When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

Kayla’s POV.

Despite my rough night, when I awake at 11am, I feel surprisingly good. Maybe it’s because I slept in the same bed as my mate last night.

I look over to see him sleeping soundly next to me, he looks so peaceful in his sleep, not like the dickhead he is at all.

I skip downstairs to make some breakfast and find my gay best friend, Cal, already cooking bacon.

“Want me to make the eggs?” I ask him, already getting out the eggs and a bowl.

“Sure! Put the radio on whilst you’re at it please,” he says, and I eye him curiously. He has messy hair, a t-shirt, and boxers on and a very big smile on his face.

“Did someone pull last night?” I tease, bumping my hip against his.

“Maybe.” He grins at me.

“Oh and here he is, this is Kieran,” Cal nods at the door and I turn to see a stunning mixed race guy wave at me and sit down at the island.

“Nice to meet you, Kieran. How do you like your eggs?” I crack the eggs into a bowl and pour them carefully into the sizzling pan.

“One for you I think,” Cal comments, turning up the radio so the song plays loudly. I dance around the kitchen with him, he holds my hand and helps me pirouette before pulling me back into his arms and sway against each other as Kieran watches amusedly.

A low growl sounds out from the door, and I quickly step away from Cal as I spot the murderous look on Colton’s face. He looks completely fuckable in just his low hanging jeans from last night.

Cal quickly serves up bacon and eggs for him and Kieran and ushers Kieran out of the kitchen. Colton rudely glares at them and takes Kieran’s seat at the island.

“Was that really necessary? They’re my friends,” I say angrily as I serve up a plate and place it in front of him. I serve up one for myself and sit next to him, handing him some cutlery.

“He was touching you.” He shrugs and starts eating.

“He is gay.” I roll my eyes and Colton pauses for a minute before carrying on eating.

“Still don’t like it,” he mumbles, and I don’t bother replying.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he says, his voice apologetic as he takes my empty plate off me and washes them in the sink.

“It’s okay it was...enlightening, do you even remember what you said?” I ask him, prepared for him to go back to being cold and off with me.

“I remember everything angel, and I am so sorry,” he replies, turning around to face me.

“It’s fine. I just need to know, are you going to reject me or not?” I ask him bluntly and he looks at me in surprise.

“Angel...I’d never reject you,” he replies, and I breathe a silent sigh of relief.

Thank Goddess for that.

He opens his arms for me, and I cautiously step into them, wrapping my arms around his wide chest. I was right, he does engulf me.

“You’re so small,” he mumbles into my hair, and I roll my eyes, breathing in his delicious masculine scent.

“Thanks,” I reply sarcastically, and he squeezes me against him.

“I like it,” he whispers.

His hands slowly sliding down to squeeze my bare ass underneath the t-shirt.

“I’m sorry for doing this last night,” he apologises, squeezing my ass again.

“It’s fine,” I reply, sliding my hands down his back to squeeze his ass, making him chuckle at me.

His phone rings in his pocket, ruining our moment. He reluctantly pulls away and answers it.

“Shit, yeah, I’m sorry I forgot. I’ll be there in ten.” He quickly hangs up and slips his phone back in his pocket, turning to face me with a sad look.

“I’m sorry, I forgot I’ve got patrol this morning. It’s my shift, I’ve got to go now,” he says, and I tell him it’s okay.

To be honest, I’m just grateful last night happened, I feel like I understand him a lot more now.

Just as he’s leaving, he leans in and kisses my forehead.

“Thank you for last night, angel. I’ll come see you after my shift? About one?” He asks and I nod eagerly.

I facetime the girls so we can all talk together, and I fill them in on last night, it feels so good talking about him in a positive way. I take a shower after I say bye to the girls, I’m so happy I don’t have work today.

After my shower, I have what seems like an hour long phone call with my mum, filling her in on me finding my mate. Obviously I leave out some parts, but she gets very excited and demands to meet him, Goddess knows how that will go.

One o’clock comes and goes...I sit on my bed, annoyed that he’s late. I’ve taking a lot of time in doing my hair and make-up, I even chose to wear my best jeans and low cut top that flaunts my boobs.

At nearly two o’clock, I decide he’s not coming and settle down in the living room to watch a film to keep my mind off it. My phone rings and I pick up as soon as I see Sienna’s face on the screen.

“Hey, you,” I greet her, trying not to sound as shit as I feel.

“Kayla, I need you to come over right now. Some rogues attacked at the border...Colton was hurt. He’s okay don’t worry, but I think you should be here,” she tells me and a horrible feeling of dread washes over me.

“I’m coming now,” I tell her, I quickly hang up and grab my car keys.

I race down the road, making it to the Black Mountain pack territory in record time. I run out of my car to where Sienna is waiting for me outside the pack house.

“He’s in the practice, come on.” She holds my hand tightly, running with me over to the building.

We burst through the doors and go into one of the patient rooms. I see Cade standing in front of the bed, checking over his vitals. I nervously step around him so I can see Colton. He looks awful, still gorgeous, but awful. His tan skin has paled, he has a large cut from his cheek bone to his temple, his left leg is in a cast and there’s claw marks all over his arms and chest.

“Hey, angel,” he rasps at me.

I rush over to his side, holding his large, rough hand in my small ones.

“How are you feeling?” I ask cautiously, feeling better as he squeezes his hand in mine.

“Like I got jumped by five rogues,” he replies sardonically, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“He’s okay, he’ll be fully healed by tomorrow, it’s just going to hurt a bit,” Cade told me.

Thank Goddess for our fast healing.

“A bit? It hurts a lot,” he groans, closing his eyes and leaning his head back on his pillow.

“Am I allowed a fag?” He asks and both Cade and I say no.

“I’m joking, angel, I won’t smoke them anymore,” he promises, he presses the button, so the bed lifts up so that he’s sitting up.

“What about the drugs?” I ask him, raising an eyebrow at him.

He shuffles over and pats the space on the bed. I hesitate for a moment before sitting down on the bed so we’re right next to each other.

“Don’t need them, got you.” He shrugs and grins at me, I roll my eyes at his cheesy line.

“I was really worried about you,” I tell him, looking down at our intwined hands.

“I’m alright, angel, don’t worry.” He pulls on my hands, so I lean against his chest.

“How do you still look fit in a hospital gown?” I ask, secretly annoyed that he manages to pull it off.

“I’m glad you approve.” He kisses my forehead before speaking again.

“There’s a full moon in two days, Cade has agreed to look after you and Sienna whilst Jax and I...restrain ourselves,” he explains, and I remember Sienna briefly mentioning it to me this morning.

“Will you be okay?” I ask him and his eyes soften as he looks at me.

“I’ll be alright, I just need to keep away from you. You’re very tempting,” he teases, and I grin at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Oh, really?” I ask and he nods, lowering his eyes to my lips.

He looks back up at my eyes, as if asking permission, as he leans in to press his lips against mine. Everything around us fades away and all I can focus on is the amazing feeling of him kissing me. I slide my hands through his hair, pulling gently on it so he lets out a low growl.

“Fucking hell guys.” I quickly pull away to see Jax at the door with an amused Sienna behind him.

“I came to see if he was alright, apparently he is,” he mutters dryly, rolling his eyes at us.

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