
Chapter 30

Onyx’s POV

I walked towards the cowards and made sure to make as much noise as possible do they could hear us coming. But these dumbasses are fucking deaf and its starting to piss me off.

Demon must have felt the same way as he appears behind the closest one to us and stabs him in the back.

One of the women in the pack screams and drops to the ground in agony of losing her mate. The laughter and talking died instantly, causing them to turn to us.

Demon smirks and sarcastically says, “Oh no, the tragic the death of a pack member. Well don’t worry you will all join him soon enough.”

The alpha growls at us and smirks while crossing his arms. His beta thought to sneak up on Demon from behind believing that I’m not a threat.

The beta lunged at Demon.

I smirk and giggle a little, “wrong choice”

I grabbed the beta by his throat and held him up the air while he was in wolf form. He tried to bite me and get out of my hold but only succeeded in tighten my grip until his neck made a popping noise and he stopped moving. His mate dropped in anguish as well.

Demon says “Anyone else want to join him?”

The entire pack growled and the guards attacked us all at once.

There was fourteen of them that attacked us but they all dropped to the ground when Demon moved.

The first two had their necks broken, One in each hand.

The third one got kicked into a tree, he’s not dead just yet but will be.

The fourth and the fifth one thought they could attack from opposite sides but soon as they jumped Demon took a step back and grabbed one leg from the both of them and used them as a bats and swung theses grown wolves knocking them off their feet or if you were lucky enough then you would be in the center and lose your head with Demon’s right hand and your body was added to the pile with his left.

I look back towards the third one and can see Nathan, Zack, and Amos running with the boys and the beaten man.

I can see that Alex has a few scratches and bruises, but Micky has a broken arm, a broken leg, there was blood on his shirtless chest.

But the one thing that pushed me over the edge was that his eyes was open, but they were rolled to the back of his head. His left eye was coated in blood and what looked like a scar was beginning to form from the left side of his forehead, down through his left eye over his nose and stops and the corner of his mouth on the right side.

I watched them run until couldn’t be seen anymore. The third one started moving and I saw red at the thought of my babies having to go through that for no FUCKING REASON.

I walked over to the pup and ripped his arm off his body. Then his leg and the rest of his body until there was nothing left.

I dismembered his body to the point of no return and would have kept going it if wasn’t for Sonja tapping me on the shoulder and waving me towards the pack saying, “He is not the only one that needs to die.”

I looked at Sonja face and could see the fury and the fear that she had for the boys, but she didn’t react to it like me. I raise an eyebrow at her, and she shrugged her shoulders, “Might as well kill the entire pack instead of just few wolves.”

I dropped the arm that I was holding and took a step back, “That’s the plan Sonja.”

I looked over to Demon and see that the second beta fighting him now while the Alpha look for a way to escape. I smirked and asked Sonja, “Do you want to kill an alpha today?”

Sonja smirks, “Absolutely”

I nodded to her, and she nods and goes to corner the alpha on the left side, and I went on the right. When she was in position, we ran towards one another with the alpha in the middle.

When we are roughly a foot away from the alpha and before anyone else could warn him or do anything. The two of us jumped slightly into the air and I wrapped my arm around his head while Sonja wrapped hers around his neck. With our bodies going in opposite directions and the force that we put in our arms was enough to knock the alpha’s head right off his shoulders.

Sonja laughs at the thrill she feels and the screams that the pack from the loss of their alpha.

I smile at the fear in their screams and wait for Demon to take control of things but when I looked in his direction, all he did was cross his arm and smile before waving his hand at the Luna. I smirk and yell out to the pitiful wolves, “Your alpha brought this on all of you and you all willing dug your own graves. So don’t just sit there and wallow in misery. You all were just laughing and having a great old time while torturing innocent children who are barley eight years old. You all kidnapped my kids and now you will all pay. You will all die the same way that you planned for my kids to die but I might spare mercy on the person that tells me who’s the one to harm my child and who was the one to listen to a rouge that told them the location to the Rogue Camp?”

