
Chapter 26

Onyx POV

I walked into the room just as Demon tore the guy’s head off his body and just then James tries to sneak behind the group and escape.

I chuckle at his stupidity, “Oh James you just never learn.”

I kicked James in his chest sending him flying back into the room.

He groaned when he hit the floor causing me to roll my eyes. I didn’t even hit him that hard.

Knox sighs rubbing his face, “You got ten seconds to tell me why you did it and why I shouldn’t kill you?”

James glares at me and then at Demon with a heavy look of hatred and fear.

“You don’t see what’s happening?”

He points at Demon, “He somehow managed to convince some of them that he should be your second, not me. He’s trying to get rid of me!”

I roll my eyes while walking towards Demon.

Demon grabs a towel from the bar and cleans off his hand and face before slowly pulling me into a hug.

“What is he talking about, Demon?”

Demon shrugs and ignores James’ ranting, “I have no fucking clue but it maybe time for us to leave the group.”

Shocked I pull back and looked eyes with him, “Really?”

He nods, “Maybe we can find a place in a human city near the woods? We can take care of each other and the boys just fine on our owns and we have enough money to not have to work for a little while. And we made a few friends to where we could vanish and not have to deal with anyone.”

I smile at the thought, “Yeah lets do it.”

He smiles back at me and touches my forehead with his.

Of course James just have to ruin the moment.

He laughs and shakes his head at everyone, “You really think I would let those bastards take my spot without a fight. Oh no, you see if I die or he becomes your second, well they have to lose something as well.”

I snapped my head over to him, Demon growls lowly, “What the hell are you going on about James?”

He shrugs and laughs, “Oh nothing just that one of the packs may have gotten a tip of where the camp is and think that the twins are the Rogue King’s kids and not yours.”


My heart stops and I feel this fear, regret, and pain.

I can feel my heart being crushed and then speeding up to that of a race car.

I feel like the world just collapsed on top of me.

I look at Demon and wanted to die.

He’s pale as a ghost

Still as a statue except for his hands. His hands are trembling.

His breathe is labored

But his mind is racing

He’s not here mentally, he’s back to the day that he lost Sophia.

He’s reliving that day only this time it’s the boys he see.

Demon imagines their death caused by James and blank faces.

Shadow is freaking out as well, neither one of them is going to be okay

“Ben” I whispered his name hoping for him to look at me.

He does the opposite.

He lets go of me and jumps across the room and runs out the door to the stairs.

James laughs like a madman at Demon

At that moment my anger got the best of me and I use my speed to get my hands-on James and slammed him against the wall.

“You really think you’re that smart. Don’t cha James?”

He tries to laugh but I tighten my hold on his throat.

“You’re going to die, James. Just for putting my mate through stress yet if you actually managed to harm our kids, I’ll make you wish that I had killed you here today.”

I threw him to against the wall by the door and run past him to follow Demon.

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