Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 4, first for everything

Lyna's POV (and will be unless told otherwise)

The years go by and I’m a 16yr old teenager. Ugh between not being able to shift and normal school stuff it's a lot...just wish I could get it over with. I do think I've had a glamup over the years dirty blonde, wavy hair that waves down pass my shoulder blades, kind of a mix of both my parent's hair color, blueish brown I guess hazel eyes, 5ft 8in.

I haven’t had my first shift yet, but that can happen anytime in my teen years. I could partially shift, mostly just show off her fangs to the other members of the pack. My mom, Reika, Ulva, and Calla tried to give me advice about my first shift, but they got a bit awkward about talking about it. Just like normal teenagers deal with hormones and changes, werewolves deal with them as well, only they are intensified. The desire to mate, changes in voices, changes in physical size, and of course, the desire to hunt and feed (which can be easily controlled by one's will). So great as if being a teen wasn’t hard enough…

“Mom…why can’t I shift yet? I mean I can show off my fangs but that’s about it…”

“Well these things take time it can happen anytime in your teen years. I accidentally had my first shift on a date with your father when I met him at 19 almost 20…cutting it close…but there is someone for you to meet.”

“For me? Who?”

“His name is Conall Clell. The new werewolf, no pack, seems to be a loner. Your father found him while he was hunting.”

“Is he ok? Does he need some attention?”

“Yeah, he seems to be ok, but maybe he could use a friend. Your father and I are going to continue hunting and bring back some dinner.”

“Alright mom, I’ll check on him. I’ll see you later.” Lyna kisses her cheek and hugged her.

“Love you, sweetie.”

Mom smiles at me as she starts to head out of the house.

“Love you too mom.” Mom meets up with dad and they go on their hunting date while I meet this new guy in the medical building. Doctor Bader is making sure he doesn’t have any injuries, not dehydrated, good food, and see where he came from.

“Hey doc, mom sent me to see our new guy. What’s his story?”

“Not sure yet, he hasn’t woken up yet, but I’ve given him some fluids since he did have some mild dehydration indicating that he hasn’t had access to water for a while.”

“That’s not good, what else you got?”

“Without him telling me, not much. So, all we have to do is wait for him to wake up.”

“Ok, well keep me posted and I’ll let my parents know.”

I head back to the house and work on some homework for maybe an hour or two for one of my classes when Doctor Bader called me back about our new guest. I tell my parents about the news and they thought it was better that I went alone. I see my mom smirk as I walked out the door, and I know this is her weird way of trying to set me up with him.

“Hi, you must be our new guest.”

“Hi, apparently I am. I’m Conall.”

“So, you’re the guy my mom told me about…so what were you doing on our land?”

“I didn’t know that I was trespassing. I don’t even know where I am.”

“You’re on Wild Forest territory.”

“And I presume you’re the alpha?” That made me perk up a little, such a random question.

“No, I’m not? How would you know about that?” I’m confused, how does someone just randomly jump to the supernatural. Most normal people think that we’re just stuff from movies and legends.

“I’m a werewolf. I’m presuming you are too, and I found your pack’s territory…”

“Oh yeah duh, I forgot, my mom mentioned you were a wolf. I’m the daughter of the alpha and luna, Lyna.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m guessing you’re not happy to see me.”

“Just suspicious of a new person randomly showing up on our land. How long did they stay with you?”

“I’m not sure I was barely conscious when I came here. I just had my first phase and they found me…”

“First phase?? How old are you?”

“I’m 17.”

“Well mom said that the first phase could happen anytime during the teen years…so not unheard of I suppose…” While she was thinking out loud, she didn’t notice that her necklace was starting to glow.

“Oh no, you don’t silly necklace! I just met the guy how can he possibly be my mate??” I get even more confused with this darn necklace and he gets just as confused as I do

“I’m sorry how does your necklace supposedly tell you that someone is your mate?”

“My mom told me when I was a kid that if you were around your mate that it would glow sunset colors. She told me that it did when she first met my dad. I just thought it was a nice story my mom always told me and always thought wolf instincts told me who my mate would tell me somehow.”

“Interesting story. Yeah, you seem to have a nice little community here.”

“Yeah, it's a great pack. These guys are my family.” I start to leave but he grabs my hand…

"I'd like to meet your family. If I'm going to be your mate why not meet them?"

“Fair point…maybe someone else in the pack?”

“True they practically raised me along with my parents.”

“They sound like a nice pack.”

“Yeah, they are. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. Now that you’re feeling better and Doctor Bader clears you to get out, I can give you a tour of the grounds.”

Doctor Bader came in minutes later to check on him, took out the IVs, turned off machines, and gave him a clean bill of health.

“He seems like a nice doctor.”

“He is also a werewolf, but he doesn’t advertise it since he has a couple of non-werewolf patients that would probably be scared of him if they knew.”

“Gotcha. So, besides the medical building what else do you have around here.”

“Well, I’ll be happy to give you a tour. I'll show you my house first where you'll be able to meet the alpha and luna when you're conscious.”

We make our way to my house where I find dad in his study doing some pack stuff and mom is making dinner.

"Hey, Conall good to see you up and around. My name is Daciana. I'm the luna and Lyna's mom. I'm just making some venison chili on this cooler day, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Sure I'd love to your cooking smells delicious."

"Lyna why don't you get your dad from the study and tell him dinner's ready."

"Sure mom."

