Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 12, taking care of business

A couple of weeks have gone by since our little visit with the Crescent pack and with wedding plans running through my head and the possible threat with Crescent pack, I’ve been a jumbled mess… while the luna wants peace and wants us to be allies I can tell that she may be the only one, but since she’s luna, they listen to her for now who knows how long that’ll last. I rummage through mom’s closet to see if I put her wedding dress in the attic or not. I at least wanted to wear her veil or something to have a piece of her on my wedding day… made me so sad that my parents would not be there on my big day… having my dad walk me down the aisle… my mom and I going dress shopping with me… not that I wouldn’t include my fellow she-wolves but it’s just something you do with your mom…

Lyall had given me the latest mail and lately, it’s just been more empty threats from Crescent pack’s beta, Sterling. I was half tempted to go down south to take care of the problem, but I had a life here. I had Conall and my pack to think of. Ugh…being alpha sometimes sucks…

“Conall, what do I do? On one hand, I want to kick Sterling’s butt and be done with him because I’m tired of these empty threats! On the other hand, I’m alpha, for now, I have a life here, a mate who loves me, and a pack who needs a leader…”

“And as much as I love you, I see you each day with these empty threats. I’d go down south with you to kick his butt too, but as you said our pack needs a leader if we go, they all go. Plus, that involves the council again and I don’t want to bother them again.”

“Well, that’s no help…I think I need to call a pack meeting…pack meeting NOW!” Everyone came to our house and followed me to the study. “We all know that Crescent Pack has been a pain in the butt since Alpha Adolfo was killed by yours truly. I know that the luna wants to join us, and maybe her sisters, but other than that I think the rest want to stay. Beta Sterling has been sending me empty threats since they last visited…as much as I’d love to kick his butt and put him in his place, I have to think about you guys and Conall. You need your leader…and I’m not going to let this pack become alpha less again!” Lyall was of course the first to speak up, he always does.

“I respect you very much as our leader, and you’ve done a great job leading a pack of wolves who are older than you, when some would give you crap because you’re still a young wolf, but as much as we’d like to keep you as our alpha, please kick his butt so we can get him off our land!” The rest smirked in agreement.

“Alright, then I guess we have a trip to prepare for. I want all of us to be ready by morning. Let’s go kick some beta butt! Oh, and someone also inform the council we’ll be needing Elder Mona and the rest of them again.”

“I’ll do it.” Calla stepped up. “I found them the first time and I can find them again.”

“Fine, you and Amaruq are in charge of doing that.” Those two shifted quickly and ran off to get the council members again. “Thanks, guys, for supporting me in doing this.”

“I could tell it was troubling you, babe but you don’t need approval from us to kick someone’s butt who clearly needs it.” Conall always knew the right thing to say. The next couple of days that it took to bring the council back was torture but once they showed up…again things could get started.

“I’m sorry Elder Mona and council to call you once again about Crescent pack, but since Alpha Adolfo’s death, Beta Sterling has not stopped threatening me. I figured it was time to take some action. I did not want to bring you back here so soon if I did not think it was necessary.” They seemed annoyed that they were back here again, but I didn’t have a choice.

“I have heard about his threats and I am glad that you did not take him on head-on. You are a wise alpha, Alpha Lyna.” Lyna gave Mona a gentle smile and let out a sigh of relief knowing that she did something right.

“Thank you, Elder Mona…I have…other things on my mind but I cannot move on with my other plans until I settle this.” Conall squeezed her hand trying to calm her, but it didn’t help much. She was a nervous wreck at the possibility of having to do another challenge. They all reach Crescent pack in good time before any rough weather came. Luna Griselda was the first to greet everybody.

“What a surprise Alpha Lyna. What can I do for you today?”

“I have been getting threats from beta Sterling and I am here to settle this once and for all.”

“I am so sorry! I did not know of this! I’ll ask everybody here now.” She mindlinks to the rest of her pack and slowly the rest of them show up. “Beta Sterling, what is this about?” She crosses her arms and looks at him with a pissed-off look.

“I’m not going to lie to you my luna…yes I’ve been threatening her because I do not want our alpha killer being our alpha!” Lyna takes a deep breath and walks towards him.

“If you have a problem then say it to my face and not in a letter!” Lyna let out a growl at Sterling trying to her point go through his thick head.

“I did when we originally met, but out of respect for my luna I backed off, for now.”

“I get you don’t want me as your alpha, but I didn’t want to be under your alpha either! He killed my parents! Why in the world would I listen to my parent’s killer!? Hell no! Why would listening to you be any better?? You’re just like him! Same high and mighty attitude and everything! You think you’re so smart but guess what you’re just a beta! The last time I checked that meant you had to listen to the highest-ranking member of your pack which is, for now, your luna! Now I would suggest listening to her unless you want some more trouble not only from her but from me. I survived the fight with your former alpha which means I can surely kick your butt too.” Everyone was silent…she did have a point. Luna Griselda steps up and tries to calm both down. Trying to hold them both back to keep from killing each other. Snarls and growls were exchanged but no violence yet.

