
Chapter 9- Ben

I shift and run over to the girl.

The one that saved Alex and brought him straight to me.

The girl that ran full fucking speed to me

The one that understood that I wanted her to hide Alex and Micky in case I didn't win.

The girl that knew I wasn't going to win with help.

The one that hit the damn wolf with a stick and hit her head when she fell.

The girl that Shadow calls our mate.

Shacking my head, I get up and follow her scent back to the trees and find where she put the twins.

The boys pop the heads out the whole when I mind link to them to come out.

They both had what looked like a backpack strap in their mouths.

Picking them up out the tree I grab the bag as well and slowly head back to the girl.

I don't know how to feel about this girl.

Like I just became a rouge and lost my little, almost lost my son, and she comes into my life carrying my lost son towards me before Shadow claims that she's our mate.

I put the boys down a few feet away from the girl and Alex dashes over to her whining before licking her face.

I raise a eyebrow as Micky slowly walks over to her and starts nudging his head against her arm.

"They made a bond with her since she's our mate and they're our kids."

I sigh keeping my eyes on her and the boys, "how do you know that we can even trust this girl."

Shadow stays quiet for a minute or two, "because she's just like us"

I furrow my brows, "Like us?"

"Broken" and he goes into his corner and lays down.

Rubbing my face, we have to get away from here just in case whitey has any friends near.

I walk to the boys and tell the to get into the bag before I shift and pick the bag up. I was going to leave the girl but then shadow started cussing me out for even thinking about.

You cant really blame me though. Since when does all this shit happen and boom your mate pops out of no where with problems of her own but you suppose to just all of a sudden trust a complete stranger.

What if she is actually a damn rouge that would kill me and the kids in our sleep when I let my guard down? Or what if she turns us in for food and money?

Nope can't do it. I'll be dead before I let anyone harm the kids or take us back to the Day pack.

I turn around and was about to walk away when the girl groaned and curled up into a ball.

Shadow whispers, "Even if you don't trust her you cant just leave her here alone and vulnerable. You know what they would do if they found her like that."

The twins look at me with puppy dog eyes and whine.

Sighing I set the bag down and shimmy my head under her body before lifting her. She slides down my neck and stops on my back.

Shriving at the tingles, I grab the bag again and look in the direction that the girl came from.

Can't go that.

I look behind us.

Can't go back either.

So, I turn left and jog a little making sure that the girl doesn't fall.

I jog until the sun starts to set. I set the bag down and the boys jump out.

Sitting down I feel the girl slide down my back and onto the ground, but she didn't wake up.

I shift and tell the boys how they shift back. Once they do I have them stay with the girl while I go get some wood.

Coming back, I smile at the sight. Alex is sitting on side of the girl and Micky is sitting on the other side of her playing patty cake.

I make the fire and wait for the girl to wake up since I didn't find any food for us to eat.

Alex told me that she has food in her bag but I'm not going to go through her bag if she's going to stay with us. She'll have her privacy, but if her privacy hurts one of the twins then she'll die, and I'll learn a lesson about trusting females who are supposed to be my supposed mates.

Shadow huffs but doesn't say anything.

Hours passed and the moon is high.

That's when the girl wakes up

She gets up slowly groaning before realizing the twins fell asleep beside her.

She smiles gentle with tears in her eyes before her head shots up towards me with wide eyes.

Wide blue eyes that steals my breath

Her long dirty blonde hair in her face as she holds her breath.

She looks away from me and licks her pink lips.

"Thank you"

I shake my head before her voice can hypnotize me, "For what?"

"For not leaving me even though you could've"

I scuffed, "Don't thank me so quickly"

She stayed silent and then sighed, "Why did you bring me? And what do you want?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Why wouldn't I?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "What makes you think I wouldn't take the pups and run the other way?"

I lean forward, "What make you think I didn't use the pups to bring you to me?"


We went into silence after that. Just listening to the night and its creatures.

Its peaceful until my stomach growls.

I don't look in the girl's direction. I act like it never happened until the girl goes into her bag and takes food out before holding it out to me.

"Please" she says with wide cautious eyes.

I shake my head and nod to the boys.

"I have plenty of food for them when they wake up. Why didn't you take the food when I was unconscious?"

I sigh and take the food, "I didn't go through your bag. The boys were in it so I can carry them and you. So if you're going to be with us then I will give you some type of privacy. But know what if you so much as harm them and I won't hesitate to kill you."

She shakes her head and looks at me with sad eyes, "I would never hurt a child. Never."

A tear went down her face before she wiped it away and turned back to the fire.

"ask her what's wrong? Ask her who hurt her?" shadow persisted


"because we can help her"

"How are we going to help her? We're just as broken as she is. And you're expecting me to fall in love with this girl when we don't know anything about her. How do you think that'll work out?"

Shadow sighs, "I think that two broken people can heal each other and learn to trust again. I never said that you have to fall in love with her now. In time you both may learn to love each other. But you have to heal each other before that can happen."

I stayed silent

He sighs again, "Just don't push her away if you want you can keep her at an arms distance until you can trust her. But please don't shut down the idea before you even have the chance to try it."

Shadow goes back to his corner.

I look at the girl only to see her asleep beside the twins again.

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