Thank goodness I got get outta there. I finally find dad but he wasn't in the study he was in their room.

"Hey, Dad what's up? Mom said you were in the study."

"I was but I just needed a moment between pack stuff and you potentially meeting your mate it was a lot to take in." I stood there shocked.

"How did you know that??"

"Your mom mind linked me when you walked in the door telling me about the necklace."

"Of course she would..."

"Meeting your mate is a big deal! He is the future alpha of our pack!"


"Yeah, because of your heritage whoever is your mate is the future alpha. Eventually, your mom and I will retire as alpha and luna, then you and your mate will be in charge."

Whoa...that's some heavy stuff. While dad and I were talking I hear Lyall come in the door. Dad must've invited him over for dinner to talk about pack stuff. Besides the silly necklace glowing the whole time, he was around me. I could feel my wolf starting to howl. I gave him the grand tour of my home, but as I was giving the tour and got to my room I started to feel excruciating pain. I started to cry again and the next thing I know I can feel myself shifting. Between crying and screaming, I could hear the others running up to me, and they all figured what was going on and tried to soothe me.

“Stay with us Lyna.” I hear my dad trying to comfort me and trying to move me to my bed.

“It hurts daddy! I have no idea what’s going on!”

“You’re having your first shift! It can happen either when it’s your time or an extreme milestone like meeting your mate can cause your wolf to come out” Mom tried to comfort me with her experience. I remembered her telling me about her first shift before I left to check on Conall this morning.

“Well, she’s just as upset as me! This really hurts!” I could feel bones shifting, my claws started to come out, my fangs retracted, my blonde fur started to rip through my mid-length sleeve, sweetheart neckline, knee-length periwinkle dress with white lace along the heart part of my chest. Soon my wolf had fully emerged, and I let out a long crying howl. Everyone looked at me in awe and smiled. I could hear them talking to me in my head.

“Congratulations Lyna…you just shifted for the first time. Normally this would be a ceremony in of itself, but I guess she didn't want to wait.” My mom was the first to congratulate me. The others heard the news from dad via mind link and quickly came over. They decided to shift too, they made it look so easy, but they do have some years of practice on me.

“Does it become less painful the more you do it?” I asked through my crying and howling…Calla surprisingly answered my question.

“Yeah, it does become easier, just need to remember some extra clothes. Also, you get to name your wolf.”

“Name it?”

“Yeah, can’t go on just calling her, she or wolf all the time. It’s disrespectful.”

“Alright…well can’t say I haven’t thought about her name…I thought of Emerald after my birthstone or Hazel since of our eyes.”

Yeah, not great ideas but at least it’s something for being put on the spot. Mom was the first to speak up.

"I like Emerald, but maybe Emmy as a cute nickname." Mom smiled and nuzzled me I could tell she was so proud of me. Lyall was of course the first to speak up after my parents.

“I like Hazel it’s pretty…just like your pretty eyes.” I blushed at his comment. I didn’t think he saw me like that. Maybe the necklace was wrong? I’m not sure mom seemed pretty confident about it working. Next to speak up was Reika.

“I like the name Emerald nice nod to your parents and your birthday.” Reika was one of the closer she-wolf friends, well at least closer than Calla. Calla surprisingly was the next to speak up.

“I like Emerald and Emmy too.” Ulva looked deep in thought but she eventually decided on something.

“I also like Emerald and Emmy seems like it’d be cute.” The rest of the guys looked uncomfortable about talking about girly stuff like this, but at least they’re somewhat helpful. Raff and Raoul mumbled to each other, Amaruq and Renouf were mumbling too. Raff and Raoul were the first to speak up.

“We also like Emerald and Emmy,” Raoul spoke for the two of them.

“Seems like Emerald and Emmy is popular, and as much as I appreciate your opinion Amaruq and Renouf I can tell you’re uncomfortable. So, sounds like Emerald or Emmy is it I like it. I’m sorry my first shift had to be under these circumstances, but I’m glad that I got to meet her. Sorry, Conall you had to see that...”

"No, it's ok. I'm glad I got to be here for such an important event." He hugged me and I can see mom smiling at us, guess she approved of us.

"Alright let her get some rest before we eat. Guess you're more than welcome to stay for dinner since you're all here."

Dad tried to get everyone out of the room except for mom and Conall. Good thing mom likes to make extra food in case something like this happens. Well, I definitely didn't expect to meet my wolf today, but I'm glad I did. I had always been curious about what she would look like. Sometimes I can hear her in my head trying to talk to me, and it'd freak me out, but I could always talk to her about things that I didn't want to talk about with mom and dad. I smile at mom and Conall giving them some comfort that I was ok, but I still had to figure out how to change back to myself. That was the hard part...but luckily mom talked me through it and I was myself again.

"It does get better as you keep doing it. Soon it'll be easy as breathing, but for now yeah it's going to hurt."

"Great...but I am getting hungry, can I have some of that venison chili you made?"

"Sure let's all go downstairs and get something to eat."

We eat like a pack family and it just felt right. Like this is how it was supposed to be... We all had a good time, the others left while Conall, myself, and my parents were the only ones left. They wanted to get to know him, and he probably wanted to get to know me, and who better to tell them than my parents. We talk until the late hours of the night and I eventually fall asleep on his lap. The rest of them probably laughed at me and Conall put me to bed. I could smell his scent for a while, but he was gone by morning.

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