War for Uyrilia

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Jace was sitting bored in another one of his strategic meetings, he hated having to sit through these meetings, the men were all older and wouldn’t listen to anything he or the younger group. Apparently, they did not know anything and were children. He lounged back in his seat as another fight broke out. Jaxton smirked seeing Rebecca at the doorway; he looked at his son and gave a quick nod letting Jace slip from the meeting to spend time with his wife. “Hey.” He said as they left the cabin and wrapped their arms around each other.

“Hey.” Rebecca smiled as she kissed him. “I figured you could use some saving from that meeting.” She watched him smiled at her. “I figured we could have some Alone time while Sylvan is with your uncle.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” Jace grinned as he pulled her tight against him with a deep kiss making her laugh. “Let’s go.” He said low leading the way to their cabin passing Liliana and Robert sitting by their cabin with little Jamie. They looked over at the two rush into the cabin and couldn’t help but laugh, knowing what the two were planning.

“He’s so smart.” Liliana said as she played with her infant son. “He’s going to grow up to be such a smart handsome man, just like his father.”

“I don’t know, I think he’ll better. He is our son.” Robert smirked as he sat to the side looking at papers a messenger had given him from his mother.

“You two know where Jace and Rebecca are?” Arthur asked holding Sylvan on his hip.

Liliana smirked. “Yeah they’re… busy.” She watched as Arthur looked at the cabin.

“How’s the little guy?” He asked moving closer, setting Sylvan down and looking at Jamie wrapped in his mother’s arms sleeping soundly.

“He’s good. Kept his dad up all night but he’s doing well.” Liliana smiled as Arthur looked over at Robert as he ran a hand over his face. “He’s already really smart.”

“He’s going to be a trouble maker like his mother.” Robert said looking at the two. “We should start preparing for the horror.” Arthur laughed as Liliana smirked and shook her head.

It was another twenty minutes before Jace and Rebecca walked out of their cabin. “I think you’re missing something.” Liliana called over making them walk over. Rebecca picked Sylvan up with a bright smile as Jace stood beside her. “Leaving a child with others just to have fun.” She shook her head making Jace laugh as Rebecca went red.

“How was the meeting?” Arthur asked his nephew.

“Boring. Dad let me out early.” Jace explained.

“So I see.” Arthur smirked again Rebecca went red as Jace laughed. “I need to go meet with your dad we’re working on planning our turn out on the battle field.”

“It’ll be good to see Alexander again.” Jace agreed. “It’s a shame he has to be stuck out there.”

“He’s better than anyone royal or peasant level. He’s able to control and plan just as well as you and I and people actually listen to him.” Liliana said.

“Have you talked to him?” Arthur wondered.

Liliana nodded. “We write to him once in a while. Tell him about what’s going on here. I just sent one after Jamie was born. He usually writes back as soon as he has time. I hope someday soon he’ll be able to see everything. Although he did say he met some girl in one of the nearby towns that he’s kind of seeing.” She smiled and Jace grinned. Jace and Rebecca sat down with Robert and Liliana while Arthur went to meet with Jaxton. Leaving the two couples to talk.


Liliana and Robert woke up to their son screaming. Jumping up they looked over to the bassinet beside their bed to see Jamie flailing with screams as a figure ran from the little cabin. The two parents were on their feet in a blink of an eye, Liliana picked her son up as Robert went after the figure. She heard Robert call out to soldiers stationed not far away before there was a clattering of metal and a cry of pain. She rocked her son trying to calm him as she looked down at him, seeing a slice on his arm. She furrowed her brow before running from the cabin with the still screaming infant in her arms. As she came upon the group of soldiers, she found Robert at the center yanking the man up by his collar.

“What did you do?” She asked as she pushed through holding Jamie as he quieted slightly. The man smirked as Robert looked at her confused. “What did you do to him?” She demanded as her eyes began to glow and she shifted Jamie to hold him in one arm.

Robert shoved the man back to the ground as he gently pulled his son into his arms, letting his wife get her answer. The man looked up at her and as if just noticing her glowing eyes began to cower. Liliana glared at him as Jaxton and the others broke through. “What’s going on?” He asked his daughter before turning to Robert trying to calm the screaming infant in his arms. “What’s wrong with Jamie?”

“He started screaming and when we woke up we found that one running from our cabin.” Robert explained before he put his hand on Liliana’s arm making her turn quickly to glare at him. “It’s okay.” He said and watched as she slowly relaxed, blinking her eyes back to their amber color.

