Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 14, wedding planning gone wrong

With all the excitement of the wedding and Lyall finding his mate I almost forgot about the possibility of being pregnant since my first heat, I didn’t feel pregnant, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get a test from the medical building. I went and grabbed one did my thing and confirmed my curiosity… not pregnant… well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised I would’ve felt it by now if I was… it would’ve made a great Christmas present. Probably for the better that I’m not pregnant right now. With the wedding only a few days away I’d like to be able to fit in my dress. Lucy has surprisingly been helpful and has been the unofficial wedding planner on top of her job at the bridal salon.

She helped with flowers, food, and decorating ideas. I also helped too but she has been the brains of the operation. She’ll make a perfect beta female someday if only Lyall can convince her to stay with us. Everything seemed to come into place, and we hadn’t heard anything from Crescent Pack yet…which made me worry. We may be allies, but I would’ve thought that I would’ve heard something from their luna. At least an RSVP to the wedding, but nothing. Just thinking about Sterling made me cringe…bleh I don’t even want to think about him. I’ll worry about them another day.

As the wedding got closer and closer things around here got more and more festive. Garland was hung around the ceremony space, a Christmas tree was decorated beautifully in the community center where the reception was going to be, and a buffet table was decorated with multiple garland strands that will be filled with goodies and food. Slowly the RSVPs from other alpha started to come in, but with it being Christmas most were saying they couldn’t go since they wanted to spend it with their own families. To be honest, I would be happy with just my own pack being there but as a formality, I sent it to others. Luckily the council said they would be there so that way it can be legal in the werewolf community. Normally only one had to show up, but since I had gotten close to all the members I thought it’d be nice to invite all of them.

With all the excitement I had little time to let Emmy out for a run…Lucy had come back again to see if any other preparations needed some help.

“Thanks again for all the help, Lucy. You have done an amazing job!” I look around in awe at her handy work. It was starting to look like a Christmasy wonderland around here!

“Your welcome, thanks for having me! Lyall has been so sweet and kind to me, and since I met you at my salon I just felt like we had a bond. Not just with him, but with all of you.” I smirked at her comment since I knew what it was, but Lyall will have to tell her in time. It wasn’t my place to tell her yet.

“We should be ready by Christmas Eve, which is good since that’s only four days away!” I mentally screamed in my head about that! Holy crap I had lost all track of time and what day it was!

“Is it already!? Yikes…I’m gonna leave this in your capable hands and I’m going to check on some other things.” I left the community center where she was prepping the centerpieces. It was a nice day to spend inside so I thought that I’d go for a run, but learning my lesson from leaving the hospital I better tell at least Conall and Lyall where I’m going.

Hey, Conall and Lyall I’m gonna go for a run in the woods behind my house, just to stretch Emmy’s legs for a little while. I’ll be back soon!” I cut off the mindlink and shifted into Emmy. Stretching out my paws felt so good and the ground wasn’t too cold on my paws. I could smell that snow would fall soon. It’d be nice to have a snowy wedding! I leave my extra clothes on the back porch and have my joy run. From all the stress of planning a wedding in roughly two weeks, I needed this. I run around like a puppy on its first run and having a good time! The smell of the cold air, the evergreens, and dirt all around me. As I was finishing up I could sense someone near me. It felt sort of familiar but it wasn’t someone from my pack.

Conall, Lyall I can sense someone close to the house, I’m on my way back from my run. Something doesn’t feel right…” I run quickly with the strength I had left to my house and I can see Conall on my back porch but just as I was almost in view of my house I felt a drugged cloth on my face! I was being smothered with something! I could hear Conall running towards me, but then just as I was fading I tried to send for some help!

Help please! Being smother-…” That was all I could get out before the drug took over me and I lost consciousness…

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