Waiting For Spring

Chapter 6

I awoke when the first rays of sun intruded on the bed chambers. Instantly, I was throwing the covers from the bed and in search of anything I could use as a weapon. It had completely slipped my mind the night before but now it was all I could think about. I wanted to be prepared if these people proved to be as untrustworthy as I believed them to be.

I rifled through the draws of the vanity and the small trinket boxes but the best I could find was a large hairpin. It was small enough that I could conceal it on my body but noticeable enough that someone would try and take it from me.

When I heard the snick of the mysterious door opening I quickly hooked it in the ruffles of lace in my undergarments.

Moments later the door swung open and out walked Marla and two other girls both dresses in castle maid outfits. A grey fabric with an apron tied perfectly around their slim waists.

Their blond hair was both tied up in severe buns on the tops of their heads, just as Marla’s was and their hands were clasped firmly behind their backs, their eyes downcast.

“My lady, you are awake early,” Marla commented as she and her duplicates curtseyed deeply. ‘We were just coming to wake you.’

“I’m a light sleeper.”

“Yes, of course,” Marla commented absently as she ushered the two girls in the direction of my bed.

“What are they doing here?” I demanded, anxiously. There were too many people in my space and they were making me feel uncomfortable and watched. There were too many eyes that could catch me doing something I shouldn’t.

“They are your ladies maids. They will attend to your every need under my instruction.” She explained and I glanced back over at them as they set the bed back to how I had found it the night before.

“I don’t need more people attending to me.” I frowned, looking back over at a disapproving Marla.

“Most nobility have several more maids than this. We were caught unawares and these two were all we could muster on such short notice,” she answered, her shoulders rising in a clear show of superiority and disdain at the imposition I had caused. I understood loud and clear. Whatever Marla said was law, suspected princess or not.

“I can make my own bed,” I grumbled as the two nervous girls darted out of the room, pausing briefly for another curtsey before they disappeared into the sitting room.

“Come now, milady, we have drawn your bath. There is no time to dilly dally.” She tutted, ushering me from the room and into the bathing chamber.

Thankfully, my second bath was far less horrifying than my first. Instead of coming out shining like a freshly picked tomato I came out almost glowing.

Once Marla deemed me clean I was swiftly stuffed into my undergarments and seated in front of the vanity mirror. I discreetly pressed my hand against where I had woven the hairpin into the lace to ensure it was still there before my attention was captured by the pain Marla was inflicting on my scalp.

“Can’t I wear it down?” I grimaced, trying to shift myself out of her hold.

“Of course not, my lady,” she scoffed without explanation and all I could do was huff in annoyance.

I sat in increasing pain as Marla pulled, prodded and pinned my hair until I was sure she had cut off any blood flow to my brain. I could already feel a throbbing headache starting to build. Every time I had made to remove one of the pins I had my hand slapped away accompanied by a scolding look from Marla.

When she was done torturing my hair she moved on to my face, covering it with powders that made me sneeze and black powder around my eyes that made them water. Was this what was to happen every day?

Once, she deemed me presentable she moved to the heavy looking wardrobe in the corner by the window and started to rifle through the dresses.

Whilst she was occupied I quickly slid several of the pins out of my hair and let out a relieved sigh when my eyes stopped throbbing from the pressure of the bun she had placed it in.

“Here milady,” Marla announced with far too much glee for my liking and when I saw what she was holding I knew why.


“Is something the matter, highness?” Marla asked, barely concealing the upturn of her lip as she held the monstrosity out for my inspection.

“Can I not wear something a little less, pink?”

“His majesty made a special request for this dress,” she continued, yet somehow I had a hard time believing that the self-important king worried himself with what I might be wearing.

“Why does he care?” I shot back as she brought it closer to me before hanging it over the wooden privacy screen beside the wardrobe.

“He was quite insistent princess and you wouldn’t want to upset his majesty,” she warned as she tried and failed to keep her expression neutral. “Especially after your display last night at dinner.” She was pure evil and she knew it. I refused to wear that dress just because of some perceived slight I made towards the king. I was many things but a doll was not one of them and I would not allow him to treat me so.

