Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 31 ~ At Least You Aren’t Pregnant

Delaney ~

I was so glad we were going to rescue the girls.. time is running out.. Vicki waking up when she did has been the biggest blessing.

Maddox was helping me make sandwiches and pack coolers. He’s excited that we seem to finally be catching a break.

I had him in therapy twice a week for all the trauma he has been through in his young life. He is still adamant about being a wolf.. I just want to make sure his head is in the right place before a decision of that magnitude.

Venom found us, just as we were finishing up. He told Maddox “Hey Bud! While we are gone.. can you supervise getting at least ten rooms made up for our guests? Just in case?”

He nodded enthusiastically and marched out to the Sweet Butts.. letting them know they had a task. He looked at Tammy and said “Not you.. I know you’re allergic to manual labor.. can’t have you all broke out in hives when we’re expecting company.” I lost my shit! I was laughing so hard.. even harder.. when Venom said “Great! His sarcasm is as on point as yours is! I guess it’s true.. Blood will out. I bet your mom was a real hoot!”

I went over to medical and boxed up things we would need to triage any of the girls with injuries. Putting them in the transport van. I mind linked Venom I was going to change into my gear.. and headed to our room..

Which is where Venom found me nearly an hour later.. in tears.. frantically looking for my socks. He stood several minutes.. watching me.. until I yelled “Don’t just stand there! Help me look!”

He came into the room. Asking me what we were looking for.. I said “They were right there! I laid them down on the foot of the bed.. while I got my vest on.. I put my belt on.. and sheathed my knives. When I reached to put them on.. they weren’t there.”

He smiled “Okay.. but again.. what are we looking for?” I practically screamed “My fucking socks! Have you not been listening to me?” He calmly said “I am listening my love. You never told me what we were hunting.. so, now.. are we looking for different socks?”

I asked “What the fuck do you mean.. different socks? Different than what?!” He cleared his throat and said “Different.. than the ones on your feet?” Oh. My. Goddess! I am getting pregnancy brain.

Venom started laughing “Is that a real thing!? Pregnancy brain?” I blushed crimson and asked “Did I say that out loud?” He grinned wider and kissed me “Sit down, baby.. Let me put your boots on for you.”

I told him “I don’t deserve you. I am being this colossal bitch.. then crying like it’s everyone else’s fault. Hormones are not fun.. and the doctor said because you are you.. my hormones are more haywire than a normal she-wolf’s will be.”

He said “There you go again.. I told you I don’t understand your “You are you” way of describing me.. so please explain what me being me has to do with your hormones?”

I giggled “I know it’s a very unique way of describing you.. but You ARE You, baby.. and I need unique descriptions. You are stronger.. faster.. fiercer.. than most Alpha wolves. Being born with the mantle. Only one percent of wolves are born with their mantle intact. Everyone else receives theirs on Ascension. That is going to affect your progeny prodigiously.. “

He roared with laughter “Progeny prodigiously? The doctor’s words.. I take it.” I nodded and giggled again. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.. “Have I told you how much I love you, lately?”

I smiled.. kissing him “I love you more!” He grinned and said “But I love you, most!” I groaned and smacked his rock hard abs “Always with the last word!” He followed me out of the room.. still laughing. Not realizing I had the last word.. anyway!

I hopped on the bitch seat behind Venom and he fired it up.. Snake and Axe starting theirs.. I am always in awe of the strict regimental details our club adhere to. President starts his bike first.. then the second and third start theirs.. Everyone else follows.

Venom would never allow them to deviate from the rules of the road. We head out.. Venom in the lead.. Snake and Axe directly behind us. The rest of the club riding by twos.

We turned right at that bar.. Duffy’s.. and followed the road to the storage building.. It was called Buck’s U-Store It. This series of buildings.. unassuming.. in the middle of nowhere. I spotted the one with the bars on the windows… at the same time rapid gunfire was laid down. I ducked behind the bike and yanked my Epsilon out of its holster. Venom had hit the dirt in front of the bike.. and rolled for cover on the side of the building.. already holding his glock.

He yelled out “Sound off!” I heard our men.. checking in. I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Thank you, Goddess.. for looking after my guys!

Axe and Snake laid down ground cover for me to make my way to Venom.. and we scoped out a way to enter. I said “Why don’t we ram the doors where they are shooting? It shouldn’t cause too much damage tonthe transport.. the brush guard should take the brunt of the impact.”

Axe nodded..”That could work!” Spider said “I got it.. Give me some cover fire.. and I will get us inside.” He jumped into the van.. and we all got in position to keep firing at the door as we followed the van to its destination.

When he rammed the doors.. the entire place imploded.. we jumped through the opening.. firing at anything that moved our direction. When the smoke cleared, five men laid dead..and we began our search.

Twenty minutes later.. we had fourteen women in vans.. I was checking vital signs, while Manic was passing out drinks and sandwiches.

They all had minor injuries.. a few had some serious bruises.. Mostly, they were suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. Two were severely dehydrated.. so I started a glucose drip.. hoping to get their electrolytes to level out.

Venom called Sheriff John.. told him there was a need for a cleanup crew and he was welcome to come to the club and interview the women. John tried saying he wanted the women at the station. Venom flat out refused.. telling him the women have been traumatized enough.

Manic come racing up to me “Queen.. Queen! Spider took a round to the chest.” I grabbed the med kit and ran to where they had laid him down. I ripped through his shirt with my scissors to see the wound was in his upper shoulder.. and not his chest. Thanking the Goddess again.. I used a local anesthetic and removed the bullet. I stitched the wound closed and put his arm in a sling.

We made it back home and I had Doc check the girls all out.. and Spider was told to take it easy a couple days and he should be fine.

I was tired.. but feeling accomplished. I sat down at the VIP table with Venom.. and Maddox untied my boots.. pulling them off my feet.. I sighed so loud everyone chuckled.

Spider.. feeling no pain.. on his third beer.. and his painkillers had kicked in.. He loudly slurred “Hey! Someone should take my boots off too!” I laughed and said “Yeah.. it ain’t gonna be Maddox.”

He whined “Awww… come on! I got shot!” Maddox grins “So? At least you aren’t pregnant.” Everybody cracked up.

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