“He has a cut on his arm.” She said as she showed them the slice. “He didn’t have that when we put him to bed.” She looked back to the man on the ground. “What did you do to him? Who sent you?” Christoph took Jamie and was trying to heal the slice as Robert turned back to the man.

“I… I…” Was all he could muster before Robert had him back up by his collar.

Arthur walked closer, knowing how angry everyone was, as they should be but their anger was going to get them nowhere. “Robert, put the man down.” He told him and watched as Robert glanced at him before slowly lowering the man to his feet. “I think I’ll have a chat with our friend. You two take care of your son.” He said calmly without taking his eyes from the man. Robert and Liliana looked back as Christoph frowned and Jamie continued to cry while Jaxton tried a spell.

“What’s wrong?” Liliana asked watching as he son cried.

“I don’t know.” Christoph shook his head. “I’ve never seen something like this. Even if there was a spell or something it’s Always been able to be closed.” He mused as Jaxton looked at his daughter who was looking more and more alarmed by the minute.

“Could it be poison?” Robert asked looking up from his son as Liliana’s horrified eyes snapped up. “Could he be cut by a poisoned blade?” Liliana pulled Jamie to her as his crying calmed a bit. Jaxton moved to go to the man off by the other cabins where Arthur was in a deep conversation with him but was stopped by Christoph.

“Jaxton.” He said. “Don’t if you go over there you will get no answers by demanding and threatening. Let your brother handle that for now. We need to figure out how to help Jamie.”

“We need to figure out what type of poison it is in order to cure it.” Jace said as he glared over at the man who had hurt this nephew. As Ryan took a step towards them.

“No, Jace, Ryan.” Christoph said making the young men look at him. “You are to stay here as well.” He looked at the boy as he squirmed and began screaming again in Liliana’s arms as she tried to calm him. He needed t figure something out to help the boy while Arthur got information from the would be assassin.

Robert ran his hand over his son’s head as he tried to think of something, anything to help his child. He was not going to let another child be ripped from their arms. His blue eyes snapped to the man to the side before he stalked over ignoring Christoph’ call for him to stay away. Glaring down at the man, he asked. “Did Zinnia send you?” The man blinked at him. “Answer me or you’ll be sorry you were ever brought into this world.” He threatened as his eyes flashed with something dangerous, something Arthur had never seen before. “Were you sent by Zinnia?” Slowly the man nodded and Robert’s fists tightened at his sides. He took a breath, he needed to hold it together, and he needed to find out what that woman had done to his son. “What poison did you use?”

The man looked up at him and shook his head. As Robert gave a growl before shifting, the man waved his hands. “I don’t know! I was given a dagger and she told me to mark the boy with blue eyes with Elven blood and high magic.”

“How would she know any of this?” Robert mused angrily. As Arthur looked back at the man. “What where you supposed to do?”

“Just scratch him she said. That’s all. That’s all I know, I swear!” He winced as Robert’s cold eyes stared at him.

Jamie screamed out as he twisted and fussed in his mother’s arms making everyone turn and look as she looked up with a scared expression. “Rob, he’s burning up.”

“We need to get supplies.” He said walking back over to look down at Jamie before at the others around him. “I know someone who might be able to help him; we need to go to him.”

“Where? Who is this person?” Jaxton asked but Robert only shook his head. “Robert…”

“I can’t. I haven’t seen him since I was a kid and I heard rumors of where he is hiding out. I can’t tell anyone, I can’t let anything out to who he is or where he is.” He glanced at Liliana rocking Jamie as his crying slowed. “We need food and water, and milk for him. We’ll take our travel packs and head out immediately.”

“Robert.” Ryan said making his brother look at him. “You know seeing him can be a death sentence from either side for you.”

“He is the only one who might be able to save my son. I have to try.” Robert told him as he led Liliana towards their cabin to get their things together. “Ana, pack some of his stuff to take with us.”

“She just nodded as she laid the screaming Jamie in his bassinet in order to gather their things. Robert stopped gathering things to look at her as she blankly grabbed and tucked things away. Grabbing her, he pulled her to him and held her as she started crying. “It’s going to be Alright.” he said softly as he held her. “He’ll be okay. I promise.”

“I can’t.” She shook her head. “I can’t have him taken away too. Not after Rylea…” She trailed off crying harder as Robert held her tighter, fighting his own emotions to stay strong for her. “Rob…. I can’t lose Jamie too.” She looked up into his wet blue eyes.

