War for Uyrilia

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Liliana had had about enough of Erna and her son Marc. The two would not leave her alone, they were demanding to have her marry into their family, and they were not going to let her go. Liliana left the command tent, once again furious but trying her best not to start a war between the two countries. She was just going to go back to her tent and wait for Robert to finish in the camp before they were able to spend a quiet night together. As she walked closer to her tent, she felt herself start to walk a little sideways. Stopping she shook her head, feeling light headed before there was a stabbing pain at the base of her neck making her drop to the ground. She could not move, she could not make a sound. She looked around before a figure came into view. Marc looked down at her with a sickening look making her begin to panic as she struggled trying to move. Her body would not listen and as he moved closer her body felt heavier, when his hand reached out touching her she felt pain wrack her body. The more he touched the more pain she felt fly through areas of her body. By the time, he had managed to rip her clothes she was beginning to see black as her chest felt like it was being crushed.

“I will have you.” The sixteen-year-old ground out as tears slipped from her eyes as she continued to try struggling and screaming for help. Nothing worked. She closed her eyes, there was no stopping this, there was no way anyone would be there to save her, she was going to be rapped and never be able to do anything about it. if he could manage to take her powers and paralyze her what else was he capable of. Would he finally succeed in taking her as his wife and making her into some mindless noble? She tried to take a breath but felt like she was drowning.

Suddenly the weight lifted and the pain calmed a bit. She opened her eyes and saw Robert beating Marc before he turned and pulled her into his arms. As soon as she was in his arms, she could breathe. The tears flowed freely as she held tight to him. She knew Robert was talking but she could understand, she did not care. She just wanted to feel safe.

“Get him out of here.” Robert told Jace and Alexander who looked down at the unconscious Marc and back up at Robert holding Liliana. “He held her down and…” He shook his head seeing the look that crossed the two men’s faces before they reached out grabbing Marc.

“Take care of her.” Jace said knowing how his sister felt about the man. Robert nodded as he pulled her up into his arms and took her into her tent while the two overprotective men took Marc to Jaxton.

“It’s okay, now.” Robert shushed as he sat with her in his arms. He smoothed back her hair as she held tight to him. “You’re safe. I promise.” He just held her as she relaxed to his touch and the sound of his voice. He gently laid her on the cot and covered her with the blankets nearby. “I’m going to check on Jace and Alexander-.”

“No.” She said quickly grabbing his arm tight. “Please. Don’t go.” She whispered looking up with glassy amber eyes. Robert paused only a minute before nodding and lying in the cot beside her. He spent the night holding her, running his hands through her hair and comforting her as she cried in terror, that one man was able to take away her powers and hold her down. He could have done literally anything to her, and would have if Robert had not showed up when he did. All she could do was hold onto Robert, praying he never had to leave her side, trying to pull herself back together and be strong once again.

“You okay?” He asked, looking down at her on his chest as she stared off into the darkness.

“Yeah.” She said softly before continuing. “I just… I feel weak. I couldn’t move, or yell or anything. I’m trained to take down Zinnia but I couldn’t even stop him from holding me down and trying to…” She trailed off with a shiver.

Robert wrapped his arm around her tighter. “You’re not weak. The fact that he had to use something and hold you down to get what he wanted shows how weak he is. And your Brother and Alexander aren’t going to let him forget that.” He told her. “You are the strongest woman I know, and that’s never going to change. You’re safe and he’s never going to be able to get near you again. I promise you, I will make sure he never comes near you again.”

“I just…” She shook her head before lifting it and looking at him. “It’s like I can feel him touching me.” she shivered again before he reached up touching her cheek. “Thank you for saving me.” She whispered.

“I’ll do anything to keep you safe and happy.” Robert smiled before he gave her a loving kiss. “You need to rest. We can talk more in the morning. I’m sure your father will want to hold a big conference with my mother and Marc. I can guarantee my mother will be screaming and yelling too.” He chuckled. “There’s no way Alexander and Jace are going to just take him to your father without a little talking to him first.”

Liliana smiled as she laid her head on his chest again. “I love you.” She said closing her eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep in his arms.

The next morning Robert and Liliana walked into the command tent where they found Jace and Alexander standing beside Jaxton with their arms crossed. Looking to the side, they found Marc kneeling on the ground covered in bruises, gashes and blood. Behind him, stood Erna looking beyond angry.

“You have nothing!” She yelled as Robert stopped beside Liliana next to Jace and Alexander. “What proof do you have that he has done this? And what right do you have to beat him to a bloody pulp?”

“There’s more than enough evidence to prove he has tried to harm my daughter.” Jaxton told her. Liliana looked up at her father who looked very angry. “We have a witness to prove it.”

“Who? Who is this liar? I wish to know who would lie about my son.” Erna demanded.

