Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 5. A Proposition

J A S O N ′ S P O V :

“Alpha, I have some news. And a proposition.”

My ears perked up at the sound of this. Having to attend my dad’s meetings to get used to the Alpha role which I will soon take over is usually filled with boring and useless meetings. The idea of something different and somewhat eventful brings an alertness to me as I sat up straighter.

Yes, I am an Alpha’s son. Many people think this gives you permission to be arrogant and popular, but I don’t see it as that. If anything, I think it makes you responsible for being the opposite of that. It shows that you need to be responsible and someone the pack can look up to and rely on. My father is highly respected by our pack. He is also known for leading the most powerful pack in the nation. It so doesn’t put pressure on me to fill his shoes once I step up to take the role.

Ever since being a pup, I trained for this moment. To become the Alpha of one of the most powerful packs. I felt that to obtain this kind of power, I needed to be ruthless. I needed to show no mercy. I have become in charge of prisoners for petty crimes, like robbing, while my dad focuses more on rogues and any pack member that commits treason. After seeing my tactics first hand, my dad told me being ruthless wasn’t the key. When I got frustrated and yelled at him I didn’t know what else I was supposed to do, he quickly explained to me something.

That by finding your mate, you would be filled, become a whole. I would understand all in time, he said, and begin to use more peaceful ways to deal with simple rule breakers.

My mom always supported this, saying she wouldn’t know where my dad would be if he hadn’t met her when he did. For him, he was at a pack event and on my mom’s 18th birthday, when you can find your mate, she and my dad met on a blind date. They were inseparable since.

Now I, Jason Montgomery, was going to take my father’s role as Alpha. I should’ve fairly taken the title at 18, and I was now nearing 19. My parents thought it best I take the role once I find my mate. But as seeing I had come home everyday empty handed, they began to get wary, as did I. What was I supposed to do? Wait for my mate to stumble upon me when I am in my forties?

The first thought was that my mate was too young, so I was ‘held back’ in school, as were my Beta and Gamma, so that I could find my mate. They stayed with me not because they needed a mate to assume their role, but so we could all gain power at the same time.

Finally, I had found my mate. I know, shocker right? After searching relentlessly, and later giving up, I, Jason Montgomery, had found the one person needed to complete my life. And they had literally been beside me the whole time.

Flashback to earlier in the day:

I was standing beside my second and third in command, Caleb and Ryder. Phoebe, Tracy and Evelyn stood with us, most likely complaining about hair products or something. None of them are our mates, but we have them as our girlfriends. Why? Because we want to look taken so that we don’t have all the girls in the pack flocking to us. Last time that happened - lets just say being chased by a mob of obsessed girls is not something I want to relive.

Currently we mind linked about how everything was normal today. Unsurprisingly, the rates of unwanted rogues entering has been getting higher like it does this time of year. During this time it is known as the Release, when pack members who committed low amounts of treason are released as rogues, where they run to other packs in an effort to become a member. Trust me, no one wants to become a rogue.

Just as Caleb made a joke, Ryder stifled a laugh, and so did I but suddenly stopped. Both shot me a confused look, and Caleb proceeded to question me through mind link. ‘Everything okay, Jason?’

I ignored both of their questions as a unfamiliar scent was picked up by my sensitive nose. Roses and vanilla attacked my nose, causing my wolf, Ethan, to go berserk. “Mate!” Was all he could chant.

Just a month ago I had officially given up my yearlong search for a mate. I decided that if I was meant to find her, she would show up. I was almost completely sure that she wasn’t a member of my pack, and searching constantly for a year made me realize waiting was a good idea. Fate would bring us together eventually.

Now though, I had found her, finally. I looked around, trying to pick her out of a crowd. My parents had always told me that when you saw them, it felt like the world stopped, and it was just you and them. Suddenly, my eyes connected with a girl in front of me, in the middle of the crowd. Her crystal blue eyes met mine and I couldn’t hear or see anyone else. Her blonde and purple hair cascaded down her back, and although I loved it, I couldn’t help but think brown hair would look better on her.

Analyzing her scent, Ethan quickly barked some information about her. “She’s a human, so I don’t think she will know what the connection is...” Before he could continue, Evelyn, much to my annoyance, gripped my arm to turn me to face her. Reluctantly, I turned to face her when light sparks shot up my arm at the contact.

“Evelyn, you’re my mate?” She nodded quickly and collided her lips with mine. When I looked back, the human that once stood in front of me was gone.

End of Flashback.

Despite the sparks I felt and the sweet addicting scent coming off of her, Ethan and I had a hard time believing Evelyn is my mate. Today was neither her birthday or the first time I had seen her. She turned 18 a month ago, and although it is common for mates to have a delayed reaction to each other, but a full month is unheard of.

Evelyn has always wanted the Luna position, and at times I think that is the only reason she hangs out with me. Today, though, she has officially sealed the position. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. The connection between us didn’t feel happy and completing like my parents had described it, instead it felt forced.

I needed tonight to think through everything, so I told Evelyn she could move into my suite in the pack house later in the week. With how eventful today has been, I just need some time to myself.

I quickly turned my attention back to my father’s meeting. What kind of proposition?

“You see, Alpha, we have a wanted wolf on the loose. I am guessing you are familiar with the Blue Moon Pack?”

“Of course,” my father replied. “What are you suggesting?”

A smirk appeared on the man’s face. “There is a rogue on the loose. My request is quite simple, actually. Catch the most wanted werewolf in the country, and every pack in the nation will be eternally grateful.”

“What’s in it for us?“′

Both the man and my father looked at me surprised, almost as if they had forgotten I was in the room. The man, however, quickly recovered, and his face soon contorted into one of smugness. “Well, it’s a good way to start off your reputation with other packs, don’t you think? As a future Alpha, hunting down the most wanted wolf doesn’t make you look bad, does it?”

He then turned to my father. “And I know a lot of packs willing to pay big bucks for the capture of this wolf.”

I shrugged. What did I honestly have to lose? I turned to my dad, silently confirming I could make the call, before I turned to the man. “Challenge accepted.”

My first move as Alpha officially started... now.

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