He gently wiped her tears from her cheeks and rested his hand on her jaw. “I won’t let that happen. We won’t lose him, I promise I will find a way, any way to save him. I won’t let her take our son.” The two wrapped their arms around each other and held tight for a moment before they returned to gathering what they needed while they tried not to worry about Jamie screaming from his basinet.

“I got enough food to last you a few days.’ Jaxton said handing Robert the bag to carry as Liliana held her own on her back and Jamie in her arms. “I put some milk in there for him. Get where you need to and get back. I don’t want to lose all of you because of her. Be safe and let us know as soon as he’s better.”

“We will.” Robert nodded as he swung the pack of food onto his shoulder.

“If you’re not back for a while we’re going to assume the worst and I will personally see to it Zinnia is taken care of.” Jace told his sister.

Liliana shook her head. “Don’t. We’ll be fine. Just focus on keeping everyone safe here.” She said before Arthur hugged her. “Don’t let them do anything crazy. I couldn’t bear to lose everyone I care about.”

Arthur smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry. Nothing’s going to happen. Go take care of your son and come back.” Liliana nodded as she looked over at Robert who was talking quietly to his brother before turning to her. With a hand to her back the two set off in search of a man Robert knew of, a man who could save their son from the poison Zinnia had sliced into him.


Liliana held their sick son in her arms. The boy was pale and sweating, as he held to her tight, whimpering in pain. She felt as if she was being ripped apart seeing her little boy in so much torment but she trusted that Robert knew someone who could help. He led her through a dense forest glancing at their son as they walked. He stopped them suddenly as elves came from all around to surround them.

“Who are you? What do you want?” One asked in Elven. Liliana listened but did not speak as she saw Rob turn to face a female elf to the side.

“Ratha, I must see my father. He is said to have taken refuge in this forest when I was young. I need to speak with him.” The elf looked at him before glancing at a male elf to her right.

“No one is permitted through this forest, especially not humans. You know the Elven forests are protected and no one without elf blood is allowed through.” The elf looked at Liliana holding the little boy. Robert stepped forward to talk to the elf but his son’s cry made him turn and watch as Liliana tried desperate to calm him and ease his pain.

“Rob, he’s getting worse.” She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Robert spun to face the elves. “The boy is sick, he has been poisoned. My father is the only one who knows how to fix him. I must get him to see the boy.”

“Why? Why is this boy so important?”

“Nasir, please. My son will die if he isn’t taken care of soon.” Robert begged.

Another elf walked forward looking from Liliana to Robert. “Son? Who would have a child with the half-breed?”

Robert took a step to lunge at him but Jamie cried out with a horrible scream. “Rob… I...” Liliana looked up with tears falling from her amber eyes. A sight he never wanted to see. They had already had their daughter ripped from them and soon Zinnia would claim their second child. He balled his fists. He would not let that happen. He would not let that woman take their son away from them. He turned to look at the elves. “I will do whatever I have to, to make sure my son is healed. If that is doing something for you or to you that is up to you.”

“Threats will get you nowhere.” Liliana looked at the elf as he walked from behind the others. He looked very much like Robert but he had long blond hair and the build of an elf. “You may be my son, but you are trespassing on land that is for Elven eyes alone. You could have led danger to these people by being here. You will find no shelter nor help here.”

“How dare you!” They heard and all eyes turned to Liliana as she held her crying son to her and she stepped to Robert’s side. “Your son seeks you out, begs for your help and you turn him down. You would turn away your own son and refuse to save your grandson because they don’t hold enough of your blood? You make me sick. No wonder you and your people are so hated by other races. You feel you are so much better than everyone else. You’re not! You’re just like everyone else and so help me I will let you die like everyone else!” She cried as Robert pulled her to him. Holding her shaking body as she tried to calm their screaming child. He turned his clear blue eyes to his father who, like the others, could only stare at the woman.

Robert watched as his father sighed and walked towards them. “Let me see the boy.” Robert pulled back letting Liliana shift Jamie to lay cradled in her arms as he cried. “When was he poisoned?”

“Two days ago. As soon as he was poisoned, we set out for you. No one knows what to do. He’s had a fever for a day and a half and he’s been crying off and on since a few hours after he was poisoned. This is the worst he’s been.” Robert explained as his father nodded and unwrapped the blanket. He turned and motioned for them to follow him as he led the way to beautiful houses, built as one with nature. Robert kept his arm around Liliana as she continued to look at Jamie crying and squirming in her arms.