“Me.” Robert said walking forward, looking his mother in the eye. “I saw what he was doing; I saw what he tried to do. I’m the one who beat him to make him stop.” He stood tall under the fire in her eyes. “He managed to find a way to take her powers before he held her down. He ripped her clothing and was about to take what he wanted when I walked by. I beat him unconscious before seeing to Princess Liliana’s safety while Prince Jace and his guard Alexander took Marc to King Jaxton.”

Erna did not know what to say. She looked at her eldest son with a glare before looking back at Jaxton. “You may continue staying in this camp until you had planned to leave but you will be responsible for anything your son does. An attack against my family or any people in this camp will be considered an act of war. Do I make myself clear?” Jaxton seemed to roar, demanding respect and attention.

“Yes, your highness.” Erna gave a bow before she grabbed Marc by his shirt and roughly dragged him out after her.

Jaxton walked over to look at his daughter who had stayed silent the entire time. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Liliana nodded. “I’ll be okay; I’m just still a little shaken up that he could take my powers.” Jaxton pulled her into a tight hug. “I don’t want to cause a war because of all of this. We have enough problems we don’t need a war with Kothus.”

“It’s not going to go to war.” Robert told her. “My mother knows what’s at stake she won’t risk going to war with your kingdom because she still wants to try to take your hand for Marc. If she can manage to smooth things over now and slowly begin her plans again, she is hoping to get what she wants.” Robert explained to her. “She won’t risk any of it.”

“Go relax, don’t worry about any of it.” Jaxton told Liliana. “Things will work out, just relax.”

She nodded. “You should have someone with you all the time.” Jace said. “We need to keep someone near to keep him from getting close. Who know what he’ll try next.”

“I’ll stick with her for today. I know you’ve meetings with some other nobles coming through.” Robert offered. Jace and Alexander gave small smirks knowing about the two.

“I’ll meet up with you tonight and I think the three of us can figure out a plan.” Jace told him. “You okay with that, Lil?” Jace asked and waited for her to nod in agreement.

“Come on, let’s go for a walk.” Robert suggested and led Liliana out of the command tent to take a walk together.

“She’s real messed up.” Jace said.

Alexander smirked at him “Yeah but she’ll be fine. She’s strong, and Robert’s with her.” He mumbled the last part so Jace was the only one who could hear him.

“Yeah, your right.” Jace agreed. “Well let’s get these stupid meetings over with so we can get some freedom today.”

“You’ll learn.” Jaxton smirked as the three went back to their spots to wait for the meetings with the nobles passing through, leaving Liliana to Robert to care for.


The next month and a half was trying. Liliana had snapped several times as she came back to being herself. Going up against Erna who was demanding beyond anything she had ever imagined and it did not help that this was the woman taking away the man she loved let alone the woman protecting the man who had held her down and tried to force himself on her. Jaxton was having a hard time controlling his own frustration let alone the frustration of others in the camp, especially his own daughter. He sighed when the day had come that the woman was to be leaving. He was glad to see her gone but he knew she was taking one of the best men he had in the camp. He wondered what this act was about but he could not figure it out. After a month and a half of going in circles, he stood with the others as Erna gave her opinion on the camp. Jaxton glanced around noticing Robert was not there, probably packing he mused, and Liliana was absent as well. He was slightly happy to see this, thinking it was probably better than having another fight.

Robert was packing his bag as Ryan talked with him. It was time for Robert to go with their mother to their home to do some unnamed task she demanded he do. “Look Ryan, I know you’ll take care of Ana, but I need you to make sure nothing goes near her.”

“I’ll keep Marc away from her.” Ryan told his brother and furrowed his brow wondering why Robert was getting so upset. “What’s going on? Why the sudden over protectiveness?”

Robert stopped moving wondering if he should say or not. He glanced over his shoulder at his waiting brother. “Because.” He sighed. “Because she’s pregnant.”

“She’s what?” Ryan half yelled making Rob turn and cover his mouth shushing him. “Wait, wait. Start from the beginning. You’re overprotective because Lily is… pregnant?”

“Yes.” Robert told him. “Look, I don’t have time to explain everything. Just take good care of her okay? And with how mother is, if something happens…. Make sure the child knows….” He trailed off and his brother could see the worry and pain in his eyes.

“I’ll take care of everything, just come back safe and sound.” He smirked before the flap to Robert’s tent flew open and Liliana ran in and flung her arms around his neck.

“It’s okay.” He soothed as he ran his hand over her head and held her tight. Her body shook with tears and it made his heart break even more. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He said as they pulled apart. “I’ll be back and then we can all be together.” He gently touched her flat stomach. Ryan smirked and left the tent, leaving them alone.

