Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 2, unexpected guest

The weeks and months went by her belly started to get more round around 20 weeks. She and Marrok went back to Doctor Luan to find out the gender and make sure he or she is healthy.

“Ah, Alpha Marrok and Luna Daciana I have been expecting you. Everything is all set up for you two.” They headed back to the exam room to see the ultrasound all set up. Daciana laid down on the table and the gel was put on the wand for the ultrasound.

“Now let us see if we will have a future alpha or luna, shall we?” Takes a bit to find the little one but they eventually find it. “Ah, there it is. Looks like it is just one so that is fine for the human part of you. Usually, it is common for werewolves to have twins but looks like it is just one. Now to find out the gender…looks like we have a future…luna! Congratulations it is a little girl!” Daciana started crying, Marrok was smiling with joy and pride in his daughter.

“Thank you, doctor! I am so excited for this little girl!” Daciana smiled at him.

“I am sure you are, now we all know that werewolves heal quickly but after childbirth, it will probably take a couple of days to fully heal from it. So, they will probably recommend that you two (you and baby girl) will stay in the mother's recovery area. This is standard for normal human labor and delivery anyway, so if you know any non-werewolves, they will not think it is strange for you to be in the hospital for a little while.”

“No, not really, just our pack and maybe some of their friends who also happen to be werewolves, surprisingly.” Marrok mentioned.

“Well, that is a good thing. Having to explain our ways to a human can overwhelm them and sometimes chase them away if someone has a human mate.” Doctor Luan explained.

“Everyone in our pack is of age to mate, but no one has found their mate, yet which is kind of surprising usually they do in their teen years,” Marrok explained looking a little worried and confused.

“Do not worry it will happen in their own time. They can mate with either the two ladies in your pack, another pack, or a human.” Doctor Luan tried to calm his alpha’s nerves and worries.

“You are probably right, we met later. We were in our early 20s when we met. So, I am not worried about my pack. Thank you doctor for the good news.” Marrok smiled and helped Daciana get the gel off her belly and helped her off the table.

“Baby will be here before we know it, so I want to see you weekly now until you are in labor.”

“Whatever you ask, doctor, see you soon.” As they were heading back to their alpha house, they heard an injured wolf. Thinking it was one of their own they ran towards the whimpering sound. As they got closer they realized that it was a young werewolf teen girl laying on the ground crying…poor girl had no clothes on, probably had just phased back into her human form, long wavy black hair, golden eyes…

“My dear girl, what happened to you??” Daciana’s maternal instincts were already kicking in…

“Please I-I have been left he-here by the people who I thought were my family…” The poor girl looks like she has been crying and left her for a while. The smell on her smelled of a wolf.

“Guess home is not what you thought it was…what pack are you from?”

“I-I am not from this area…we traveled a long time and when I was getting changed from being in my wolf form for a while, they took my clothes, and left me here…” still not giving up her name or pack they were getting concerned…

“We are the luna and alpha of the Wild Forest pack, we are from this area. We were actually on our way home if you would like to join our pack?”

“I-I would like that. Thank you kind luna.” Daciana got her up, gently to not expose herself too much but luckily, they were far enough away from most people that no one could see her. As they got closer to Doctor Luan’s office, the mystery girl tried to cover herself up more.

“Do not worry, Doctor Luan is a werewolf doctor, he can give you the help you need.”

“Th-Thank you…you are a very kind luna.” Daciana and the mystery girl went inside and Marrok went back home to get some extra clothes for this mystery girl.

“Daciana, I did not expect to see you so soon. Who is this?”

“That is the question of the moment, we were heading home from our appointment when we found this girl deserted from her pack. She has not told me her name or her pack, but by the mark on her back, I think she is from the Crescent pack down south. She said that she was not from around here, she traveled a long time in her wolf form, and when she was getting changed back into her human form for whatever reason they took her clothes and left her here. Marrok went back home to get her some clothes.”

“You did the right thing by bringing her here…I will see what I can do. Come child, let me see you…I am not going to hurt you. I am Doctor Luan I am the werewolf doctor around here. Do you know how long you have traveled, if you have hunted recently, had any water?”

“Um I think we traveled for a couple of days…we last hunted last night maybe early this morning; think I found a stream nearby before I got deserted.”

“Alright that is good, at least you are not starving, but probably hungry. I will be right back.”

Doctor Luan kept a cooler of meat in a room next to his office just in case of emergencies like this. “Here, it is fresh venison meat. If you want, I can have someone cook it for you or you can change into your wolf form and have it raw. I just want you to eat something.” She changed into her wolf form rather quickly for a teen, it must not have been her first time. It gets easier to change the more you do it. She changed into a mostly black wolf with some lighter black near the legs and face. She chowed down on the venison like she had not eaten in a day…she ran to find water in the office and the closest thing she could find was a water cooler in the waiting room which she broke off and water spilling on the floor she lapped it up. It was worse than Daciana and Doctor Luan thought she was lying. It had been longer than she said she had eaten and had water.

