
Chapter 7- Ben

A/N: If I die young by The Band Perry

I groan and move a little before I remember the nightmare of my Sophia dying.

I turn onto my side and see a blood trail; it looked as if something dragged itself to me.

My wolf starts whining and I don't want to look down.

I don't want my nightmare to be real

I lay my hand on the body and immediately feel a flower hair piece that never left my little princess's head. I feel the tears go down my face and can hear nothing but my wolf howling and my heart starting to stop beating.

I look down and see my princess's mangled body covered in blood and eyes closed.

The sobs rip out of my throat as I gentle picked up Sophia's lifeless body and held her close to while rocking back and forth.

I don't know how long I sat there and held my baby's body but I didn't want to move. I wanted to turn back time and changed everything that happened tonight.

I wish that I actually had magic like Sophia said and taken her to Neverland.

I wish I was strong enough to protect her

I wish-

A hand fell on my shoulder causing me to look up and see the only other slave that was willing to help me with the kids and gave me the chance to escape.

I looked into his brown eyes and saw a gentle sorrow in his eyes before he looked up at the sky. I looked up as well and see the eclipse happening.

"If you leave now then the boys won't go through the same possible fate." His voice is quiet and rough

I look down at Sophia.

He squeezes my shoulder, "She's in a safer place"

I slowly stand while still holding Sophia when the kitchen slave with blonde hair comes to me with a blanket.

"It's so the boys won't see"

I gentle grab the blanket feeling that it's smooth and silky almost like satin. I wrap my little angel in the blanket.

In the blanket the boys wouldn't see her bloody dress or her hurt body but they would know that it's her. They always knew when Sophia is hurt but I appreciated the thought.

I look to where the boys would be and took a step only to fall to my knee.

Brown eyes helped me back up, "Come on Demon I'll help you get to them"

I didn't realize that all the other slaves were there as well until he nodded to the others and they left one by one except for the blonde, who decided she's coming as well.

We slowly made our way to the trail and once I stepped on the trail, the boys ran to me until they saw Sophia's covered body.

Neither of them said anything, just stared at her in grief and pain.

Tommy started crying and Timmy started right after but then both of them dropped to their knees in pain and silently screamed.

I gently set Sophia down and stumbled over to them

I can't lose them too; I won't have anything to live for once their gone.

They withered in pain and just as I'm about to touch them, brown eyes stops me, "They're changing into their wolves Demon"

I look back to them and see the fur and claws coming out. This makes me panic even more because right now they aren't accepting the shift.

If they don't stop panicking and rejecting their wolves then they will die and I can't lose anymore of my nuggets.

So I try to calm them, "I know it hurts my boys but you have to accept the push that you feel in your minds. You must accept your wolf. Please accept them I can't lose the both of you too."

At first they didn't listen but when I kept talking they seem to have relaxed and the change happen swiftly when they did.

And there's two black pups with slightly red eyes staring at me before they walked over and rubbed themselves against me.

I rubbed them, feeling their soft fur making them purr before my thoughts went to Sophia.

I wonder what her wolf would've look like.

Would she have shifted as early as they did or would she have shifted at sixteen like everyone else?

Would she have been black like her bothers or the complete opposite?

She always love that she was the odd one out of the three of them. That it made her feel even more special.

I look over to her body and try my damnest not to cry.

One of the twins nudges my hand knocking me out of my thoughts.

Both of them whined before they looked over to their sister and backed away.

I stand and lift her up before I start walking again. The boys follow along with the other two slaves.

I don't know what I'm doing until I hear the water and know what needs to be done.

I get to the river and thinking about my sweet little nugget, from the time she was born all the way to her death.

I remember of her innocent laugh and view of everything.

I remember about her innocent blue eyes and blonde hair.

I remember about my princess fighting off the dragon and running away from the prince.

I remember about the times she tried to give her food away to any of the slaves if she thought they were hungry.

I fell to my knees and sobbed still remembering.

I remember her hugs...

...her first words...

...Her first step...

...First day of school...

...her first laugh...

I remember the day she was born and looked at me with her beautiful eyes.

I sobbed harder and held Sophia closer to me.

I feel the twins beside me whining.

We sat like that for a few more minutes before the blonde came in front of me with a bunch of roses tied together.

I looking in her eyes, I can see the sadness there and could hear it in her voice, "Let's send her away as the princess that she is"

I nod my head slowly and set my princess down on the roses.

The boys go to her and gently rub their head against hers before they backed away whining.

Brown eyes stands next to me as I lift the roses off the ground.

I slowly make my way to the river and stand at the edge.

Getting on my knees, I kiss the top of her head before placing the roses in the water and push it towards the center of the river.

And we all watched Sophia go down the river until she's out of sight.

Brown eyes is the one to break the silence, "You and the boys should leave now, the eclipses ends in half an hour and dawn will be here in two hours."

By dawn the bed of roses would separate and Sophia's body will sink.

I nod my head at him and turn to the two pups.

By dawn the twins and I will be in rogue territory starting a new life.

I look back to Brown eyes, "You could come with us"

He shook his head, "then there wouldn't be any pain slaves left in the pack. And they'll take it out on the other slaves. And someone has to be here to prevent that."

I nodded my head again before turning into my black wolf for the first time in years.

I shake my fur as Brown eyes and Blondie take a few steps back looking at the ground.

Feeling a nudge on my paw, I look down and see my two pups looking up at me with their tongues sticking out and tails wagging.

I shake my head a little before picking the both of them by their necks and give a final nod to Brown eyes and Blondie before I ran to the border.

At the edge of the border, I stop to find the boys string in the mind link of the pack, once I find theirs I make sure to focus only on theirs and try to force the others out.

Shadow knows what I'm trying to do, so he helps me and just as we push the last string away, I took a step out of the territory and felt all the stings to the pack cut.

For once in my life its quiet completely.

No demands to come and get a beating

No mocks

No insults

No hatred

There is just quiet...

Until the boys figure out how to use it but that made it soothing for me.

Then I realized something...

For the first time in my life I finally felt at peace.

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