Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 17, unexpected guests


Under the watchful eye of Doc Bader, I was getting better. Even with drinking that nasty charcoal tea. I always felt like I was going to puke every time I drank it, and it made my mouth and teeth black… ugh I felt like I needed to brush my teeth every time I drank it. I could feel myself healing slowly but luckily I didn’t lose Emmy.

Hey guys, we got company near the front of the territory. Want me to deal with it?” Lyall knew I needed to get better, but he was usually the one to tell me when we had an unsuspecting guest.

Who is it, Lyall?” I wasn’t expecting anyone for the wedding. Most people said no since it was Christmas. Only us, some of Crescent Pack, and the council were going to be there.

It’s Luna Griselda and Sterling…” I could hear him growling loudly in my head. I was too after all the things he had done to me.

Kick him out and kick it hard!” I did not want to deal with him again! Lyall was all too eager to follow my order.

Wait! Before you kick me out I’d like a chance to talk to Alpha Lyna.” I hear Sterling try to communicate with us. Technically with him still being a part of Crescent Pack, he was still part of the mindlink, not sure how he didn’t hear Lyall’s plans of getting me out, but glad he didn’t. Great…this is the last thing I needed…I get away from this jerk face just for him to waltz on my territory again…

What the heck do you want!? You are the last person I want to talk to right now! I’m in the hospital recovering from wolfsbane poisoning when I should be getting ready for my wedding because of you!”

“Please…give me one last chance and I will leave you alone. I promise…” I found this hard to believe.

Fine…but don’t waste it. Lyall, let him through., and bring him to me so he can see what his actions did to me.” I had to put on my best alpha tone and face for this meeting. When they came in Luna Griselda was shocked and put her hands over her mouth. Sterling I could tell look disappointed in himself, surprisingly.

“You see what you did to me!? Even that thin layer on your knife did this to me! I should be spending my last two days as a single lady getting pampered and having a bachelorette party instead I’m here! So you aren’t exactly my favorite person right now but out of respect for your Luna, you’re not dead. That and I’m still hooked up to machines…” Yeah, I was pissed off! I didn’t even want to look at him!

“I know I’m not your favorite person right now…I let jealousy, anger, and revenge take over me and you should be angry with me. When my Luna came to me that day I was shocked. I somehow figured she would be a part of your escape plan, and to be honest I didn’t mind it. She showed me how much of a jerk I’ve been since Alpha Adolfo died and I figured it was time to let go of the past. You beat him fair and square and I should’ve respected that, but I didn’t…sure I was loyal to him, but now that he’s dead I should’ve been loyal to my Luna.

Despite her telling me that he wasn’t a good mate and leader I didn’t want to listen. He was my best friend and my alpha for so long I was blinded to his awful ways. At first, when I found you missing from the basement I was pissed off at her for deceiving me and distracting me from my mission. After a long talk and some shenanigans, I thought long and hard about what I was doing to myself and you. I came to surrender and to promise to leave you alone…I am sorry Alpha Lyna…” He didn’t give me much time to respond since he left after his surprising monologue.

“I have no idea what you did to him, but thank you luna!” I felt relieved that I didn’t have to worry about him anymore, and now I could focus on my wedding!

“Your welcome, alpha, and congratulations on your wedding.” She left quietly and was kind of embarrassed by her beta. Don’t say I blame her I would be too if Lyall did all this crap to someone too! Course I know Lyall wouldn’t do such a thing. I guess they went to one of the guesthouses to stay for the wedding. I may hate his guts but his pack was invited to the wedding…

“Well, that was an unexpected turn of events. I hate the dude as well, but at least he had the decency to apologize” Conall was trying to lighten the mood, and I admire his effort, but I just don’t wanna talk about Sterling anymore…he always ruined my mood.

“Let’s not talk of him anymore. I always feel like I’m gonna go on a rampage and rip his face off every time we do…”

“I don’t blame ya, babe…soon we can get outta here and share our marital bliss.” The thought of our wedding being so soon made me smile. I couldn’t wait to marry this man. At least there was some good news besides getting away from that psycho. Doc Bader said that the poison is out of my system! He took me off the machines, and I didn’t have to drink that nasty tea anymore. Yuck, that stuff was nasty but at least it did something. Doc Bader came back into the room to check in on me one last time.

“Well, the stab wound seems to be healing better now that Emmy is better, heart rate and blood pressure seem to be back to normal, and with a blood sample that was cleared of all poison. You’re free to go home and enjoy your last few days before the wedding.” Doc Bader smiled at us as he disconnected me from all the machines and I was smiling ear to ear. Not that I don’t like Doc Bader’s company, but I wanna get out of this damn hospital!

“Thanks, Doc. Hopefully the next time I see you it will be for happier reasons.” I smirked as I gently slid off the bed and Conall wrapped his arms around me to help me walk home. It had looked like it was going to snow for a few hours. I kinda hoped it would be for the wedding.

Since I learned my lesson last time I was in the hospital, I am finally free and I am poison-free! Doc Bader just released me and Conall is taking me home. Now we can finally have some fun around here!” I hear some howls from outside letting me know my pack heard me.

That’s great Lyna! Glad to know you’re going home. So any big plans for a bachelor/bachelorette party??” I could hear the excitement in Lyall’s voice. He was always the party guy when the time called for it.

Um well, considering I just got out of the hospital I haven’t thought about it yet. I’ll let you know the details, but it probably won’t be anything special.” I’m not one for clubbing or exotic dancers. I get uncomfortable in that type of place and just sit awkwardly at the table while the others have fun, or what they think is fun.

Yeah, Lyall let her breathe for a moment geez! We she-wolves will come up with something that we know is more your speed.” I knew I could count on Reika to organize the bachelorette party. I had grown close to her over the years. Lucy, surprisingly I had learned wanted to join us for the party. Well, I shouldn’t be too surprised…Lyall can be very persuasive.

“Finally…home at last…feel so good to be back.” I let out a deep sigh and plopped myself on the living room couch.

“It is good to have you back…” Conall wrapped me in his arms again and kissed my cheek.

“So now that we’re finally reunited, what shall we do?” I smirked at him and wondered what he was up to.

“Well I think we should make some good food, no offense to the hospital, but anything is better than that charcoal tea. That stuff looked nasty!” We both laughed at that awful tea.

“True it really was awful, so I think we should get dolled up and go on a date.” He perked up at the idea.

“I like that idea. We haven’t had too many dates, especially recently. Where did you want to go?”

“I’m not sure, maybe we can ask Lucy what she recommends in town.”

“Or…I got an idea I’ll be right back!” He runs off to who knows where and I’m left at the house dumbfounded.

“What the heck just happened?”

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