Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 15, kidnapped

Ugh… where was I? I felt like I was hit by a truck that hit a tree… when I woke up I realized that, of course, I wasn’t at home… not good. I could sense someone, the same someone that took me in the first place. Great kidnapped days before my wedding! This wasn’t how I planned on spending my last days as a single lady…

“Hello… can anybody hear me!? I’m awake but I have no idea where I am or who took me…” I could hear the sighs of relief from my pack when they heard from me.

“Thank goodness Lyna! We will find you! We’ll try to find your scent and go from there, just hang in there, babe!” I could hear and feel the worry in his voice and his heart. We are five days, well minus the rehearsal we have four days away from our wedding and this happens!? Ugh… suddenly I hear something, maybe footsteps!

“Hello? Who goes there?” I ask cautiously but realize that I’m tied up…because of course, I am…kidnapping 101…

“Ah, your awake…excellent…” Ugh, I knew that creepy voice anywhere…it was Sterling…

“What do you want Sterling!? Please let me go I need to go home!”

“Oh I know you do, a wedding is such a precious day in anyone’s life! Just not yours cause you probably won’t make it and you’ll be with your stupid parents again soon…torturing you is going to be so much fun!”

Guys it’s Sterling! I need help!” Just as I was able to get my help message out I feel him cut me on my outer thigh, hopefully not a lethal spot with something “What did you do to me!?”

“Oh, just a little concoction that I made…wolfsbane and silver along with a knife that I made with a silver blade but gold handle so I can hold it. Both lethal to a werewolf if not treated right away…”

“If this is about Adolfo, he challenged me!” Grasping at straws trying to come up with something to help myself.

“Oh, I know he did…he was stupid to do that. I told him not to but he was desperate, but enough about him.”

“What do you want from me?? Why did you kidnap me!?” Those were my main questions. I mean true I knew he hated my guts for killing his alpha, but come on grow up and move on!

“I wanted your pack to suffer like ours did without an alpha…so you will die a slow and painful death then your pack will be alpha less. Then we will take over your pack just like you wanted to take over ours!” I could hear him laughing…really an evil plan monologue and an evil laugh what is this a bad superhero movie!?

“You…you’re a terrible superhero villain, ya know that?” Trying to lighten the mood a little…it’s too depressing.

“I can always cut you with more wolfsbane and silver you know.” The tip of the knife near my neck ready to slice it…

“Sterling, sterling he’s the man yay.” I weakly came up with a generic high school cheer it sounded pitiful but with as much wolfsbane and silver in me, that was the best he was gonna get.

“Much better…” He walks away from me and I just wait and hope my messages got through to the others…

Conall’s POV

“Hello…can anybody hear me!? I’m awake but I have no idea where I am or who took me…” We let out a sigh of relief from my pack when we heard from Lyna.

“Thank goodness Lyna! We will find you! We’ll try to find your scent and go from there, just hang in there babe!” I needed my bride back… we from our own pack, the Crescent pack who wanted to help, and the council made up our search party.

Guys it’s Sterling! I need help!” That was the last message we got and all of a sudden, I fell to the ground in agonizing pain grabbing onto my right thigh!

“Lyna is in trouble! She’s hurt! Let Doc Bader know to set up a room for Lyna when we come back with her. We only have FOUR DAYS to find her before the wedding! So let’s bring her home!” With us being mates if one of us is hurt the other can feel it as if they’re in pain too…

“Don’t worry Conall we will find her.” Lyall was her best and closest friend…for a while I honestly thought they were going to be mates.

“Her scent is evergreen and hot chocolate if we find it, we find her,” I smirk as I remember her love of her mom’s hot chocolate… “She was behind the house a few hundred yards away…I could almost see her, but couldn’t see who her attacker was…” I could feel my wolf, Randon whimpered knowing we should’ve done more to help our mate…

It’s not your fault, Conall. I miss her, but that just gives us more motivation to get her back!” As we hopped off our porch we shifted and split into groups. I lead our pack in one search group, the few members of Crescent Pack that wanted to help, which seemed to be mostly ladies, a teen boy, their Gamma Gunnolf, a wolf witch (a hybrid that can shift into a wolf and have witch powers), and another guy, were in another group, and the council was in a third group. How in the world are we gonna find her in three days!? Just hope and pray for a miracle…


Ugh…I think I’ve been stuck where ever I am for maybe a few hours, maybe half a day hopefully I can get back before the wedding…I tried to at least stop the bleeding with the hem of my shirt that I ripped off…so much for looking pretty for my wedding…at least he hasn’t tried to cut me again…which I suppose I should be grateful, and they can be hidden with my wedding dress. All I smell is my blood, the wolfsbane in my system and maybe…that can’t be right…I smell wood, maybe a wood cabin?? Where the heck am I?? What would I give to be with Conall right now…stupid Sterling…maybe I can attempt to get some help and get out of here before the wedding…?