“Lay him here.” Liliana did as she was told but kept her hand on Jamie, refusing to leave his side. Robert watched his father work, coming to the baby with a little bottle of green liquid. He put some on his finger and rubbed it on the infant’s gums. He repeated this seven more times before Jamie’s cries died down. One last time and the baby was quiet. He looked at his mother as his dark blue eyes slid closed. “He will sleep for a while. He is no longer in danger of the poison.”

“Thank you.” Liliana whispered as she pulled Jamie back into her arms.

Robert knelt beside her and ran his hand over his son’s head, looking up he found his father sitting across from them watching. “I cannot thank you enough for saving my son.”

“What is his name?” He asked in common tongue.

“Jamie.” Robert answered. “He’s seven months old. This is my wife, Liliana.”

“I am Kylaern. I have heard about the twin princess and prince of Atren. It is good to meet you.”

Liliana looked up from Jamie to see her father-in-law. She gave a small smile. “It’s good to meet you as well. I’m sorry about yelling at you. I just…” She shook her head as tears came unbidden once again.

“A mother will do what she must to protect her young.” Kylaern smiled. “You have found a fine wife and mother of your children, my son.” Robert smiled and laid his hand on Liliana’s back. “Rest for a while. I’m sure you both have traveled with no sleep this entire way.” Robert nodded and watched as his father stood. “You are welcome to use the guest house next-door and rest as long as you’d like.”

“Thank you.” Was All Robert said before he led Liliana to the little house next-door where he had her lay on the bed. He climbed in behind her as she cuddled around their infant son and soon fell asleep. Robert lay for hours watching his wife and son sleep before he carefully climbed from the bed and went outside. It was now nighttime and he could see the brilliantly lit stars as they twinkled above.

“Can’t sleep?” He heard making him turn quickly to find his father walking up to him. He shook his head. “I haven’t seen you since you were a child… I never expected you to come find me, never mind with your wife and child.” Kylaern gave Robert a small smirk. “You understand why I said what I did?”

Robert nodded. “I do. I know Ana and I being here could lead Zinnia and Mother to you and your people but I had no other choice. I couldn’t let my son die just to keep anyone from finding this place. I can’t let another child be ripped from us.”

“Another child?” Robert nodded and explained what Zinnia had done to their daughter two years before. Kylaern looked horrified as Robert explained, trying to push away the pain and torment that came with the story. “I am truly sorry you and Liliana had to witness that. No parent should see their child die in any way.”

“I couldn’t watch Jamie be taken away too. It nearly destroyed Ana when our daughter was killed. I don’t want to think what it would have done had Jamie been killed as well.”

“How did an infant come to be poisoned?”

“Zinnia had an assassin sneak into our home while we were sleeping and use a poisoned dagger to scratch him. He screamed and woke us up in time to capture the assassin and figure out what he had done. Ana’s father and grandfather tried everything they knew to get rid of the poison but Jamie only seemed to get worse. The only thing I could think of to save him was to bring him to you.”

“I’m glad you did. it was a very high level poison, something you only find on Orcs.”

“Rob?” They heard making them turn to find Liliana holding a whimpering Jamie. “We’re out of milk for him and he’s hungry.”

“I have some in my house.” Kylaern said as Robert took Jamie into his arms and they followed the elf. “Here.” He handed the container to Liliana who poured a little into a bottle before handing it to Robert.

“Alright little man, Alright. I’ve got your food.” Robert said softly as he shifted Jamie and began to feed him. “There you go.” Jamie quieted as he began drinking the milk and Rob swayed slightly.

Liliana watched with a small smile as Kylaern smirked and sat down. “You look good with him in your arms.” Robert looked up to see a smile spreading on his father’s face. “You’ll be a great father.” Robert smirked before turning his blue eyes back to his son as he finished his bottle and fell back to sleep.

“No more fussing and making your mom worry.” He told his sleeping son as he continued to sway a few more minutes.

“Does your mother know?”

Robert chuckled as he laid Jamie on a cushion and he and Liliana sat to talk with Kylaern. “She doesn’t even know Ana and I are married. Mother has her ways set and has caused a rift. Her actions have caused Jaxton and the others to turn their backs on her, her husband and their eldest son. Their younger children and I have been welcomed and cared for while they leave Mother to figure out where she stands in the war.”

