Waiting For Spring

Chapter 7

The rest of the week progressed much in the same fashion. I was locked in my room with only myself for company. The captain would sit with me at meal times but they were now mostly silent. After his first few attempts to start conversation with me he eventually gave up trying.

When I was alone I would set about turning the books the wrong way round after Georgia and Georgette righted them the night before and ensure my supplies were still secure. Oftentimes, I would find myself staring out the window, sat upon the seat beside it watching as the ladies of the king’s court walked around in pairs and trios. Heads bowed and arms entwined with one another.

They were free to wander about the magnificent gardens without anyone breathing down their necks. They could smell the now dying flowers and feel the now, icy wind of the approaching winter whilst I remained trapped. Locked away by a childish king.

In the week since I had been captured I couldn’t seem to shake off the anxious and uncomfortable feeling growing stronger with every moment I was trapped in the castle. I needed to get out.

I had tried to ask Troy of Herrin’s wellbeing but each time he refused to answer. He refused to offer me any knowledge of anything. If I was to ever see the familiar faces of my friends then I would need to escape this place on my own.

“Miss?” I started at the sound of one of my maid’s voices. It was Georgia, she had lighter hair than Georgette and a more petite frame, or it maybe Georgette who had the lighter hair. ‘Would you like me to start a fire, it has become quite cold of late.’ Glancing back out at the gardens through my prison window I nodded absently, not minding either way. I had never had a fire on the streets. Only the warmth of the other bodies as we huddled beneath one of the city bridges.

“Will there be anything else miss?” She asked as I heard the fire begin to crackle. Again, I shook my head and she hurried from the room. I had long since given up trying to escape through the hidden door in my bedroom. They always made sure it was shut tight, the lock firmly in place just as the guards ensured all my other windows and doors were locked as well.

I was lost deep in my thoughts again, when I smelt the first signs of something amiss. At first I ignored it, thinking it was just the fire but then it grew suffocating. When I glanced back at the room I was met with endless black smoke. I coughed as some got trapped in my throat and my eyes began to water.

At first all I could do was sit there and watch the madness unfold, looking around frantically for what might have caught fire. When I saw the fire was only in the fireplace I made a startling realisation.

“The pillows,” I gasped, stumbled from the seat beside the window and making a mad dash for the fireplace. I tried to reach inside but it was too hot, the flames too high. I couldn’t stop coughing now, my lungs trying to dispel the unwanted air and simultaneously drawn in new air. My head felt light but my body lethargic. Just as I made another attempt to pull down the pillows I had hidden up the flue the doors to my rooms flew open, clattering loudly against the stone walls.

“Princess,” Mantai shouted, coughing as the smoke reached his own lungs. “Princess, where are you?”

“Here,” I shouted, trying to walk over to him but struggling under the weight of my own feet. I heard him release a curse before he charged across the room for me. In a heart beat he had reached me and had me cradled against his chest and with the next beat we were outside me room.

“Put the fire out,” he ordered my silent guard who was already moving inside the room.

Mantai held me close as he ran through the corridors with me still nestled in his arms. I couldn’t seem to stop coughing until we finally burst through into the gardens I had run to just a week before. I gulped down the air liberally, as if I was afraid it might be my last breath.

“Water,” Mantai ordered a nearby maid before he spoke to several guards sending them to my rooms to help my other guard.

“Here princess,” he said gently, resting me against the cool grass and pushing a cold glass of water to my lips.

“I-I...I’m s-s-sorry,” I stuttered around deep breaths.

“Shhh, there is no need for apologies,” he soothed, gently rubbing a hand against my back in an attempt to calm me.

“I-It w-w-was my f-f-fault.” I stuttered, pushing the glass away now that the water was drained. Only to have it replaced by another.

“Deep breaths princess,” Mantai instructed, tilting the glass so the cool liquid slipped easily down my throat.

“I-I’m sorry,” I gasped again but he just shook his head, forcing me to gulp down more water.

I was just starting to get my breathing under control when I heard the doors of the garden slam open again coupled with the sound of broken glass.

“Where is she?” The newcomer growled and I immediately recognised that angry voice. Even though I hadn’t heard it in almost a week, I would know the king’s commanding voice anywhere. I’d already heard it enough times scolding me to have committed it to memory.

“Here, your majesty,” Mantai called, handing me the glass before he got to his feet and stood at attention.

“Arlarose,” the king muttered before he charged across the gardens and lifted me from the grass. Suddenly, I was wrapped in a tight embrace, my feet dangling high above the ground. I had dropped the glass at some point as my arms hung uselessly by my sides. My body too shocked to react to his actions. The king was...hugging me?

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” he breathed against my ear, sending a strange feeling of warmth through my body before it settled against my heart. He held me for the longest time whilst I remained unresponsive unsure of this new side to the king.

Slowly, he released me and I felt a strange emotion pass through me. I was almost, reluctant, to let him go. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” I answered in a wheezy voice which caused the king to give me a disapproving look before he gave me another once over. Then his face lost all emotion and nothing but the cold king remained.

