War for Uyrilia

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Robert felt like he couldn’t breathe as he asked for permission to enter Jaxton’ tent. As he walked in, he found Jaxton sitting at a table with papers sprawled all over it as he worked. “Everything alright?” He asked the younger man.

“Yes, I, um…” He trailed off, not knowing exactly how to talk to Jaxton or what to say.

Jaxton put his pen down and looked at Robert as he tried not to fidget. “What is it? Just spit it out.”

Robert took a deep breath as he let the words flow quickly. “I want to marry Liliana.” He looked at Jaxton as he stood from the table, his face unreadable. “I love her; I have for a long time. I know this could possibly cause a war between our countries but I’m willing to give up the throne in Norad to be at her side.” Jaxton looked at the young man and watched him fidget where he stood.

“Why are you so nervous?” He asked making Robert force himself to stand tall and straight. Jaxton just smirked before he stood from his seat. “There’s no reason to be nervous. Lily has fallen for you, that is clear. Who am I to say you two cannot be happy together because of some silly titles.” He watched Robert’s face light up. “It’s going to be difficult for your mother to handle. What are you going to do about her?”

“I thought about not getting married until after this is all settled with Zinnia that way if she puts up a fight we don’t have to worry as much. I don’t want to put our countries in danger but I can’t give her up for a title and a big chair.” He shook his head and sighed.

Jaxton walked over and laid his hand on the younger man’s shoulder with a small smile. “I get it. Do you know why this whole war started?”

“Because she wants Ana and Jace’s powers.”

Jaxton shook his head. “That’s only part of it. She started it because I offered to give up my place in line to the throne so that I could be with their mother. My mother felt that I needed to marry a princess if I were to be king. When I refused and told her, I wanted to marry Saffron and I would gladly give up my birthright she flew into hysterics. One night I ran off and Saffron and I got married in secret. We both ran off and started a life for ourselves where no one bothered us. When my father found us he talked us into going back to the castle. He was glad that we had found happiness, but my mother went on a rampage. She tried to kill Saffron several times. She almost did a couple times. When the twins were born and everyone could feel their powers, she wanted them. She wanted to be heard and obeyed. She felt to gain that she needed the massive power they hold. That is what started this whole mess.”

“All because you wanted to marry who you love?” Jaxton nodded. “What’s to stop my mother from doing the very same then?”

“Me.” Jaxton smirked making Robert look at him. “The throne of Atren is the unofficial ruler of all the human lands; we just don’t use the title unless we need to. I will pull that card if she tried to cause a problem. I want my daughter happy, not a puppet to torment.”

“That will never happen.” Robert said firmly knowing Jaxton was worried about Marc and Erna. “I’ll die before anything like that happens.”

“I know. I can see how much you both care for each other. I may be her father and not want her to grow up but I’m not blind. I’ve seen it for a while now. I give you my blessing as her father and as King of Atren and of the human countries to take Liliana as your wife.” Robert could not help the smile that came to his face. “Now you need to ask her.” He nodded and left as Jaxton took his seat once again thinking of how much his children had grown.


It took Robert nearly a month before he worked up the courage to ask Liliana to marry him. He stood at their spot as she made her way through the brush. She stopped and looked around with a smile seeing the cushions, blankets and snacks set up and him standing to the side.

She smiled brightly as she went to his side. “I have something to ask you before we sit and celebrate your birthday.” She looked at him and raised her brow. Robert took a deep breath. It was now or never. “Liliana Summergale, will you be my wife?”

Liliana looked at him in shock as her voice failed her, but she just nodded and smiled before he pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her. “Yes.” She said finally. “Yes I’ll marry you.”

Robert ginned and kissed her again. “You know that means you’ll be queen when I take the throne.” She just nodded. “And we’ll be stuck with courts and duties…”

“Are you trying to talk me out of this?” She laughed as he quickly shook his head before pulling her into a loving kiss. Pulling back Liliana looked worried. “Rob, if we get married it will cause a war. I can’t…. I love you and want to spend my life with you but I can’t cause another stupid war.” She shook her head as tears came to her eyes.

Robert quickly pulled her into his arms as the tears fell. “Don’t worry about any of that. We’ll find a way. I promise I will, and there will be no fighting or war because we marry.” He pulled away and looked at her. “Just promise that you’ll make me the happiest man in all the worlds, even if it’s not for a while.” She just nodded with a small smile before being pulled back into a deep kiss that sent shivers up her spine. The two fell into the cushions laughing and smiling, the only thing in the world was the two of them alone with no titles or courts to tell them what to do and how to feel.

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