War for Uyrilia

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Four months after the first reports of Zinnia’s followers was announced Liliana and Robert made it to the town of Langdale. They were trying to get information from local villages, towns and cities about Zinnia and her movement. They needed to find supporters to help them move through the country without being caught by Zinnia and her supporters but they Also needed any information that floated by to track what she was doing and planning to do. They walked around the town hand in hand looking at the market, talking to the people. Robert pulled her towards him, making her turn into his chest with a giggle before they shared a sweet kiss. They were worried about their relationship getting to his mother but they figured that if it was going to reach her there was no way they would be able to stop it. So they began showing their feelings more and more with people around. They still kept it out of the courts, turning into Princess and Prince but they just wanted to be with each other.

Liliana smiled up at him as they continued to walk, being stopped every now and again by the town’s people to be talked to about everything from the war to the weather and everything in between. One older woman asked how long they had been married. “We’re not married.” Liliana told her with a glance to Robert. “We don’t want to have people forget about what’s important. If we stop to be married, everyone would drop their guard to celebrate and that could mean many deaths. I wouldn’t ever want to be the cause of anyone’s death.”

“It wouldn’t be a joyous occasion for us if we knew it was because of our union that Zinnia was able to destroy so many lives.” Robert added as Liliana nodded in agreement.

“Well, what about marrying in quiet?” The woman smiled. “An intimate wedding, with only a small group as your witnesses.” The couple looked at each other.

“But it would mean still that those people could be in danger and if it got out…” Liliana was worried that if word spread there would be issues of either men letting their guard down for celebration or uprisings because they were from two different lands who held a strained bond. Robert squeezed her hand making her look at his small smile.

“We’ll think about it.” He smiled at the old woman who nodded and continued on her way. “Come on, it’s getting late. Let’s go get some dinner and head back to the inn. We need to be back at camp in the morning. Might as well get a good night’s rest before we have to be to our own cold beds.” Liliana smirked as they continued to the inn.

That night Robert was making sure their packs were full when he spotted Liliana sitting on the bed looking out the window. “You okay?” He asked making her glance at him before looking back out the window.

“Yeah.” She gave a soft sigh. “I just can’t help thinking about what that old woman, Raelyn had said today.”

“What? About us getting married?” He asked as he moved to her side as she nodded. “Ana, you know I want to marry you as badly as you want to marry me but with the war… we know what it could cost us if we gave in, we’ve seen it before. We agreed to wait and find another way.” The two thought of what had happened to their daughter before Liliana took a breath and continued.

“Yes but what if we did what she said? Just a little one with a few people we trusted to not spread word about it until it was safer to celebrate.”

“People want a big, nationwide celebration when the princess gets married.”

She looked at him and raised her brow. “And they don’t want one for a prince?” He shook his head with a small smile. “I know what’s traditional and what is usual but I don’t think, even if we did wait to have the big national wedding that we would be allowed. You know as well as I do that you’re mother would never agree to it and imagine the problems that would follow with her followers and your brother and step father…” She trailed off with a sigh. “We’re never going to be allowed to be together after this war. Look at what has happened to us, we‘ve been tortured and stalked and had our daughter ripped from us…”

Robert reached out and gently lifted her chin so she looked into his eyes. “I won’t let any of that happen ever again and,” He pulled her into a hug. “I won’t let anything or anyone stop us from being together. I love you, Ana.” He kissed the top of her head. “Besides I fought too hard for your heart to just let you go.” She pulled back and looked up at him with a smirk.

“You did argue pretty hard. Did some begging too as I remember.” He rolled his eyes as he pushed her onto the mattress with a squeak of surprise before he started tickling her side making her laugh harder and harder before she was begging him to stop tickling her.

“I guess we’re even now.” He chuckled before he was pulled into a deep, loving kiss. Pulling back, he looked down into her amber eyes and smiled, gently stroking her cheek. “I promise I will marry you, princess.”

“You better, I’m not going to let you go so easily, prince know it All.” She smiled making him laugh and lay down beside her to fall asleep with her wrapped in his arms.

The next morning Liliana awoke to Robert gone. She assumed he had gone to get their horses ready so she went to their packs to double check they had everything when the door to their room flew open. She turned to see Robert as he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him. “Come on.” He told her with a bright smile.

She followed him as he led her out of the inn and towards the little chapel. “Rob…”

“You wanted to get married.” He shrugged with a bright smile as she laughed. “Now’s our chance if you still want to.”

“Yes!” She said happily. “Yes, let’s get married.” As they came to the doors, she stopped making him look at her confused. “We don’t have rings or anything.”

He just smirked at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Come on.” He said softly as he opened the door and they walked in. Liliana looked around, she could not believe it, and the entire town seemed to have crammed into the little building and were all smiling and looking at them. “Raelyn set it All up for us.”

“But…” She looked around. She did not know what to say.

“But nothing. You wanted to get married.” Robert grinned as a smiled spread across her face and they walked towards the old woman and an old man at the altar.

“I’m told you put this all together?” Liliana asked the old woman.

She nodded with a smile. “Yes. I could see how happy you two are together. I know what would happen if you were to wait for the war to end. A princess of Atren and a prince of Kothus would never be allowed to be together, the queen would never approve. This is just a little way for us to say thank you for all you have given and all the fighting you’ve both been through. We know you are giving everything to be able to help the people and we appreciate your sacrifices, but this is one that we cannot accept.” She smiled as she took Liliana’s hand and looked at the old man. “This is my husband. He is from another town and we were told we would never be allowed to see each other again. It was because of a nice old woman in a town between us that we were able to marry and silence the impossible. Today, I will be that old woman to help silence the impossible.”

