War for Uyrilia

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The months seemed to fly by. Rebecca was at the end of her pregnancy and Jace was jumpy with every movement she made. Rebecca was becoming more and more annoyed with his actions making Liliana roll her eyes before telling Robert to make him stop.

“You’re telling me you weren’t worried at All?” Jace said as he looked at Robert. Everything about Rylea was still sore even more than a year after her death. The parents were talking more about it and would not let it break them as much as it was brought up and thought about more often as Rebecca continued in her pregnancy.

Robert put his hand on Jace’s shoulder making him still. “Relax. It’s not like you can do anything any way. All you can do is be there when she tells you it’s time to get others. You getting jumpy and on her last nerve is only going to cause a fight and fighting with a pregnant women is never a good idea.” He glanced over his shoulder at the two women. “Trust me. You’ll always lose.” Liliana crossed her arms with a smirk as Rebecca giggled.

“So how do you feel, other than having my idiot brother running around like a chicken with his head cut off for no reason?” Liliana asked her sister-in-law.

“I’m so tired. It’s like I can’t sleep at All and I’m just so…” Liliana smirked and nodded.

“I know what you mean.” She gently laid a hand on the rounded belly and felt the baby kick making both women laugh. “It’ll be no time before you’re holding this little one in your arms.”

“Ana, let’s go and let them get some sleep.” Robert said as he stood up. Liliana nodded as she stood beside him. “Everything will be fine, you’ll see.” Robert smirked as the two left.

The couple walked in silence, making their way back to their tent. Liliana took his hand as they got closer before they stopped. “Rob… I know we talked about it before…”

“Ana, we discussed it. We can’t right now. We need to figure out how you can be completely safe. We thought you would be safe here with everyone watching over you but we were wrong. You can’t defend yourself while you’re pregnant and it’s you the enemy is after. I can’t take the chance of losing you, let Alone having that monster takes another child from us.”

“I know…” She paused as a tear ran down her cheek and he pulled her to him. “Just seeing Rebecca and how happy Jace is…”

“I know.” He sighed. “I promise we’ll finish this war and then we can have the life we dreamed of back when we first went to Kothus.” He smiled as he pulled back and looked down at her. “We’ll run in the forest, climb trees and get dirty with our sons and daughters.” Liliana gave a soft laugh before they hugged again. “I promise, Ana.”

“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “I just thought maybe we could figure something out…” He just smirked and gave her a loving kiss before taking her hand.

“Come on, let’s go home.” The two went to their tent talking about what their future would be like.

A week after Liliana checked in on Rebecca, Jace woke up Liliana and Robert as he yelled and ran into their tent. “Jace? What’s going on?” Liliana asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“Becca… she…. Baby….” He gasped.

Liliana jumped from the bed and grabbed her clothes to change. “Stand outside, let me get dressed.” Jace reluctantly stood outside as Liliana and Robert changed, when they walked out of the tent Jace was hopping from one foot to the other. She shook her head and sighed. “Rob, can you please let my father know Rebecca’s in labor? And take that one with you.” Robert smirked and led his brother-in-law away as Liliana went to the tent Jace and his wife shared.

“Lily.” Rebecca smiled as her sister-in-law walked over and sat on the side of the cot. “It’s time. I’ve been feeling the pain for a while and it’s getting worse.”

“You’ll be okay.” Liliana smiled as she rested her hand on Rebecca’s belly. “I’m going to gather what we need and get some other women to help, will you be okay for a few minutes?” Rebecca nodded. “I won’t be gone long, just focus on breathing and control the pain.” Again, she nodded before Liliana ran from the tent calling orders for things she needed and the women she wanted before returning. She sat next to Rebecca, holding her hand while they waited.

“It feels like days.” Rebecca said. “But it’s only been a few hours.”

“It will be worth it when you see your baby for the first time. Trust me.” Rebecca smiled and nodded breathing through another contraction as the women ran in with the supplies. “Alright, we’re going to set up and then it’s time to meet the little troublemaker.” Liliana moved quickly as she began setting up the blankets, water and sheets. “You should have seen your husband’s face when he thought he was going to have to deliver Rylea.” She smiled. “He and rob looked at each other scared out of their minds.” Rebecca’s laugh was cut short by another contraction.

“We’re all set, my lady.” A woman said as Liliana moved to the bottom of the cot.

“Alright Rebecca let’s get the trouble maker out to torment his father.” Rebecca nodded as she began to push.

Outside Robert sat beside Jace as Jaxton sat on the other side and the others were scattered around waiting to hear the news of the next line of royalty. Jace started to fidget making Robert smirk. “Guess it’s better than sitting in a cell trying to deliver your niece without seeing anything.” Robert smirked as Jace chuckled.

“I guess.” He smirked before his eyes went back to the tent. “I just can’t wait to see it for the first time.” He smiled as he remembered the looks and the glow Liliana and Robert seemed to have as they laid eyes on their daughter for the first time. It was something he could not even imagine. There was a cry making everyone climb to their feet waiting. A few minutes went by, the women cleared out of the tent, and the cries died down. Liliana was the last one with a bright smile as she walked over to her brother.

“You guys can go in.” She smiled as she walked back in with Robert and the other close family members. Jace sat beside Rebecca holding a little bundle in her arms. “It’s a healthy baby boy.” She told him making him smile as Rebecca handed their son to him to hold for the first time. Robert looked at Liliana as she smiled watching her brother holding the little baby. “So what’s his name?”

“Sylvan.” Rebecca answered with a smile. “Sylvan Summergale.”

