War for Uyrilia

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

A year and a half after Robert had taken his family to his father Liliana was trying to settle a fight between two nobles while her father and the army was on the front line for their turn, when she heard her son cry out. “Mommy!” Jamie screamed as he sat on the ground with his cousin Sylvan standing beside him looking up at the soldier who had shoved the little boy.

“Hey!” Sylvan yelled.

“Shut it runt! I want the man in charge!” He yelled and was about to shove Sylvan when he was thrown back.

Looking back at the children, he found Liliana standing with her hands on her hips and fire in her eyes while the two children hid behind her leg. “What the hell do you think you’re doing shoving little children?”

“They are in the way of my commander. He will arrive soon and I must tell the man in charge to have his accommodations ready.” The soldier said as he stood up with a growl.

“I am the person in charge of this camp. I will not have you tormenting children. I don’t care if your commander is a spirit, you will follow the rules of this camp.” She glared at him as he growled.

“I will do as I please, now show me to the man in charge or I will force you to move.”

Liliana’s look hardened as she stepped forward. “Bruce!” They heard making everyone turn and look at a man seated atop a horse as he glared at the soldier. “I told you to go ahead and alert the person in charge that I was coming.”

“This woman and those brats wouldn’t let me.” He looked back at Liliana. “I’ll move them for you sir.” He started after Liliana who pushed the children back a bit.

“I wouldn’t-.” Before he could finish the sentence, Bruce was on his back with a sword to his throat. “I tried to warn you.” He dismounted and walked closer. His green eyes sparkled as he looked at Liliana with a smirk. “She can be very demanding and stubborn. And if you try to do anything she doesn’t like she’s like a tyrant.”

“You would know.” Liliana said as she put her sword back in its sheath.

The man walked closer with a glare. “Would you like to try me?”

“You’ll just get your ass handed to you.” She shrugged. The soldiers watched afraid to breathe. Suddenly the two shook hands and were pulled into a hug. “It’s good to see you again, Alexander.” She smiled happily.

“You too. I’m glad to be back. You’re letters made it sound like you were having more fun than I was.” He chuckled before he spotted the two little faces behind her. “They must be Jamie and Sylvan.”

Liliana smiled as they both bent down and she pulled the boys forward. “I guess you got the important letters.”

“Well that and Jace told me All about them while we were on the front lines. He told me you and Robert got together and have Jamie.” Liliana nodded as she gently ruffled her son’s hair. “I never got to talk to Robert, he kept being pulled off but I saw him fight. I’m glad he’s on our side.” The two laughed.

“They should be coming back soon. I would have thought you’d all come back together.” She said standing up.

“Your dad said he wanted to stay a couple more days before he left so we started out and told him we’d meet him here.” He explained.

“Mommy!” Jamie called as he tugged on her skirt. “Up!” He whined and Alexander watched Liliana smirk as she pulled him onto her hip. He looked at Alexander a minute, assessing the man. “Hi. I Jamie.” He smiled making Alexander chuckle.

“I’m Alexander.” He smiled at the boy before looking at Sylvan who stood silently beside his aunt. “I’ve heard a lot about you both although it was mostly Jace telling story after story about little Sylvan.”

“I’m not little.” Sylvan said making Alexander look back at him. “I’m a big boy. I take care of my mommy and auntie when daddy and uncle has to go away.”

“That’s a big job. I know how much trouble your auntie can get into.” Alexander told him.

Sylvan looked at Liliana before shaking his head. “You have no idea.” Alexander couldn’t help but laugh at the little boys comment as Liliana gave him a quick glare.

“Well you can get your men set up with the others and then come get something to eat.” She told Alexander after kicking him in the shin.

“Is that anything to teach the boys?” Alexander mumbled only to get a punch to his shoulder and a smile.

She shook her head and could not help the smile across her face. “Welcome home.” Was all she said before she turned. “Come on Sylvan we have to make sure we have everything ready for your daddy.”

