When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Twelve

Kayla’s POV.

I grab my cars keys once I’ve said goodbye to everyone, I step out of Jaxon’s house and close the front door behind me. I look up and meet the eyes of my gorgeous mate as he leans against the wall of the pack house, smoking.

Fucking hell, that boy even makes smoking look hot and I hate smoking. I hate everything about him, so why the hell do I find him so hot?

I consider walking over and confronting him, but as I take a step towards him, he throws his cigarette on the floor and storms inside. I try to stop the tears that fall down my face, but I can’t, so I just get in my car and pull out of the drive.

Only ten minutes later, I’m outside my house that I rent with my friends from work. I quickly wipe away any smudged make-up and march into the house. Luckily, no one is around, and I make it to my room without any questions. I grab my phone and sit on my bed. It’s a shame Sienna can’t come out until those rogues are sorted, but Cass definitely can.

“Can we get drunk tonight?” I ask, before Cass can even say hello.

“Hell yes!” I grin, I knew I could rely on her to be up for a night out.

A very large pizza and four hours later, Cass and I are sat in my room doing our make-up.

“What a prick!” Cass says again, we’ve already been over the mate situation, but Cass is still mad about it, and I love her for it.

“I know,” I mutter, smiling as my eyelashes stick on perfectly.

“Well, we’re gonna get you out on the pull tonight and you’ll forget all about him,” she says confidently.

I consider it for a moment. I can’t get with someone tonight having met my mate today, other people might be able to, but I can’t.

He’s going to be on my mind all night, I know it.

I’m so grateful that when we arrive at our favourite club, the bouncers just let us straight in, the cue is massive, and I really don’t need that right now.

“See, this is why you sleep with a bouncer,” Cass teases and I smirk at her.

I head straight for the bar and order shots for us both, we have a couple each and Cass pulls me to the dance floor. By 1AM, the place is completely packed and it’s actually hard to dance because there’s so many people everywhere.

I feel someone’s hand slide up my leg and I quickly push him off, but his hand comes back. I turn around to give him a piece of my mind and nearly jump as I see my mate stood next to the pervert. He grabs the pervert’s collar and shoves him away from us.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” he shouts at him so he can be heard above the music.

The pervert says something inaudible and sulks off. I look at my mate and see he is about to say something, so I quickly turn and head over to the bar, grateful that Cass is currently in the arms of an attractive blonde.

I lean against the bar, waiting for the bartender to come over. I jump as I feel a large hand on my bare back, I know it is Colton as soon as the tingles ignite across my skin. His hand slides lower and he squeezes my ass, I’m very happy that I chose my shortest black skirt tonight. I turn to glare at him, his expression is unreadable which pisses me off.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I ask him, making my voice as cold as possible, he needs to know I’m not standing for this shit.

“Touching what’s mine,” he replies, and I look at him in shock.

Oh, my goddess, is he drunk?

My eyes narrow as I look at him, I take a deep breath as I see the size of his pupils.

Worse. He’s high.

“What have you taken?” He ignores my question and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against him.

“What are you doing to me?” He says quietly, but I just manage to hear it.

I grab his hand and pull him over to the dance floor where Cass is.

“I’m going to take him outside, he’s fucked,” I tell her.

She says she’ll wait for me on this floor, and I pull Colton out into the cool night air.

I lead him away from the queue outside and down the deserted street next to the club, he leans against the wall and looks at me.

“What have you taken?” I ask again, folding my arms across my chest. I feel silly telling him off when he’s nearly a foot taller than me, but I’m really pissed off.

“Relax, it’s just a bit of MD,” he mumbles, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes.

“MDMA? How often do you take drugs?” I demand to know, knowing full well I sound like his mother.

“A lot now you’re in my life,” he says angrily, and I flinch.

Okay, that hurt.

He seems to realise because his eyes soften, and he reaches out to touch me. I take a step back and sigh when I see the pain flicker in his eyes.

