War for Uyrilia

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

After a month of having Zinnia walk in to taunt them, they were starting to get used to their new living arrangements. Liliana was lying against Robert’s chest as he slept leaning against the wall with Jace off to the side. The way they had become accustomed to for as long as they had been in the cell. She woke up and tried to shift to make her more comfortable but nothing was working. She sighed in frustration as she sat up. “You okay?” Robert asked softly.

“Yeah, I just… I can’t get comfortable.” She said as she tried to turn again. She gasped as she laid her hands on her belly. Robert sat up worried watching her wince before going back to her squirming.

“Ana, you sure you’re okay?” Robert moved closer to her but she waved off his concern and tried to lay flat on the floor on her side. She felt her body relax a bit and smiled as Robert sat next to her head and gently ran his fingers through her hair as she dosed off again.

Robert and Jace were woken up by Liliana’s cry. They sat up ready to fight only to see her curled up on the ground, holding her belly. “Lily….” Jace whispered as he went to her side.

Robert rolled her a little so she looked up at him. “What’s wrong?” He asked worried as he looked down at her.

“The baby…” She moaned. Robert and Jace looked at each other afraid. She cried out again feeling another contraction.

“Okay…” Jace said trying to figure out what to do. He watched Robert move her over to where they had several blankets stacked. He leaned her back against it. He smoothed her hair back.

“How long have you been in labor?” Robert asked her.

“A while.” Was all she said before he took her hand and let her squeeze it.

“Probably since you woke up and couldn’t get comfortable.” Robert sighed as he tried to remember what he had to do. He had heard midwives while they birthed babies in the camp but neither he nor Jace had ever been around a birth.

Liliana squeezed his hand making him look at her as she gave a laugh. “You two are pathetic.” She looked between their scared faces. “Jace, get behind me.” She said as she pushed up trying to control the pain. Jace moved to let her lean against him. “Rob, you’ll have to deliver the baby.” She took a deep breath and grabbed Jace’s hand making him cry out in pain. “Sorry.” She whispered.

“I’ll live.” Jace said as he held her hand and watched Robert move to Liliana’s feet. “This is not something I wanted to see, especially not when it’s my sister.” He mused making Liliana laugh as Robert took a blanket and put it across her legs before he pulled her pants off. He glanced up as she closed her eyes in pain crying out.

Robert looked down. “I see the head.” He said as Liliana nodded and took a deep breath. As she pushed, the pain irrupted. Each push became harder and harder as the pain shook her body making her scream with each time. “Almost, Ana. The baby’s Almost out, one more push!” He called as she gathered the strength she had left and pushed. She fell back breathing hard as she heard the screech of the baby. Jace smiled as he looked from his sister to the baby in its father’s arms. “It’s a girl.” He smiled brightly. He quickly used a stone to cut the cord and wrapped the girl in a blanket before he tried to clean her up a bit. He gently laid the baby in her mother’s arms.

“We have a little girl…” Liliana said softly as she looked down at the squirming baby.

Robert kissed her forehead as Jace moved over to the side letting her lean against Robert as the new little family had their moment. He could not believe he had just helped his niece be born. He looked at the bars. They really needed to get out of here. “You did well.” Robert whispered as he kissed the top of her head. “She’s beautiful.”

Liliana nodded, not taking her eyes from the baby. “What do you want to name her?” She asked looking up at him whit a smile. They both looked down as the baby started making noise and saw her open dark blue eyes.

“Rylea.” He said as he touched her head of soft blond fuzz.

“Rylea Alabyran.” Liliana smiled. “Hi there sweet heart.” The screech of the metal doors had Jace and Robert on their feet blocking Liliana and the baby.

“Well, well, well.” Zinnia smiled as she looked at the two men. “Looks like we have a new addition. But you know four in this cell is just too many.” She opened the bars. “I’ll fix that for you.”

“You’re not going near them.” Jace said low.

Zinnia laughed. “Have you not figured it out after All this time? You have no power here. magic does not work within the walls of this place.”

“I don’t care.” Robert said. “You’re not going near them.” Zinnia held her hand up and six men came from the darkness. They walked into the cell and Robert and Jace fought with everything they had. They had almost won when another two came into the cell and knocked the two men to the ground. When they tried to get up, they were beaten and kicked.

