Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 33 ~ I See You’ve Met My Mate

Delaney ~

At the mandatory meeting that night.. Tammy claimed I was deliberately depriving her of making the extra money the men give the Sweet Butts in appreciation for their services. Not all our guys do that.. but some tip the girls.

I asked how exactly I was supposedly doing that.. She accused me of ordering the men to stay out of her bed. That struck me funny.. and I asked “Have you always been so paranoid? Has it not occurred to you that maybe.. just Maybe.. it’s… You? Because I gotta tell ya.. if I was living in a club of five hundred men.. and not one wanted to have sex with me.. I would probably develop a complex.”

She snarled “You just don’t want me to earn money! If I am working.. I can’t do all your little bullshit chores.” I snapped “Bitch! I gave you a job! I kept you from being sold to the Vikings. I have never done anything to you.. yet you have shit on me seven ways from Sunday. I am done with your constant complaints.. you always thinking that you’re better than anyone else. I tried.. over and over to teach you a little humility. Some appreciation for your fellow man.. Even tried to be your friend, at one time. I am done. I don’t give a flying fuck if you buy your contract out.. or if Venom sells it to anyone else.. But I am done with you. I am done trying.. I want you gone before the club makes the move to our new territory. I wash my hands of the whole fucking thing.”

She screamed “This is what you have wanted since the first day I got here! You’re scared your man still wants me!”

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Venom. He may want to step in here, before I snap a bitch’s neck. Torin growled “I never wanted your stank ass! I never touched you. You were here a whole month before Delaney moved in.. and I never looked twice at you!”

She whined “You took me on a date. We went out to dinner.” He laughed at her… then asked “Are you on drugs? Axe.. toss her room.. I want to know what she’s taking. I didn’t take you to dinner. I took three new Sweet Butts out for a business dinner. We went over the rules of your contracts before you signed them, you delusional little twat!”

Now.. I was laughing. This girl is stupid.. so stupid. I looked at her “You will soon learn how good you had it here. And please.. by all fucking means.. write a letter to Marcus Walters.. because when I see him in ten months.. I fully plan on telling him where to find me, when he gets out. You terrorized a little boy in your malicious effort to get back at me. What kind of person does that make you, Tammy? What did my brother ever do to warrant you terrifying him that the man he watched bludgeon his wife.. my mother.. to death.. will be coming after him!? Answer that for me.. and I will consider ordering the men to notice you.”

She muttered “I didn’t know. I didn’t know that’s what happened. You kidnapped him! I heard you tell Ashley! You admitted it.” I started laughing.. I looked at everyone in the room.. “The night Marcus.. my stepfather.. beat my mother to death.. while my little brother watched.. I did. I kidnapped him. To save a five year old from suffering the same fate. I saved my brother. Then I fought for custody of him. Then I adopted him. I am now waiting.. and when that man comes for Maddox.. I will kill him. So now everyone knows, Tammy. Are you satisfied? I am done talking to her now.. Y’all can do what you want.. but she no longer exists in my world.”

Venom said “Snake.. make the call. She can be Alvarez’s headache now. But.. at least she’ll be more comfortable.. Al’s Sweet Butts don’t get clothes to wear. Spider.. lock her in her room.”

He dragged her out.. screaming and begging. The room was so quiet after she walked out, I busted out laughing.. Told Vicki and the other girls “Getting initiated right off the bat.. right, girls? We can’t allow disrespect when we lead this many people.”

Vicki grins “After what I have been through.. the heinous things done to me.. Girl.. You’re like Mother Theresa.” Everyone laughed at that.

Venom said “I actually called this meeting to discuss club business.. and now that the town crier has been taken care of. Let’s get to it.. shall we? The man behind the abductions is Richard Slate. He’s pissed we rescued the girls.. he’s out a lot.. and I do mean a lot.. of money. Millions. He already had an old vendetta against me.. Now he has two. I want us ready to move to Warrior Wolves territory within the month. All the security measures should be installed.. fencing in.. We will maintain this location as an outpost.. Manned by a hundred and fifty men.. at all times.. We will take it in shifts.. four on and three off.. everyone rotating.. All of you are still scheduled for training at the simulator twice a week.. two hours at a time. That is to be strictly adhered to. Any questions? Now is the time to ask.”

Renegade asked “What if the rest of us find mates like you and Snake have?” I smiled and Venom told him “I hope you do, brother! I hope you all do. It can only enrich your life.. our lives.. all of us.”

Demon wanted to know “We are going to need some heavier artillery to defend against what’s the colonel will be throwing our way.. Do we know how much C-4 he has?”

Venom said “The military won’t release that information.. but I am glad you brought that up. We will be receiving delivery of a cache of assorted weapons Axe ordered when this whole thing started. We will be well armed… Also.. Always check your vehicles before you get back in them.. no matter where you are parking. Queen was in the park.. and he got to her Jeep.. in broad daylight. He didn’t hesitate to bomb a huge superstore. Take no chances!”

I said “And always keep your eyes peeled.. He is watching all of us.. He knew I was at the hospital. He knew we had pulled into Walmart. Don’t underestimate this man. He’s a battle hardened warrior.. with a strategic mind. He thinks like you do.”

Venom told everyone they were dismissed and we all went out to the club bar. Venom said he was desperate for a beer.. and I told him I was, too. Then it dawned on him I couldn’t drink.

We were all sitting around talking.. well.. I was arguing with Snake about my salt and vinegar chips.. because I really wanted them now..

A gate guard mind linked Venom a huge hispanic man was at the gate.. when Venom stepped outside he said to let him pass. And Venom invited him inside.

This guy.. walks in.. ogling me like I was a frickin fifteen ounce T-bone and said “Please tell me it’s this one’s contract I’m buying.” And reached across the table to pull a strand of curls off my shoulder.

Before his hand reached me, I grabbed it and slammed his hand backwards.. twisting it.. I yanked him down on the table and my knife at his throat. Venom grinned “I see you’ve met my mate.”

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