“You better come back or I will come find you. You’re not going to get away with not being here as our child grows.” She smiled as she pushed back her tears.

He leaned down and captured her lips. “I love you with all my heart, Ana.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” She said back before they kissed once more.

“Robert.” They heard Ryan’s voice from the tent flap. “She’s on her way.”

“You need to go. If you’re caught in here she’ll think something’s going on and she’ll find a way to keep me away.” Robert said. “Don’t forget that I love you.” He kissed her again before he grabbed his bag and left the tent, hoping that his mother would not go in. “Mother.” Was all he said as he glared at her. How dare she take him away from his love, his unborn child? “Remember what I said, Ryan.”

“What did you say?” Erna asked.

Robert set his cold blue eyes on her. “It’s not of your concern what I discuss with my brother.” She glared a moment before turning away he looked at Ryan. “Remember.”

“I will. Don’t worry.” Ryan told him before Robert looked back at his tent where Liliana was peeking through the flap. He smiled sadly before turning and leaving with his mother.


Jace walked over to his sister sitting on a log looking out into the forest with a coat wrapped around her. “You okay?” He asked as he sat beside her.

“I’m fine, why?” She glanced at him.

Jace looked off into the forest. “It just seems more and more you’re so down. Is someone bothering you or something? I know you can handle yourself but…”

“No.” She shook her head with a small smile. “It’s nothing like that. Well sort of.” She sighed before she looked at him. “You promise not to say anything?” He looked confused but nodded anyway. “Robert and I are together. I’m upset that his mother took him away just because she could.”

“Yeah, Ryan and I saw you a while back. We saw him kiss you.” He shrugged and only saw a smirk on her lips before he continued. “You know he’ll be back. It might take a while but he’ll come back.”

“I hope not too long.” She mused as she gently rubbed a hand over her growing stomach. “He’ll miss his child being born.”

“Ch-child? Lily!” He stood up looking at her smiling face. His mouth hung open as she laughed.

“Jace sit down before you draw attention of everyone in the camp.” She waited for him to sit down. “Yes, I’m pregnant. Only a few months right now but the longer he’s away the bigger the chance he won’t be here.” She sighed. “I’ve been hiding it from everyone because I don’t know how to deal with it all on my own. With winter coming I can use the coats and all to hide the baby growing but…”

“You won’t be able to hide it when it’s born.” Jace said softly as he looked at his sister. “You really love Robert don’t you?”

She nodded with a small smile. “With all my heart.”

“Maybe we can figure out a way to get him back here. I can’t have my niece or nephew being born without their dad here.” Liliana smiled at her brother before the siblings hugged. “Come on, let’s get some sleep and we can talk more later.” She nodded and stood up before they went to their separate tents for the night resting before they had to say goodbye to their best friend in the morning.

At dawn, Liliana pulled Alexander into a tight hug. “Be careful out there, I don’t want to hear you were killed or hurt. No being a hero, you hear me?”

“Yes mother.” He chuckled before pulling her into a tight hug. “I’ll be back in one piece, don’t worry so much.” Liliana shook her head as Jace shook Alexander’s hand.

“Who knows maybe you’ll find a nice girl out there.” The two men laughed as Liliana rolled her eyes. “Be safe.” Alexander nodded as the two men hugged and stepped away as the call to move out came. Jace put his arm around Liliana’s shoulders as they watched their friend leave with a mass of men to join the front line and hold off Zinnia’s army.


“Lily!” They heard making everyone look to see Ryan running over to them smiling brightly. “He sent another letter.” Liliana smiled happily and took it from his hands. “He tucked it in between pages he sent to me and had a guy we grew up with deliver them.”

Liliana barely heard what he had said as she looked down at the letter. She had told her brother about her relationship with Robert and had even told him of the pregnancy, they were still trying to figure out how to handle things. “I’ll be in my tent if anyone needs me.” She told them softly and left. She ran as fast as she could and once safely in her tent she opened the letter addressed to her. She smiled, it was written in Elven.

My love,

I hope you are well and our child growing fast. I wish I could still be with you both. Ryan has told me about the camp and how things are fairing, it seems it will not be long before you are all forced to move to a safer place. I hope that by then we are back together, but if we are not I will find you wherever you may go. Just remember to take care of yourself and our baby. No fighting with anyone and make sure you are extra careful of Marc. I do not want to get a letter that he did something to you and have to fly to you to kill him. I am almost done my tasks and if all goes well I should be back with you and our growing child in another month or so. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I have missed you and how much I love you. Please take care; I love you with all my heart.



She sat on her cot with tears in her eyes as she held the letter to her. It was only the second letter she had received since he left five months ago. She laid her hand on her now slightly rounded belly under her heavy winter coats as she thought of Robert being so far away. She stood up and started walking. She needed to go to their spot; she needed to be closer to him. She trekked her way through the forest and suddenly everything was black.