Later that day Alexander found Liliana sitting and watching the two boys run around playing. He walked over and sat beside her silently. “He looks like his father but it looks like he acts like you.” He said making Liliana smirk. “Sylvan… he looks just like Jace when we were little.”

“He’s more shy than Jace was and more polite but he still is determined to be the man and take care of everyone.” She smiled. “Jamie is more like Rob than you know. There’s only a few traits he gets from me. I guess that’s a good thing though.” She laughed softly making him chuckle before they heard the horn of the returning troops.

“Daddy!” The boys cheered and took off followed by Liliana and Alexander. The two met up with Rebecca as she went to find Jace returning.

She looked at Liliana with a raised brow. “They took off at the horn.” She smiled. “Rebecca, this is Alexander, Alexander this is Rebecca. She’s Jace’s wife.” Rebecca smiled saying hello before they heard squeals of children straight ahead. Looking they found Sylvan in Jace’s arms and Jamie being swung up into Robert’s. The two men walked over laughing as the boys told them stories. “Looks like someone’s glad you two are home.” Liliana laughed before Robert pulled her into a loving kiss.

“I’m glad I’m home too.” He said with a smirk making her smile at him, the smile she only gave him.

“Daddy.” Jamie said making his parents look at him. “Uncle Alexander came too.” He pointed at the stunned Alexander behind Liliana.

“That’s good. Now we can have a big family reunion.” Robert told him. “Why don’t you go tell your grandpa about it? I’m sure he wants a report on what happened while we were gone.” Jamie nodded as his tiny face turned serious.”

Sylvan wanted down to help Jamie give report making Rebecca smile as her son ran off. “It’s good to see you made it.” Jace said with a smirk.

“I’m glad I was allowed to finally come back.” He laughed. “Finally get to meet those kids you two are always telling me about in your letters.”

“They’re a handful but they’re worth it.” Robert smirked as he wrapped his arm around Liliana’s waist.

Alexander nodded as he shook Robert’s hand. “It’s good to see you again. I never got to talk to you when you were on the front line; one of us was always being pulled away.”

Robert nodded. “Duty calls on the front line.” He said and watched Ryan nod. “Have you tried some of the meal Ana and the others made? The women all get together and make a big feast when we come home.” He explained. “It’s one of our welcome home gifts.” He kissed her temple as he followed her line of sight to see the two boys talking to Jaxton, Arthur, and Christoph about what they missed. “Perfect little soldiers.”

“They will be when they grow up some.” Jace agreed with Robert only to have their wives hit their chests. “What?”

“My son is not going to be growing up to go off fighting.” Liliana said.

“He could get hurt, or killed.” Rebecca added.

Robert pulled Liliana tight to his side with a small smile, knowing that any argument would mean a problem, Although Jace continued. “He’s tough; he’s a prince after all. All royalty learns to fight and the boys go off to battle when they’re needed.” Robert sighed as he stepped back to stand beside Alexander as Liliana and Rebecca put their hands on their hips and glared at Jace. “What, it’s true.”

“It’s not going to happen.” Liliana demanded. “Got it?” Jace shrugged.

“Bad move.” Alexander shook his head as Robert agreed. Both women punched him in his arms making him cry out before they stormed off. “You deserved that. You know how mothers can be about their sons going off to fight. And you know Lily. Once she says something that’s it.”

“Did you really have to get Ana mad?” Robert sighed as Jace just grinned.

“Guess you won’t be getting your welcome home present.” Jace teased.

Robert smirked. “Neither will you.” he turned away to follow where Liliana had gone and found her giving her father report as the men went back to their families.

“So everything went smooth?” Jaxton asked and Liliana nodded as she held Jamie on her hip. “I’m glad to see the boys kept you safe. I think this calls for some good stew.” The boys cheered happily making Liliana smile. “Come on, let’s get you some food.” He took Jamie with a smile and picked Sylvan up in his other arm as they walked off to get some food, leaving Liliana with Robert.

