Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 4. Confusion at Its Best

No... it can’t be...

My mate is in the room, and the future alpha is looking straight at me.

K A R A ′ S P O V :

I stood stalk still, unable to do nothing but stare at him.


But before he can finish, Evelyn throws her arms around him. He turned toward her, looking confused. “Evelyn, you’re my mate?” She nodded and pressed her lips to his quickly, turning around to look at me and wave.

That little...

Before Jason could turn to look up at me, I bolted from the area. The feeling of being away from my mate was diminishing. Maybe it was a coincidence we both found our mates at the same time? I tried to brush the image of him and Evelyn kissing, but it was burned into my mind. I don’t know if me mate was actually there, let alone who he actually is.

I just didn’t think I’d be this upset that the future alpha of the Silver Crescent pack found his mate - I should be avoiding him at all costs! I wiped the tears I hadn’t realized had spilled from my eyes, and tried to get as far away from here as I could.

Suddenly, I ran straight into someone. Their books toppled over, and I immediately dropped down to pick up their books. “Sorry,” I mumbled, looking up. A girl - definitely human - was stood there, looking dumbfounded.

She knelt down next to me and slowly shook her head. “No, I’m sorry, it was my fault, I wasn’t watching where I was going...”

“You and me both,” I stated, handing her the remainder of her toppled books. She laughed at this, a nice, genuine smile appeared on her face. Her blonde curly hair bounced each time she spoke and she was short for her age.

“I was just heading to science...”

“Me too! Mr. Monroe?” I nodded at this. She squealed, “same! Want to walk to class together?” I said sure, expecting to have a nice walk there, but instead, I was dragged through the crowd of the oncoming wave of students. By the time we reached the classroom, I was out of breath.

Before I had gotten the chance to say a word, I was dragged to the back of the class by the girl, who upon the arrival at our desk, said, “Nice to meet you, I’m Charlotte.”

The day dragged on. By lunch, I only had 2 periods left - photography and math. I hoped they wouldn’t be too bad, just so I would have one good thing in my day. When I entered the cafeteria, though, all my thoughts of having a good day were completely shattered.

At the center table, filled with high ranking werewolves, were Jason and Evelyn. Evelyn was trying to feed him his sandwich, and I had to hold myself back from puking all over the entrance. She smirked when she made eye contact with me, but I quickly turned away.

Charlotte led me over towards a table that was filled with humans that were chatting amongst each other. After being introduced and getting a warm welcome, I sat down and began to eat the small lunch my aunt had packed me the night before. As I nibbled on my sandwich and chips, I nodded along with what everyone was saying. I wasn’t in the mood to talk at all.

“Hey Kara, are you feeling okay? You don’t look too good...” I forced a smile onto my lips as I looked at Charlotte.

“Yeah, I guess just being so new to everything is a little overwhelming. If you’ll excuse, I’m just going to step out and get some air real quick.”

“You sure you don’t want me to come?” Charlotte pouted. I shook my head, trying to smile, but I think it turned into a grimace. I quickly hurried out of the stuffy atmosphere of the cafeteria....

When I entered the hallway, I sighed in relief. It was completely empty. I leaned against a set of lockers a ways down from the doors so that anyone who decided to leave the cafeteria would not see me immediately. I ran a hand through my hair. Who knew keeping up the act of being a human would be so hard?

I was glad I had finally gotten some space to think for once today, and pulled out the phone I had. I played with the settings app, changing the layout of the phone to pass the time until I went back in to finish my lunch. I didn’t want to come off suspicious, especially not on the first day. I leaned my head back against the cool locker. I don’t really know what happened to completely send my day downhill.

For some reason, this whole mate thing has gotten me way more worked up than it needed to be. I glance at the time on my phone and quickly tuck it away in my back pocket. My one goal when I renter the lunch room is to not loose what I have eaten at the sight of the two popular kids eating from one another’s hands.

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