“Mantai, what happened?” He demanded, his arms dropping from my waist as he rounded on his guard.

“I’m not sure sire. Sam and I smelt smoke coming from the princess’ room and when we opened the doors the room was filled with it. Yet, the only place that was on fire was the fireplace itself.”

“Who lit the fire?” He questioned, his tone unforgiving.

“I believe it was one of the princess’ maids, sire.”

“I want them brought to me immediately, the princess will identify which one made an attempt on her life.”

“No, wait,” I started, my eyes widening at the conclusion he had jumped to. I tried to protest but was interrupted by an approaching guard with a grave look on his face.

“Sire,” he bowed respectfully before he continued. “There is something you should see in the lady’s chambers.”

This guard was unfamiliar to me, not having guarded over me in the past so he seemed curious of who I was. I shifted uncomfortably under his intense eyes and the king moved in front of me, shielding me from his view.

“Lead the way Graham,” the king instructed. His tone devoid of emotion until only power remained. There was no denying that he was a king of action and dominance.

“Stay here with Mantai,” he instructed, turning back to me.

“I don’t-“

“Your majesty, I’m afraid we have acquired an audience,” Mantai cut across me, nodding in the direction of several ladies looking curiously over the garden hedges at our little gathering. They seemed highly intrigued by what was happening and it didn’t go unnoticed by me the way the women’s eyes rarely strayed from the king. Several giggling delicately as if to draw his attention. It was enough to make you sick with the frivolity of it all.

I heard the king curse quietly under his breath and I looked back at him to find a pensive look on his face. Then suddenly, his hand shot out, taking hold of my wrist and tugging me along behind him.

“You will not get in the way,” he instructed harshly under his breath. I tried to pull out of his hold but another harsh look from the king had me following diligently by his side. The guard, Graham, led us back the way Mantai had carried me towards my rooms and suddenly the king’s hold on my arm was the least of my worries.

“How did this happen?” The king demanded, immediately gaining the attention of the room of guards when we walked in. His hand still held tightly to my wrist. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to the man who had embraced me in the garden’s and how I had ended up with the cold hearted king again.

“There appears to be something blocking the passage,” came Troy’s familiar voice as two guards tugged at something inside. Instinctively, I moved behind the king knowing all too well what would happen when they found what I had stowed up there.

The room held the heavy scent of smoke and I was certain it would cling to the furniture for quite some time it was so strong. The men had already opened all the windows and doors of my rooms in the hopes of letting the smoke escape.

“Where are the maids?” King James ordered, finally releasing my wrist and walking further into the destruction.

“Here your majesty,” Graham announced, standing beside two very nervous maids and an indifferent Marla. She held herself proudly and without guilt but her eyes were on me. As if she already knew who the culprit was.

“What is the meaning of this Marla?” King James demanded and still she remained unfazed.

“I assure you, your majesty. That whatever transpired here was no fault of mine or the maids I am in charge of,” she answered, her chin high and her shoulders pushed back. Not once did her accusing eyes leave mine.

“Then who is to blame?” The king asked in exasperation as the two guards who were charge with dislodging the objects from the chimney flue finally succeeded.

“Troy?” The king asked, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration and annoyance.

“They appear to be pillows,” Troy frowned.

“Who in their right mind would stuff pillows up a chimney flue?” He groaned, the two maids becoming increasingly nervous as king James rounded on them again. “Who lit the fire?”

“I did, your majesty,” came a weak voice as the maid stepped forward on shaky legs. She was wringing her hands so tightly that they had turned white, matching her pale lips and face.

“And were you the one to put the pillows up the flue?”

“N-no your majesty,” her voice shook with fear and I sighed in defeat knowing I could never let her take the blame for something I had foolishly done. It wasn’t her fault I was stuck here.

“My lord,” Marla began, taking the hand of her distressed maid and pulling her behind herself. “I can attest to the loyalty of these two girls and I promise you that neither of them would dare threaten the life of the lady they were charged with caring for. I fear that the person you may be looking for is one who has yet to prove themselves as loyal. Who might benefit from having the rooms declared unliveable for any amount of time.” At her words I felt my stomach drop and the colour drain from my face. While I had resolved to admit my guilt, I was going to do it on my own terms not have them come to the conclusion on their own.

“Clear the room,” the King ordered, obviously understanding who Marla was accusing. The men started to clear out quickly at the king’s order whilst Marla and Troy remained. I tried to sneak out with the rest of the guards but it only took two strides from the king to have his hand wrapped tightly around my wrist to stop me from leaving.

“Not you Arlarose,” he ordered darkly before he dragged me over to the fireplace where the pillows sat discarded by a pile of wood.

Marla had instructed her two maids to begin cleaning in the other rooms meaning it was just the four of us who remained.

“I can explain,” I started but the king wasn’t interested in my explanations. He went straight to anger and scolding.

“Do you have any idea what your childish actions could have done?” He shouted, turning to face me fully.

“I didn-“

“Why would you do this? Have I not provided a safe home for you? Have I not fed you and clothed you?”