“You want some food too?” She asked looking up at him. He shook his head leaning down to capture her lips in a deep kiss. Pulling apart, they both smiled as they leaned their foreheads together. “Just because he’s a prince doesn’t mean anything.” She said.

“I know.” Robert looked into her amber eyes. “He’s our son. He’s part of me and you; you really think you can stop him from learning how to fight?”

“I can try.” She said making him smirk. “He’s my baby boy. I won’t have him running off to fight in some war and killing people or someone killing him.”

“Again.” Robert chuckled. “He’s part of me and you. You really think someone would be able to kill him?” Liliana giggled before she leaned up and the two kissed again. “So, since your dad has Jamie for a while, how about we go to our spot?”

Jace and Alexander watched as Robert turned to her as Jaxton left with the boys. She said something but he only shook his head and kissed her. They saw them talk and laugh before kissing again. Jace shook his head as they saw Liliana give a little smirk before grabbing the front of Robert’s shirt and pulling him away. “He knows how to smooth talk.” Jace shook his head as Alexander smirked.

“Wouldn’t you be smooth talking your own wife?” He asked his friend

Jace chuckled as they went to join in the feast. “I’ll get to it. With her, it’s better to keep away, trust me.” Alexander just laughed as they found the party.


Alexander could not be happier to be home. It was as if he never left even though his two best friends were married and had children. He had been able to catch up and fit right back in where he fit with his friends and family, and had even taken over as another uncle to the two children. He had been filled in with everything and he was on the lookout for anyone wanting to hurt the two children, Rebecca or Liliana, he was not going to let anything happen to them. There were times that Jace was sent to one city and Robert to another, trying to keep everyone in communication leaving Alexander to watch over the two women and children. A big meeting was beginning to take form and it was going to be the one they plan their last and final move to finally be rid of Zinnia, hopefully forever. Liliana settled Jamie in bed and crawled into her own, waiting for Robert to arrive back. She awoke feeling Robert kiss her cheek making her smile.

“What are you doing still awake?” He asked with a smile.

“You know I don’t sleep well when you’re not here.” She smiled, reaching up and kissing him. “You coming to bed?”

“In a bit.” He told her, smoothing her hair. “I have to report to your father first and then I’ll be right in next to you.”

“Make it quick.” He just smiled, kissed her forehead and went to tell Jaxton what he had come across n his mission to the town in Kothus.

“It’s good to see you back.” Jaxton commented as Robert walked into the command cabin to see Jaxton and Jace sitting and talking. “Tell me you have good news.”

“I do. They want to follow you. They will send a representative to the meeting and want to help any way they can. Several other towns along the way said the same thing too.”

“Good.” Jaxton signed. “We need all we can. If we’re going to win this and finally end this war we’re going to need as many as will gather to protect Uyrilia.”

“Commanders!” They heard being called through the camp. The three men ran from the cabin towards the mass of soldiers.

Three figures walked into the camp making several soldiers pull their weapons stopping them as a call was sent back sending for commanders. “Who’s there?” They heard as several people pushed through the group. Robert stopped with Ryan, Jaxton and Jace behind him. “Dad?” He smiled and shook his father’s hand as he smiled back.

“It’s been a while.” Kylaern smiled at his son. “I bet my grandson is big now.” He chuckled

“He is.” Robert nodded and looked at the others behind him. “This is my brother Ryan, my brother-in-law Jace and you know my father-in-law I hear.” He said in common tongue so everyone could understand.

“Jaxton.” Kylaern smiled and shook his old friend’s hand. “It’s been too long friend.”

“It has.” Jaxton agreed. “I have to thank you for saving my grandson, well, our grandson.”

Kylaern looked at Robert as he turned to talk to Nasir and Ratha. “I am sorry to say I needed a push. You’re daughter has quite the way with words.” Jaxton laughed. “Where is she?”

“She’s sleeping.” Robert said before they heard a soft voice to the left.

“Was sleeping. Who can sleep with all this noise going on?” She asked as she walked forward with a smile. “It’s good to see you again. What brings you all the way here?”

