
Chapter 6- Rose

The eclipse just started and the Alpha and Luna just left for their meeting.

I stand in the medical room with the ultrasound the doctor gave to me earlier.

I can't figure out why he gave it to me after the miscarriage but I took it anyway.

Maybe he felt pity on me or maybe he just wanted to mock me.

Either way I'm glad that he gave it to me.

It's what helped me make the choice to leave and never come back. Seeing my baby while he was still alive and healthy made me want to leave.

Seeing him made me feel happy as I imagined what would've happened if I was able to hold him in my arms.

Seeing him made me hate Alpha Adam even more.

Actually seeing my baby made me realize that I despise every man in this pack for taking away my dignity before I ever got it.

For taking away my innocence, my freedom, my choice, my voice, my mother...they took everything from me.

But I think I despise the women, more specifically the mates to those men, more than anyone else.

They had the same choice to reject their mates but they don't because they think that they can change him to be better.

And when they realize that they can't they still stay here and let the men do whatever they want while they blame all the sex slaves for their problems. When they could just reject their mates and leave since none of them ever actually finish the mating process because the men don't want to look 'weak' for having their mates mark on them.

It's because of the old alpha's order, Adam's grandfather, who started all this but Adam could've have changed the rules.

But he didn't.

And now every female in this pack is going to have the same fate as the ones before them.

They are born

They are used

They breed

They die

That was my fate but now I plan to change that.

Taking a deep breath I open the door and look around the hallway, I don't see anyone.

So I start to make my way to the front door when the doctor turns the corner, seeing me he comes quickly and quietly before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the front.

"Haven't you ever heard to never go through the front door when you're trying to run away?"

He pulls me out the back door and away from the pack house before I could pull away.

Once we're in the forest he lets me go and points to a trail beside him, "Go down this path. It'll take you directly into rogue territory. But don't turn into a wolf until three days have passed once you're out of pack territory."

I stare at him and wait to see what it was that he wants for this.

"Why are you doing this?"

The doctor sighs sadly, "Because I feel guilty for letting the alpha kill his own child. I feel bad that I ignored the smell of your fear when the alpha came in hoping that it was only because you were going to be a young mother but my gut said it was for something else."

The doctor runs his hand through his hair, "I didn't think what people said about what happens to the females in this pack were true when I came here. I thought the females where just dumb and walk into rouge territory only for them to be rapped."

He chuckles humorlessly, "But it turns out that every male in this pack except for the medical staff has raped all the mate less females in the pack."

The doctor turns back to me, "I'm doing this to try and help you escape. This will be me trying to help all the females in the pack that ends up in my care. If they wish to leave then I will help them escape, each and every last one of them. I'm doing this to try and right my wrongs."

I stare at him for a few seconds before I start to walk backwards to the trail keeping my eyes on him.

The doctor smiles to me sadly before he remembers something, "At the end of the trail is a bag by a tree that has some food and has a little chemical bottle that I made to cover your scent. Use it when you're far enough away."

I nod slowly and still walk backwards on the trial until I couldn't see him anymore. Turning around I look around and wait for someone to jump out and hurt me for being so naive. When no one came out, I took off down the trail. Not looking back I hobble as fast as I can before I see a bag laying beside a tree.

I stop beside it and with caution open it. Just like the doctor said there is food and a weird little perfume bottle, but he also put in some male clothes, for some reason.

I shake my head and spray a little of the perfume on me before putting it back in the bag.

Closing the bag, I look at the trees and dirt just a few feet away from me.

I look at my freedom and let out a shaky sigh before standing with the bag.

Closing my eyes I took the last two steps out of the pack territory and into freedom.

As soon I made the last step my connection with the pack snaps and I hear nothing but the quiet thoughts of my own.

My wolf comes to the surface a little and enhances all of our senses.

I can hear, see, and feel the forest come to life.

I've never felt more at peace then right here in this moment.

I smile a little and walk further in the forest and away from the pack.

I'll worry about what to do in the morning but for now I'm going to walk and enjoy this small amount of peace while it lasts.

With that thought I disappear into the forest never looking back.

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