“Is that all that matters to you?” I shot back, taking a step towards him only to have him take hold of my shoulders, gripping them in a punishing hold.

“You would risk your life to prove a point?” He asked, ignoring my protests.

“I didn’t know this would happen,” I argued, shoving at his chest to try and get him away from me.

“Then what did you think would happen?” He growled, his face mere inches from my own.

“I don’t know, I’ve never lived in a castle before. I just thought it would annoy you if I ruined your things, a sort of compensation for taking my life and my freedom from me. I just wanted to hurt you.”

“You never think do you? Everything you do is impulsive, you have no self control. You are nothing but a child,” he spat and I felt the insult like a knife through my chest. I felt my cheeks heat as I cast my eyes downwards too embarrassed to meet his.

“Your majesty?” Marla called but I ignored everyone as the king gave me one more disapproving anger-filled look before he turned to the head maid.

“What is that?” He sighed, rubbing his hand down his face tiredly.

“Georgia found it hidden beneath a floorboard under the princess’ bed.” Marla announced smugly and I felt as if the floor had been ripped out from under me. How had they found it?

“It is filled with food stolen from her meals and crude weapons made from things that have gone missing from her rooms.” I was dead, there was no way he was going to let me live after this. From the enraged look on his face it was clear my predictions were going to be made a reality.

“Arlarose, what is this? Why have you collected these things?” His voice was cold, level and devoid of any emotion. It sent cold shivers down my spine as my hands became clammy and shaky under his gaze.

“I-I...” I had no excuse, no answer for his questions that was going to save me from his wrath. It was clear from the things I had collected that I only had one intention and he had already deduced what that intention was.

“How were you going to do it? Attack my guards? Attack your maids? How were you going to escape, princess?” He sneered, taking a step toward me as I took one away. My heart beat a fluttering rhythm as he drew closer.

“I-I was...”

“Did you really think you could escape me?” He chuckled darkly, the blood in my veins turning to ice at the darkness I could see forming in his eyes. “Do you really think there is a place in my kingdom that you can hide where I will not find you?”

“I don’t deserve to be treated this way,” I argued weakly, my back meeting a wall as he continued to advance on me. His body seemed to tremble with rage whilst my own trembled with fear.

“You cannot leave me,” he roared, his fist slamming against the wall, mere inches from my ear. I let out a startled yelp as my body jolted. Several books fell from the shelf beside me as the sound of his fist hitting the wall again filled the silence in the room. I felt fearful tears building in my eyes as my throat tightened painfully. I didn’t know what to do, I felt helpless to quell the fury in his eyes as his loomed over me. What was he going to do to me?

Despite it all, I refused to apologise. I refused to admit that I had done something wrong when he was the one who had wronged me. I may not have been able to stop the fearful tears from falling but I would hold my tongue and I would revel in my one small victory.

“Why are you crying?” He frowned, his anger suddenly giving way to confusion as he seemed to wake up from a trance.

“I’m not,” I answered gruffly, swiping angrily at the tears trailing down my face. “Why are you yelling?”

“You disobeyed me, again.”

“Did I? I don’t recall you telling me I couldn’t hide weapons and food under the floorboards beneath my bed?” I answered, trying to hide the shakiness from my voice as I ducked beneath his arm so I was no longer caged in with his body. Glancing back at him I saw his mouth open but he quickly closed it before giving Troy a lost look, seemingly uncertain of how to respond.

“Did you intend to run away from me?” The king asked with a confused expression and I gave him a blank look before answering.


“What reason could you possibly give me that would justify this?” He asked in exasperation, his arms rising and falling uselessly at his sides.

“I belong outside of these walls, not trapped in frilly dresses and locked up in stuffy rooms.”

“It’s not permanent,” the king began but I didn’t want to listen to his excuses. I had already made my decision and even now I was rethinking and reworking my plans.

“I would never allow this to be permanent,” I seethed, crossing my arms tightly over my chest as I glared at him.

“I cannot let you leave, my princess. Please, if you try to disobey me I will be forced to do things I do not wish to do. Just, be patient. I promise it will get better,” he almost pleaded but I could see the anger hidden just beneath the surface.

“What reason do I have to believe your promises?” I shot back, turning from him and walking over to the open window where I had been sitting before the fire broke out.

“Troy, take the princess to the rooms across the hall. She will remain there until her rooms have been cleaned. Ensure all the windows are locked and there are guards placed beneath her windows so she does not think she can escape through her windows.” He ordered before his feet disappearing from the room and Troy’s presence hovering behind me.

“Come along princess,” the captain of the guard instructed, taking hold of my elbow gently.

I refused to speak with him as he led me from the rooms and across the hall. He took a set of keys from his belt and opened the door to reveal rooms much the same as the ones I had just ruined.

“It is in your best interests to behave princess,” Troy advised emotionlessly, his hands clamped tightly behind his back as he regarded me. I ignored him as I stepped inside the rooms, feeling my eyes narrow at the sound of the doors closing and the lock slipping into place. They were deranged if they believed I would remain within their prison. There is always an escape, I just had to be wise enough to find it before my fate was sealed.

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