“I’m afraid it’s not good news.” Kylaern said looking at them sadly. “Teirist left soon after you did. He said he would not be a part of a people who stooped to the level of humans. He would not listen to any of us, he grabbed his things and left. We never heard of him again until about a week ago. Word came to our village that he had gone to the enemy and told them where we were. It is said there is an army marching toward us to wipe every man woman and child off Uyrilia.”

Liliana looked up at Robert and her father before Jaxton nodded. “We will do what we can to help. Come, it will be light soon. You must be hungry.” Kylaern nodded as the other two shook their heads.

“I’ll see you later.” Liliana said. “It’s almost light, which means Jamie will be getting up soon and into everything if someone’s not there.”

“Would you like some company?” Ratha asked making Liliana smile happily at the elf and nod.

“Sure, come on. You can see how big the little terror has gotten.”

Jace laughed. “That’s not even a good description of him.” He smirked as he glanced at Robert. ‘I have no idea where he gets it from. I mean we were good kids.”

“Yeah right.” Robert laughed. “He takes after his mother and uncle.”

“He’s his father’s son.” Jace said back as Liliana shook her head.

Jaxton chuckled as he led the men away and Liliana and Ratha went to the cabin. They arrived five minutes after the sun rose and it only took another five minutes before Jamie was running from the little add on room giggling as he ran to his mother. “Hey little one.” Liliana said making her son look at her before turning his icy blue eyes on Ratha, the same eyes Robert had. “This is Ratha. The last time you saw each other you were only a baby.”

“I no baby now.” He looked at his mother who shook her head. Glanced at Ratha. “She elf?” Liliana nodded. “Un kavi tavata.”

“It is very nice to meet you too.” Ratha smiled happily and looked at Liliana. “He speaks elven better than the common tongue.”

“Yeah, Rob and I don’t understand it. But he can speak well enough in both languages so we’re okay with that.” She smiled at her son. “Go grab your clothes. Daddy’s waiting.” As soon as he was back on his own feet, he was off running into the others room. “He’s grown up a lot since the last time you saw him.”

“He has. It’s been two years.” Ratha said as Jamie ran back into the room with armful of clothes. Liliana sat on the floor and started helping the boy get changed before he was out the door to find his father. “Is he okay running around like that here?”

“Yeah, there’s too many people who know him and would take care of him if anything did happen to really worry. Besides he knows right where Rob is.” Liliana explained as they made their way to a large cabin that was built for meetings.

“Mommy!” They heard as they walked in and found Jamie already on his father’s lap. Everyone looked at the two women as they walked farther in and took their seats. Ratha looked around noticing more people had joined them as she sat next to Liliana. “Mommy, more elf.” He said looking at the others making Robert chuckle as Nasir and Kylaern smiled at the boy. Liliana took Jamie into her own lap to talk to him quietly as her Father started talking.

“That is Nasir and that is your other grandfather. Daddy’s daddy.” Jamie looked between the two before his attention was turned to Jaxton.

“Now that everyone is here. We have an issue to discuss.” He looked around the room. “The enemy has discovered where Kylaern and his people have made their home. They are building an army in hopes of taking that away from them. We have talked about how to protect others before, now is the time to follow our plans.”

“We don’t have enough men for a battle on the front and against another army.” Alexander commented.

“Your right, but something must be done.” Ryan said. “We can’t just leave them to themselves. We have to aid in some way.”

“We can send as many troops as we can; we can pull from surrounding lands to help support the numbers.” Jace added. “It will give a protection and keep the numbers pulled from the front to a minimum.”

The conversation went back and forth, everyone adding something or bringing up why something would not work. “Move everyone to the camp until it is safe to go back to their homes.” Liliana announced making everyone go silent and look at her. “We don’t know how much longer this will go on but if we move them here they will be safe and protected.”

“We will have more advisors on the battles and help in planning strategies and when the war is over we can help them relocate back to their homes or where ever they may want to go.” Robert added in agreement. He looked at his father. “I know it’s not in nature but will you and your people be willing to relocate here until it is safe for them at home?”

