Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 3. First Day Jitters

K A R A ′ S P O V :

You always read those books and see the movies where the first day is perfect, everything turns out great, they automatically make strong friendships, and so on.

And then you see those stories where the first day is a wreck and nothing can go right.

Well, my first day was somewhere in between.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast, Aunt Martha and I parted ways. Apparently, she needed to help some customers of hers on the black market find what they were looking for. I smiled at the thought. Those people must think she is a major criminal in hiding, not a sweet old peach farmer. Our neighbors most likely don’t suspect a thing.

In order to keep people from automatically connecting the dots, I drove the black sedan to the school. People would’ve noticed if they saw Aunt Martha’s blue peach truck driving outside city limits. So where were we? Technically, we were on the outskirts of the town, leaving us in old town Darren. I had suspected the school in an area like this to be old and dilapidated, and the exterior left me shocked.

“Old” and “dilapidated” were words to describe the dumpster in the back, but the rest of the school was sleek and modern. Big windows opened to lots of sunlight, and out back was a track, football, soccer and baseball field. This school was definitely athletic.

Rachel pipes up. Well of course they are - they are mostly werewolves after all. I nodded in agreement before heading into the building. I showed up early so that I could find my classes without being late to first period. I clutched the blue backpack Aunt Martha had given me full of school supplies on my back, as I wandered through the endless corridors.

When I reached the front office half an hour later (in reality it was only a minute or two), I got signed and was given a schedule. Luckily all my classes were in a close proximity, making them easy to find. I took in the wide blue hallways with skylights letting in lots of natural light. But that was when I began to see the posters.

Each was a different picture of a different wolf. They each had a slogan attached, saying, “Join the cause against these beasts,” or “Stand up to the monsters in our cities.” I took a few steps back, and saw a few students setting up a table with sign up forms for the group, or so I guessed.

I hesitantly walked forward, trying to discreetly find my classes without drawing much attention. One girl with curly brown hair and pink braces saw me and waved me over. “Do you want to join the cause to fight against the terrible beasts lurking behind your homes?”

I quickly shook my head. “I’m kind of new here, I haven’t experienced anything with those animals,” lies. “I will consider joining later though, if I do have a run in with one.”

Her face falls, but she immediately brightens at the last statement. “Come to us if you need any help! Anything at all!” I nodded, and made my way to my new locker. While I was making sure I had all the appropriate books with me, I look up to find a girl who stood directly in front of me.

Her dirty blond hair was curly and flowed down her back in waves. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. But what exactly are you doing right here? Next to my locker and all.”

I forced a smile back at her. No, “oh I’m sorry”’s, here I’m guessing. I turned to face her. “Oh no, it’s okay. I’m new here the name is Kara.” I extended my hand for her to shake, but she ignored it and continued talking.

“Oh, okay, that’s a relief. I thought you were just trying to get near me by breaking into the locker next go mine. I mean, I am your Luna after all...”

My face scrunched up into a look of confusion. “What?” Did she just say she was a Luna? There was no power coming off of her like there would be from a regular Luna.

She began to smile and shook her head. “I forgot, Jason never mentioned any person that concerns him entering the territory.” She then seemed to realize that is was still standing in front of her and plastered a fake grin across her face.

“Who?” I asked. I had never heard of an Alpha named Jason, although...

“My boyfriend,” she said, interrupting my thoughts. “His dad owns a super big business in the town, and he is going to be taking over it when he graduates. Oh, and don’t get any ideas because he is my boyfriend, and he’ll never care for you.”

It clicked as I took in what she just told me. Jason is the alpha’s son, and this girl is allegedly his mate... Maybe she just doesn’t come from a powerful family, and that’s why I can’t tell anything.

“Anyway,” she said flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Well, it was nice meeting you Katelyn! My name is Evelyn Adams, by the way. Just don’t mess with me and you’ll be fine.”

Evelyn turned and strutted off, her minions following close behind. Well wasn’t that such a nice welcome. Rachel barked in agreement to my sarcasm, suddenly getting antsy. I asked her what was wrong, but with my luck got no reply. Well, her issues would have to wait for now. Class is about to start!

My first two classes were okay. They definitely weren’t my favorite, English and Social Studies, but the teachers were decent and the classes were pretty nice towards me. Using my werewolf sense of smell, I came to the conclusion that only a few people in each class were human. There are a lot of werewolves.

As I walked towards my third period, I saw a crowd forming in the hall. A sort of power is radiating from the space. I made my way over and look in between people to see three boys about my age standing around with their girlfriends. They each radiated a different power, signaling that their is a future alpha, beta and gamma here. The two girlfriends I hadn’t seen before were just like Evelyn - they didn’t give off any power. Just a strong stench of obnoxious perfume.

Rachel perked up at the sight of the future alpha. He had dark brown hair, and forest green eyes that were bright and lively. She let out a long sigh, and I mentally groaned. The last thing I need is to get a crush on the alpha and spill my entire plan. His eyes, for some reason, appeared to become alert, and he quickly looked around. A woodsy and cinnamon smell assaulted my nose, and my eyes widened. No, no, this can’t be happening. Rachel started yipping happily, running around in circles. No... it can’t be...

My mate is in the room, and the future alpha is looking straight at me.

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