“I thought you had told us you had eaten and had water today…by the way your wolf is acting you are acting like you had not eaten or had water in a long time…” Daciana got down on the floor with her. The girl looked up with those sad, puppy eyes, the eyes of “yeah it had been a long time, and I could not say anything” kind of look.

“I am so sorry dear girl…we will try to get you the help you need…come we have some recovery rooms to help you.” The wolf walked beside them and laid down on the patient table. The girl changed back into her human self, and still had that sad look on her face.

“I wanted to tell you the truth but my alpha…Alpha Adolfo said that I would get in even more trouble if I told…”

“What did you do that made them want to desert you or what do they think you did wrong?” Daciana wanted to stay with this girl the whole time that she was treated since as of a few minutes ago she was in their care.

“They thought I was unfaithful to my pack, which is crazy cause they are my family! I was born and raised there. I have no reason to be unfaithful to them. Oathbreakers are the worst. They are considered the lowest form of a coward that will be shunned from the pack…”

“And what oath did they think you broke?”

“Not being loyal to my alpha and luna…which is crazy because I have no reason not to be loyal to them. They are a sweet and fair alpha and luna…” Her eyes sparkled as she spoke of her former alpha and luna and her pack tattoo is slowly fading meaning that she does not have a pack anymore.

“Will you please tell us your name and pack? So, we know who we are talking to.”

“Well, I guess it’s no secret anymore. I was part of the Crescent pack and my name is Ulva…Ulva Tamaska…”

“The name sounds familiar, but I am glad to meet you, Ulva.” It took some time, but they finally got a name and the pack…Doctor Luan was close by to hear the conversation and he was able to start a chart for her. Her symptoms are hunger, dehydration, and desertion.

“Thank you luna…you have been so kind to me…can I stay with your pack until I can get back on my feet or paws.”

“Of course, my dear! You are more than welcome to stay with us. I can ask our Alpha and Beta to show you around our little community.” Marrok eventually showed up with the extra clothes, and she got changed into some relaxed clothes that Daciana was not wearing now because of her belly. A long-sleeved teal shirt, black hoodie, and jeans. They took her back to their community where Marrok and Lyall were standing near the entrance and greeted her like they had known her, her whole life.

Their community was still in the forest which gave them easy access to hunting but not too far away from the human stuff that people would not get suspicious if they saw them around town. There was the Alpha house, Beta house, the pack center which is outside and big enough for rituals performed by Marrok the alter, and to the right of the pack center the non-ranked and non-mated members live there.

Directly behind the ritual alter there is a community building for non-ritual stuff, kind of like a rec center for birthdays, teens first shift, wedding alliances, and even funerals. It is the largest single-story building, enough to hold everyone in the pack. The second-largest building is a couple of hundred yards away from the community building. The Alpha’s house is a two-story house. Of course, home to Marrok, Daciana, and their future daughter. If Marrok had unmated siblings they would live with him too, but they are mated and living in their own packs. 50 yards away to the right is the Beta house, Lyall’s house. Smaller than the Alpha house, but he got the house with the title of Beta, so he does not complain. For when Marrok does appoint a Gamma (third in command) he or she will get their own house which is another 50 yards to the left of the Alpha house.

Basically, if you want to know who is in charge look for the three biggest houses. Across from the pack, the center is the medical building that holds medical equipment, a recovery ward, a maternity ward (which is where Daciana will be recovering from her birth hopefully soon), to the left of the medical building is Doctor Luan’s house.

“Hi Ulva, my name is Marrok, this is my Beta and goof-ball best friend Lyall. We are not too far away from normal human stuff like the grocery store and stuff like that, but we do not use it too much since we naturally hunt and Reika started a produce garden not too far from the food prep building if we have a normal meal. Which has been happening more often lately with Daciana not being able to shift.”

“Why not?” Ulva got worried for a moment about her new friend.

“Because I am 20 weeks pregnant with our daughter, if it was not pretty obvious, she likes to make herself known,” Daciana smirked and laughed a little. Ulva sighed with relief that nothing was wrong with her.

“Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations!”

“Thank you. We are very excited for her arrival, which is hopefully soon.”

“Anyway ladies, that is the little tour of our home. Our lands are self-sufficient. We have solar panels on our buildings, greenhouses, farmlands, raising livestock near the food prep building, and we also of course hunt the local game.”

“Yeah, I heard the livestock on the way here, made me hungry…”

“How about we call the whole pack to dinner and you can meet everyone.” Marrok smiled and lead her the way towards food.

“Yeah, I would like that.”

Ulva smiled at the thought of food. It took a couple of days in wolf form, walking from the southern part of the Winterthur mountains to the Northern, and since they thought she was disloyal to the pack they did not give her a lot of food mainly scraps and a little bit of water. So, when she actually had a decent meal of mixed meats some salmon, and some elk with some fresh peppers and onions from the garden.

After everyone enjoyed a good meal prepared by the ladies and Marrok helped with the butchering of the salmon and elk, they enjoyed everyone’s company before heading off to their home for the night.

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