“I’ll have that child now.” Zinnia said as she walked over to Liliana who had tied the blanket around herself and managed to move as far away as she could. Liliana glared at the women. “Hand it over.”

Liliana held the now crying girl to her as she twisted and tried to run passed Zinnia only to have her arm caught. Spinning back around Liliana used what strength she had left to try to fight her way out. Zinnia would not have it. She kicked the back of her knees making her go to the ground before she pulled the baby from her mother roughly making her scream. Zinnia smiled as Liliana cried out before two men walked over. “Give her back. Please!” Liliana begged.

“Take care of her.” Zinnia told the two men who beat her until she lay on the ground. The group left the cell quickly, letting Robert and Jace jump back to their feet screaming in rage. Robert turned as the metal door slammed and ran to Liliana who was curled up on the ground in hysterics.

“I tried… I tried…” She cried as he lifted her into his arms as he fell back against the wall.

“I know. I know.” He shushed her as he held her tight as his own tears ran silently down his face. He was a father; he was supposed to be able to protect his child. His first task as a father and he failed. Jace still stood at the bars glaring into the darkness. He began pacing; he needed to get out and to help his sister and Robert. He needed to find his niece and get them all out of there.

Liliana held tight to Robert as he wrapped her in his arms. “I couldn’t do anything.” She whispered.

“It’s okay.” Robert said softly. “You did everything you could. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them.” He said as he dropped his head and the two fell silent. They stayed wrapped in each other’s arms silently as Jace continued to pace. Suddenly the doors opened and a group of guards walked up to the bars. Jace backed up to stand between them, Robert, and Liliana as they opened the bars. They quickly moved through the cell pulling his arms behind his back and dropping him to his knees before they pulled Robert and Liliana apart pulling their arms behind their backs before marching the three up through the metal door. Looking around Jace realized they were in some kind of ruins; he turned to look at Robert and Liliana. She was looking down lost in her own world, walking Along with the guards as Robert kept his eyes on her as he followed.

As they walked through the crumbling building, they were pushed into a large room and made to kneel. Jace looked around and found Jaxton, Ryan, and Arthur with their arms behind their backs kneeling to the side looking at the three. He looked back at Liliana and Robert who were both in their own worlds, oblivious to what was going on around them. “I’m so glad to see everyone here together for this spectacular event.” Zinnia said as she walked into the room and passed them up the stairs in front of them to the platform. She turned holding a bundle in her arms.

“What do you want?” Jace growled.

Zinnia smirked as she opened the blanket to revile the baby girl who started to fuss and cry. Liliana’s amber eyes shot up as Robert’s blue eyes locked on the crying baby. “This place is an old Alter used for sacrifices. This Alter is hundreds of years old, it is said if a power is sacrificed here it is filtered and made into a dark power so powerful it will destroy those without any.” She smiled as she cooed and rocked the baby in her arms calming it. “And since I apparently can’t have yours, I will take the next best thing. What could be better than a child with your powers and Elven blood?” She smiled as she set Rylea on the stone Alter as she squirmed.

“Don’t touch her!” Liliana screamed as she pulled against her restraints.

“Don’t worry, it will be over soon. And when I’m done you’ll be begging me to take your power and your life.” Zinnia smiled at Liliana as she pulled and tugged at her restraints as Robert twisted trying to get free. Zinnia turned and held out her hand as Kalman walked over to her and handed her a jeweled dagger.

“NO!” Robert called out as he tried to stand up and break free only to be beaten back to the ground. Ryan struggled to go to his brother but was pulled back. “Don’t touch her!” He yelled as he pushed back up and continued trying to break free as Liliana twisted and fought as hard as she could.

Zinnia placed the blade against the baby’s soft skin and drew it across making the baby scream out in pain. The parents screamed out, fought, and struggled. “Stop it!” Liliana screamed as tears streamed down her face. Jace was pulling and twisting with gritted teeth as he felt heat surging through his body. Liliana felt flames building and twisting in her gut. “Stop it! Stop hurting her!” Zinnia laughed as she cut the baby repeatedly. The captives fought and tried everything they could to stop the show Zinnia was putting on but anytime they got a little, too out of control they were beaten to the ground.