“Anyone out there…hello?” I pray and hope that my weak message can get to the others…

Lyna! We’re coming, babe! We need more info on where to find you!” Oh, thank goodness it was so good to hear his voice!

“I’m somewhere that smells of wood maybe a cabin. I’ve been tied to a chair and Sterling has been stabbing me with a silver knife that has been laced with wolfsbane…so much for looking pretty for the wedding…” I can hear Lyall and Conall growling as I tell them what’s been happening to me for who knows how long…

“You’ll still be beautiful, babe! We’re all coming to get you and bring you home!”

Please hurry…I’m not sure if I’ll make it to the wedding…I have a lot of poison in me…” I was fading slow enough to make this torture but not fast enough for a quick death…at this rate, I was just hoping for a miracle. Either I join my parents where ever they are or Conall saves me and I can get healed enough to attend my wedding.

Stay with me Lyna! I can smell you! I’m on my way!”

Please help…” My mindlink was long enough to get them the info they needed but I didn’t have enough energy to keep my link open…


I’m sniffing the ground when I hear the sweetest good news I’ve heard all day!

Anyone out there…hello?” Lyall and I perk up looking around to see her but realize it’s her mindlink.

Lyna! We’re coming, babe! We need more info on where to find you!” Oh, thank goodness it was so good to hear her voice! Randon perked up too when he heard her too.

“I’m somewhere that smells of wood maybe a cabin. I’ve been tied to a chair and Sterling has been stabbing me with a silver knife that has been laced with wolfsbane…so much for looking pretty for the wedding…” Lyall and I growl thinking what that jerk has done to her.

“You’ll still be beautiful, babe! We’re all coming to get you and bring you home!”

Please hurry…I’m not sure if I’ll make it to the wedding…I have a lot of poison in me…” She was fading slow enough to make this torture but not fast enough for a quick death which is a relief…at this rate, I was just hoping for a miracle…

Please help…” Her mindlink was long enough to get us the info we needed but she didn’t have enough energy to keep my link open…

We’re coming babe…help is coming!” I had hoped she had heard it, but unlikely…she was probably going unconscious again…we ran as fast as we could.

“Crescent Pack and council! Just got word from Lyna! She thinks she’s in a cabin! Did Sterling have a family cabin or a cabin that was special to him?”

“Yeah, I think he mentioned having a family cabin maybe 20mi NE of our pack territory. Close enough that he could come back in wolf form if we needed him, but far enough away that he could get a break when he needed it.”

“Luna Griselda thank you! That’s where we’re going! Luna, you can lead the way since you know where it is!” She came up to me in her grey wolf form and lead the way. Luckily, it didn’t take long from where we were, maybe a few hours in wolf form. We surrounded the house trying to figure out a game plan on how to get Lyna out.

Anyone have any ideas on how to draw him out long enough to get Lyna out? I can smell her weak scent. She probably doesn’t have long before she needs medical attention if she doesn’t need it already.” I cringe at the thought of what state she’s in…

I have an idea…” Luna Griselda had shifted into her human form with a change of clothes on. “I always knew that Sterling had a crush on me, even before I was mated to Adolfo. Maybe I can…charm him long enough for you guys to get Lyna out and get her the help she needs!”

“I owe you big time if this works Luna…be careful…” She was crazy to even come up with this idea…but if she thinks she can do it more power to her.

Luna Griselda

I look back at the others who I now considered my friends…I ruffle my wavy hair some to make it look nice, spread out, and wipe off some mud on my long-sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, and jeans. A little light pink lip gloss always does the trick and I knock on the door.

“Sterling it’s Griselda. Open the door I know you’re in there!” I hear stomping coming from inside.

“What are you doing here??” I obviously surprised him since he definitely didn’t expect me to show up at his door.