They all went silent when I promised their deaths and stared at each other before looking at their dead alpha, betas, and the scared third in command that pissed his pants a while ago.

“What do none of you want mercy?”

Still no answer so I shrugged, “Okay that’s fine by me.”

I walked over to the Luna and ripped off her arms and legs. She is still breathing as the rest of her body falls to the ground, so I ripped her throat out as she hit the ground and shoved it down one of the other wolf’s throats making them choke and die.

“I have nothing but time to torture each and every one of you.”

That’s when they all jumped up and tried to run but they were all trapped and was thrown back by our wolves and vampires. The ones that tried to fight their way through died at that same moment until one woman yelled, “It was my son.”

She threw herself to the ground in front of me and yelled, “It was my son that talked with the rogue, and he was somehow able to convince the alpha that we should all go and attack the rogues.”

The cowardly wolves stopped and looked at a teenage boy that has tears in his eyes, “Mom-”

The woman snapped her head to him and growled, “Shut it boy if you die then your father and I will be able to make another. Losing you will not be in vain. We will be able to rebuild the pack from your sacrifice. So, think of this as an honorable death.”

The rest of them left nodded and then threw the boy towards me and I felt disgust at them and pure unfiltered hatred at this woman.

What woman would be willing to have their own child die for them and the fucking pack. They are all so fucking pathetic.

I grabbed her face and squeezed making sure that she felt pain. “I said only one person would have mercy not your entire pack nor did I say that I would spare your mate.”

The woman’s face turns pale before she says, “So long as I live then it doesn’t matter. I will be able to find another mate and make a new family.”

The look of fear and hope in her eyes was so utterly disgusting but her stupidity will be what I can use to our advantage.

“You make me sick. What mother has her son killed just to save themselves? You and your pack are disgusting and are unworthy to be called a pack. Your packs have caused me and my people nothing but pain so maybe if I kill all of you then you all will not cause any more trouble.”

I know that Mika agrees with me when she lets go of the bloodlust that I was craving to let out. She rolls her eyes when I laughed out loud because of the excitement.

“But don’t worry my little toy, I won't kill you just yet darling in fact you will be of some use to me. Yes, if you pass my little test then you will be very useful. But first...”

I let her go and looked at Demon, “Do you want to put fear in the world and take it over later with me?”

He smirks and nods, “Yeah and we can make plans to do that later but first let's finish up here.”

I smile back and told the others, “Kill everyone here, man woman and child”

Without hesitation they started the bloodbath leaving me with the mother and the son. I smirked at the boy and then stabbed my hand through his chest and grabbed his heart, “You should have never spoken with a stranger, because that same stranger is the reason that you are dead now.”

I ripped his heart out of his body and watched his body fall to the ground. I held the boy's heart in my hand and the woman just stared at the man that pissed himself earlier. “He was your mate, wasn’t he?”

She nodded but didn’t cry or scream, all she did was stare at everyone until they were all dead and the field was silent.

The woman looked at me in fear, “Are you going to kill me now?”

I crouch in front of her, “Weren't you listening to me little toy? I said that you would be of some use to me if you pass my little test?”

“And what is this test?”

Mika came to the front, and we shared my body while saying, “Well I'm glad you asked my toy. I want you to eat your son's heart and then lick the blood off your hands if you want to live. Do you understand?”

The woman didn’t say anything she finally had tears go down her face and looked around in fear before she held out her hands crying and breathing heavily.

The smirk on my face got bigger as I set the heart in her hand, “Good little toy”

She looked at the heart for only a moment before she started eating it in chunks.

She ate every last piece until there was nothing left and she made sure to lick all the blood off her hands before she looked at me, “Did I pass your test?”

I smiled and laughed at the desperation in her voice, “Yes you did my little toy, so now you will run to the nearest pack and let them know what happened here tonight. Let them know that we are coming for them, and everyone will die. Make sure that they remember the names Demon and Onyx King.”

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