The cries stopped as Zinnia drove the dagger into the baby’s chest. Robert could not breathe; his heart felt like it was ripped into pieces. Everyone stilled as a dark aura flowed through the room. The air became thick and Zinnia slowly walked down the stairs to the twins who were bent with their heads resting on the stone floor. “I will have your powers.” She said stopping in front of them. Robert was still struggling to get free before a blast of air shot through the room sending everyone on their backs. When Jaxton and the others were able to get back up, they found Liliana and Jace still kneeling leaning back before their eyes flew open glowing red. “What… what is this?” She whispered as she came back to her own feet.

“Their powers.” Jaxton said watching his children straighten and settle their glowing red eyes on Zinnia. “They’ve awakened them early.”

“But, how is that possible?” Arthur watched shocked.

Jaxton smirked. “Because of who they are. Being pushed as far as they had been their powers came to the surface to protect them.” He turned his back and started untying Arthur’s hands. Arthur turned and started untying Jaxton before they untied Ryan who ran to his brother.

“Robert.” He said as he turned Robert over, untying his hands. “Robert you okay?” He asked as Robert slowly opened his eyes. “You okay?”

“Ana!” Robert sat up quickly looking around to find Jace and Liliana floating to their feet. Ryan helped Robert to his feet as the others came over. Robert went to run over to them only to be stopped by his brother.

“They’re gone. Whatever they’re doing it’s not them anymore.” He told Robert who did not take his eyes from Liliana.

“It’s their powers.” Jaxton said.

Robert glanced at him. “Do they know what’s going on? Will they recognize us?” Jaxton shrugged unsure. “I have to stop her. She’ll destroy herself. They both have to be stopped.”

“They’ll kill you.” Ryan said. “They’re not going to recognize you.”

Robert pulled his arm from his brother as Jaxton took a breath. He put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Take care of Lily.” Was all he said before he started towards Jace and Robert started towards Liliana while Arthur and Ryan stood watching, worrying.

Jace was slowly walking towards Kalman who was backing away as Liliana stalked towards Zinnia. They threw their prey in the air letting them fly back to hit the far wall. Jaxton moved in front of Jace and started trying to talk him out of his state as Robert moved to Liliana making her red eyes glare at him. “Ana, snap out of it.” He said but her glare intensified. “I know you can hear me. Please, I need you back with me.” He said softly as she pulled flames around her hand and pulled back to hit him. “I need you back; I need you by my side. Please, Ana, I love you.” He said as he moved closer and closer. The flames slowly died but her red glare stayed on him. “I love you with all my heart.” He whispered before he ducked down locking his lips with hers. Her eyes went wide before they slowly closed. She fell forward as he separated their lips.

Catching her, he eased her to the ground, and cradled her in his arms. “Rob…” She whispered as she looked up at him with her amber gaze.

“I’m here.” He told her pulling her closer. “I’m here.”

“What happened?” She asked trying to stay awake as her body was completely drained.

He ran his hand over her cheek. “Don’t worry about it. You’re safe that’s all that matters.” He gave her a small smile as she reached up to touch his cheek.

“I heard you. I heard your voice.” She whispered and gave a small smile as Ryan kneeled beside them. “I love you with all my heart.” Robert chuckled as he took her hand in his. “I’m so tired.”

“Sleep. Get some rest; I’ll be right here when you wake up.” She smiled as she finally let her eyes slide closed and she fell asleep in her arms.

“How’s Lily?” Arthur asked as Jaxton carried the unconscious Jace over.

Ryan answered, looking away from Liliana and his brother. “She’s okay. She fell asleep. She’s completely drained.” He looked back at Robert who turned his head to look up at the alter that was dripping with the blood of his daughter.

“Don’t look at that.” Arthur said kneeling down to block Robert’s sight of the alter. “Just take care of Lily. Worry about getting your strength back and getting Lily back on her feet. She’s going to need you.” Robert nodded as he looked back at Liliana lying cradled in his arms. “Take care of her.” Again, Robert nodded.

“We need to get them back to camp. Once we’re out of here I can use a spell to get us there.” Jaxton said

“You can use a spell to transfer us?” Ryan asked. Jaxton nodded and led the way as Ryan watched Robert stand holding Liliana tight to him.


Ryan walked into Liliana’s tent to see her still sleeping on the cot. Robert stared off in his own world in the chair. He knew they were hurting bad, he knew the pain of seeing what Zinnia did to his niece could never come close to what the baby’s parents felt but he knew them sitting in the tent alone day after day was not going to help either of them. As he walked farther in Robert’s eyes cleared and he looked up at his brother.