“I say yes but I must discuss it with them. It is up to each of them if they wish to leave their homes and come here.” He looked at Nasir and Ratha. “Do either of you have anything to input?”

“I do not believe it to be a problem. I believe everyone will relocate, even the ones who are reluctant when it comes to humans.” Ratha said.

Nasir nodded. “I agree. This will show them that we are fighting just as the humans and we can work together to help each other. It will save many lives and strengthen a strained bond between human and elf.”

Jaxton nodded as he looked around the table before looking at Kylaern. “Discuss it with your people. We will begin setting up shelters for you and your people and bringing in supplies. If they should agree bring them here and everything should be ready.” Kylaern nodded as he, Ratha and Nasir rose.

“I will go back to my people and let them choose. You two stay here and help set things up to welcome the people who agree.” Nasir and Ratha gave sharp nods. “I’ll head back right away. The sooner we tell them the sooner we will have our answer and save their lives.”

“Do you want anyone to go with you?” Liliana asked. “We can have an escort to make sure you arrive back safely.”

“No. I will be fine.” He smiled.

Jaxton smirked at his daughter before turning to the old friend. “Perhaps you can at least spend the day. I’m sure you would like to take the chance to spend time with your grandson.” The two men looked at Jamie who had begun dozing on Liliana’s shoulder, as he got bored with the meeting.

“I guess you’ll have to wait until after his nap.” Robert chuckled as he looked at his son falling asleep. “He gets board easily, a trait from his mother.” He gave Liliana a sweet smile as she shot him a quick glare.

“Well if I’m always board then you can take him while I do my rounds.” She smiled as they all stood up.

Kylaern watched as Robert gently took Jamie from Liliana making him stir and whine. “It’s Alright, buddy. Daddy’s got you.” Robert said softly as he let the boy rest against his shoulder and rubbed his back. “Don’t be long.” Robert smiled at Liliana who could not help the smile that spread on her face before she leaned in and kissed him.

“I won’t.” She glanced at her father-in-law talking with her father. “Maybe you can talk with your dad a bit and show them around while Jamie naps, you know he likes to go for walks when he sleeps.” Robert nodded as Liliana gently touched Jamie’s back. “I won’t take long.” She said before she was gone with Alexander beside her.

“Who was that man who left with her?” Ratha asked.

Robert glanced at her as she walked closer. “That’s a good friend. His name is Alexander. He’s pretty much her body guard when she wanders around.”

“She needs a bodyguard?” Ratha asked worried.

“She does when our brother is in camp.” Ryan said as he walked over. “Which reminds me we need to check on that little problem.” He looked at Robert. “He is out snooping.”

“Go, I’ll take care of Jamie.” Jace said as he and the rest walked over. “It’s more important to keep that problem in check than to watch over the little guy for his nap.” With a sigh, Robert agreed and handed Jamie over. “Uncle Jace has you.’ He shushed as Jamie shifted and whined again at being transferred again. Robert and Ryan left without another word to look around camp.

“What are they talking about?” Nasir asked confused.

Jace shook his head as he explained. “Their brother, Marc is a nasty guy. We only tolerate him because we have some support from their mother, although she is still determined to ship Robert off, get rid of Jamie and have Marc take Lily. We have some support and it’s better than having a war with her as well. So we have Alexander with her as a guard, and usually its Robert, Ryan and I who wander the camp and keep an eye on things, and make sure Marc stays away from Lily. After the incident few years ago, he’s lucky he’s alive and allowed near this place.”

Ratha looked Alarmed “Why? What happened?”

“Marc waited until he thought Robert was busy with an alarm on the other side of camp and Lily was walking back to her tent after she was with Jace and his son. He waited at her tent and jumped her. Used some spell to catch her and hold her so she couldn’t do anything-.”

“I couldn’t even scream.” They heard making everyone look. “I only checked on a few people and saw him lurking around so we figured we’d come back for a visit.” She smiled as she walked closer.

