
Chapter 32

Onyx POV

Three nights passed with Demon and I locked in the room with the kids and the other wolves being kicked out until nightfall. Celia and the other vampires didn’t feel safe with them in the mansion, so Amos took them to a decent hotel where the others can rest while Amos during the day guards our door so no vamp can think about doing anything to us.

The next morning the door opens to Amos’ baggy sleepy eyes with flame girl fiddling with the end of her shirt.

“Good morning, Amos” Alex yells

He nods, fighting the twitch at the edge of his lip, “I have a request Elder.”

The bed squeaks as he sits up, raising his arms above his head popping his shoulder and back. Cringing I glare at him as he continues to make popcorn with his body.

“Love, your lasers are putting holes in me.”

“Good maybe then the stupid popping will stop.”

Chuckling he looks at Amos, “You don’t have to be so formal with us, Amos. Also why do you call us Elders? You’re older than us and why don’t you call Celia that?”

Amos shrugged, “I’ve been around since America became independent and there were quite a few vampires that were older than I and they earned the title Elder because they would be old and give wisdom or the gain the respect of others and became a leader to some of the others. I respect you two for doing anything for your family and I believe that you both will spark a new generation for all supernatural.”

Shaking my head, “Amos no one is try to spark anything other than getting revenge on the wolves from our past. And like Demon said don’t be formal with us unless you have to. Now what is it that you needed to ask?”

“I was wondering if you would take my mate with you into town to get her some clothes, food, and whatever else she may want or need that will last her if we were to stay here any longer. I’ll stay here and take care of your little ones and will let you know when Micky wakes up as well.”

The girl stayed in the hallway and wouldn’t lift her head from the ground and was shriving like a wet kitten.

“Amos, that decision is up to Demon. If he agrees then I’ll make sure that she gets what she needs, and we’ll bring back food. Once we leave, we won’t be able to come back until sundown. Will you be alright Amos?”

He shrugs, “I have lived over 200 years without a mate I can live a day without her by my side.”

The girl moves further into the shadows away from Amos.

Mika huffs, wow, something tells me he isn’t good with words.

Demon scuffs as I nodded to Mika, “Don’t be so quick to say that Amos. Since you met the girl you only self-consciously been close to her. Never too far away. If the mate bond between you two is like mine and Onyx, then you can be away from each other for a while, but you would still feel anxious. We’ll take the girl with us to check on the others and figure out what we will do once Micky wakes up. If we come up with something, then I’ll tell you when we come back tonight. Oh and if you let anyone hurt them I will rip you apart and then let you regenerate just to do it again, understood?”

“I understand Elder, Thank you”

Laughing. I ask, “You’re not dropping the formalities are you, Amos?”

The smirk finally broke through, “Old habits die hard, Elder”


The sun started to come up a hour later and we traded off with Amos. Through the worn-down mansion the vamps went into rooms and locked the doors.

Celia stood by the door waiting, “The door will be unlocked once the sun goes back down.”

We nodded as she opened the front door and stood behind it for protection.

Demon, you go ahead something tells me that this girl isn’t going to run or hurt anyone. So I will be fine on my own.

Alright I trust you. But please if she poses a threat kill her. I’ll deal with Amos if it comes to that.

Demon runs and disappears through the trees once he got a nod from me.

Flame girl took the few steps outside and froze, dazed at everything around her.

“I hate that we treated her like an animal but the others didn’t feel safe just letting her do whatever she wanted so it was either stay in or die”

“How long has she been here?”

“About two weeks”

I nod and remember the other child locked up, “the little girl that you have locked up we’ll take her off your hands as well once we leave.”

I can feel the shrug she did, “That’s fine with me. Was trying to figure out what to do with her as well. So, thanks. Again, once the sun goes down you can come back in.”

Nodding I walk past the girl into the woods and can hear her frantic footsteps trying to catch up but be at a distant at the same time.

I call back to her, “You can run you know. If you wish to go back to your family.”

Her footsteps stop. Turning I see her staring at her feet and wringing her fingers.

“Demon and I are strong enough to keep Amos at bay and if you plan to join us then you will be in danger. Pretty sure that why he decided to let you leave the house, so you can run and be free if you wish.”

The morning chirps filled the air as she contemplated a decision that will change her life forever.

“You’re lying”

Mika chuckles while I fight a smirk as well, “Why you say that little flame?”

“Why would you help me or give me a chance to run? It makes no sense and you know by now I have nowhere to go.”

“she’s right you know” The wind carried a music like voice through the trees and directly to us, “her bullies physically forced her to go into the vampires lair and her parents don’t care if she lives or dies.”

She’s in the trees, 20 feet away

“Hell, she might die if she goes back to her parents now or if anyone in town recognizes her.”

“Come here little flame.”

She runs to me with a terrified expression on her face…….and trips over her own feet just as she gets to me, “I’m sorry so sorry”

Catching her arm, “Little flame you’re a clutz but that okay.”

She rights herself and whispers a thanks.

“I don’t mean no harm to you or the girl. I just wish to talk.”

“Well, I don’t talk to anyone I can’t see. So, come out or get lost.”

Silence before a sigh came from the tree a few feet ahead to my right, “Everyone is so suspicious and sneaky nowadays. No trust anywhere.”

“Says the one who won’t show her face.”

A woman with skin of medium brown and green eyes, fell from a tree and landed on all fours like a cat. “You’re right and I will not be declared as a hypocrite.”

Standing her thick raven black hair fell to the middle of her chest.

Her scent is a earthy bitter twinge to it.


“What do you want, witch? I have other shit that needs to be done.”

“Oh straight to the point just what I like.”

Crossing my arms and rolling my eyes at the witch, “You’re starting to annoy me so talk or I kill you.”

Flame girl flinches but still stays by my side.

“Okay okay, let’s not kill the pretty lady. Well long story short I want to join the makeshift pack that you all are making.”

“who said we’re making one.”

She rolls her green eyes at me, “When y’all destroyed that pack word spread like a wildfire about the Rogue mates, Onyx and Demon King.”

The witch leaned against the tree, “You’re bringing some fear to the wolves hard enough to where the other supernatural are keeping quiet and actually behaving for once.”

I can feel flame girl’s curiosity when she asked, “There are other kinds of supernatural?”

The woman laughed, “Yes curious one. Most of them like to hide in plain sight and then the other just like to stay in certain areas and make it seem like its haunted so humans won’t bother them.”

Mika giggles as she imagined the girl bouncing up and down from excitement, “She’ll be excited to know that we have our own school for her to study at, if she comes with us.”

“Only if she wants to and if she is trustworthy but we need to deal with this witch first. Ugh talking to people is so time consuming and fucking exhausting. Lets get this over with.”

“We’ll talk about this another time but for now you still haven’t told me a reason as to why I shouldn’t kill you.”

The witch took a step back, “Geesh the cold death glare is not necessary hun. I am a solitary eclectic witch, which means I dabble in a little bit of everything. I specialize in the grey and crystal witchcraft. And I got to say that I am the best at it, if I do say so myself. But recently I was able to manifest cosmic as well, which deals with the moon.”

It dawned on me and Mika at the same time, “The bitch came to you personally, didn’t she? The moon Goddess, Luna.”

“Yeah and seems like she needs ya’ll help, badly.”

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