
Chapter 31

Demon POV

Pacing in front of the door that holds Amos, Onyx, and Micky is apparently wearing a hole into the floor. So I was shooed off to go and talk to brown eyes.

On my way there I can’t help but worry about the boys along with wonder what Brown eyes was doing with that pack.

The Iron pack didn’t let anyone leave for the fact that you have to reject your mate or kill them no matter who they are. Brown eyes was also a slave like me so why is he here?

What happened?

I go past the hallway that would lead me back to the vampire lair and went upstairs were they keep their prey.

I ignore the kid that was in the corner and walked straight to Brown eyes. He was zoned out before I nudged his foot with mine.

He looked at me with his eyes that held nothing but despair and hatred but not at me.

“You here to kill me Demon?” His voice was dry and raspy from no water and not talking much in his life.

“That depends on your answer.”

He shrugged slightly, “If you kill me then I will get to be with HER again, but I wouldn’t be able to kill that fucking Beta. But if you let me live then I will get that chance, but I may lose my humanity and not get the chance to see HER again. Either way sucks but has its benefits at the same time.”

Ignoring his rant, “What happened and why were you with that worthless pack?”

Brown eyes, sighs, “when you left there was hell to pay because the boys were gone, and the girl was killed. The alpha beat and punished everyone because he did not give anyone permission to kill the kids, none of them were killed but they were severely punished.”

I nod for him to continue.

“After he did that, everyone was scared of the alpha almost on the same level as the slaves but then the Luna said that she was pregnant and that made everyone happy, and they forgot all about the boys and the little girl that they killed. Once the child was born the Alpha King had called all of the alphas to the castle and he was gone for weeks.”

“Doing what?”

Brown eyes shrugged and rolled his eyes, “You should know that they don’t tell us any of that. Anyways he came back and told the pack that all slaves have lost their rights as human being and now they should all be treated as cattle and any slaves that stepped out of the pack were to be declared as rogue and be killed on site. Slaves are not allowed to have children, nor are they allowed to mate with anyone. Which leads me to HER.”

The look of pure anguish came one his face and the tears welled in his eyes, but they didn’t fall even though they should have.

“What happened?”

“She is my best friend. We were always together, and she was always beautiful or at least to me. With her beautiful long blonde hair and brown eyes that made me feel at peace with the storm that we were in.”

My eyes grew when I realized that he was talking about Blondie.

He chuckled even through the tears in his eyes got worse, “we were all born to be slaves whether it’s to the alpha or to our own destiny. We both knew that we were mates since we were young. So, we had plenty of times to hide that fact and it was weird. We knew we were mates but didn’t feel the need to mate or mark one another so that helped. I remember the lake that we also go to play. I remember the first time she was raped. I remember when I almost killed the guy. I remember our first and last kiss better than my own name.”

Staying silent I hesitate before kneeling in front of him, “how did she die?”

Brown eyes whispered while curled in a ball and his head on top of his knees, “By the Alpha and the Beta hands with no mercy and me being too weak to protect her.”

I nodded and only had one question left to ask him.

I put a hand on his shoulder, “Do you want revenge, or do you want peace?”

He shrugged, “what’s the difference?”

“One will let you be with Blondie for all time but the only one that would die is you. The other is that you will live and get to kill everyone that has ever harmed you and Blondie but you may be judged in the afterlife and not get to see her every again.”

He looks at me with a blank expression, “why does it matter youre going to kill me either way, right?”



“I will only kill you if you ask me that way you can be with your love but if you want revenge then I can help you with that as well.”

With a shocked look on his face, “But why?”

“Because I know what it means to lose someone and I know the pain you feel. And I see you as a friend, now pick what do you want me to do?”

Brown eyes stayed quiet while Shadow grabs my attention, “Micky is going to be okay but he may have some complications when he is older.”

“Like what?”

He shrugged, “To be honest I don’t know. They had to put some of Amos blood in him in order to survive and the only reason that was possible is because they have the same blood type. All that we do know is that he is alive and will live to see another day.”

I smile a little and think about only the positive and not the negatives. I’ll worry about those later but for now I need to know if Brown eyes wants to die or not.

I can see the debate in his eyes and wait for the answer.

Onyx’s footsteps are coming towards the room that we are in and the scent of Amos is near her. They must have wanted to tell me about Micky but since I already know, I stay where I am and watch Brown eyes.

Once the door to the room opens that is when Brown eyes raised his head and with pure hatred and determination said, “I want to see her again but more than anything I want to kill and destroy that fucking pack and make them all pay for the pain that they caused.”

I smile sadly at him, “Alright then what do you want me to call you?”

He paused for a few moments, “Ragnar”

Onyx stands beside me and says to him, “Then welcome to our misfit pack, Ragnar and just know that if you betray him that I will kill you.”

I smile at her fierce but gentle voice that she used on him, already accepting him.

Standing at my full height, I knew that the moment that Ragnar stands that he will be slightly taller than me. So, I nod to Ragnar and turned towards Amos and realized that he is slightly taller than me as well.

Chuckling Onyx tilts her head, “it doesn’t feel nice to be short, is it?”

“hmph, I’m going to see the boys.”

Her laugh echoed in the room and in the hall and so long as she was slightly happy then I can be content.

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