“You don’t understand, I’m not good enough for you,” he says, and I hate hearing the hurt in his voice, he truly believes what he’s saying.

“You are good enough for me,” I tell him, stepping closer so that we’re almost touching.

“No, I’m not. You’re like an angel...my angel,” he replies, and I roll my eyes, he’s so high.

“I can smell your innocence, angel. I can’t take that from you,” he tells me, running his rough hand down my cheek.

“Maybe I was saving it for you,” I mutter, feeling stupid for saying it out loud. I am going to regret this tomorrow; I can feel it.

“Then I am very flattered, but I won’t take that from you. I don’t deserve you.” He runs his fingers through my hair, and I try not to close my eyes at the marvellous feeling.

“What makes you think you’re not?” I ask him and his eyes darken.

“I’m nothing like you, you’re perfect. I’m fucked up....and angel, I’ve fucked other people, I didn’t wait like you,” he says, and I take a sharp intake of air at his last words.

“Stop calling me innocent! If you want to keep pushing me away, fine, be on your own,” I tell him angrily, I clench my fists and walk away from him.

“What do you mean? You are innocent.” He grabs my hand and turns me round to face him.

“You’re making me out to be so different than you, and yes, I am, but stop patronising me with how innocent I am it’s really pissing me off, I may not have slept with anyone, but that doesn’t mean I’m the virgin Mary,” I shout angrily.

“Stop pretending that piercings and tattoos are the reason you won’t be with me, it’s pathetic. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to go find some fit guy whose face I can sit on,” I yell at him.

My whole body is shaking now, I’m so mad.

I step back in shock as his face contorts with pain and he promptly throws up on the pavement.

Well, I was not expecting that.

I sigh and wait for him to finish throwing up whatever he drank, because he certainly didn’t eat anything. As the last of the liquid comes up, I help him sit down on the side of the road.

“Don’t move, I’ll be right back,” I tell him, but he doesn’t even look at me.

I rush inside and tell Cass I’m going to take him home; she comes with me and brings a glass of water and some napkins from the bar.

I run over to Colton and quickly wipe his mouth with the napkins and throw them in a nearby bin as Cass hands him the plastic cup of water.

“We need to get him home, come on,” I tell her, we each get a shoulder and help Colton into a taxi where I am warned I’ll have to pay a fine if he throws up again.

We arrive at my house about five minutes later, with no throwing up, thank God. Cass says goodnight and gets back in the taxi to go to her own house.

Colton manages to get up the stairs by himself and I follow behind with a bowl in case he throws up again. Finding a spare toothbrush so he can clean his teeth, I take off my make-up and slip into an over-sized t-shirt before going in to my bathroom to clean my teeth.

He collapses on the bed, and I pull off his jeans and shoes for him. I hesitate as I get to his t-shirt. He opens his beautiful eyes and looks at me before giving me a small smirk.

“I’ll do it, angel,” he teases quietly, sliding off his t-shirt so I can see the full extent of his rippling muscles.

Most of his chest is covered in tattoos but my eyes land on the scars caused by claws or knives, dotted across his body, there’s at least ten. He catches me looking and quickly pulls the covers over him.

I turn off the lights and slide under the duvet, I would make him sleep on the couch, but I don’t know he might react to the drugs he’s taken so it’s probably safer I stay with him.

And this way I get to perv on his gorgeous body.

I feel him roll over so we are close enough that I can feel his body heat on my arm.

“I went to prison, angel,” he whispers, and I roll over to face him, I can just make out his beautiful face in the darkness.

“For how long?”

“Six months. When I was eighteen, I killed a rogue and the police found his body before we could destroy it, they had my fingerprints and everything. There was nothing the Shifter council could do but shorten my sentence,” he explains, and I nod, knowing he can see.

I don’t say anything, I just roll over and hope sleep comes quickly.

It doesn’t.

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