“She still sleeping?” Ryan asked looking at Liliana wrapped under several blankets.

“She wakes up every now and then.” Robert said as he looked at Liliana sadly.

Ryan walked farther in and sat in the chair beside his brother. “You going to be okay?” He asked and watched as his brother kept his blood shot blue eyes on Liliana as he nodded. “You know there’s nothing you could have done.”

Robert turned a hard look on Ryan and shot to his feet. “Nothing I could have done? I could have found a way to stay or at least come back early. If she hadn’t taken a walk by herself none of this would have happened. Where were you when she was taken?” He yelled making Ryan flinch. He had promised Robert he would take care of Liliana and their unborn child and he had utterly failed.

“That’s not true and you know it.” They heard. Turning they found Jace and Jaxton. Jaxton walked closer to Robert as he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“It’s not.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry Ryan. I just…”

“I get it.” Ryan gave him a small smile knowing his brother was in immense pain.

“You need to sleep.” Jaxton told Robert who dropped back into his seat beside Liliana’s cot. “The best thing for both of you is to sleep and regain your strength.”

“I’ll sit with her while you sleep.” Jace said as he walked to his sister’s side. “She’ll be okay, and right here when you wake up.”

Robert shook his head but Jaxton grabbed under his arm, hauling him to his feet. “Come on. you’re no help to her right now, I’m sure all you’re doing is making things worse when she wakes up and sees you looking like this.” He pulled Robert from the tent as he protested weakly and was taken to Jace’s tent right next to Liliana’s. “Sleep in Jace’s cot, that way you’re near to her.” Robert just sighed and nodded before dropping onto the cot, falling asleep before his head his the pillow.

“He’s really hurting.” Ryan said as Jaxton walked back in. Jace had taken Roberts seat and the two were talking. “I’ve never seen him in so much pain.”

“That’s what losing someone you deeply love does to you.” Jaxton mused as he sat on the side of his daughter’s cot.

“Robert said she wakes up every once in a while and then goes back to sleep.” Ryan explained. “Will they ever get over the pain and go back to normal?”

“There’s no such thing as normal. Especially after losing a child. They will work through the pain but it will never completely disappear. We just need to be there for them and help them over the bumps until they find their own path. Then I’ll have to have a nice long chat about why no one said anything.” He turned his amber eyes on Ryan and Jace. “Did you really think you could hide this forever?”

“Well we knew when she had the baby we would have to tell but we swore we wouldn’t say anything.” Jace said. “It wasn’t for us to say anyway.”

“Robert was planning on finding a way to come back before it was born and that’s when they were going to tell everyone.” Ryan added. “But when Lily went missing you guys had to know why we were so worried and insistent to find her right away.”

Jaxton looked between the two before nodding and looking at Jace. “How are you feeling? Awakening your powers early can strain your body.”

Jace shrugged. “I’m fine. Just a little sore, I slept through pretty much everything.” He looked at his sister. “My powers only flared when I felt hers. It was like flames burning around me before it melted into my powers.” He shook his head. “It’s hard to explain but I don’t think I really awoken my powers, I think Lily awoke hers and forced mine out.”

“As soon as Robert got her powers under control you dropped.” Jaxton nodded and looked at his daughter again. “She is very powerful.”

“At least Zinnia and Kalman will be too terrified to do much of anything for a little while.” Jace smirked. “Being able to use our powers inside a place that was meant to keep all magic contained really freaked her out.”

“Yes but now she my throw more force into her attacks knowing your power is awakened.” Jaxton explained. “Just be careful if you ever face her or Kalman in the future.” Jace just nodded. “Ryan, I’m sure you haven’t slept much, go rest.” Ryan nodded and left. “If you need anything Robert is in your tent and you know where to find me.” Jace again nodded before his father left and he turned his brown eyes to his sleeping sister.

Jace was dosing off in the chair when a scream made him jump to this feet looking round in Alarm. He saw Liliana twist in her sleep crying out and mumbling. “Lily.” He said as he tried to wake her. “Lily.” He tried again, Robert ran in and to her side. “What’s going on?”