“Look, we can’t change the past. Yes, my mate killed your parents and yes, Lyna killed my mate and your alpha…what’s done is done. You know what Alpha Adolfo wasn’t that great a man or leader anyway. I tried to see the good in him, but there wasn’t much good in him to see and he only made his way to the top because people were afraid of him, not because he was the best for the role. I respect Alpha Lyna because of how she handled everything that has been thrown her way including you. Now, Sterling, you will back off or I will strip you of your title and you will become a rogue! I do not want this kind of behavior in this pack ever again! I want to clean up my former mate’s mess that he has made and make this pack into a decent one. Do I make myself clear!?” Luna Griselda impressed everyone! She defused everyone’s anger and tried to make the best out of what has happened these past few months.

“Yes, my luna…” Sterling looked like a pup with his tail between his legs. She turns around on her heels and faces me with her confident and happy-natured self.

“Now as to answer your question from our last meeting. As much as I would like to merge with you, I think it is best for my pack if we stay separate, but I want to be an ally to you.”

“I think that is a great idea. Glad this could be handled without bloodshed. Thank you for your time luna.” I bowed my head to her and was glad that the council wasn’t needed besides an intimidation factor. They left to go back to their own home, and we went back to ours. The relief was all over my face when we got back, and I sat down in my living room…

“My goodness…can’t believe it went that smoothly! And Luna Griselda putting Sterling in his place was unbelievable! I don’t think she has ever done that before and it was amazing! So glad that the council wasn’t needed…now I can finally focus on our wedding!” Conall sat down next to me on the couch wrapping me in a hug.

“I think the stress just melted off your face. Maybe I can help you get rid of more stress.” He had a look of mischief on his face as he carried me to the bathroom to take a shower together. We got the water to the comfortable temperature we got in and just let the water melt our troubles away. I lean my head on his muscular chest and try to relax. I wrap him in a cuddly hug and bring him to a long and passionate kiss. He lathered me up with lavender and vanilla body wash to help me relax some more and I more focus on his hands than the soap. I lean against him as he lathers the soap on before I wash it off and I can feel my troubles melt away. He pulled me into another kiss despite still being soapy.

“You’re going to smell like lavender and vanilla if you keep getting soap on you.” I giggled as I saw the girly soap on him. I try to wash it off each other but he kept pulling me into warm and passionate kisses. As we finished up in the shower, we wrap a towel around ourselves to dry off, but he swoops me up in his arms and carries me to our room. I hear him growl softly in my ear as I can see his eyes slowly turn from a chocolate brown to black with lust.

“I have other plans for helping you relax. You are so beautiful…” Conall started to aggressively kiss her and she wraps her legs around his waist. Wrapping her arms around his neck so she can keep herself balanced. I break the kiss for a moment to catch my breath.

“You’d think I’d get used to your nakedness, but I suppose I will never get over that I just have a handsome mate…” I smirk at him and he smirks back I can hear Emmy howling in my head wanting to come out so badly.

“Please oh please let me out! Let me at him!”

“Really…you had to pick now to want to be let out…fine I’ll see what he says.”

“Emmy wants some time with Randon…is that alright with you guys?” I look at him with my puppy eyes and flash my eyelashes at him. He laughs at me and puts me down.

“Sure, why not Randon has been wanting to see Emmy again too.” We both shift to our wolves and go for a run in the snowy woods.

Must’ve snowed while we were gone.”

“I guess so, so now that you have me instead of Lyna what do you want to do, Randon?”

“Well, I can think of a few things, but you have to catch me first!” He starts to run off into the snowy woods behind the house and I howl after him. I chase him through the snow and evergreens until I finally nip his ear.

“I gotcha! You’re mine now!”

“Ooh the big bad alpha has me, what am I going to do?” He smirks at me and he nips my ear back. I nuzzle into his neck and he starts to groom me. After the nice groom, we start to walk back to the house, and he licks my face all the way home. We shift back to ourselves again and continue as we were before we were interrupted.

“Well, I think those two had a good time.” I kiss his cheek as we walk in the door and enter the kitchen.

“Yeah, I think so. How about some of your famous hot chocolate to warm up?”

“I had other ways in mind, but I suppose I can make some hot chocolate and put on a Christmas movie.” Christmas was only in 16 days and I had no idea what to get him…that is until I got the craziest idea. “Before I start the hot chocolate…what do you think of a Christmas wedding?”

“Christmas is about 2 weeks away!? How can we plan a wedding in that short of a time??”

“Well, Lyall is the officiant (it’d normally be me, but I can’t do it to my own wedding, that’d be weird, the ceremony can be here, not hard to hunt a few deer and a few rabbits that aren’t hibernating for the reception, I can find a dress and flowers; take the she-wolves with me into town to find one, I already know you have a nice suit, and I can leave the honeymoon to you. What else do we need? Think of it as my Christmas present to you, you get a wife for Christmas.” He looked shocked at my idea for my present but slowly he started to smile.

“I like it! Let us tell others!”

“Hey everybody! We have a wedding date! Christmas day!” I hear howls of congratulations and they tell us that it’s a great idea. Not long after our announcement the she-wolves and Lyall came to the house, grab my mom’s veil, and almost throw me to the car to go into town to look for a dress.

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