Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 30 ~ She Hit Him With Her Shoe

Venom ~

The last week has been an adventure. We have been relentless in our search for the missing girls. I have maintained a heavy presence in all three towns.. making it impossible for any others to be taken.

We still have Chad and Pam in custody.. Now we have added Vinnie and Christian to our crossbar hilton. They were thrilled at the five star accommodation.

Gizmo hacked the sinsofourfather website and removed any and all ads for the abductions. He also found DM’s from a Saudi email.. requesting girls of a certain description.. paying high dollar.. as entertainment for elite businessmen. He is tracing an IP address down on that, now.

Delaney and I are headed back to the hospital. She has insisted on going every day.. even though Vicki hasn’t woken up. We bring flowers. And get well soon balloons. She eats lunch with her every day.. talking to Vicki like they are old friends.

I asked her about the kindness she is showing.. she only said “The colonel is responsible for her pain. Just like he is responsible for what I went through. I can’t let her be collateral damage. I won’t. I don’t want her waking up and feeling alone. She needs to know someone cares.”

We stopped at the diner so I could grab us burgers and fries. Hers with white cheddar.. That was a whole fight I never want to have again. Who knew white and yellow cheddar didn’t taste the same?

Our pregnancy is moving along.. Delaney has the cutest baby bump now. But these hormones. She’s aggravated.. frustrated.. irritated.. unhappy and downright angry. I am in the best shape of my life! When shit starts flying.. I start running. She always apologizes.. and bakes. So it’s all good.

We arrived at the hospital.. to the best news. Vicki had awakened in the night. Her prognosis is excellent..and the doctors told us she should be able to go home in a couple days.

Delaney practically ran to Vicki’s room.. I followed quickly.. because.. well.. running.. pregnant woman.. Ugh!

I stepped in the room.. and immediately pried my mate from around poor Vicki, who looked like she didn’t know if she should scratch her watch or wind her butt.

I explained to Vicki who we were.. and what we were doing there. She halfway smiled and looked at Delaney. She spoke softly “I heard you. I could hear everything you were saying. I kept trying to find you.. it was so strange. When you spoke to me.. there was light.. I would walk and walk.. trying to reach the light. But when you were gone.. there was nothing but darkness.”

Delaney took her hand.. “When I was in a coma.. that’s all I remember. The darkness. It didn’t scare me though. I found comfort in it.”

Vicki nodded.. I asked if she felt up to telling us anything she remembers.. and her eyes filled with tears. She said “I do. I have to. There are more of us. They were discussing a pick up.. people coming to take us overseas, somewhere. I had had enough. And fought back.”

Delaney said “I want you to take your time. Do not force yourself to relive it.. Just tell us what you are comfortable telling us.” She set her phone to record.. so we didn’t have to repeat what was said. My girl is one smart cookie!

Vicki began her story.. “It was a Tuesday. The night they got me. I had been at the library and time got away from me. The librarian ran me out at nine.. so she could close up.

I started walking home.. and someone grabbed me from behind. I felt a pinprick in my neck.. I woke up, in a tiny room.. it had a bed and a sink and toilet. The door was locked. I pounded on it.. screamed at the top of my lungs. Yanked and pulled on it. The fucking thing wouldn’t budge.

There was another woman there.. She said she had been there almost a month. Her name is Amanda.. but everyone calls her Mandy. I found out it was Thursday. So I had been there two days already. I made scratches on the wall. I put two.. then one for every day after that.

We were fed.. once a day. Every third day, we were taken down a long hallway to shower. I started making mental notes of everything I saw.

Windows.. high up.. by the roof.. not a ceiling.. a roof.. rafters.. open beams. Bars on the windows.. because we could just jump fourteen feet and sneak out. Metal walls.. like a warehouse.. or storage units.

More and more girls were being brought in.. we didn’t know how many of us there were. We could only hear our nearest neighbors. The night.. the day?.. I ended up here was a bad one.

I overheard what two men said…. Oh! A man.. Nate? Maybe.. said the boss was finalizing the details and Billy and Troy would be coming to pick us up in two weeks.. the boat.. Cornelius.. that’s the name of the boat.. would be outfitted by then for the trip across the ocean. I don’t know what ocean.

When dinner was brought in that night, I was fed up. I had had enough.. he stepped in the room with my food tray. When I took it, I slammed the tray into his face. I shoved the edge of it into his nose. He fell.. and I ran.

Obviously.. I didn’t succeed in my escape. But I was deemed undesirable.. we are supposed to be broken and docile. Their words. I didn’t get the memo.. but they called a couple men to “get rid of it.” Meaning me.

Long story short.. they took me away.. into the woods.. They beat me and raped me.. I played dead. Then I woke up here.”

I understood completely why she glossed over the end of her story. I had seen it many times in assault victims. They avoid talking about the actual trauma as much as they can.

Delaney asked “When they were taking you away.. were there any landmarks.. identifying milestones you recognized?”

Vicki nodded.. “I was chained in the back of a van.. but when they lead me out.. the building is indeed a series of storage units that have been hollowed out to make it look like individual units.. but it’s really just one big warehouse. We turned out onto the road and we passed a bar.. Duffy’s.. then turned left.. and it wasn’t long after that I was yanked out of the van for some fun.”

My body infused with adrenaline.. and I asked if she saw a name of any kind on the storage unit.. she shook her head no. I called Gizmo.. and gave him the information we had.. and he will get started searching right away.

I walked back in Vicki’s room to see she had fallen asleep. Delaney suggested we head home. She knew I would be eager to roll on this new information.

Delaney was quiet all the way home. When I turned off the truck, I looked at her “Baby.. are you okay?” She blinked her huge green eyes at me and nodded.. “Processing, I think.”

As soon as we reached the door, Gizmo met us.. he grinned “I found it.. I found where they are.. I don’t think they suspect the girl survived.”

I didn’t slow up.. mind linking the ranks to meet me in the office. Once everyone was there, I told them we need a plan “We are going in tonight! Get the transport vans ready.. have our medics available. We can’t be sure the girls are unharmed now.. after Vicki broke the guy’s nose. She thinks it may have been Nathan.. but she can’t remember his face.”

Delaney said “I will get some sandwiches and drinks together. Those girls are going to be hungry.” Axe laughed “Just like a woman.. you sick? Here.. eat. Sad? Have some food. Hurt.. rub a little food on it.”

She hit him with her shoe.

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