“I want a different colour,” I demanded, crossing my arms defiantly over my chest.

“My apologies princess but my orders come from the king. Only a mad person would dare to challenge his rule,” she answered poignantly as my teeth started to grind against one another in anger.

“I am the one wearing it so why am I not the one who decides what it is?” My palms were starting to sweat as the reality was starting to set in. If he could dictate what I wore what else might he control? Would he place words in my mouth too?

“Miss, this is the dress you are to wear today, the King demands it and you, like everyone else must do as he says.” She answered firmly, growing tired of my temper tantrum. I knew I was being ridiculous I just couldn’t stop myself. I didn’t want to relinquish this. I was feeling stifled. As if I was a puppet on a string and the king was my puppet master. He controlled everything whilst I was paraded around for his amusement. I didn’t want to be a puppet. I didn’t want strings.

However, Marla had grown impatient with my disobedience and swiftly moved me from the chair before stuffing me into the pink and ruffled monstrosity.

When she steered me in front of the mirror I looked on in horror barely recognising the girl staring back at me. The most familiar part of her was the scowl deepening her brow.

“There,” Marla sighed in satisfaction, brushing out some of the wrinkles on the dress and fluffing the ruffles. “Georgia, Georgette and I will leave you now. Breakfast is served in your dining area and once you are done ring the bell. One of us will come to clear it away. Have a lovely day, highness,” she stated and I couldn’t help but take her words as a threat. Then she dropped into a perfect curtsey before she spun on her heel and disappeared quickly through the secret door.

Growling in frustration, I stomped after her and slammed a fist on the door.

“What am I meant to do here all day?” I yelled angrily but there was no reply so I slammed my fists until they hurt too much to continue.

“Your highness?” Came a confused voice and I spun quickly clutching at my chest for the hairpin only to realise it was just the captain of the guard. Thankfully, he took my movements as an expression of shock rather than what they truly were.

“Troy?” I frowned, looking over where he stood on the threshold of my bed chambers.

“Why are you slamming your fists against the wall?”

“Marla,” I grumbled, pushing passed him and striding through the sitting area before coming to an abrupt stop at the main doors. Unfortunately, when I twisted the handle they were still locked. I let out another frustrated growl before Troy clears his throat behind me.

“You are not to leave these rooms princess,” he reminded me condescendingly and I restrained myself from growling for the third time.

“Then why must I wear this ridiculous dress?” I demanded, rounding on him again and tugging uselessly at the atrocious material.

“I don’t understand,” he frowned before his eyes grew wide as I stormed over to him and jabbed my finger in his chest harshly.

“You and that rotten king think you can lock me in this room and treat me like your personal doll and I’m going to do nothing about it? Well, you’re wrong.”

“What in heaven’s name are you going on about?” The captain huffed, taking my wrist gently and placing it back by my side.

“Am I to stay in this room forever?”

“Even you are not above reproach, princess. Your actions last night were very risky. The king could do much worse than lock you inside these four walls,” his voice was laced with warning but I didn’t care about what the king could do. All I cared about was what he had already done.

“How long am I to stay his prisoner?” I demanded, my hands pressed firmly against my hips.

‘Until the king can decide what to do with you,’ Troy shrugged, walking away from me dismissively in the direction of another door which led off from the main sitting room.

Letting out an angry puff of breath I stomped after him into the next room only to stop in my tracks when I saw the breakfast feast that had been laid out on the table.

“Who put this here?” I breathed, my senses assaulted by the delicious smells of eggs, bacon and sausages. Without even thinking I moved over to one of the dining chairs, slipping from the restricting shoes Marla had placed me in and tucking my feet beneath me.

I quickly reached for a muffin and placed it on the plate in front of me without looking at the captain of the guard once. I broke it open to find it was still steaming, the sweet smell of apple and cinnamon dancing along my tongue.

“Princess,” Troy began and my head darted to his only just now remembering that he was in the room with me. Seeing his disapproving look I gingerly replace the piece of muffin I was about to eat on the plate.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, heat rising to my cheeks as I untucked my feet and let them hang limply bellow me.