“What did this Marc do?” Kylaern asked.

Liliana looked at him a minute before answering. “He held me down and made it so I couldn’t move or scream, I could barely breathe. He tried to rape me.”

“Tried?” Ratha asked.

She nodded with a small smile. “Rob saved me. He settled the alarm and was walking back to his tent when he heard the commotion and he nearly killed Marc to stop him. And then Alexander and Jace showed up, found out what happened and took over the job while Rob took care of me.”

“Heading for his tent my ass.” Alexander said with a smirk earning a glare from Liliana. “We All know it, I just said it.” He stuck his tongue out before she elbowed him in the ribs making him glare at her fake smile.

“So you let him here still?” Kylaern asked Jaxton.

“I have no true authority not to. This is a camp for everyone. It is run and overseen by all the lords, ladies, kings and queens who are participating in this war against Zinnia.” Jaxton explained. “Erna has been lending support no matter how little but she wants her sons placed here, so they are place here.”

“Not like she has a choice for Robert and Ryan.” Jace chuckled. “They’re going to stay no matter what she wants. They’ve proven that before.”

“If you’re going to stand around and tell stories I’m going to go lay Jamie down.” Liliana sighed as she reached out and took Jamie back into her arms.

“Mama?” He whined.

“Sh, it’s okay baby.” She shushed as she turned and left to go to her and Robert’s cabin and lay Jamie down for a nap while the others told Kylaern, Ratha and Nasir the stories of the past.

She heard a knock on the little door and found Kylaern standing there. “I thought we might be able to talk. I would like to get to know the woman my son has fallen in love with as well as my first grandchild.” Liliana smiled and let him in. “I heard some of the things you’ve been through. I am truly sorry for the pain you’ve gone through.”

“I’ve survived and have friends and family who helped me through everything. Besides, I’m not the only one who went through a lot of stuff. Everyone in this camp has been through some rough spots.”

“The others told me that as well.” He glanced at the doorway to Jamie’s room. “Is he still sleeping?”

“He’ll sleep for maybe another hour before he’s up again running around pretending to be his daddy.” She gave a small smile. “He wants to grow up just like Rob.”

“Well he could pick a worse role model.” Kylaern laughed. “My son has grown into a fine man.”

“He has.” Liliana agreed. “He’s a very good person and a loving husband and father. I told you before I don’t know what I would do without him. We became close when we were going to save my father from Zinnia and then I thought he was the biggest jerk. I thought he was like the other guys who would follow me around and try to talk me into their beds because of who I was. I caught him following me a couple times and he was in some fights to keep some guys away. I thought he was following me trying to wait for the right time to jump and when he was in the fights I thought he was just trying to make the others back off so he had a better chance.” She smirked and shook her head. “I was so wrong. He caught me one night and made me listen as he explained himself. He admitted that he loved me with all his heart that night.”

“And still do.” Robert said as he walked in with a smile. “Reliving old memories?” He asked as he leaned down and kissed her temple.

“I was just telling your father about how great a man you are.” She smiled up at him. “I thought you and Ryan were on Marc patrol.”

Robert shrugged. “He’s staying over with the soldiers for the most part, besides he won’t dare come near you with me around. Not after the last time.” He said as he looked in on Jamie before grabbing another seat and sitting with his wife and father. Continuing to add to the stories and telling him all about themselves until Jamie wandered from his room. “Hey little man, how was your nap?” Robert asked as he lifted the still drowsy Jamie into his lap.

“Good.” He said softly. “I go play with Sylvan?” He asked looking between his parents.

“Sylvan’s off with Aunt Rebecca right now. Maybe later, okay?” Liliana saw Jamie nod as he leaned into his father. “Sylvan is my nephew. Jace’s son and Rebecca is Jace‘s wife.” She explained and saw Kylaern nod as he looked back at Jamie as he squirmed around in his father’s lap. “I really am glad you came.”

