War for Uyrilia

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Liliana heard the horn that meant troops were coming home. She ran as fast as she could from the control tent to see the troops and look for one particular face. She searched each face as they came into view until she found the one she was looking for and ran to him. Robert laughed as he pulled Liliana into his arms and spun her around. He had gone to fight on the front lines with the others and had just arrived back after being away for six months. Jace and Ryan rolled their eyes when the two kissed. “Ew! Get a room!” The two called to their siblings.

“Oh shut it!” Liliana called to them before she and Robert smiled and kissed again. “I’m so glad you’re back.” She ran her hand over his chest. “And in one piece.” He laughed as he pulled her into a tight hug.

“I’m glad I’m back too. I’ve missed you.” He whispered before pulling back but never taking his arm from around her. “I have to talk to your dad and then I’m all yours.” She nodded and the two walked together to the command tent where Jaxton was with the other leaders, waiting for reports. “Your highness.” Robert said making Jaxton look up at him as he finally let go of Liliana and walked to the middle of the tent.

“It’s good to see you back here and well.” Jaxton smiled at his son-in-law.

Robert gave a slight bow. “It was a long trek but I managed to make it with most of my men. The front lines took a great deal of casualties but nearly my entire group survived. We ran into patches of trouble on the way back. It seems Zinnia has supporters scattered throughout the land waiting for those loyal to our cause.”

“That’s troubling.” Jaxton mused.

“We disbanded the supporters and spread the word of our cause as we went. I am hoping that will be enough to protect others who pass through.” Robert explained.

“Yes. Thank you. Go rest. I’ll call when I need you, you’ve done very well.” Robert bowed before he turned and left with Liliana arm in arm making Jaxton smirk at seeing the brilliant smile on his daughter’s face.

Once outside Robert scooped Liliana into his arms and made his way to their tent off to the left with her laughing. “Rob!” She laughed. “Let me down.”

“Never.” He whispered as he laid her on their cot and kissed her. She wrapped her arms up around his neck as she deepened the kiss. Pulling away, he smiled down at her amber eyes Alight with passion and a smirk on her lips. How he had missed her beautiful face. He leaned back down taking her lips once again in a hungry kiss. She pulled him closer making him fall over her, she gave as good as she got, showing him just how much she had missed him in his absence.


The two couples could not be happier. Jace and Rebecca had let the camp know they had married and Robert and Liliana had told Ryan and the others who were close about their own marriage but still tried to keep their relationship away from prying eyes. It was as if the honeymoon lasted months there were no battles, no deaths, just happiness and love. Jace was talking with his father and uncle about a battle strategy when Rebecca wandered into the tent. “Jace. I need to talk to you.” She said looking determined.

“Looks important.” Arthur chuckled at his nephew who smirked and went to talk to his wife. She grabbed his arm and pulled him from the tent leaving a smirking Jaxton and Arthur.

“What’s going on?” Jace asked as her face turned into a bright smile. Rebecca took a deep breath and looked around making sure no one was around. “Becca…” Jace said.

“I’m pregnant.” She said quickly and watched his face drop and he stared at her stunned. She smiled at him as he blinked and took a breath. “You’re going to be a father.” A smile slowly slipped across his face before he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her into a tight hug making her laugh. “So you’re happy?”

“Happy? I couldn’t be happier!” He laughed. “This is wonderful!”

“What’s wonderful?” Liliana asked as she and Robert walked over.

Jace grinned happily. “I’m going to be a dad! Becca’s pregnant.” Liliana smiled as she hugged them both and Robert slapped his shoulder with congratulations.

“This is wonderful.” Liliana smiled. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Robert! Liliana!” Ryan called before waving them over.

Robert sighed. “We better go. Congratulations.” Jace continued to grin as Rebecca smiled and the two left them Alone.

Jace gave her a deep loving kiss before smiling at her. “I have to finish up with my father and uncle. When I’m done we’ll talk more.” She nodded and watched him go back into the tent as she headed back to their tent to wait.

“What was that all about?” Jaxton asked as Jace walked back to the table with the map. “Is everything Alright?” He turned to look at his son who was having a hard time keeping the joy from his face. Finally, he gave in and smiled at his father.

“She’s pregnant.” He said making the others pause for only a second before offering their congratulations.

“That’s great.” Arthur grinned at his nephew. “I think we have the best strategy we’re going to get for now. Why don’t you go spend time with her?” He offered making Jace nod with a smirk as he took off. “They’re going up fast.”

“Too fast.” Jaxton mused as he rolled the map up.

Arthur chuckled. “You can’t keep them little kids forever. They’re growing up and you can’t stop that. They’ve proven that several times over.” He smirked as Jaxton shook his head as they thought about how Liliana had been pregnant and now is married and Jace had married only a few months ago and was now going to be a father.

“I know, I just…. I don’t like it.” Jaxton said as Arthur smirked and nodded in agreement. “It’s too fast.”

“Yes but think of it this way, you’ll have little Lily’s and little Jace’s running around soon and you get to spoil them rotten and help raise them to be as fine adults as their parents ever turned out to be.” Jaxton smirked; he did like the idea of children running around again.

“Fine but I still don’t like how fast they’re growing up.” Jaxton pointed at his brother.

“Neither did I when you decided to run off with that wife of yours to get married and then decide to come back, shove it in your mother’s face and become a father yourself.” Christoph said as he walked in with a chuckle. “All parents need to learn to let go at some point. They’re growing up and there’s nothing you can do but enjoy the time you have with them, each step of the way.” He watched as Jaxton nodded agreeing as he sighed and sat back in his chair.