“The king will be coming to see you once you have finished breakfast.” He announced and I only sunk further in my chair.

We sat in silence as I picked at the muffin in front of me wanting to eat more but feeling guilt settling heavy in my stomach. I glanced out the window of the dining room eager to catch a glimpse of the town but all I saw were mountains and trees.

I was jolted from my thoughts when I heard the door in the other room open. The captain was quickly on his feet and striding across the room whereas I took the opportunity to stash some of the muffins and bread in the ample ruffles of my dress.

I was just rearranging my skirts when Troy returned with a blank-faced king.

“Princess,” he nodded, eyeing me expectantly. Much like Troy did the night before as if waiting for me to do something.

“King James,” I muttered in reply, folding my hands innocently in my lap.

“She will need to be instructed in the proper manners of a lady before anything,” the king spoke to the captain as if he were continuing a conversation from the other room.

“A tutor will need to be found who can be trusted with this secret,” Troy answered as my eyes narrowed on the two of them.

“Maybe you both need to be instructed on your own manners,” I bit back.

“Pardon?” King James retorted. His tone both shocked and annoyed at my outburst.

“It’s not polite to talk about someone as if they aren’t even there.”

“It is impolite to interrupt a king when he is speaking. A true lady of court knows when it is their turn to speak.”

“I suppose I should be insulted but the true insult would be if you were ever to consider me as one of those dull ladies of your court.”

“Watch yourself, princess,” the King hissed, taking several steps in my direction. ‘We do not want another repeat of last night.’ I absently rubbed the purple ring of bruises on my arm the king had left the night before, wincing at the pain.

“James,” the captain rebuked, shaking his head at the king disapprovingly.

“How soon can a tutor be found?”

“Within the week. I shall go to town and interview them personally, to ensure their loyalty.”

“I don’t need a tutor,” I scowled but the two men didn’t seem to listen, instead they were discussing how long it would take to ready me for my debut into society.

“Her brothers will need to be in attendance. They will want to verify her identity before she is announced.” Troy muttered pensively and immediately they had caught my attention.

“My brothers?”

“King Marcus might not risk the journey,” the king mused. “He would send his brother in his stead. Have you sent a messenger to their court?”

“This very morning a messenger was dispatched. He should arrive within the next two weeks and we should have a response within the month.”

“My brother is coming here?” I asked anxiously trying to get the two men’s attention but failing at every turn.

“It will take him another month to travel to our court.” Troy calculated, clasping his hands behind his back as he straightened his spine.

“Then we have two months to prepare her before we reveal her. On the night of her debut, I will also announce our proposal.”

“Wait, that soon?” I demanded, shifting in my chair whilst ensuring my bounty of food remained concealed.

“The sooner the better, princess,” the king answered, finally directing his attention towards me. “The people are anxious for me to wed and produce an heir. We couldn’t have found you a moment sooner.”

“This is madness,” I gasped, clutching at my chest as it began to tighten with fear. I needed to get out of here. I needed air. It was happening again. Just like last night, I felt as if the walls were closing in on me.

“Rose,” the king began but I couldn’t deal with him right now. His words were hateful and stifling. He didn’t understand. He would never understand. All he saw in me was an answer to a problem.

“I don’t want to be a trinket,” I gasped, doubling over and burying my face in my hands.

‘Rose, look at me,’ the pleading in his voice had my heart skipping a beat causing my body to freeze in alarm. Why had it done that? I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder and it quickly pulled away as if it had been burnt.

“Rosie,” came the captain’s voice before warm hands started to pull my hands away. “Rosie, take some breaths for me, sweetheart,” he cooed, reaching up and gently pushing the loose strand of hair aside. They must have come loose when I pulled the pins Marla had stuffed in there out.

“I can’t,” I gasped, my breathing uneven and laboured. I kept my eyes focused on Troy’s brown ones taking comfort in their warmth and concern. “I can’t.”

“I know,” he soothed, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles, holding both of my hands in his large calloused ones.

“I want to go back. Please, take me back.” He looked at me with a pained expression and it was enough to remind me that there was no going back. The only way was the king’s way.

