Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 16, recovery

I was so lucky we had a brilliant doctor. He knew exactly what to do to make her better.

“I will need 24 hours to make her better, and then she can be a beautiful bride. She has a slow heart rate, sweating, she’s cold and I can smell vomit on her mouth which is common with this poison. I can give her an IV to help her hydrate her since of the vomiting, give her some atropine to help with the side effects of the poison, and we can monitor her heart so she can get back to a normal rate again. Also, we will need to take off any clothing that has had contact with the poison so most likely her pants. The good news is he used little the actual poison probably just a thin coat on the silver knife and only a single stab wound to her leg. Luckily where he stabbed was only muscle and won’t have any effects but I’m sure it hurt a lot. Enough to bring her pain and suffering but it wasn’t lethal.

The bad news is that she spent half a day with poison in her system when she should be getting ready for the wedding. Once she wakes up we will give her this charcoal tea and other strong teas that she will have to drink to help get the poison out. I will let you know every step of the way. We will get her better.” I breathe a sigh of relief that she can be healed so quickly, but I couldn’t help but growl at the fact that he tortured her for half a day…lucky we were able to find her quickly and get her home. I didn’t leave her side for a moment. Lyall was able to handle things while I was with Lyna. All the machines were doing their thing and making sure she was ok for now.

She felt so cold…I tried to warm her up with warm blankets, and my hands hoping it’d help some. I felt so useless…Lyall would sometimes mindlink me to keep me up to date on the last-minute details of the wedding and some pack stuff. Luna Griselda hasn’t come back from the cabin with Sterling so either she really needed to talk to him or something is really wrong. I’m surprised that he doesn’t know about Lyna by now. She must be really good at distracting him. I’ll let her pack deal with that psycho all I want is my mate back…I hope we weren’t too late…

Lyna (all in her head)

Ugh, my head…what happened to me?

“Conall and Lyall rescued you along with others,” Emmy tells me and I’m startled.

“Geez, Emmy give me a heart attack why don’t you!? I scold her for scaring the crap out of me.

“Sorry, Lyna…you were slightly poisoned by that knife Sterling stabbed you with…luckily Conall and his search crew found you in time otherwise the poison would’ve spread to your organs and it would’ve not been good for us…to put it lightly.”

“I remember getting sick, throwing up the poison I suppose, getting cold and I guess I must’ve passed out…I don’t remember him rescuing me. I tried to call for help and that was the last thing I remember.”

“Well, Doc Bader is taking good care of us to get us better by the wedding. He says that in 24hrs we will be good as new and we can be pretty again for the wedding!”

“Well, that’s a relief…I missed Conall and Lyall so much…”

“I missed Randon too…”

“Well, the sooner we get better the sooner we can get back to them! I can hear machines hooked up to me.”

You didn’t think our mate would take care of us?? He looked for you for hours, found you thanks to the Crescent pack giving us some vital info, Griselda distracted Sterling long enough for you to escape the house, put you on Randon’s back, and ran you home to get help.”

“Whoa…we have a special mate…”

“I like to think so. He is going to be a good leader when he takes over.” I could feel Emmy smiling with pride.

“Let’s wake up soon so we can make our mate less worried…”

“I agree…I wanna see him.”


She was unconscious for a few hours…Doc Bader has tried all of his treatments and some of my ideas to help make her comfortable and make her feel better, and it might’ve helped some but she’s not awake yet. I almost fall asleep next to her when I hear her groan.

“Conall…” She lightly squeezes my hand to jolt me awake.

“Lyna! You’re awake! Oh, thank goodness!” I relax and breathe a sigh of relief when I hear her calling to me.

“I’ve missed you too…what happened? I remember Sterling kidnapping me, getting stabbed, trying to get help which clearly got through, and then nothing…” She tried to smile but I could see the hurt in her eyes…she was supposed to be an alpha and she let her guard down.

“After you sent for help, Luna Griselda gave us the information about the cabin and how to get there, she distracted him while we got you outta there. I untied you from that chair you were sitting in, and Lyall helped you out the window, you rode on my wolf back and got you here safe and sound. Sterling hasn’t noticed yet and if he does know he’s not acting on it anymore. Haven’t heard from her since we got you back, and frankly if anyone can tame that psycho it’s her.”

“Thank you for rescuing me. I feel like I let you guys down. I’m supposed to be the leader and taking care of you guys, not the other way around. Maybe I’m not a good alpha after all…” I can tell that she was disappointed, and she did have a point, but I didn’t want to tell her that.

“You have done an excellent job as alpha since your parent’s death. I think they’d be proud of you.”

“Thanks, hun…but maybe it’s time for you to be alpha now and I get to be luna.

Yes, we are…don’t let that psycho beta get to you.” I could hear her mom giving her advice which made her sit up in her bed and get teary-eyed. Not long after she heard from her mom, Doc. Bader came in to check in since all of her machines were going off.

“Ah, Lyna glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?”

“Mostly tired, but glad to be home. How bad was the damage?” She looked nervous and I grabbed her hand for support.

“It wasn’t too bad. Besides the stab wound to the leg, you had some dehydration, malnutrition probably since he wasn’t feeding or giving you water while there. That jerkface…your heart rate was really slow around 40bmp, so we had to keep a close eye on that, also low blood pressure but the heart rate and blood pressure is work of the poison. So that’s why you’re hooked up to the heart machines. I’ll have some nurses work on making you some charcoal tea. The activated charcoal can help with the contamination, it binds to the poison and stops it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Not a lot of research is on this but I can keep looking. I’m curious about this myself, but for now, you will be drinking strong teas along with the charcoal tea. It’s probably going to be gross but you’ll only drink one charcoal tea a day. Atropine being the antidote to Monkshood is no folklore. The two poisons act on the same sodium-ion channels, causing opposite effects. The most important thing is for you to not panic it’ll only make things worse. So we will keep an eye on you for now and see how you’re feeling.”

“Well, it’s not like I’m going anywhere anytime soon.” I couldn’t help but smile at her sense of humor. At least she found something to laugh about in a time like this.

“True. Well, I know you’re in capable hands with our soon-to-be alpha so I’ll leave you two alone and let the medicine work.” He let everything he had given her to let it do its thing and I just wanted to hold her and comfort her. She looks at me with a smile and cuddles up with me.

“I will be up there to marry you on Christmas.”

“I hope so…”

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