“I was planning on coming to visit sooner but with what was starting I couldn’t leave the people to fend for themselves while I visited my family.” He gave a little smile. “He has grown a lot. How old is he now?”

“He’s almost three.” Robert answered.

“He’s growing up too fast.” Liliana said with a little smile as she glanced at her son.

“Ati, Missaturntot?” Jamie asked making Kylaern look from the boy to his parents.

The other elves are with Grandpa and uncle Jace and the others.” Liliana explained. “You remember daddy’s daddy.” She watched Jamie look at Kylaern and smile as he nodded.

“Grandfather.” He said making Kylaern smile.

“He has learned elven well.” Kylaern looked at his son who nodded with a smile.

“He speaks it better than common tongue.” Robert told him.

Kylaern looked up at him. “Has your mother met him yet?”

“Not yet.” Robert ruffled his son’s hair. “We have a meeting with everyone that’s involved in this fight coming up. We were talking about taking him with us to the meeting and introducing her to her grandson then. We haven’t decided if we are or not but it’s something we’re thinking about.”

“I doubt it would be a good thing for her to show up one day and have him run out calling for his father in front of her.” Liliana smirked. “The sooner the better is my opinion.” She shrugged. “I just want to get that argument done and over with.”

The door to their cabin opened and Ryan walked in with a bright smile. “Thought I’d drop in and take my nephew out for a bit.” Liliana rolled her eyes. “What?”

“If my son comes home with nightmares again…” She warned

Robert laughed as he set Jamie on his own feet. “Let the children have fun.” He told his wife.

“Hey!” Ryan protested.

Robert only chuckled and grinned at his brother as he walked over to him. “You’ll always be a child.” He laughed and ruffled Ryan’s hair earning him a glare as Liliana giggled from her seat. “Go have fun kids.”

“Come on Jamie. Let’s go play and let your dad be a boring grown up.” Ryan said holding out his hand. Jamie smiled and laughed as Ryan stuck his tongue out before turning and leaving with his nephew.

“Very grown up of you, uncle Ry.” Robert called after him as he shut the door. “I don’t think he’s ever going to grow up.”

“Well I’m not taking care of him. Bad enough I have you and Jamie, I don’t need a third.” Liliana smiled making Robert roll his eyes as Kylaern chuckle as he stood up.

“I best get some rest. I’ll be leaving as soon as I wake. I need to get back to the others and ask what they wish to do.” Liliana stood beside Robert. “I’m very happy to see you both again and I’m glad I was able to see Jamie as well. No matter the choice of the people I will come back to stay here until it is safe again.”

“Until next time.” Robert said shaking his father’s hand.

Kylaern nodded. “Until next time.” He gave Liliana a quick hug before he left the two alone.

Robert and Liliana looked at each other and smiled. “Well it looks like we have the cabin to ourselves for a while.” She told him. “There’s a few things I can think of that we can do to pass the time until our son comes back and we are being bombarded by people.” She smiled at her husband who chuckled before leaning in and capturing her lips, knowing what she was thinking.

Liliana woke up and yawned when she heard shuffling at the end of her bed. She looked down to find Jamie crawling up the end to his parents making her laugh and sit up grabbing him pulling him up to lay between herself and Robert who was trying to ignore them and get more sleep.

“I think Daddy’s tired.” She smiled making Jamie giggle and Robert cracked his eyes to see her smirking before Jamie jumped on top of him trying to tickle him.

“Alright, Alright I’m up.” He chuckled, sitting up letting Jamie gently fall back onto his lap. “You’re up early today.”

“I hungry.” He smiled making both parents laugh before they climbed out of bed to get dressed and help him get ready for the day. “Is Mira comin’?” He asked his father as they started walking out of the tent until they saw Erna and her small group walk through the camp. Liliana took Jamie from Robert and walked off finding Mira walking over to them.