“You told me that you came here whenever you wanted a break from the pack. I figured you’d be hiding here.” I twirl my hair trying to turn him on.

“Well, you found me now go away!” He tries to close the door on me but I stop him.

“Now is that how you treat your luna and former lover?” He looks at me with a look of shock like I had discovered his biggest secret.

“H-how did you know that??” He slowly turns around and gives me a stare of shock and ‘I can’t believe you know that’.

“Oh come on any woman knows when a guy likes her. I have known for a while, but since I was mated to Adolfo I couldn’t do anything, but now that he’s dead, maybe you could be my second chance.” I blush a little, maybe there is some truth to it. Maybe I could turn him around and change him. I highly doubt that, but hey it’s possible. I had heard that being mated to your true mate could change you for the better. That obviously wasn’t true for Adolfo, but maybe true for Sterling. “So, are you going to leave me out in the cold or are you going to let me in?” He turns to the side to let me in and he takes me to a makeshift living room. I nod to Conall’s wolf letting him know that my plan was working and I see him sneaking inside.

“Of course come inside. I can get you some blankets, you must be cold from your traveling.” When he wants to be he can actually be chivalrous, but ever since Adolfo was in his life he had changed Sterling for the worse. In a way, I was glad that Lyna killed Adolfo. My son, Amarok, who was now 16, did not grow up with that kind of influence in his life and came along with me to help Lyna. I obviously did not tell him at the time who had killed his father, but I think he could figure it out now. He was now a nice young man who I am proud of. Sterling came back with a Sherpa blanket and wrapped it around me to warm up by the fireplace.

“You really think I could be your second chance? I thought those were just myths.” He looked at me with that puppy-eyed silver-grey eyes and I felt like I had turned into a puddle.

“It’s possible. Just give me a simple hug and see if you feel anything between us like we did when we were younger.” I may be 20, but not too long ago maybe four or five years ago I seriously thought Sterling was my mate, but I didn’t have my wolf yet to confirm. I met Adolfo when I was 16 and had my first shift and realized that he was my mate…ugh I should’ve rejected him…

“Yeah, I can feel the spark.” He smiled at me and it was like I could see the old him again. The one who was kind and gentle to me, not this obsessive psycho in front of me holding my friend hostage!

“Come let us warm up in the shower.” I take his hand and let him lead me to the bathroom. I really did need a shower, I smelled of woods the whole time we were looking for Lyna, but since we do live outside it didn’t seem off to him.


She was brave and crazy for doing this, but if she can break him of this obsessive psycho thing he has going on, good for her. She nods to me as she goes inside and I put our plan into motion. She distracts him with her flirtiness and I can get Lyna out of there and get her help! I smell around to find her scent. The house is on a hill and there seemed to be a back porch or a basement in the back. The chimney was smoking so he had a fire going so I guess Griselda can use that to her advantage. One group was with me and the other was on the other side of the house trying to smell her, and then I find the most wonderful scent of evergreen and hot chocolate!

I found her! She’s in the basement! I can see her through this window!” I attempt to throw a pebble at the small window to get her attention but she seems to be too far gone. I shift back to my human self, put on some shorts quickly, and unlock the window. I climb down and run as quickly to her as I can and untie her from this uncomfortable wooden chair.

“Babe it’s me! We found you! Come on we are going to take you home!” I grab her into my arms, slide her out the window where Lyall was waiting to grab her, and I got myself out. I didn’t see Griselda in the living room which meant she had distracted him away from the windows facing the front yard. She had done it! I should thank her sometime! I shifted back to my wolf form and Lyall put her on my back and I run as fast as I can while still having her on me. I get her home safely and get her to the doctor.

“Conall you did it! Let us get this poison out of our alpha, shall we?” He grabbed her from my back, took her to an empty room, and started hooking up the medicine. The wedding was in three and a half days. Luckily, she was gone for only maybe five hours and we can give her medicine. We cut it close and any sooner we would’ve found her dead. Doc Bader was yelling his orders that I had no idea what it meant, all I hoped for was that it’d cure my bride in time for our wedding. Heart and blood pressure monitors were turned on to monitor those. I stayed out of his and his team’s way and let them do their thing to help my Lyna get better. Her heart was weak, but she at least had a heartbeat so that’s all it mattered to me. Now for the waiting game…

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