
Chapter 8- Rose

Its been two nights since I left the pack and I haven't stopped walking yet.

My leg and stomach hurts from the abuse.

I have scratches and bruises all over my body.

I have no idea where I am or where I'm going or what the hell I was going to do.

But I know that I can't stop walking.

I wont stop walking, not with the thoughts of my dead baby and he's sick father and his pack behind me laughing at the pain that I will forever feel.

I place my hand on my stomach as my wolf howls in sorrow and tears go down my face.

I can't be near the man that killed his own son before he was born.

"You know he could've been a she" my wolf says sadly

"I know but I had a feeling that the baby would've been a boy."

I feel her nod her head before our heart reminds us of the emptiness, we feel that wouldn't be there if our little boy was alive.

She doesn't say anything about it just goes back in her corner and lay there.

Keeping my hands on my belly, I keep walking even though my stomach growls from hunger and my eyes are heavy from exhaustion. So I try to think of what time it may be.

I don't know how far I walked but the sun has rose and set twice now so that makes it day two. The sun is high in the sky, so it may be noon or close enough to it. Even though the sun is high in the sky I don't feel the heat only the bitter coldness of the wind.

I had put on the clothes that the doctor gave me a few hours after leaving the Blood pack territory.

The clothes are big and swallows me, but it keeps me warmer than without them and its comfy.

But even with the warmth and being comfy I can still feel the winter winds.

I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers and toes.

I kept walking until a strong wind knocked me to my knees. Everything went hazy for a few seconds before it became clear again.

Not having the energy to get up again I turn so I fall on my butt.

Sighing I get a little food out my bag and eat it slowly when I see a tiny black dot coming towards me.

I wait a few minutes and see the black dot is actually a black pup with redish orange eyes.

He stands in front of me staring at the food in my hand. The pup looks at me, whining and gives me the cutest puppy dog eyes.

I smile softly and hold the food in my palm towards him waiting for him to take it. He sniffs it then me before he eats the food out my palm making me giggle for the first time in years.

When he's done, he's wagging his tail and jumping all over the place. He's so cute that he even cheers my wolf up though she does sigh, "Our baby might have been like this."


When he licks my face, I hear a twig snap in the trees across from us causing both of us to freeze. I hear a growl and the pup whines curling into a shaking ball of fur.

A/N: I listened to Til I collapse by Eminem as i wrote the last bit of this chapter. To me it went with it.

That tells me that whoever it is isn't someone he knows and that means its time to get the hell out of there.

I leave the pup in my lap and sneakily put what's left of the food in the bag and slip the back securely on my back.

I can't shift. It would take too long since I only ever shifted once in my life. By the time I do both me and the pup will be dead. The only other option is to run in human form and try to get to the pup's mother and hope she don't kill me.

Eyes on the trees and ears on everything around us as I slowly put my feet underneath me as I gently wrap my arms around the pup.

I don't stand up completely, I wait for the next sound that will give the wolf away.

Its dead silent in the forest until he steps out of the trees and growls.

As soon as he did, I ran in the direction that the pup came from.

I ran with the adrenaline going through my body as my wolf took over half of my body helping me stay up right with the pup in my arms.

I ran faster than I ever have before in my life but I knew the wolf is right behind me and I knew that he was mocking me once he nipped my ankle.

That pissed my wolf off causing her to take over completely, but she didn't push me too the back in fact she made sure that I was still beside her.

There was a log coming up in front of us it was far enough off the ground to where we could slide under it.

And that's exactly what she did the wolf didn't pay any attention to he's surroundings and ran straight into the log.

We didn't see he's expression because we got up and ran even faster.

The trees are a blur and my feet are bleeding with how fast we are going. I tighten my hold on the pup when I hear the wolf growl even louder.

We burst through some trees and end up in a clearing then everything went in slow motion when I saw another black pup and a huge black wolf.

I run towards them causing both of them to look up with worried eyes.

I locked eyes with the wolf and felt the bond form within an instant.

I felt my wolf use my mouth the whisper the word.

I felt the bond become stronger as my wolf accepted his.

I felt when his accepted mine.

I felt a bond form with the pups.

I felt peace and whole.

But I also felt fear and guilt.

Before I can fully process it time speed up again and the wolf nods his head towards me before he full on sprints towards me.

He's right on top of me when he jumps over my head and crashes into the wolf behind me.

I keep running and pick up the other pup as I'm running going back into the trees. A few feet I put the pups in a whole of a tree and tell them to stay quiet as I take the pack off and put it gently on top of them along with some leaves and sticks.

Once I know that there hidden I run away from the tree and keep running somehow knowing that the black wolf isn't going to win the fight with a distraction.

I run back to the clearing and grab a branch on the way.

Just as I thought the white wolf is on top of him, so I run straight towards them and swing when I'm close enough.

The white wolf knocks the branch out my hand and jumps on me making me hit my head.

I close my eyes as I feel his breath on my neck when its weight vanishes.

Opening them I see the black wolf tearing its throat out and digging his nails down its chest.

My vision goes in and out.

He kept doing until the white wolf stopped moving, dead.

The world is getting darker

He turns to me breathing heavy and I finally black out when I hear him whining softly.

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