Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 13, dress shopping!

These next couple of weeks are gonna be crazy… what was I thinking of having our wedding be so soon!? Well, we made it into town, I almost forgot what it looked like since we rarely come here very much. It’s a small town, larger than a country town in the middle of nowhere, but not a city either. We eventually find the bridal salon in the downtown area and I am blown away by the styles and ideas for my dress. All I knew is that I wanted to wear mom’s veil with it. Hers was floor-length with a comb to help it stick in my hair. I always thought it was pretty when I was younger, I still do but not in the same way as I did as a child. A young woman probably early 20s, 5ft6 shiny penny-colored redhead, with icy blue eyes came toward us.

“Hi, I’m Lucy, and welcome to Lace Story, I’ll be helping you. Who’s my bride!?” Lucy got excited and I shyly raised my hand.

“I’m the bride, I’m Lyna.” She shook hands, but I could see from the corner of my eye that Lyall was going ballistic in his mindlink.

“Mate! Mate!” Lyall’s wolf, Lykos was clawing at him to come out.

Down boy, she’s human! Don’t scare her off!” I tried to calm him down but who knows if it did anything.

“So just some details I need to help narrow down the search for your dream dress. When’s the wedding?”

“Christmas Day.” I giggled and probably sounded like a crazy person.

“Wow, that does not give us a lot of time. So, your dress will have to come off the rack. What else can you tell me?”

“That’s ok. Outdoor nature ceremony surrounded by friends. Our families would be there if they could, but sadly they were killed a long time ago…hence why I brought my own veil it was my mom’s. I’d like my dress to somewhat coordinate with it.”

“Aww I’m so sorry…that’s rough but looks like you have a good group of friends with you. Bridesmaids I presume?”

“Yup, my friends Calla, Ulva, and Reika will be my bridesmaids but my closest friend Lyall will be my man of honor.”

“Aww thanks, Lyna.” We hugged each other, a nice surprise for him since he didn’t know until just now and I have no idea if it’s a thing or not, but hey it’s my wedding.

“Anyway dresses, um I’m thinking something simple, nothing in your face flashy but I do like some sparkle. Not too picky about style so we can try different ones. Price point we can discuss privately.”

“For you and your curves, I’d recommend a ballgown. Let me see what we got in our winter collection.” I followed Lucy around the shop and while there are some beautiful dresses they just didn’t scream ‘me’…I wish my mom was here to enjoy this with me…the girls and Lyall showed me some dresses too and again while pretty just didn’t seem to fit. After about an hour of looking, I didn’t think I’d find it in this collection but as we were about to give up, I saw this ballgown that caught my eye.

“Hey, Lucy…I’d like to try this one.” I hold up this beautiful white, floor-length ballgown. It had a sweetheart top that was covered with lace that made up some sleeves which were nice since it was going to be cold outside. The bodice had a little bit of lace but the rest of the skirt was tulle I think and had small sparkles that looked like snow was falling on it. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at it and I almost run to the dressing room to try it on. Reika came back with me to help with the zipper in the back.

“What do you think?” I couldn’t stop smiling! It was so beautiful I couldn’t stop starring at myself in the mirror.

“It is beautiful I think your mom would’ve loved it! Let’s see if the veil goes with it.” When Reika put it in my hair it just felt like it was meant to be. “Perfect…” I start crying and show the rest of the group.

“Oh, Lyna…Conall is going to flip when he sees you in this!” Calla hugged me when I came out and Lyall gave me a big smile of approval. He was the closest father figure I had in my life…so I thought it was appropriate that he came along. Finding his mate was just a perk. Lucy comes out with some jewelry and a white cloak and she starts to cry too.

“Oh, Lyna! This is perfect for you! You mentioned that it was a winter wedding so I thought some bridal gloves, this cloak, and hand muff would be pretty.” She hands me a white hooded floor-length cloak, white fingerless croquet gloves to help hold my bouquet, and the hand muff. I try everything on and it all seemed to go together.

“Lucy this is beautiful! Thank you for all your help!” I gave her a big hug. She was a big help.

“Oh and almost forgot. Can’t have a winter wedding without some snowflake jewelry.” She hands me some snowflake earrings that had a pearl danging on the bottom and a snowflake necklace that graced my neck just past my collarbone. “Now you’re ready…your groom is gonna melt all over you when he sees you! As for you man of honor, I have some guy’s jewelry to help with your suit.” She takes Lyall to look at cufflinks and I can tell she’s pretty smitten with him. They seem like a cute couple, I hope it works out for them. Lyall needs a good mate to take care of him…it was probably torture for him to be my closest friend and not be mates.

Invite her to the wedding!”

“Are you crazy!? I just met her! I don’t want to scare her off!”

“You’re not gonna scare her. Doesn’t hurt to at least ask…” I go back to the dressing room to change into my regular clothes and put my dress and cloak in a garment bag, and the accessories in the pockets.

“I’m all set when you are Lucy. Looks like the girls found their dresses” The ladies found a velvet, dark Emerald green, long-sleeved, v-neck, floor-length dress for their bridal party dress. She blushes at me and they picked out some snowflake cufflinks.

“Alright, we do have a promotion that when you buy a dress (bride’s or bridesmaids) the jewelry is free. So your earrings and necklace plus the bridesmaids’ jewelry are free. Also since that dress has been here for a while and we need to make room for new dresses it is half off!” I thought I had gone to heaven!

“Wow, great deals!” I pay for all our stuff with a card. Thankfully mom and dad left me with a nice wedding present of saving some money for it so they could pay for it even when they’re not here. All of us leave and head to the car, but Lyall stays behind to talk to Lucy.

“You girls wait for me in the car I won’t be too long,” I smirk at him knowing what he’s trying to do. “I don’t have a date for the wedding and I know it’s crazy but would you like to be my date?”

“Uh yeah, sure I’d love to go. I’ve never got to see my brides after they pay for my dresses so it’ll be nice to see it at the ceremony.” She smiles at him and lightly kisses his cheek. “I’ll come by Christmas eve to help with anything. Oh, and if Lyna needs any small alterations or the bridesmaids need some alterations here’s my card with my business and cell number on it.”

“Great I’m sure we’ll need it. See you then.” The girls and I cheer him on as he gets back in the car.

“Someone found their mate! Here I thought I was going to be the lucky one today.” I hug him so tightly I thought I was going to hurt him

“Come on let’s celebrate! Finding your mate is a big deal!”

“I know it is but I won’t see her again until Christmas Eve…”

“You got her number to ask her out on a date!” I nudge him lightly and plant that idea in his head.

“Yeah, I suppose I could. Come on let’s go home and put all this stuff away while the guys are not home. They took the opportunity to go suit shopping while you were gone,” I can only imagine how handsome he’s going to be in his suit…sigh ugh so far away! At least all of us had a good day today…

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