“You can’t go back,” came the king’s firm voice. He was stood in the doorway again, regarding the two of us with guarded eyes. “This is your life now, nothing will change that.”


“Captain, I think we have wasted enough time here for one day. Ensure your guards know their orders and then meet me at the training grounds. The new recruits need a lot of work if they are ever to wear my insignia with the honour it demands.” Then he spun on his heel, storming from the room without another word. Troy sighed sadly before he looked back offering me a weak smile before he pushed to his feet again.

“Enjoy your breakfast princess.” Then he was gone as well, leaving me alone in the silence of my rooms. I let out a brief sigh before leaning over and placing three more muffins in my skirt.

I spent the rest of the day searching every corner of my rooms, looking for anything which might be useful. I even searched beneath the bed, finding a loose floorboard where I stashed anything I found that I wanted to keep hidden.

I hid seven more hairpins, a sharpened comb and a butter knife I stole from lunch. Then I removed a cover from one of the pillows and placed all the food I had managed to sneak from the table into my skirts.

It was harder to do at lunch because the two nervous maids, Georgia and Georgette stood against the walls of my small dining area. I felt watched and uncomfortable. Their gazes never left me and I couldn’t help but wonder if the king had sent them, suspecting that I might be planning something.

By the time afternoon rolled around I was bored beyond belief. In my boredom, I set about rearranging the room. I flipped all the books so the spines were facing the back and the pages at the front and shoved several pillows from my bed up the flue of the chimney. I needed to keep my mind busy and my body occupied. If I sat for too long I began to drown in my own thoughts. Thoughts of the life I had been living mere days before and the others I had left behind. I couldn’t help but wonder how they were getting on without me. Were they safe? Had Simon returned? Was he trying to find me?

I was just sitting down at the pianoforte when there was a knock at my doors. I turned just in time to see the captain of the guard walk in with a tired expression on his face.

“I see you’ve been busy,” he smirked, looking at the books I had flipped.

“You’d do it too if you’d been locked in this room all day,” I grumbled, resting my fingers on the ivory keys.

“Do you play?” He asked and I felt a mischievous smirk spread across my face.

“I can play a few notes,” I shrugged. “Would you like to hear something?”

“Of course,” he answered eagerly, taking a seat on one of the chairs. He was in for a treat.

“Ready?” I smirked over my shoulder and when he nodded his head I spun back before lamming my hands down on the keys. He lasted three seconds before I felt an arm wrap tightly around my waist and pull me from the piano stool.

“Hey,” I protested, trying to wriggle out of his hold.

“Never do that again,” he said slowly before he placed me back on my feet. I noticed he kept himself between the piano and me, obviously not eager to hear round two.

“Do you not like my playing?” I asked, feigning innocence as he rubbed his ears warily.

“That was not music.”

“Some people just don’t appreciate art when they hear it,” I shrugged, slumping back on the chair he had just vacated.

“When I hear it, I’ll appreciate it,” he chuckled, extending his hand for me to take. “Come, dinner is served and I’ve had a very long day.”

“Why are you charged with eating with me?” I frowned, allowing him to pull me effortlessly to my feet.

“The king wants to ensure your safety at all times.”

“He won’t be joining us will he?” I asked anxiously, pausing as he led us to the small dining room.

“No, princess,” Troy sighed sadly before he turned his full attention to me. “Give him time. He has been searching for you for a long time. He was about to give up hope that you could be alive. He needs to adjust, to process your sudden reappearance in his life.”

“He needs to adjust?” I scoffed, attempting to pull my arm out of Troy’s hold. “What about what I need? He hasn’t given me any allowances. I will honour him with the same treatment he has given me.”

“Rosie,” the captain groaned, massaging his face with his free hand as if that would make the problem go away.

“I don’t feel very hungry,” I announced flatly, finally managing to pull my arm from his. “I think I’ll retire early.”

“Princess,” he frowned, taking a step towards me, but I was already at the door of my bed chambers, slipping inside before he could make any further protests. I heard him sigh loudly on the other side of the door before his footsteps sounded loudly in the silence. The door closing with a soft snick and the familiar sound of the lock sliding into place. When would I ever be allowed out of this prison?

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