“I imagine she will be upset when she does find out.”

“I imagine so.” Robert agreed. “But I won’t let her do anything. Liliana and I are married; we love each other and our son. I’ll do whatever I have to, to keep them both safe.”

“She can be ruthless.”

“She’ll find out how cruel I can be if she tried to hurt my wife or son.” Robert told him.

Kylaern nodded as he looked over at the baby sleeping not far away. “I know you’ll take good care of both of them. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself as well.”

“I’ll make sure of that.” Liliana smiled as she took Robert’s hand. “No husband of mine will go crazy and kill himself.” Robert laughed as Kylaern chuckled. The laughter died and Liliana yawned.

Robert stood with a smile. “You need more rest.” He said softly as she stood up and watched as he gently pulled Jamie into his arms. “We’ll leave in the morning.” He told his father as he walked with Liliana back to the guesthouse where they quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Liliana awoke to find Jamie and Robert gone. She made her way outside to see Robert sitting on the ground talking to several Elven children who were fascinated by the gurgling Jamie in his father’s lap. She stopped outside the house and smiled as Robert pulled Jamie to his feet and the boy giggled making the children laugh. She glanced over and found a smiling Kylaern watching as well before he walked to her side.

“He is a bright boy.” He said as Robert laid Jamie on his belly letting him push up and start crawling. “I am sorry for yesterday.”

“It’s no problem.” She smiled. “I understand you were just trying to protect your people. I hope you can forgive my words.”

“There is nothing to forgive. You were a mother trying to protect her child. You seem good for my son, thank you for caring for him. With his mother’s upbringing, I know he needed companionship; he needed someone to care for and someone who cared for him. I’m glad to see his heart still beats and is not the stone of his mothers.”

“He’s Always been so full of life and happiness. He had his younger brother and sister to care for and they cared for him so the three of them were able to escape. I am glad we found each other though. I don’t think I can even imagine my life without Rob or our son.” She smiled as she saw Robert grin at her. he stood up holding Jamie’s hands as he held him walk towards them.

“Go say good morning to mommy.” He said as he let Jamie crawl to Liliana who crouched down. The boy giggled and squealed with laughter as he crawled into his mother’s arms and she scooped him up.

“Good morning baby.” She said kissing his cheek making him giggle and gnaw on his fist as she settled him on her hip. “Was daddy teaching you how to walk?” She asked as she gently grabbed his cheek making him smile. “Daddy had you up so early today; I bet you’re getting hungry.”

“Well if mommy didn’t sleep till the crack of noon, Daddy and Jamie wouldn’t have to sit around waiting to eat.” Robert smirked as Liliana rolled her eyes. He looked at his father who seemed amused by the discussion. “Could we trouble you for some food and milk before we leave?”

“Yes, of course. Come, we’ll go to the inn and get what you need.” Kylaern led the way to the inn, through the streets of elves looking at them before continuing on their business. walking into the inn they found the same thing, the elves looked at them curiously before turning back to their own business. Kylaern led them to the counter where he told the innkeeper what was needed.

“Robert?” They heard making them turn to see the female elf from the day before. “How is the boy?”

“He is much better.” Robert smiled as he looked at Jamie in his mother’s arms looking around with wide blue eyes and his fist in his mouth.

“He is your son?” She asked and watched him nod. Liliana swore she saw the elf’s smile drop slightly when Robert confirmed it. “What is his name? How old is he?”

“He’s seven months old now, his name is Jamie.”

“And this is your wife?” Again, Robert nodded and Liliana saw the slight disappointment on her face. “You have a way with words.” She bowed slightly.

“Ratha, right?” She nodded. “I speak what’s in my heart. Speaking fancy words or tunes does nothing but confuse people. Speaking from the heart speaks the truth. You can’t very well argue with what is right.” Liliana smiled as she held out her free hand. “My name is Liliana, but everyone just calls me Lily.”

“Ana.” Robert said making her turn to him as he handed her a bottle of milk.

“Well everyone but Rob calls me Lily.” She laughed as she took the bottle and offered it to Jamie who gladly took it. Liliana watched as Ratha kept her eyes on Jamie. “Would you like to hold him?”