Liliana walked with Rebecca as they went to the makeshift market to look around while their husbands sat in with Jaxton, making war plans. Rebecca was beginning to show and they needed to get some new clothes for her as the baby grew. Liliana and Rebecca laughed as they wandered trying on clothes, getting what they needed before wandering just to look at what the little tents held.

“Well looks like you could use some help carrying those bags.” They heard making them turn to see Marc standing there with a smirk, as he looked Liliana up and down.

“We’ve got it.” She said as she turned and looped her arm through Rebecca’s and started walking again. Marc took a few quick steps to stand in front of them as he burrowed his hazel eyes into her. Liliana felt her heart begin to race in fear as she remembered the last time they had an encounter. There was no way she was going to let him do that again. “Out of my way or I’ll call the guards?”

“What guards? There is no one here to help you this time. No way to stop the inevitable, even my halfwit brother cannot stop what is to come to you. You will be mine whether you like it or not.” He grinned as the two women stepped back as he walked closer

“Your brother will have your head.” Liliana said, not trusting her own abilities against the only man who had ever been able to take them away with a touch. “My father will skin you alive and that’s just the start of what the others will line up to do to you if you lay one finger on us.”

“Us?” Marc smirked. “Oh no, not us. Just you, my blushing bride.” Liliana stepped forward, twisting to elbow him hard in the gut.

She turned to Rebecca. “Run. Get Rob.” She said quickly before turning back in time to avoid being hit in the head. “Go! She yelled at her sister in law making her take off. The two took hits and gave hits, they were not giving in. Marc would not give up until he got what he wanted and Liliana was determined never to let him have it. He swung as hard as he could to knock her to the ground and pushing the air from her lungs.

“You really think you could handle me?” Marc laughed.

“How about you try me?” Marc spun on his heels to see Robert, Ryan and Jace standing there with Rebecca behind them. “You think you can march around here and just do what you want? I’ve got news for you. You have no rights here. You have no one to protect you and stop me from taking your life right here and now. I warned you that if you ever laid a finger on her again I would make you regret it.” Robert took a step forward making Marc step back in fear. He knew how cruel his older brother could be when angered and he could see the anger flashing in his eyes as they stared into him. Robert made his way to Liliana’s side as she sat up catching her breath. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She said softly as she took another gulp of air. “Just get him away.” She told her husband who nodded and turned cold icy blue eyes on Marc who quickly turned and ran.

“You sure you’re okay?” He asked as he helped her to her feet and watched her wince, holding her side.

She nodded. “Yeah, just a couple bruises. I’ll be fine.” She gave him a soft smile as she controlled her pain and stood up completely.

“Lil, you really should get your ribs checked.” Jace said as he watched her give him a look they All knew well. “You think you’re just fine?” He asked before he reached out and gently poked her side making her gasp as she doubled over. “You probably cracked it, if not broke at least one rib.”

“Ana…” Robert said as he eased her to the ground. Jace shook his head as he knelt and put his hand a hair away from her body as he sent his powers flowing through his hands ing into her side, healing the damage that had been done.

“There.” Jace said. “You need to rest and let the rest of the damage heal.” He told her as he and Robert pulled her back to her feet. “Robert, why don’t you take her back to the tent, I’ll let my father know what happened.” Robert nodded and started as Liliana protested that she was fine now. Robert would not hear of it. He pushed on, forcing her back to their tent.

“She’ll be okay?” Rebecca asked Jace who nodded.

“It’s a good thing you came and got us.” He smiled at his wife. “He’s afraid of Robert and he knows he can’t take all of us on. He might have gotten what he wanted if you hadn’t come and got us.” He gently laid his hand on her small baby bump. “I’m glad all of you are safe.”

“Lily told me to run and get you.” She explained. “I didn’t want to leave her but she looked really serious. I know what happened before, how he attacked her but I could see something about her when she said to get you.”

“She was afraid.” Jace answered. “With one touch he somehow was able to take her powers and paralyze her. It was not just an attack. He almost succeeded in raping her. If it was not for Robert going passed, he might have actually won. Since then she’s had a fear when it’s come to the men who follow her asking her to bed them, and its panic when it comes to Marc.” Rebecca looked at her husband in shock. “We never told anyone exactly what he did. The only ones who know are Robert, Ryan, Alexander, my family and Erna.” Rebecca nodded, as she looked the way Robert and Liliana had gone.

“I’m sure she’ll be okay. Robert will sit with her and fix her up.” Ryan told her with a smile.

She returned the smile, “I hope you’re right.” Jace held out his arm and she took it as the three walked back to the tent to report to Jaxton what had happened.

Robert gently sat Liliana on the cot they shared. “I’m fine, Rob, really.” She watched as he pulled out ointment and sat on a chair in front of her.

“I know.” He said as he put some ointment on his finger and began to gently rub it into her small scratches and cuts. “I know.” He sighed.

“Rob.” She said softly as she reached out making him look up at her. “He didn’t get me. All he did was cut me a bit. I’m safe.”

He gently touched her cheek. “I know. I just…” He shook his head. “Seeing him standing over you… it was like that night… I wanted to kill him.”

“I know what you mean. I couldn’t move at first, all I thought of was that night.” He frown slowly shifted. “I knew I couldn’t do it Alone but I knew if we ran… I knew what would happen. So I fought until you got there to save me again.” She smiled as a smirk crossed his lips before he connected them with hers.

“You are something else.” He laughed making her laugh as he continued putting ointment on her cuts.

“But you love me.” She smiled

Robert chuckled. “With All my heart.” He gave her another kiss. “Now let me finish and we can take a nice walk.” She just smiled at him, letting him do his work.

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