Liliana smiled as tears built in her eyes before she hugged Raelyn. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to us.” Raelyn smiled and patted her hand.

“Just do one thing for me.”


“Love each other with every breath and then some.” The couple smiled and nodded before taking each other’s hand. “Now, let’s get you two married before you must return to the camp and the fighting.”

The woman took her seat as her husband went through the ceremony with the smiling couple in front of him. They did not hear a word as he spoke until they said their, I do’s and Robert was told to kiss the bride, which he happily did. They turned to the cheering crowd and walked out into the town where the people began their celebration. “I can never thank you enough.” Robert told the old couple.

“You have more fighting to do, not just in the war but on the home front as well, but if you stay together you will both come out the better for it all. Stand by each other, love each other and you will be just fine.” She smiled and hugged both of them. “Now, on your way to the camp, before they send someone looking for you. We will keep the celebration to ourselves and not spread word until it reaches our ears that you have told the world.”

“Thank you.” Liliana said before the newlyweds were off on their journey back to camp, hand in hand each sporting a glinting white gold ring.

“I’m so happy I could be part of King Jaxton’s plan to bring those to so much happiness. It’s a shame they were going to put this off and risk never being together. I’m glad King Jaxton is so caring.” The woman smiled as she leaned into her husband’s embrace.

“We’re going to be so late getting back to camp.” Liliana sighed.

Robert smirked. “Yeah, but it was worth it, don’t you think?” Liliana could not help the bright smile that came to her face as she looked down at her ring.

She smiled at him as they made their way to the camp as fast as they could. “Maybe we should stop for the night. The sun is going down fast and we still have a while to go. One more night away isn’t going to cause too much of a problem.”

“I think you’re right. I would like to spend the night with my bride after all.” He smirked before the two went about setting up a small camp and lying together for the first time as husband and wife.


Jace stood at the edge of camp looking up at the full moon when his father walked up beside him. “Can’t sleep?” He asked and saw his son shake his head. “What’s on your mind?”

Jace sighed and glanced at him before answering. “I want to marry Rebecca.” Jaxton chuckled as he looked at Jace who turned confused. “What’s so funny?”

“If you want to marry her, then why haven’t you asked her?” Jace was even more confused. He never thought his father would be so open to him getting married, he was known for trying to keep his twins children in his mind. “I know you and your sister aren’t children any more. She’s proven it by having a child and now getting married.”

“She got married? When?”

“Earlier today. That’s why they’re late. An old woman in the town they stopped in set it All up for them. It’s about time.” He smirked. “I know I try to keep you two from growing up but the truth is you are grown. You’re Almost nineteen, you can make your own choices. If you want to marry her, then ask and start planning it.” Jace just nodded. “Try to get some sleep, I bet she’s having a hard time sleeping with you out here.” His face turned red as he looked away from his smirking father who seemed to know everything.

Jace took a breath before heading back to this tent where Rebecca was tossing in her sleep. Walking over he saw her look at him confused. “Jace, what are you doing up?”

“I’ve been thinking about something.” He sat on the side of the cot as she sat up worried.

“What’s been bothering you?”

He glanced at her from the corner of her eye. “I want to marry you.” He said before looking at her. “I want you to be my wife; I want everyone to know I love you.” She smiled and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.

“Yes.” She said before they dropped back onto the cot to be in each other’s arms the rest of the night.

The next day the two sat and talked about what they wanted. All they wanted was someone to marry them and be done with it. Rebecca did not want the fancy wedding of a royal family she just wanted Jace. She grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to the tent where his father sat looking over reports with Liliana and Robert adding in what they had found. Jaxton looked up at the two with a smile as Jace grinned. “We want you to marry us as the king of Atren.” Jace blurted out.

Jaxton smiled and stood up with a nod while Liliana and Robert glanced at each other before smiling. “We don’t want a fancy thing. We just want to be together with family and friends.” Jaxton nodded again.

“How’s tomorrow?” Jaxton asked making them look at each other. “That way we can prepare to be left Alone for a while.” The two nodded happily. “Tomorrow it is then.” He watched as they left with Liliana and Robert and he sat down with a sigh. “They’re growing up too fast.” He mumbled to himself.

The next afternoon Jace stood with his father and Robert as Liliana and Rebecca walked towards them from the little tent to the side. As she stopped in front of her, she smiled brightly at him and took his hands. Liliana and Robert turned to sit and watch as Jaxton asked each other if they wished to wed the other, after they said they did he told them to kiss the bride. With a smile, Jaxton walked over to Liliana and Robert who stood up. “And I guess I should congratulate the two of you.”

“What? How?” Liliana rambled.

“The pastor in that town was a friend of mine.” Was all he said before he left to two new couples alone.

“I’m so happy for you Jace.” Liliana smiled and hugged her brother as he smirked and looked at Robert before locking his brown eyes back on his sister’s amber gaze.

“I’m happy for you too.” Liliana blinked, confused how Jace had found out. “Dad told me. When you guys came back late he said that was why.” Liliana smirked and shook her head. “Why didn’t you just do it here like we did?”

“Because…” Liliana paused.

“If word got out of this tent or if someone decided to eavesdrop there could be a second war.” Robert explained. “My mother and her court would never allow it even if your father does.”

“But our dad could protect you. He could stop anything from happening.” Jace tried

Liliana shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. Everything’s done and over.” She smiled brightly. “We’re married.” Jace laughed as he wrapped an arm around Rebecca’s waist.

Jace and Rebecca left the tent together with bright smiles as they made their way back to his tent as the sun sank in the sky. Liliana smirked at Robert who held out his hand in an invitation to leave with him.

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