“It’s just a nightmare.” Robert said as he brushed her hair from her damp forehead. “Ana, it’s okay.” He said softly as he sat on the cot beside her. Suddenly her eyes shot open and she flung herself into Robert’s chest crying. “It’s Alright.” He whispered as he held her to him and smoothed a hand over her head. “It’s okay, it was just a dream.”

“I saw… I saw…” She broke into sobs again as Robert tightened his grip around her. Jace felt his heart breaking as he watched his sister fall apart. She was always so strong and to see her crumbled against Robert’s chest sobbing made him feel weak.

“It’s okay.” Robert soothed. “You’re safe.” After a few minutes, the sobs stopped and he gently laid her back against the pillows deep in slumber. “She’s been having them off and on since we got back.” Robert told Jace as he retook the seat next to his sister’s cot. “The only thing I can do is be here for here when she wakes from them.”

“I’m sure it means more than you think.” Jace told him. “My sister loves you.” Robert glanced at Jace who smirked. “I know she loves you more than life itself, and I can see you love her just as much. I know this is extremely difficult to deal with. I know I hurt from what we experienced and I can’t imagine what the two of you are going through but this isn’t the end. You have to know that.”

“I know.” Robert sighed as he gently brushed a strand of hair from Liliana’s face. “I know this isn’t the end, I know there’s still a future. I can’t even begin to explain how much it hurt to witness that, let alone see what it’s still doing to Ana.”

“You need to look at it as your strength. You have an even stronger reason to bring her down, and we will all be behind you to watch her burn on the way down. Rylea is always with you, she will be with you both every step of the way. Just remember that.” Jace said before he got up and left. He knew Robert, even with the little sleep he had was not going to leave Liliana’s side again, not for a long time to come.

The next day Robert began wandering from the tent to get food before returning right back to her side. Jaxton gave a small smile when he watched Ryan and Jace get a small chuckle from the man before he returned to Liliana. They would survive and become stronger, he knew. It was just a matter of time to let them heal. Jaxton checked in on his daughter every day to make sure she was healing; he was pleased to see her eating what Robert had brought her as the two sat talking low. In a matter of a few more days, Robert and Liliana were walking the camp once again, side by side. Jace and Ryan smirked as they caught small smiles on the two faces occasionally.

After nearly three months, the two seemed nearly back to their old selves. Occasionally the others could see the memories rise up and take hold but they never lingered long. They were glad to see the couple laughing and smiling happily again. Jaxton sent them on small errands, but nothing that would keep them away too long as he wanted to keep them busy and away from the pain until they were strong, enough to keep the nightmares at bay on their own.

After another three months, He watched as Robert walked back into the camp after running to a nearby village for some information. He had been gone only a day but Liliana awaited him as if he had been gone for years. Robert chuckled and pulled her into a tight hug making her laugh softly. He kissed her forehead and said something before walking farther into the camp with his arm around her waist, looking for Jaxton so he could report. Jaxton smiled at the two, he was glad to see them back to their old selves. It was something everyone enjoyed, although they all knew the pain still haunted them the two were moving forward and making plans to get their revenge for their baby girl.

“They didn’t seem to know anything.” Robert said as he left Liliana’s side to talk to Jaxton. “They had rumors of movements but nothing concrete, nothing that really pointed to Zinnia’s movements, just bands of followers moving through the country attacking all who oppose.”

Jaxton nodded. “Thank you for gathering this. It may not be her moving but the more followers she gains that roam around the more ground she can cover and take over.” He paused as he sat deep in thought for a moment. “We need to tell the other camps of the information. If we’re all on the look for her bands of men we might be able to disband them from many posts and keep her from building strength in the country.” He looked over at a man to the side. “Send word to all camps. When bands of men are spotted they are to be disbanded immediately.” The man nodded and left. “I’ll let you know when I have more for you.” Robert gave a quick bow before turning and walking off arm in arm with Liliana.

“I’m glad to see them so much more full of life.” Maximus commented as he watched the couple wander out of the tent with smiles on their faces.

“Me too.” Jaxton smirked. “Although I don’t like it they are growing up.” He glanced at his old friend. “Our kids are adults. I feel so old.” He said making Maximus chuckle.

“Soon we will have little brats running All over the place.” Maximus smiled. It was still a tender thought but one Jaxton was never really against. “We’ll be in for it when they All have kids running around making things one big mess.”

“I think we can handle it.” Jaxton chuckled before the two old friends walked off to enjoy their thoughts and hopes for the future.

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