Jace walked through the camp looking for Liliana. He stopped to ask a man who walked passed and he said he saw her go into the forest about an hour before. Jace sighed, nodded his thanks and then started into the forest. He knew where she was going, she was heading to the spot she and Robert always went. As he walked, he saw paper flapping on the ground. Furrowing his brow he belt to look at it, it was addressed to Liliana. He opened it and found it written in Elven, it had to be the letter from Robert, but she would not have just dropped it and left it in the middle of the forest. He stood up and looked around, he checked the spot she always went to, there was no sign of her.

He turned and immediately ran back towards the camp to find his father and Ryan. He came across Ryan first. “We have a problem.”

“What’s wrong?” He asked confused.

“Lily’s gone.”

Ryan looked worried. “What do you mean gone?”

“Gone. Missing. Disappeared.” Jace said before holding up the letter. “I found this on the ground in the forest.”

“No way she would have let that out of her hand by her own will.” Jace nodded in agreement. “We have to tell your dad.” They turned and started towards the command tent.

“Dad!” Jace yelled as they ran in. Jaxton was talking with his father, brother, and Maximus. “Dad, we have a big problem. Lily’s gone. She’s been taken.”

“What? How do you know she’s been taken? She’s run off before.” Maximus said not worried.

Jace held up the letter. “Because she wouldn’t have dropped this if she took off.”

The men raised their brows telling the two that it was not enough. Jace and Ryan looked at each other before Ryan spoke first. “It’s a letter from Robert.”

“A letter from Robert?” Arthur asked with a smirk. He had seen how close his niece had gotten to the prince. He watched as the two looked at each other again. “Out with it.”

“We promised we wouldn’t say anything.” Ryan said.

“I think this is more important than keeping a promise to not say something.” Jaxton told them

Again, they looked at each other. “Lily and Robert are together.” Jace said quickly. “They’ve been writing each other since he left. There’s no way she would just leave one of his letters in the middle of the forest.” The older men looked at each other before they nodded. “We have to find her now.”

“I know you’re worried about your sister but she is strong, she can take care of herself while we look for her.” Arthur said.

“She’s pregnant.” Ryan blurted out. Everyone in the tent turned their eyes on him as he covered his mouth. Jace elbowed him in the side.

“What?” Jaxton asked as he looked at his son. “Did you know about this?”

“Yes. She told me soon after Robert left. She said she’s about six or seven months now, she’s been using her winter coats to cover it up. That’s why we need to find her fast.” He knew he was going to hear a lecture about hiding this and he knew Liliana would be in major trouble but if it meant they found her fast he could deal with the consequences. Soon they had every able man out looking for her.

Jace wandered through dense forest looking for any sign of her. He was becoming more and more worried; his fear was gripping his heart until everything was black.


Jace slowly opened his eyes and he looked around only to find he was locked in a dark cell. Shifting he pushed himself up and found two figures lying farther in. He bent beside the first one, rolling the person over he saw it was Liliana. He shook her shoulder until her amber eyes snapped open and she sat up with a gasp looking around. “It’s okay.” He said softly calming her. “Are you and the baby okay?” She gave a couple quick nods before he moved to the second figure.

“Rob.” Liliana cried out as she crawled to his side. He reached out to wake him, heaving a heavy sigh when his blue eyes opened and he looked up at her.

“What’s going on? Where are we?” He asked as he sat up holding his head.

“I don’t know but I think we’re in some kind of dungeon.” Jace said looking back at the bared front. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Rob looked at Liliana and placed his hand on her swollen belly. “Ana…”

“We’re both okay.” She smiled before he pulled her into a loving kiss. Jace smirked before he went to the bars. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” She said softly before they stood up and joined Jace at the bars. “Who do you think took us and what do they want with us?”

The screech of the metal door echoed in the dark. “I think we’re about to find out.” Jace told her as they backed up, both men pushing Liliana behind them. They listened to the click of heels and saw the flick of flames from the torch before they saw a face none of them ever wanted to see. “Zinnia.”

“What do you want?” Liliana called.

“Is that anyway to greet your grandmother?” Zinnia smirked as she looked at them. “I suggest you get nice and comfy in there, you’ll be in there a while. And I was nice enough to let you All be in one cage. Don’t do anything to make me split you up.” She smiled before she was gone.

“What do you want?” Liliana called as she ran to the bars but the metal door slamming was her only answer.

“Lily.” Jace said putting his hand on her shoulder.

She looked at the two men. “We have to get out of here. I don’t know how long she means by a while and if we’re in here when the baby comes, who knows what’s going to happen. I can’t…” She shook her head and was pulled into a hug by Robert.

“We’ll figure something out.” He said as he held her.

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