“He’s adorable.” Liliana smiled as she gently touched her nephew’s cheek making him squirm a bit and open his dark eyes before settling back in his father’s arms. “Congratulations.” She smiled and ruffled her brother’s hair as she used to when they were kids. All he could do was smile and stare at the baby in his arms as the others offered their congratulations.

“Okay, let’s let the new family rest for a while.” Liliana smiled as she cleared the tent. She stopped and kissed her brother’s forehead. “I’m really happy for you and I know mom would be overjoyed to see him.”

Jace just smiled happily before he hugged her as he rested his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry, Lil. I know this must be hard…”

“I’m fine. Really, Rob and I are both fine. We’re glad to see your little boy.” She smiled. “You’re a dad now. Be happy.” At hearing her words, he could not help but grin. “You know where I am if you need me.”

“Thanks.” He said as she nodded and left to meet with Robert outside.

As they, started walking towards their own tent the sun began to rise. Liliana glanced at Robert walking silently beside her. “Penny for your thoughts?”

“What?” He asked confused making her laugh.

“It’s an old saying on earth; basically, it’s a way to ask what someone is thinking about.” She smiled. “You look like you’re thinking really hard on something.”

Robert was silent for a moment. “I guess he was kind of cute.” He smiled watching Liliana laugh. “But I think we could do better.” He watched as she stopped laughing and walking only to look up at him with bright amber eyes. “That is, if you would like a cute little Lily running around.”

“But we talked about it…” She trailed off as the light slowly began to fade from her face and she looked down. He reached out gently pushing her chin up so she looked at him.

“I guess that means I can’t leave your side then.” He smirked as she looked into his blue eyes before the light slowly grew. “It’s never going to replace Rylea or stop it from hurting but I think Rylea would want a little sibling. Don’t you?” Liliana smiled happily before throwing her arms around his neck as he connected their lips in a deep loving kiss.

Pulling away, she giggled. “I don’t think we should start here.” She said looking around as people began to wake up and wander about their duties.

“I suppose you’re right.” He mused before pulling her up into his arms making her squeak with surprise before he started walking to their tent with her laughing in his arms.


“He’s a wild one.” Jaxton laughed as he watched Rebecca and Liliana with Sylvan as he laughed and giggled as he crawled around to try to get into anything in his sight.

Robert laughed as Sylvan tried to go towards the horses that were tied off to the side making Liliana pick him up quickly only to have him squirm in her arms. “He likes to be free it seems.” He said as Liliana put Sylvan back on the ground facing Rebecca making him smile happily and start towards her.

“I’ve never seen a kid with so much energy.” Jace shook his head as his wife smiled and pulled their son to stand on his feet. At six months old, he was definitely itching to move all the time.

“This is nothing.” Robert smirked. “When Ryan and our little sister started getting to that age they were everywhere. You should have seen the nannies going nuts trying to keep them out of everything and to stop them from escaping. Just wait until he can walk and run.” Jace just groaned as he thought about how active his son was now and how much worse it was going to get.

“Well don’t dwell on it. Don’t you have some cabins to get built before the winter?” Jaxton smirked as the two sighed and climbed to their feet. Liliana walked over to them as Rebecca kept Sylvan occupied. “You okay, Lily? You look pale.”

“I haven’t been feeling very well recently, but I’m alright.” She gave him a smile as he shook his head, knowing it was better not to argue with her. Robert put his heavy jacket around her shoulders as Jaxton just walked away.

“You should go rest.” Robert told her. “You’ve been sick the last few days; you don’t want it to get worse with you running around out here in the cold.”

“I can take care of myself thank you.” She said as she put her hands on her hips. “And don’t you lecture me about being out in the cold.” Robert just smirked and kissed her cheek.

“Go rest, I’ll be back as soon as I’m done.” He told but she was being stubborn. “For me?” He asked making her sigh.

“Fine.” She gave in. She could never say no when he asked her to do something for him. “But don’t be late.” He nodded and watched as she rewrapped his jacket around him. “Stay warm. Don’t need you getting sick too.” Robert just smirked before she wandered back to their tent while he and Jace went to find Ryan and begin their work for the day.

In the mid afternoon Jace was working with Robert, and Ryan to cut wood to make more suitable housing for the upcoming winter when Liliana arrived. She smiled as she ran up wrapping her arms around Robert as he was about to split another log. “Ana!” He yelled before she leaned to look around him and smile up at him. “You could get yourself or someone else hurt doing that.” He told her but she still just smiled up at him as he turned to face her. “I thought you were going to stay inside.” He sighed as he pulled her light cloak closed around her.

“I was. Flore came to see how I was and to see what she could do.” Liliana explained as Jace and Ryan shook their heads and went back to work.

“She find out why you’re so sick?” Robert asked worried.

Liliana nodded with a bright grin making him furrow his brow in confusion. “I’m pregnant.” She said softly and watched as his brow rose and his eyes went wide before lighting up with joy.

“You’re… we’re going to have a child?” He asked and watched her nod with a smile before he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around both laughing. Their brothers stopped working to glace at each other and look at them, waiting for an explanation. “I’m going to be a father.” He grinned at the two men who looked at Liliana still smiling before they smiled too. They slapped Robert on the back and hugged Liliana telling them their congratulations as the couple wrapped their arms around each other.

“You better get back to work so everyone has a place to stay warm for the winter.” Liliana told her husband. “I need to help set up previsions, I’ll see you tonight.” She kissed his cheek and left with a bright smile. Robert smirked as he went back to work with his brother and brother-in-law. He could not believe it; he was going to be a father again. He was going to stay with her through this pregnancy; nothing was going to happen to her or their child. He would protect them.

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