When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Eleven

Jax’s POV.

I sigh and put my head in my hands as Kayla leaves the room. Such a sweet, innocent woman, mated to my Beta, the opposite of her.

I head over to the pack hall, relieved when I see him leaning against the outside wall: smoking. He only ever smokes when he’s stressed.

“What’s up with you?” I ask, coming to stand next to him. He exhales and glares over at my house, knowing that she’s in there.

“I’ve met her,” he says ambiguously, and I smirk.

“Kayla. Yeah, I know. So, what?” I reply and he looks up at me surprised.

“Did she tell you?” He asks and I decide to lie for her, they don’t need anything else making this harder.

“No, but I’m not stupid. Talk to me, why are you being a prick to her?” I question him and he curses, stubbing out the fag and lighting another.

He ignores me and I cross my arms over my chest.

“I’m going to stay here till you open up, Colt,” I warn him.

He knows I will, I’ve made him do it a hundred times before.

“What the fuck can I offer her? Look at me, and look at her,” he replies angrily, he takes a long drag of his fag and I sigh.

This might take a while.

“I chased her, you know, she ran past me, and I couldn’t help it. My wolf just took over, thought it was a game,” he tells me, not looking at my face.

“I pounced on her and everything, I saw that I was scaring her, I might even have hurt her, I don’t know. She’s too fucking innocent, I could smell it on her, she’s a fucking virgin, Jax! What am I supposed to do with her?” He swears again and runs a hand through his tousled hair, I watch him stress out and I feel for him.

“She won’t want me, you should have seen the look she gave me, she was looking at my piercings and my ink, and it wasn’t a good look either, she looked...disappointed, it was shit,” he mumbles, and I can see the pain in his eyes, he’s not even trying to hide it.

“I can’t offer her anything, I’ll just ruin her. She’s too good for me, it’s better I just stay away,” he says, and I roll my eyes.

“You’re being too dramatic, she’s a lovely girl. Besides, you’re her mate, you’re made for each other,” I tell him, but I can see he’s going to be stubborn on this one.

“I bet she’s never smoked, or done drugs, or has a tattoo or anything, and she’s never even slept with anyone. Jax, I fucked Vicky this morning for fucks sake,” he sighs and puts his fag out.

Kayla better not find out about that.

He goes to get out another one and I put out my hand to stop him. Chain-smoking will not help this situation.

“She will understand, it was before you met her. If you go and fuck someone else now though, not only will she be upset but I’ll be fucking angry as well, Colt, I mean it,” I warn him. “This is Sienna’s best friend, you hurt Kayla, you hurt Sienna, so don’t fuck her about, if you’re going to reject her then go ahead and do it.”

He looks at me in shock.

“I wouldn’t do that, Jax. Shit, is that what you think of me?” He says, hurt clear in his voice and I suddenly feel guilty for thinking he’d do that.

Colt might be fucked up, but he isn’t a cheater.

“I’m not that much of a prick, besides, Vicky isn’t all that.” He shrugs and I roll my eyes again.

“This is just the worst timing as well. The full moon is in three days, how am I supposed to stop myself then?” He asks me and I freeze.

“The full moon is in three days?” I ask cautiously and he nods, getting out another fag.

This time I don’t stop him, and I go over to my house where Cade, Sienna and Kayla are sat in my living room.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, can I steal Sienna for a minute?” I enter the room; Sienna looks at me and hurries over. I take her hand and pull her into my study.

“Is everything okay?” She asks worriedly, putting her arms around me. I sigh and rest my forehead against hers. Everything is better when she is near me.

“There is a full moon in three days,” I tell her, and I feel her stiffen in my arms.

“Don’t worry, we’ll handle it, I’ll just have to chain myself up,” I try and joke, but we both know I’m serious.

“No, I don’t want you to have to do that,” she replies, holding me tight against her.

“But you’re not ready, and I don’t want to mark you just because I have to, I want you to want me to do it,” I tell her, and she sighs against me.

On a full moon, if two mates have met each other and not yet fully mated, they feel an uncontrollable pull to each other to finish the mating bond.

“I’m just not ready to become Luna that’s all,” she admits, and I kiss her forehead. I understand that she might not be ready, but I think she is, and she’ll be incredible.

“I just wanted to warn you,” I reply, and she pulls back, her eyes wide with worry.

“Does this mean Colton will have to be locked up as well?” She asks and I realise Kayla must have told her.

“Yes it does,” I nod and pull her into a kiss before we talk anymore.

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