Ratha’s eyes went wide as she looked up at the smiling Liliana. “It’s Alright.” Robert said, “I’m not sure he won’t bite but he won’t break.” He grinned. Ratha looked back at Liliana and Jamie before nodding. She gently took Jamie into her arms as he continued drinking his bottle looking around curiously. Robert handed Liliana a plate of food with a smile as he watched Ratha hold the boy, having no idea what to do. “Let’s sit down for a little bit.” The group moved to a table where Liliana and Robert ate while Ratha smiled at Jamie.

“He’s such a ham.” Liliana rolled her eyes as she watched her son stretch and pull an arm behind his head, looking up at Ratha with a smirk finishing his bottle. “Takes after his father. Trying to impress the ladies, loving the attention.” She laughed softly as Robert chuckled.

“He is very cute.” Ratha smiled as she watched Liliana take the bottle and set it on the table. Jamie started squirming making Ratha furrow her brow, not know what to do. Robert smirked as he reached out taking his son.

“Come here little man.” Robert told him as he sat him on the table in front of him. Robert took a little piece of egg and put it in Jamie’s mouth making the boy smack his lips happily. “Oh you like that?” Robert continued to feed his son as Liliana shook her head. The fear and pain from the last two days melted away seeing her son and husband together.

“I will have Penelo pack you some food for your travel back.” Kylaern told Liliana.

“I can ask.” She said as she stood and walked to the counter to talk to the innkeeper.

Robert smiled as Jamie turned and started grabbing for his mother’s plate. “No. That’s mommy’s food.” He told his son who continued to try to get to the plate. “You ate all of my breakfast, you can’t still be hungry.”

“He is a growing boy.” Kylaern smirked making the boy spin to look at him before his blue eyes dropped to the plate of food and he reached for it.

“No. Jamie that is not yours. You can’t take things that aren’t yours.” Robert told him and watched his little face scrunch up. “No.”

“Here you go.” Kylaern said hold up a piece of egg. “Mooa.” He handed the egg to the boy who happily took it and shoved it in his mouth. “He has Elven blood in his veins just as his father does. He should know how to speak Elven and our customs.”

“We have been starting to teach him a little but I don’t think any of it will stick until he is older.” Robert explained as he watched his son look back at the food.

“Isoise.” Kylaern said pointing to himself.

“Dada.” Jamie said looking back at his father who smirked. “dadadadadadada” He said getting louder and louder before looking back at his grandfather for another piece of food.

“Well he seems to know who you are.” Kylaern laughed making Ratha giggle and Robert smirk. “What other words does he know?”

“He knows Mama, it’s another word he likes to scream.” Robert shook his head as he glanced at Liliana standing at the counter waiting for their food. “He mostly just makes sounds so far but he recognizes people. He knows who Uncle Ryan and Uncle Jace are.” The boy’s head turned as he scanned the room making Robert smirk. “They’re not here buddy. They had to keep everyone safe while mommy and I brought you here.” The boy looked at his father a minute before turning back for more food.

“He is a very bright boy.” Ratha smiled watching Robert and his son as Liliana sat back down with a bag. She smirked seeing Robert’s plate empty before she pushed her plate closer to him. Robert passed Jamie to Kylaern who continued to feed him and try to teach him elven before turning to the food Liliana had offered him.

“Your son eat your food again?” She smirked.

Robert shook his head. “Your son did.” He smirked as she giggled and looked over at Jamie continuing to take his grandfather’s food.

“He’s going to eat all of your father’s food.” She sighed as Kylaern waved off her worry and chuckled.

“It is good to see you Robert.” Came a voice from behind them. Turning they found the two elves from the night before. “I’m sorry about last night.” Nasir said watching as Robert nodded and stood to shake his hand. “I’m glad to see your son is better.” He looked at the boy who was laughing and taking more food from his grandfather.

“He’s doing much better. Showing off what a glutton he is.” Robert chuckled before looking at the elf that had been nasty the night before. “Teirist. It’s been a while.”

“Not long enough, half-breed.” He sneered.

Liliana shot to her feet with a glare. She took a step forward but Robert wrapped his arm around her waist stopping her from moving but not speaking. “You have no right to call him that. It’s not right. Just because he is not a full elf does not mean he is anything bad. Maybe it’s your batch of blood that’s bad in the even pool.”

“Ana.” Robert said pulling her back a bit as Teirist’s face turned red.

“You are a mere human, you are too low to even matter let Alone speak to the elven kind the way you have. You should show respect for your superior race and bow before me. That abomination you call a child should not even exist. A half breed is bad enough but to let them breed…” He said Robert knew Liliana was about to blow. He knew she would not hold back in words or fight.

