the door.

The next day Marrok called everyone together to the community building to tell everyone the good news.

“Everyone! Listen up!” Everyone trying to talk over the other wondering what was going on “Hey! Shut up so I can tell you what is going on!” Everyone eventually got quiet “Thank you, now I gathered everyone here because I wanted to tell you the good news that Daciana had our baby girl yesterday!” Cheers, hooting and hollering, and congratulations rang through the air. “Yes, very exciting. She is 5lbs 11.8oz, 19in long. As of now, the name is to be decided, but visitors are allowed. I only escaped for a little while to get some food, some comfy clothes and to announce it to you guys so I am sure you have been wondering if we have our daughter or not. So, I am going to grab those couple of things and head back to Daciana. Hope to see you soon. If anyone has problems while I am gone talk to Lyall, for now, he is in charge in my absence.”

After the news of the new daughter spread throughout the pack. Daciana was asleep by the time he showed up. Still half in the hospital gown and holding their day-old daughter.

“Hey babe, I got the stuff you asked for. How about the name Lyna Aiyana as her name?”

“Yeah, that sounds pretty I like it.”

Daciana is tired of the nurses trying to get her nurse Lyna in the early hours, but at least she eats well. They got all the annoying paperwork done and were able to take her home in two days. They slowly got used to life as a family of three, but they genuinely enjoyed it. Marrok is loving being a girl dad and besides being exhausted from around the clock nursing Daciana is enjoying motherhood.

When they got home, everyone had their day to visit the new family. Lyna is very well-loved by everyone in the pack. When a werewolf pup is born, it is born and raised like a human. Unlike normal children, Lyna will grow 5 times faster than a human child, but once she is a toddler she will slow down and from there she will age normally. The entire pack has a say on how she is raised, despite not being her parents.

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