“Mira, keep him inside, looks like we might have trouble.” The tall woman with long black hair, dark gray eyes and a pale yellow loose dress nodded knowing who had just arrived. Liliana knelt and started talking to Jamie. “You be good for Mira. We’ll see you a little later okay?” She smiled and kissed his cheek as Mira led the boy into the tent that was set up for her and several others to watch the young children. Liliana sighed and followed the group into the meeting tent where Jaxton sat in his seat with his father and brother to either side while Jace, Alexander, Ryan, and Robert stood off to the side with Erna talking to Jaxton.

“I will not allow you to take one of my best from this camp.” Jaxton said as Liliana stood next to Robert.

“What’s going on?” She asked her husband.

“She wants to take me to a camp up north where she is. Your dad is trying to stop her but it doesn’t look good.” He told her making her look at him before the two went back to watching the two adults argue.

“You have no right to keep my son here. I need him in my camp since he is the leader of my troops. He must train the new troops as they come in. Ryan will be able to cover where Robert is not. I am taking him with me whether you agree or not.” Jaxton looked over to Robert and Liliana as they glance at each other then looked at Erna. Liliana could only shrug at Robert before he gave a slight nod to Jaxton who sighed. He was one of the few who knew about the marriage between Robert and Liliana and he knew what it would mean for him to have to leave. He looked back at Erna still standing determined before him and took a deep breath.

“Fine. But he is to come back in six months at the latest.” Jaxton saw the woman about to argue but thought better of it and gave a small nod before leaving the tent with her group following her. Liliana and the others walked over to Jaxton to talk to him before they went Along with their day. “She would have caused far more problems if I hadn’t agreed to something.”

“We All know that. Ryan and I know that the most. I’ll go and do what I can to get back sooner but knowing her she’s got something planned.” Robert told them.

“Just make sure you don’t wind up getting into too much trouble.” Jace chuckled before they left so that Robert could gather his things and leave with his mother.

“You going to say good bye to Jamie before you leave?” Liliana asked as she walked with Robert to the tent they shared.

“I’ll go as soon as I’m done here.” He said as he began gathering some things and watching as Liliana sat on the bed looking off into space. “You going to be Alright?”

“I’ll be fine, I’m just thinking about what she could have planned for you. I’m worried she has something planned and is just setting things up now.”

“I know, I have the same feeling but all we can do is keep our eyes out and follow through for now.” He told her as she stood up with a smile. “I’ll be back before you know it and we can talk to your father about going on a little vacation for a week or so.” Liliana smiled as they slid their arms around each other pulling closer as they began to kiss. Suddenly they heard a call from just outside the tent making them jump. Liliana quickly used a concealment spell to hide all of hers and Jamie’s things then used a transportation spell to disappear as Erna walked in.

“Robert, why are you in a different tent?”

“Because I needed more room. What do you want mother?” He asked as he continued to pack.

“The time you have spent here has taken away all your manors and charm. You will come with me and work on those manners of yours. It seems those ungrateful twins have rubbed off on you.”

“I am finished packing mother. Shall we go?” He asked, as she looked at him hard before giving a nod and turning to leave. “I will meet you at the edge of camp; I need to do something quickly before I leave.” He said making her look at him again before turning and leaving quickly. Sighing he walked out of his tent and walked to the large tent where he would find Liliana and Jamie with the other children.

“What was that about?” Liliana asked when Robert walked over to her.

“The usual comments about my ‘manners’ and such. She’s going to meet at the edge of camp, I told her I had something I needed to take care of quickly before I left.”

“Daddy!” Jamie laughed and ran to him. Robert bent and picked the two-year-old boy up with a smile. “You going to play?”

“No, I have to leave on a trip for a little while.”

“Oh” he said sadly making Robert give a small smile and hug the boy.

“If you’re good I’ll bring something back for you. How’s that?” Jamie’s face immediately brightened before he hugged his father and he was let down to go play.

“I wish I could be so carefree.” Liliana smiled as Robert wrapped his arm around her.

“I’ll write to you every chance I get. Just try to hang on until I get back.” He said softly giving her a kiss before he left to meet his mother.

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