Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 32 ~ Never Stop Being My Hero

Venom ~

Sheriff John showed up the next morning.. and took statements from the women. Ten of them opting to return to their homes. Three had asked to stay with the club. We don’t usually allow that.. but, for the time being, I will.

Vicki is being released today and Snake drove Delaney to pick her up. My generous mate has taken her under her wing.. and is very protective of her. So.. at the moment.. we have four human women requesting sanctuary.. and we are going to have to break the news that we are wolves, soon.

A knock at my office door opened to reveal Tammy.. she asked permission to speak to me. I mind linked Axe to get to my office. No fucking way do I ever have a woman in my office alone. Fuck that.. No bitch is going to try and lie about me.

I stood in the open doorway.. waiting for Axe. As soon as he arrived, I asked “What can I help you with?”

She said “I am not being called on very much anymore. Delaney has blackballed me and is making the men stay away from me.” I held onto my temper.. and didn’t do what Torin instinctually wanted to. Her throat is still intact.

Axe said “Has anyone said Queen has forbidden them from tapping that?” She shook her head no “No one would ever say it out loud. Everyone thinks your queen walks on water.” I snarled “And you’re walking on thin ice. Tell you what.. Go find evidence to back up your claim.. You have until six tonight. We will hold a hearing. If it turns out what you claim is truth.. Delaney will apologize and I will order every single man out there to fuck you.. how’s that? Sound fair?”

She whined “I don’t want them all to fuck me.. just sometimes..” I growled “You came in here bitching about not being fucked.. and now you’re whining about being fucked. Get the fuck out of here and be prepared to present your case at six tonight.. in Church!”

She walked out and Axe praised me “Way to not snap her neck, Alpha! Proud of your restraint!” I laughed and said “The struggle is real, dude!”

We had just finished up a ton of paperwork for the pack territory.. and I had paid all the bills so I didn’t have to worry about electricity and water for my people.

Snake texted It’s been nice knowing you, bro. I called him immediately.. when he answered.. I was relieved. The text had scared the life out of me. “Don’t even joke like that, man! You fucking scared me to death.”

He groaned “You gotta help me, dude. Queen asked me to get her some salt and vinegar chips.. and she was taking so long, I ate them. But when I went back to the vending machine to just get some more.. it’s out of order! I’m headed out.. going into witness protection.. She’s gonna kill me” I started laughing. Everyone is terrified of her hormonal mood swings.. Not even going to front!! Me too!

Delaney texted me they were heading home.. and a smile spread across my face.. It amazes me how much I miss her.. she could be in the bathroom five minutes too long.. and I miss her.

My phone rang.. just as I opened a beer and sat down at the VIP.. When I picked up.. a man’s voice said “Your wife is beautiful pregnant. It’s a shame.. but she has something that belongs to me.. I’m going to need that back.”

I mind linked Axe to tell Snake to pull into a busy parking lot and arm themselves.. Now! Slate is tailing them. He ordered our men to mount and ride to the Walmart in Pine Grove.. making sure they were all armed.

I responded “Slate. My wife is not to be hurt. This time, I will burn the world down around your ears. The woman with her is not your personal property. As a matter of fact.. you threw her to the animals that left her for dead.”

He laughed “It’s all about collateral damage, Stone. We’re all in this life together.. no one makes it out alive. Some just get to have some help.

Now what does your sergeant need from Walmart? Hmm? This should be fun. How many people will go splat with a brick of C-4 heading their way?” Just as he said it.. I heard an explosion.. and his laughter.. before he cut the call.

I mounted my truck on the run.. demands blutooth to dial Delaney. The fourth time I called.. she answered.. and my stomach bottomed out. “Baby.. please.. Baby.. are you okay?” She was crying, but replied “I’m okay. We’re okay. We’re all okay. Someone rolled a shopping cart through the doors at the entrance and it exploded. We need transportation.. our windows are blown out.. and the tires burst.”

I told her “Keep your guns locked and loaded. Slate was threatening you and Vicki again..” I hear Snake growl so loud it hurt my ears.. “What the fuck, Snake!?” Delaney said “Vicki appears to be their mate.. and Basil is a little on edge.”

I whipped the F-250 into the parking lot on two wheels.. slamming it into park before it had even stopped.. Thirty of my men had arrived and were administering aid where they could.

I pulled Delaney into me.. breathing her in.. while my eyes scanned the entire area. He had hung around long enough to see me arrive.. and spot him. He gave a three finger salute.. getting into the back of a Lexus and pulled away.

We learned five people died.. and over thirty injured. It could have been much worse.. but it should never have happened. Slate is getting sloppy.. making him a thousand times more dangerous.

Back at the club, I announced Church at six.. Mandatory attendance for the entire club. Then Delaney and I sat down with the remaining four abducted women. I explained to them we are wolves.. and they are welcome to stay with us.. but as a motorcycle club.. And a wolf pack.. then I expected them to swear an oath of loyalty.. and sign non disclosure agreements.

They all agreed they wanted to stay.. that they will work.. clean.. pay dues.. anything we wanted. I left that up to Delaney.. Vicki would become her right hand.. as Snake’s mate. Snake’s mate! He got a second chance, too! I am so happy for him.

Maddox came running in and climbed over me to reach Delaney. “The other kids are saying that man tried to blow you up again.” She soothed him and spoke softly “He was trying to scare Venom, Buddy Roe.. It worked.. because he scared me, too. But you know what?! First thing in the morning.. Venom and I are going to hunt that son of a bitch down.. and do the whole world a favor.” He grinned and said “Kill him once for me.” She laughed.. telling him “You got it, baby boy!”

Yes. They are weird. Bloodthirsty. But, I think everyone is.. to a degree. After what the two of them have seen.. lived through.. and overcome.. they definitely deserve some payback! I am just the person to help make that happen. She leaned over and whispered “I heard all that. Did you mean to link it to me?”

I laughed and told her that it was just a happy accident.. and she kissed me.. “Never stop being my hero.. You got that?” I grinned and kissed her back.

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