“Ana, let it go.” He whispered as he ducked his head to her ear. “Let him have his dilutions. He is not worth your energy let alone your wondrous words. Let it go, love.” He felt the tension in her body relax and he turned his hard blue eyes to the man in front of them as he pulled Liliana behind him. “You can say what you want about me, but the second you bring my wife and my son into it you’re going to regret it. I don’t care who you are, I will make you learn not to say things about them and my wife couldn’t care less if you were the ruler of the world. If you talk like that in front of her she will destroy you.”

“No human can destroy an elf.” Teirist laughed.

Kylaern glanced away from the boy who was looking between everyone. “This one can.” Everyone looked at him. “She alone has the power to destroy cities and land as far as your eyes can see. If she is with her brother they could destroy countries or even continents.” He looked at Liliana as she looked away. She never liked boasting about the power she held and she did not like when it was brought to the attention of everyone around. She felt Robert take her hand making her look up at him smiling at her before she looked around at the shocked faces.

“You better not press her, Teirist.” Nasir laughed. “You might just learn a thing or two.” Teirist stormed away mumbling curses as Nasir and Ratha continued to laugh. “So it’s true? You are the princess of Atren?”

“Yes. It’s All true. My brother and I hold immense power but I would never unleash it unless it was a life or death situation. I wouldn’t have used my power on him.” She explained.

Robert chuckled as he sat back down with her at his side and Nasir taking a seat at the table. “Liliana could tear him apart without her powers. Just give her, her sword and she’ll be good to go.” Liliana gave him a look he knew well but he ignored it with a smile. “She’s the best I know. She can best me almost every time.”

“That’s amazing.” Ratha looked at Liliana who tried to shrink away. “Perhaps you can show us.”

“Maybe another time.” Liliana said as she looked at everyone. “Now that Jamie is better we do need to get back to the others to let them know he’s Alright. Our brothers and my father were furious when we left. The only reason they did not storm off to take Zinnia’s head themselves is because my uncle and grandfather had enough sense to know they needed to have Jamie healed before making any plans. Attacking while angry will only cost lives.”

“If we’re not back soon, they’ll think the worst and you do not want to see her father and brother release their powers.” Robert added.

“Perhaps we can visit this camp sometime.” Ratha said hopeful.

Liliana smiled happily. “That would be wonderful. We’d be glad to have all of you.” She saw Robert grab the toast from the plate and shove it in his mouth before Jamie reached for him yelling ‘dada’ as if Robert could not hear him.

“I hear you, I hear you. You keep yelling like that and you’ll make your dada deaf.” Robert told the boy who only grinned as his father pulled him into his arms. “We should get going.” Liliana nodded as she and the others stood. Kylaern, Ratha and Nasir walked with them through the forest to the boarder of town. “It was good to see you two again.” He shook his friends’ hands as Jamie shoved his fist in his mouth again and stared at the two. “Hopefully the next time we meet it will be under better conditions.”

“Until next time.” Nasir smiled.

Robert turned to his father. “Thank you for saving my son.”

“I’m glad I could help. I’m glad I was able to see you grown and meet your wife and son, even if the circumstances were all wrong. You’ve grown into a fine man, Robert, keep walking your path.” He smiled and looked at Jamie before back at Robert. “I am truly sorry about what happened to your daughter.” He saw Liliana flinch as she looked down as if remembering what happened years ago. “I’m sure she was as beautiful as her mother.” Liliana looked up with watery amber eyes. “She is watching over you and her little brother. She is Always with you, in your heart.” Liliana nodded before hugging him as tears fell from her eyes. Robert gave a small smile as he blinked away his own tears.

“Thank you.” She whispered. Before stepping back to Robert’s side.

“Take good care of that husband of yours and your son.” Kylaern saw Liliana nod and laugh softly as she dried her eyes and Robert wrapped his arm around her waist. “Maybe one day we will make the journey to your camp for a visit. I would like to see my grandson grow up to be a strong man like his father.” He shook Roberts hand as he nodded. “Take care.”

“We will.” Robert told him. “Until next time.” The little family turned and started on their long journey home.


Jaxton sat with the others in the command tent. It had been five days since Liliana and Robert when searching for the mystery man that only Robert and Ryan knew of. They could not get anything out of Ryan and had given up to sit together and wait, hoping for some sign that they had found the man and Jamie was safe.

“Your highness!” They heard from outside making the group jump to their feet, run out to see Robert holding the giggling Jamie in his arms as Liliana smiled at them, and waved as they came closer. Jaxton pulled his daughter into a tight hug as Robert smiled happily and Jamie rambled on in his babble.

“I was getting worried.” Ryan said looking at Robert and Jamie.

Robert smirked before looking at his son. “We were perfectly fine, weren’t we bud?” Jamie giggled and grinned at his uncle making Ryan smile and take him into his arms.

“We were more than fine.” Liliana said with a smile as she looked at her son who was passed to Jaxton. “We got to meet new people and Jamie got to learn some new words. Didn’t you?” She watched as Jamie giggled again.

“Ati!” He called out as he grinned at his mother. “Ati! Ati! Ati! Ati!” he chanted.

“I think I prefer mama.” Robert said as he watched Jamie continue his chanting as the others looked at the parents. “At least that is a sound and you can zone out.” He chuckled as Liliana rolled her eyes. “Jamie.” The boy looked at his father and quieted. “Who’s that?” He asked in elven pointing to Jaxton.

Jamie looked at his grandfather curiously for a minute before he pointed at him with a smile. “Isoise.”

“Is he… speaking Elven?” Ryan asked looking from his nephew to his brother who he had heard speak the language growing up. Robert nodded with a little smile. “You found him?” Again, he nodded. “He helped you?”

“Well Ana, said a few things that changed his mind.” Robert smirked as Jamie was passed back to Liliana. “We stayed the night and I talked to a few people I haven’t seen in a while.”

“He accepted you? He really did? But I thought you weren’t Allowed to…”

Robert shook his head. “He was trying to protect himself and his people from Mother who is out to destroy him and everyone connected to him. She wanted to keep me away from them so she said if I went near them one side or the other would kill me.” Robert shrugged and looked back at Jamie as Liliana bounced him on her hip making him laugh. “He saved my family.” Robert said softly making Ryan smile and look at his sister-in-law and nephew.

“I’m glad you found him.” Ryan said making Robert smirk and nod.

“So can we know who the mystery man was who saved my grandson?” Jaxton asked Robert.

Liliana looked at Robert as he shrugged. “It was my father.”

“Your father? You know where Kylaern is?” Jaxton asked shocked.

“You know my father?” Robert raised a brow.

“I’ve met him a few times. He was a very well respected man. He was a good person.” Jaxton explained. “He would come to the castles as an advisor for Saffron and I when we first took the throne. And he came by a few times after Liliana and Jace were born but he just disappeared. I had heard your mother killed him when you were a child so she could marry and take the throne of Kothus.” He paused and furrowed his brow. “You weren’t followed or anything were you? If your mother finds him…”

“I know what she’ll do. She’ll do the same to me if she finds out I met with him.” Robert said not letting Jaxton explain farther what would happen. “My mother doesn’t even know I would run off to stay with the elves on my hunts and that I know their language and customs as any other. She was very strict and that hasn’t changed one bit. I wasn’t worried about what my mother would do to me. I wanted to keep my son safe and my wife happy. If she caught me, as long as that was done I don’t care what she wants.” He shrugged as Jaxton smirked and looked at Liliana rolled her eyes walking closer to him to punch his arm.

“You idiot. You really think I would still be happy with Jamie healthy and you dead? I want you both with me not one or the other.” Robert smirked at her before wrapping his arm around her and pulling her to his side. “Well I think we need to get some rest. Robert and I have been traveling nonstop for two days to get back so you three didn’t go running off and getting yourselves in trouble.” He pointed at Ryan, Jace and Jaxton. “Since you’re apparently all so full of energy and happiness you can take care of him while we get some sleep.” She smiled happily, as she handed Jamie over to Jaxton and walked away with Robert’s arm around her waist.

“Well it looks like you’ll be hanging with us for a while, little guy.” Jace smirked taking his nephew and walking off with Ryan at his side.

Christoph and Arthur watched Jaxton smile as he looked from his daughter and her husband to his grandson, son and Ryan. “I’m just glad everything worked out.”

“I don’t want to think about what would happen if it had gone wrong.” Arthur said. “We still have Jamie and everyone is happy. Now we need to look to the future. We need to look at helping to keep Kylaern and his people protected just in case and we need to plan our moves to finally reclaim our home.” His father and brother nodded before the three went back into the command tent to start their plans.

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